Tuesday, September 08, 2020

BB22: Live Feeds into Tuesday Evening - Sept. 8

So ... this is the kind of thing I've been watching from inside the Big Brother House of Catastrophic Chaos. I thought the videos I found could explain it better than I can given mere text and still shots. Here's the latest:
  • Things have calmed down.
  • But this is not a happy house no matter if BB tries to get them all playing in group activities or whatever.
  • Bayleigh really shouldn't go at Christmas like that. Christmas has an arrest record for domestic violence. Bayleigh, though she can get emotional, is really not a tough girl. Apparently Christmas is and she is in great physical shape.
  • It's hard to say who's lying, who's just playing the game of BB or what.
  • Tyler has SAID that BB wouldn't allow him to volunteer as a renom on the block if Christmas removed one of the nominees.
  • He told Bayleigh and Da'Vonne he was volunteering to go on the block and go home in the spirit of their BLM devotion for having a Black female winner.
  • So ... they thought he was such a good guy.
  • Then he says that BB won't let him and Christmas keeps the nominations the same.
  • Yet BB allowed Christmas to go up as a volunteer renom last week?
  • It's a mess.
  • Meanwhile, Bayleigh has admitted to tainting the jury against Tyler in their season.
  • Now, Tyler has been saying (not to Bay or Day) that Bayleigh needs to go out before jury because she's an emotional player and would sway the jury.
  • Hmm. I thought it was a standard rule of BB that jury was not allowed to discuss game.
  • Ian and Bayleigh talked. He was honest with her and spoke in percentages. Right now he's favorable to keeping Da'Vonne 60/40. He said it could change. He also told her that he will let her know before the vote.
  • This whole mess is sad. I look at Bayleigh -- yes, she is emotional (and definitely was a bitter juror). But I've seen her try so hard to control her emotions, mainly because she doesn't want to be portrayed or perpetuate the stereotype of an angry Black woman. I get it. But I see her as a young woman, more or less a kid really, who has lived a fairly sheltered life thrown into a very disturbing reality show house. To be honest, I probably wouldn't handle it any better than her. 
  • Well, my voice isn't as annoyingly pitchy. There's that.
  • Da'Vonne is also fairly young. But I think she's had more of a hardscrabble kind of life and had to grow up when she was still young. 
  • Christmas is coming across as cold-hearted and sneaky. Plus she talks too much. Oh ... and has an arrest record for violence and really shouldn't be in the house.
  • Tyler? I just don't know. I think he wants to be a good guy. He has been telling the others how mean he was to Bayleigh in that he was a smart-ass and smug with her.
  • But I just don't know about the Diary Room thing.
  • They apparently don't have the exit buzzer that they can just self-evict and walk out. I don't know if it's been gone for several seasons or just this one due to COVID.
  • Anyway, it's all a spool of lies as far as I'm concerned!
BB planned group actvities

Tired of the drama

I am NOT ghetto. I AM upset.

The target is off of me now

Frantic hammocking


Anonymous said...

If anything comes from this season it should be a more diverse across the board cast next season including age wise as well. I get why they cast the youngans I do but they don’t have the knowledge or the level of maturity at times to deal with the house and the other people in it. I agree how Christmas is in with her record is a bit puzzling as well. I hope Da’Vonne will stay over Bayleigh though.

Jackie S. said...

Bayleigh is better at physical comps than Da'Vonne, but Da'Vonne is just as good, if not better, at the mental comps and crapshoots. I do think if Bayleigh had come in the house without Tyler in there, she'd be less stressed. Overall, I personally would prefer Da'Vonne stay -- I like her voice a lot better and she's a strategic player.

Sharon N said...

At this point, it would be good if BB got all NEW people and did NOT provide any past seasons for them to watch. Let it be like it was for the first few seasons, when everyone had to use their own brain-power and figure it out for themselves. No options for patterning their game after past houseguests!

Possibly have a season of 30+ ages. Maybe there would be a little more maturity, and possibly more strategery (sorry, I couldn't resist).

Petals said...

Thanks Jackie. You surmised the goings-on best you could, under these strained circumstances. I particularly agree with your Bay review.

But c'mon: It's a SHIT SHOW. Can I write that? Because it really is. It does NOTHING but put our once-beloved summer indulgence in to a nasty, racist light. I see no redemption. Grodner & Co are strong-arming them to stay "or else"; what are we supposed to think? How can they think we'll be distracted by a game of corn-hole?

I used to be coy when I admitted that BB was my guilty pleasure; now I'm just ashamed. May as well be Duck Dynasty... (no, never saw it. It's just the one that popped into my head at the moment).

cctru said...

Gees - I don't need this kind of drama, I read it on Facebook every day regarding politics.
I read Jackie's comments before watching the clips, but somehow I was more on Christmas' side. It's just too difficult to follow, especially since we don't know everything that happened.
I'm the middle-of-the-road girl who just wants everyone to get along!

Lili said...

