Sunday, September 22, 2019

BB21: Live Feeds - HOH Part 2 Winner - Saturday, Sept. 21

A ray of sunshine in the F3

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of a Too Long Season:
  • Yesterday they had their champagne breakfast feast sans any previous hamster guest hosts.
  • They also got to see their videos from home -- the feeds were blocked for that.
  • Jackson cried about his video, saying he wished he never saw it.
  • I don't know why, maybe mommy issues.
  • Lots of napping, playing cards, playing chess, napping.
  • Nicole has been the only real source of entertainment on the feeds and has mostly remained upbeat despite really smacking her shin hard during Part 1. And, of course then losing miserably in that comp.
  • They tie-dyed shirts before the feeds were cut tonight for Part 2.
  • To their credit, Jackson and Holly are being very nice to Nicole, the third wheel in with a showmance.
  • It's all Kumbaya.
  • After several hours …well, three and change …almost four...
  • Holly won, sigh.

Cliff didn't smuggle Orwell out.

Their champagne breakfast

I will NOT miss this next week!

Friday, September 20, 2019

BB21: Live Feeds, HOH Pt. 1 Winner - Friday, Sept. 20

Just a happy family?
Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother house of the final three:\

• They held the first part of the HOH competition last night after the live show.
• Jackson was the winner. Wah.
• That means that Nicole and Holly will compete in the second part..
• The winner of the second part will compete against Jackson in the third part on the live show Wednesday.
• The final round is usually just questions. I can't see Holly winning against Jackson with questions. But Nicole just might if she can get there.
• The second part of the HOH competition could very well be mental which would give Nicole an edge over Holly. But I don't know -- it seems to change up year to year.
• I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

They SO should have been split up!

Be the little train who could!

Thursday, September 19, 2019

BB21: Live Eviction Show Blog Party - Sept. 19

Good evening! Here we are at the beginning of the end. Four becomes three and we're into the final HOH by the end of the episode. I think we all have good idea and will be leaving tonight. We are also promised a jury house segment. I am still having difficulty of my typing. So I will only be posting the real major happenings on this show.

If you have not done so already and you want in on the blog pool for Survivor, please sign up on this link only.

Lifeguard SueGee has updated the blog pool. Are you still in it? Check it out at this link. I had Sam -- I'm long gone!

Okay, the show is starting!

Jackson told Nicole that he's going to vote to keep Holly. She's not being mrrk in her response. She tells Cliff.

Jury house time. Kat and Nick are the latest BB21 romance. Tommy tells Christie he told the house they know each other. She hasn't told anyone. They tell the jury house.

To Cliff campaigning and planting seeds with Jackson. As per his custom he throws Nicole under the bus for the possible Holly eviction, also said he would swing the jury against him.

AFP voting is opening up.

Veto meeting and eviction time.

Surprise, surprise … he saves himself, Cliff goes up. Jackson votes out Cliff.

BB21 Blog Pool - Who's YOUR Hamster? UPDATED

On live eviction show nights, I'll be linking this post (updated each week) in the blog party post. We had 56 entries and the Lovable Lifeguard SueGee randomly matched each hamster with three or four blog swimmers to help them along. Let's give a hand to SueGee! YAY!

Here are the latest pool standings!

HAMSTER                      BLOG POOL PEEPS

Holly ----------------> Dr_Celine, SueGee. Ashley, Quixotic Elf
Nicole ---------------> JonMD1267, CherylNY, Sherri Vegas, Donna in AL
Cliff -----------------> Kelsey NY, Monty924, Sharon C
Jackson -------------> Jennifer, Janice, ChicMc. Krysta Gibson



Wednesday, September 18, 2019

BB21: Power of Veto Blog Party - Sept. 18

I'm still a bit slow with typing. I'm making too many typos to live blog like I usually do. But, I will try to post the major events. Tonight we have the most important power of veto competition of the season. The person who wins the veto tonight we'll be the sole voter for eviction as Nicole cannot vote as HoH and the other two will be on the block.

If you have not noticed, we have the blog pool opening for Survivor -- please sign up for it at this link only.

Let's get this blog on the road!

We have to watch them not break up the showmance once again, oh the humanity. 

We have to listen to each one tell us why they need to win the veto, Cliff thinks he has deals set, Jackson tells us all deals are off, Holly is upset. Nicole and Cliff actually think Holly will deal to betray Jackson.

Time for a luxury comp based on the number of changes made in the house while they were in lockdown, Ovi is there as a change. Prize is $10,000. Jackson wins!

Time for the veto. With a slingshot knock down the faces of the hamsters that answer the questions or statements.

Jackson wins beating Nicole by about two minutes. Holly was about two minutes behind Nicole. Not a surprise, Cliff did the worst 20 minutes behind. Cliff still thinks he has a deal with Jackson. Ha.

Jackson sobs ugly happy tears and tells us he won't betray Holly, Cliff still thinks he has a deal.

Jury meeting tomorrow on the show.