- Things have calmed down.
- But this is not a happy house no matter if BB tries to get them all playing in group activities or whatever.
- Bayleigh really shouldn't go at Christmas like that. Christmas has an arrest record for domestic violence. Bayleigh, though she can get emotional, is really not a tough girl. Apparently Christmas is and she is in great physical shape.
- It's hard to say who's lying, who's just playing the game of BB or what.
- Tyler has SAID that BB wouldn't allow him to volunteer as a renom on the block if Christmas removed one of the nominees.
- He told Bayleigh and Da'Vonne he was volunteering to go on the block and go home in the spirit of their BLM devotion for having a Black female winner.
- So ... they thought he was such a good guy.
- Then he says that BB won't let him and Christmas keeps the nominations the same.
- Yet BB allowed Christmas to go up as a volunteer renom last week?
- It's a mess.
- Meanwhile, Bayleigh has admitted to tainting the jury against Tyler in their season.
- Now, Tyler has been saying (not to Bay or Day) that Bayleigh needs to go out before jury because she's an emotional player and would sway the jury.
- Hmm. I thought it was a standard rule of BB that jury was not allowed to discuss game.
- Ian and Bayleigh talked. He was honest with her and spoke in percentages. Right now he's favorable to keeping Da'Vonne 60/40. He said it could change. He also told her that he will let her know before the vote.
- This whole mess is sad. I look at Bayleigh -- yes, she is emotional (and definitely was a bitter juror). But I've seen her try so hard to control her emotions, mainly because she doesn't want to be portrayed or perpetuate the stereotype of an angry Black woman. I get it. But I see her as a young woman, more or less a kid really, who has lived a fairly sheltered life thrown into a very disturbing reality show house. To be honest, I probably wouldn't handle it any better than her.
- Well, my voice isn't as annoyingly pitchy. There's that.
- Da'Vonne is also fairly young. But I think she's had more of a hardscrabble kind of life and had to grow up when she was still young.
- Christmas is coming across as cold-hearted and sneaky. Plus she talks too much. Oh ... and has an arrest record for violence and really shouldn't be in the house.
- Tyler? I just don't know. I think he wants to be a good guy. He has been telling the others how mean he was to Bayleigh in that he was a smart-ass and smug with her.
- But I just don't know about the Diary Room thing.
- They apparently don't have the exit buzzer that they can just self-evict and walk out. I don't know if it's been gone for several seasons or just this one due to COVID.
- Anyway, it's all a spool of lies as far as I'm concerned!
I'm Jackie and I watch TV. I'm not proud. Bookmark the blog now as your source for live feed reports from inside the 'Big Brother' house! Come, join in on the fun ...
Tuesday, September 08, 2020
BB22: Live Feeds into Tuesday Evening - Sept. 8
Monday, September 07, 2020
BB22: Live Feeds into Monday, Veto Meeting - Sept. 7
So ... where is her costume? |
Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Miserable Mice:
- Last night was yet another frustrating night not only in the house, but for a feeds watcher as well.
- It seems that any heavy duty strategy talk or even real cultural awareness talks get blocked to the live feeds.
- Did you know that nominees still give speeches during veto meetings? You wouldn't know it by either the feeds or the show.
- So ... I told you how Ian tried to self evict the other day.
- Now it seems to be Tyler trying to do so in another manner.
- Or is he?
- He was in tears talking to Bayleigh and said he wanted to go on the block and be sent home. He cried that he had set her up since the first day, planting seeds, talking trash about her and he doesn't want to be the one responsible for her going home. He wants the veto used to save her and he goes up and out.
- Hmm.
- After he went upstairs to talk to Christmas about it, the feeds were blocked forever and when they came back, the talk was all over.
- Hmm.
- But then this morning, just a while ago, I caught Christmas telling him to let them think he was going home.
- So, he ain't going home. From what they were saying, if he did go home at this point, he would forfeit all pay. That's supposedly 40 grand. Plus he said he was threatened with having to pay for any incidentals like the COVID testing, etc.
- It seems Bayleigh is still the one who will be leaving.
- Nicole managed to break her costume and the box part of it had to go out for repair.
- The veto meeting just ended (blocked to the feeds, of course).
- Christmas did not use the veto -- Bayleight and Da'Vonne remain on the block.
- Bayleigh will be the target to go home.
He's a BB expert? Hmm. |
Let them think you're going home, Tyler |
Sunday, September 06, 2020
BB 22: Nominations Show Blog Party - Sept. 6
BB22: Live Feeds into Sunday - Sept 6
Fluff and fold demo |
Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of At Least No Showmances to Endure:
- Yeah, there is that. At least we don't have to suffer through the soft porn of people who jump into the sack with someone they've known for a week.
- I hate that.
- As you know from my last post, Christmas won the POV.
