So, here we are at the first eviction. It seems like it will be taped rather than live. On the feeds today Enzo said something about it being taped then played back. If so, they're not leaving much editing time. The feeds were blocked at about 1pm their time. Hmm. I guess we'll see.
If you want to refresh yourself with your blog pool hamster, that list is at this link.
I will be updating this entry with the major happenings as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments area ... please join in on the fun!
Into "previously on." Okay, we know it's Keesha and Kevin on the block. Let's get this going!
Hmm. I think Julie looks a bit frumpy in that dress, but it might be just me. No mention of it being taped. We already had been told there would be no live audience. If taped, they really need to admit it!
Into a segment on the nominees. Cody wants to keep Kevin but wants the house to think it's their idea. Janelle thinks she and Kaysar need Keesha to stay but it has to come from Keesha rather than endanger her game or Kaysar's. Tyler wants to make amends with Bayleigh after their brouhaha during their season. Both want to forget the past.
Nicole A really likes Kevin and wants to go to the end with him. Memphis thinks his alliance with Cody -- the Commission -- needs a total of six. Hmm. Cody tells us if Memphis wants to do it, okay. But if it fails, all on Memphis.
Into a "who is best to keep for my game" segment. Keesha knows she can have Kaysar and Janelle's votes, must find five more. She thinks Taylor, er ... Trevor .. er, Tyler. Cody is looking for side alliances. He has Memphis for one, Enzo for another and wants to take in Da'vonne and Bayleigh with that Enzo alliance. In short, we're getting alliances all over the place.
Finally, Julie teases us with the eviction after a commercial break. We've only spent a third of the show on this.
To the living room.
Keesha -- Not get emotional, great to be here, amazing, do what's best for you, energy around me, wish most of you the best of luck
Kevin -- Feels like a tiny comet among supernovas, if you vote to keep me, we can shine bright together.
The votes to evict:
David - Keesha
Nicole A - Keesha
Ian - Keesha
Commercial (looks like the EvelDick Twitter spoiler was spot on)
Nicole F - Keesha
Tyler - Keesha
Christmas - Keesha
Kaysar - Keesha
Bayleigh - Keesha
Da'vonne - Keesha
Janelle - Keesha
Enzo - Keesha
Dani - Keesha
Memphis - Keesha
Good old house vote. I had hoped more from seasoned (or not so much) veterans.
Keesha has to socially distance from Julie and put on a mask. Julie does NOT have a mask on! Julie mentions Keesha heading home, but I don't think that's where she's going. I think we'll see some sort of Battle Back thing. Hey, it's not like BB hasn't lied to us before in this season. :::cough Online cast interviews on live feeds cough::: and ::: cough live eviction show cough:::
HOH Comp time. Backyard has booths. Big Brother watch party. Show two videos for fans watching, questions. Seven questions. Last HG standing.
The first video shows a Zoom setting.
Question 1 T or F -- Kaysar, David out
2. Enzo, Dani out
3. Nicole F, Christmas out
Second video
4. Kevin out
5. Janelle, Ian out
To the living room to talk. Safety Suite will be Brains and Bar theme.