Sunday, August 09, 2020

BB22: Live Feeds into Sunday - 8/09

Intelligent and intriguing conversation

So, what's been happening inside that Big Brother House of A Season Sans Shownances?
  • By the way, I am loving no showmances and the older crowd. Although these hamsters have played the game before and maybe got it out of their systems, I'm finding many of the non-game conversations less vapid and some truly intriguing.
  • This show advertises itself as a "social experiment" but over the years has concentrated more on getting good-looking young model types or characters. This season we have many in the house thankful that they didn't have to do a bathing suit photo. Good.
  • One really worthy conversation took place between Kaysar and Ian. It was a long one on how the brain works when a person is autistic or on the spectrum. Kaysar said the other day he was on the spectrum. Ian, probably due to the stress and no yard, is really stimming hard the past few days. Kaysar missed his calling as a therapist.
  • During that long conversation, BB was sometimes cutting the feed. I think it had more to do with whatever was on the other two cameras than the Ian/Kaysar talk.
  • Now, there's something off the feeds happening that may affect the house this season and I think I'm seeing signs it has. 
  • Before the season started, I posted a link to an article about Derrick and Dan supposedly off the show due to Nicole F. saying they were pre-game strategizing.
  • That might be a bit off. 
  • It seems that it might be Nicole F. pre-game or even off-game strategizing with Derrick to help Cody through the game. And, it seems like Dan is involved as well. Janelle even mentioned something that Dan said to her. Hmm.
  • Whatever is going on, it's not good for Janelle, Kayser, Keesha, Kevin, Da'vonne or even Tyler or Bayleigh.
  • Oh, well. Out of my control but I'll keep watching the bloodbath called Twitter for the skinny on it.
  • Meanwhile, back in the house ... as I mentioned in my last update, Enzo won the Power of Veto.
  • He doesn't plan on using it but did mention to Cody that they could blindside Tyler.
  • Cody's sights seem to be set on Keesha leaving.
  • Just from the conversations of many, it seems like it will be Keesha.
  • To me, although her voice on the live feeds makes me cringe and turn down the volume, it's a shame. She's a good competitor and we barely have seen her in action.
  • In the name-calling department, I mentioned in another update that Keesha thought Tyler was Taylor or Trevor. Now Cody keeps calling David Kevin. I can only wonder whether he meant to put Kevin or "Not Really Kevin" on the block.
  • More seriously, I think he does know which one he nominated.
  • They should get the yard sometime today.
  • I see no kerfuffles or brouhahas on the horizon. BB can probably give them back the knives.

I used to like Dani better

Get it together, Kevin!

Is rumored pre-gaming going to hurt?

Nicole misses the night owls

It could be bye-bye Keesha

BB22" Power of Veto Winner Update

Yes, we have a winner!

Showing off the bling.

Oh my. Enzo won a comp. Chances are that he will not save Keesha. He probably won't use it at all, but definitely not on Keesha.

Saturday, August 08, 2020

BB22: Live Feeds Brief into Saturday Night - 8/08


Waiting on a comp

They're still waiting on the Power of Veto comp to start. They were told 10pm (their time) start. Which, of course, would be 1am for me! Gah. They aren't allowed to nap. But they aren't the boss of me!

  • The Have Not people seem to be sick Ian was vomiting and Nicole feels horrible. Memphis is ill to a lesser extent. Kevin was already sick enough due to being on the block.
  • Keesha was calling Tyler "Taylor." When Janelle told her that wasn't his name, she asked if it was Trevor.
  • The veto players are (or will be): Cody, Keesha, Kevin with Ian, Enzo and Tyler being picked. 
  • Oh, wait ... at 10:27pm ET it went to adoptable pets which they use for long feed blocks such as comps. Maybe the 10pm was ET. But, still -- the comps can last hours. I'll post in the morning!

BB22: Live Feeds into Saturday - 8/08


Happy to be in a more mellow season

Yes, this is a bit late today. I had to be playing refrigerator repair technician in my kitchen. The good news is I succeeded! Maybe I have a new calling in life. It's good because do you know how expensive new refrigerators are these days?!? Yikes! Anyhow ... what has been happening in that Big Brother House of Happy Hamsters?