- Apparently in the veto comp, Nicole traded the $5,000 to Da'Vonne because she wanted to be the record holder for the most costumes ever on BB - four of them.
- At least, that's the gist of what I got from their conversations. The comp was blocked to the live feeds and I'm picking up bits and pieces here and there as they talk.
- Anyway ... when Nicole got her Slopitard costume, after complaining about it being so bulky and the fact that she can only take it off to shower or sleep, she whined, "They like Janelle more than they like ME!"
- Well, duh.
- Yes, BB probably does and most (if not all) fans do, too.
- I mean, seriously ... how would BB even know that Nicole would end up in the Slopitard? SHE wanted a costume; she got one.
- As for Bayleigh's punishment task, some were complaining it was too easy.
- She had to do 500 laps around an area in the yard on this three-wheeled sort of tricycle.
- If she didn't do the 500 laps before Thursday, if I'm not mistaken, she would not be able to partake in either the HOH or Veto comps.
- That is, if she is still there to compete in them.
- At this point, that seems unlikely. But, later for that ...
- She didn't really have an easy time of the task -- one of the pedals broke and she just kept going with Da'Vonne helping distract her by staying and talking.
- She finished her task last night.
- No, it wasn't as bad as that one kicking a ball a few thousand times. But, you notice BB only did that once. It caused too much pain for Brittany Martinez in BB16.
- I wouldn't want to ride that trike with the broken pedal!
- Ian, who sat out the veto comp and tried to self-evict the night before after a rather heated talk with Bayleigh, is in the house. But he was mostly off the feeds and rather subdued when he was there.
- Kaysar's speech is having an effect. Unfortunately, I think that part of Ian's issues are that his name comes up as talking with Kaysar.
- Enzo and Cody will certainly stick together.
- Tyler will stick with them. But I think he and Cody are a bit leery of each other.
- Dani and Nicole might as well be chained at the hip.
- They're both annoying me.
- Make them go away.
- David is once again invisible. I think he only comes out to almost win comps, then fade into the wallpaper until time for the next comp to lose.
- Memphis is actually playing one of the best lowkey shrewd games in the house.
- Heck, maybe the only lowkey shrewd game.
- Tyler tries to do that. But he has too much Bayleigh baggage going on.
- Kevin thinks he's good with just about everybody.
- Nah, I think most will just use him. They know his gameplay of running from one to another and whining when he's on the spot.
- Then there's Bayleigh and Da'Vonne on the block.
- Sigh. Yes, nominating both of them together will not fare well for Christmas once she leaves the house.
- While they -- Bay and Day -- are a very tight alliance and yes, they need to be split up in the name of gameplay, it won't go over well that the two Black women in the house are on the block together.
- I'm not really one to debate race issues or support much done purely for or against someone for the color of their skin, religion, etc.
- But their alliance was doomed from the start.
- This cast, except for David and Nicole A, live in the BB alumni world. It was known that Bayleigh and Da'Vonne weren't friends before coming into the house this season but would most likely bond.
- They are the only two Black women in the house.
- It's noticeable whenever they hang out together at all.
- It's not like they could have a secret alliance -- the type that works best.
- I'm thinking back to BB3 with the Danielle Reyes/Jason Guy alliance that was only blown up because the hamsters voting went home instead of to jury and saw the DR sessions. They kept apart and secret. If Bayleigh and Da'Vonne kept apart, it would be suspicious. No one really notices white people hanging out together so much in the house because there are so many more of them.
- Plus, while I think that all the women on the show this season have tempers, can get aggressive and such ... for some reason, if it's Bay or Day, it seems much more noticed than if it's Dani or Nicole.
- Gee, why is that?
- Either way, as losers tend to say ... it is what it is.
- Right now it's really looking like Bayleigh will be the one leaving. Tyler has been pushing for her to get out before jury because she's "too emotional of a player" to be voting for a winner.
- Well, it does seem he might have a bit of a point there. She has admitted to swaying the jury against voting him the winner of their season.
- Oh, well.
Kevin thinks he's secure |
Cody and Dani fake trusting |
Bayleigh's 500 lap punishment |
BB likes Janelle better than ME! |
Memphis is playing lowkey now |
Saturday, September 05, 2020
BB22: Live Feeds Update - Power of Veto - Sept. 5
It was the one in which they each win something and can trade as they stay in longer.
Christmas won the Power of Veto. Now, of course, the weight of the world is on her shoulders for the nominations she chose to make.
Ian did not compete. Something is very wrong with him. He's been trying to self evict and was in the Diary Room for a long time before the comp. When the feeds came back after the comp, he is still in the house ... but did not compete in the PoV and no one took his place.
Da'Vonne won $5,000, Dani got a slop pass, Bayleigh has a task punishment, Nicole has the latest unitard.