Intelligent and intriguing conversation |
So, what's been happening inside that Big Brother House of A Season Sans Shownances?
- By the way, I am loving no showmances and the older crowd. Although these hamsters have played the game before and maybe got it out of their systems, I'm finding many of the non-game conversations less vapid and some truly intriguing.
- This show advertises itself as a "social experiment" but over the years has concentrated more on getting good-looking young model types or characters. This season we have many in the house thankful that they didn't have to do a bathing suit photo. Good.
- One really worthy conversation took place between Kaysar and Ian. It was a long one on how the brain works when a person is autistic or on the spectrum. Kaysar said the other day he was on the spectrum. Ian, probably due to the stress and no yard, is really stimming hard the past few days. Kaysar missed his calling as a therapist.
- During that long conversation, BB was sometimes cutting the feed. I think it had more to do with whatever was on the other two cameras than the Ian/Kaysar talk.
- Now, there's something off the feeds happening that may affect the house this season and I think I'm seeing signs it has.
- Before the season started, I posted a link to an article about Derrick and Dan supposedly off the show due to Nicole F. saying they were pre-game strategizing.
- That might be a bit off.
- It seems that it might be Nicole F. pre-game or even off-game strategizing with Derrick to help Cody through the game. And, it seems like Dan is involved as well. Janelle even mentioned something that Dan said to her. Hmm.
- Whatever is going on, it's not good for Janelle, Kayser, Keesha, Kevin, Da'vonne or even Tyler or Bayleigh.
- Oh, well. Out of my control but I'll keep watching the bloodbath called Twitter for the skinny on it.
- Meanwhile, back in the house ... as I mentioned in my last update, Enzo won the Power of Veto.
- He doesn't plan on using it but did mention to Cody that they could blindside Tyler.
- Cody's sights seem to be set on Keesha leaving.
- Just from the conversations of many, it seems like it will be Keesha.
- To me, although her voice on the live feeds makes me cringe and turn down the volume, it's a shame. She's a good competitor and we barely have seen her in action.
- In the name-calling department, I mentioned in another update that Keesha thought Tyler was Taylor or Trevor. Now Cody keeps calling David Kevin. I can only wonder whether he meant to put Kevin or "Not Really Kevin" on the block.
- More seriously, I think he does know which one he nominated.
- They should get the yard sometime today.
- I see no kerfuffles or brouhahas on the horizon. BB can probably give them back the knives.
I used to like Dani better |
Get it together, Kevin! |
Is rumored pre-gaming going to hurt? |