  • As you know from my last update, Cody nominated Keesha and Kevin for eviction and the Power Of Veto comp should be played out today.
  • Since that time Cody has spent much of his time explaining what a nice guy he is, had two days to get to know people, had to choose, woe is me that this is all on me, ad infinitum. 
  • See ... who says Latin is a dead language? It perfectly fits in with a phrase here and there!
  • Both Keesha and Kevin had crying bouts on and off. Neither seems angry with Cody. But neither wants to go home. I think Kevin is taking it worse than Keesha.
  • It seems Nicole A. may be doomed to repeat the mistakes of her past season -- putting trust in the wrong people.
  • Both Kaysar and Janelle wanted to work with her. She was star-struck.
  • Um, now the Cody Contingent wants to draw her in. And, she seems receptive.
  • I honestly think that, in the long run, the Kaysar/Janelle bunch would be better for her. I think the Cody Contingent would be quick to feel she's expendable, especially as they gather numbers.
  • Ian seems to be gravitating towards the Cody Contingent as well. But I think he has more confidence in his own abilities than Nicole A.
  • Alas, Ian did pinky swear on an alliance with Nicole F. as they are the only two past actual season winners in the house. 
  • Unfortunately, we have an Old School versus New School game afoot.
  • In other news, it's obvious that Dani hasn't kept up with the show. She was shocked that there was no key box and a video photo screen in its place. I can't recall when they introduced that but it had to be at least four seasons ago or so.
  • They played charades. I had to turn my volume down because of all of the excitement and screaming. These people really need the yard!
  • Ian said that he was very upset when he Googled himself online after BB14 ended and one of the first results was "Ian Terry autistic." He knew he exhibits symptoms but thought since no one in the house mentioned it, that no one noticed. 
  • Ian's mentions of that brought up Kevin telling of a physical disability/disease he was born with that has something to do with the chest muscles not developing right.
  • I'll report later on the PoV comp winner. Unless I've missed it (and I may have), I don't think players have been chosen yet.
Trying to play Nice Guy

Every day is Christmas to her

She is a star, but will she stay the Queen?

Life on the block

Meows to Bayonne, NJ

Has she really learned from the past?

Not the master player now

Friday, August 07, 2020

BB22: Live Feeds into Friday Evening, Nominations - 8/07

Anticipating the yard on Sunday

Okay, I'm getting the hang of the new Blogger format. I still don't like it, though. A pox on them! But you're not here to deal with my whining, right? You're here to find out what's been happening inside that Big Brother House of Froot Loop Dinguses:

  • The ants are back. They were worried they might not have a fun season in the house this year.
  • Memphis and David were up extremely early and spent an inordinate amount of time cleaning the kitchen. They both can feel free to come and visit me anytime.
  • David is like a fish out of water. While I do think he should be given a second chance as technically he was never really voted out, an "All-Stars" season isn't appropriate. Not only does he not have the real house experience, he doesn't seem to have studied any past seasons. All he really is at this time is a number for a vote. He probably won't be targeted for some time as he's not a threat to win. But that won't mean he's a good player.
  • It was a day of Kaysar doing what he can do best (well, other than comps) -- talk.
  • He had a very long talk, or mostly listen and make her feel good, with Bayleigh. After listening to her story with patience and concern, he started talking about working together after the coming eviction.
  • I believe she fell for it all hook, line and sinker.
  • He also had a talk with Cody who was pretty much doing the same talk back at him but not as eloquently. Neither gave away their cards. 
  • Meanwhile at another time -- first, Bayleigh and Da'vonne officially created their alliance. No surprises there. However, there was a bit of a surprise a bit later when they took Ian into their alliance.
  • Tyler and Bayleigh are getting along, but there is no talk of an alliance.
  • There were talks about the racist and homophobic incidents in past seasons, mostly with Janelle, Bayleigh and Kevin. Bayleigh said that she personally, didn't experience the incidents during her season, but mentioned Camp Comeback was all people of color. (Of course, she didn't see Jack acting like an ape to mock David on the live feeds or so much that we saw on the feeds.) 
  • Kevin told of his experiences with Jeff's homophobic comments and how hurt he was that producers took Jeff under their wing. He also mentioned the misplaced racial slurs -- he's a Black/Japanese mix -- from another hamster and Jeff backing that one up.
  • Janelle talked about the racism that was aimed at Kaysar for being a Muslim and how others even targeted her because of her friendship with him.
  • During these talks, I found Bayleigh's matter of fact attitude refreshing. She spoke with maturity and the idea that change is in the works.
  • Ian is jonesing for the yard, which is expected to open up Sunday. It just better have a hammock!
  • Nicole F. thinks Cody is her ride or die. Meanwhile, Cody puts Nicole F. on the lower echelon of his alliance. He is more into Tyler and Enzo. Meanwhile, I think Enzo could very well flip if he thinks his new Brigade is falling out of power.
  • Kaysar and Janelle both are working to gather more folks. They have Nicole A. They quasi-have Ian. They're working on Bayleigh, Da'vonne. They plan to work on Memphis, Kevin or Keesha (whichever remains as they are the suspected nominations, next week.
  • There is speculation that Dani, who's been at Nicole F.'s side, is secretly aligned with Kaysar/Janelle. But I don't know about that. If she is, she's putting on quite the act.
  • Interesting -- the hamsters were told that they would have "limited hot water" this season. And, it's true. They keep running out of hot water during showers.
  • Feeds were blocked for a long period while nominations were done.
  • Keesha and Kevin
  • No surprise to us, but Kevin seems to be a bit shocked.

Bayleigh and Da'vonne in it to win it

Memphis is one cold dude

Do either of them buy the spiels?

Free agent ... or floater?

The "writing" is on the wall