Honestly if it wasn't for Jackie and the Hamster site I wouldn't even watch BB. Reading your insights and my fellow commenters, is about 65% of the appeal of BB.

I have no clue about the Day/Bay/Tyler/Xmas thing. But Day is my pool girl so I'm rooting for her. Hope she stays, hope she gets HOH, hope some combination of Dani/Xmas/Tyler/Cody/Nicole gets nominated.

If you need me I'll be watching Cougar Town on Amazon Prime, at least that show is funny.

Anonymous said...

I too am ashamed to be watching BB. Quite honestly...its been bad for a few years.
It won't be a pretty picture once certain people get out. That is for sure.

Anonymous said...

Here's what I gather about the confusing Day/Bay/Tyler/Xmas thing.:

Tyler is feeling guilty about bay and day being on the block because it was him talking to Christmas and Dani that got them there, plus of course, like all of us watching at home, he also doesn't like the way it looks.

So he tried to get Christmas to back door him.

Christmas said no. Now feeds were block when tyler was in the DR for 2 hours, but according to Cody, Producer Allison Grodner said he couldn't self-evict that way. Now we have no idea the details of that conversation or how accurate Cody's description was. I'm guessing for instance He could have asked Grodner if he can just volunteer to be back doored and then tell everyone to basically evict him (thus keeping his paycheck for the show) and Grodner was like no, you can't cheat the system like that. Either you walk and lose the money/break the contract or play without forcing CHristmas's hands.

So anyway, before Tyler's plan gets shut down by Grodner and Christmas, he goes and tells Bay and Day his plan to get himself evicted, thus giving bay and day a lot of hope to stay.

This is before the veto ceremony. So obviously Christmas and Grodner shut down Tyler's plan and Christmas does NOT use the POV.

This sort of shocks bay and day and puts them back in their woeful mood. Bay knows she's the target and doesn't even want to hug or talk to Christmas after the Veto.

And that brings us to the the part you see in the video the next day.

Day talks to Christmas in the bathroom basically venting about everything I said above, how they don't understand why they're on block and why she couldn't back door tyler or dani and blah blah blah.

During the conversation Christmas starts getting LOUD and aggressive and begins cursing at DaVonne, so Davonne walks away.


The moleman said...

Ya and hopefully well know more tomorrow and thursday from the episodes!

Petals said...

awwww...Cody's grandfather passed away. So that will hopefully calm down the HGs.

chrob61 said...

I wonder if the show will just edit out all the Tyler promise to go up on the block? My thought is that is what they have them playing cornhole games for- to give them some material to air on Wed/Thurs.

Anonymous said...

I don't think putting Bay/Day on the block together sends a racist message at all. They are a clear duo outside of Christmas alliance. If she would have only put one of them up the other could have won POV and taken them off. Or the person on the block could have won POV and then if she nominated the other one everyone would be screaming racist because they didn't get a chance to play for veto. To me it's a no win situation and it shouldn't even be brought in the game. I think Bayleigh giving Christmas game information was a mistake on her part. I had never seen the two of them as being that close, especially not how Day is trying to say that Bayleigh trusted her as much as she did Day. I agree with Christmas on that and think it was game play.
I'm not sure what Tyler was up to and if he was just playing the game and not being sincere, then that is messed up. If anyone is in the wrong here, it would be him. He should have never went to them with the plan and just let it play out in Veto meeting.

Anonymous said...

I don't think "racist" is the word. The problem is that every year they only put a handful of people of color in the house filled with white people. The white people team up and form large alliances and start picking the minorities off one by one. This happens literally every single year and people, including those actually playing the game, are tired of it.

As a result Bay and Day are being done very dirty! They have NO alliances except each other (the ones they think they have are shams), they are terrible comp players and not really a threat, and now they are targets. There are stronger players Christmas could have gone after (Memphis, Ian, Dani, Nicole, Cody)..She even heard the Wall Yeller about nicole and cody and blew it off..because she personally likes all those people and as you said barely have any conversations with Bay and Day and feels little for them. Even from Day 1 Christmas has talked about how aggressive and loud she thinks they are compared to everyone else. She even told Bay to her face that Bay's last season scared her and made her have preconceived notions about her. When she talked about nominating them she said she was worried they'd blow up on her. Just ridiculous imaginary microagressions people are tired of.

Then Bay and Day were never part of any REAL alliance. The slick six was clearly a joke and everyone in it EXCEPT BAY AND DAY have secret, stronger alliances with each other. So Bay and Day have always been automatically pushed to the outside. Compare this to the fact that none of the true major alliances in the past few seasons of BB include POC. A group of strong white players, from sheer statistics and also bias, almost always link up. And as a result the people who don't look like them and aren't in their little cliques get picked off. This happens every year and we're seeing it again, and people are just tired, exhausted, of it. Why is it so hard to be 50% minorities with 50% white people? So that's the real issue. I think it's a bit more complicated than the "noms sending a racist message."


Anonymous said...

BB is a GAME. Turning it into something else is below the belt and does not help ANYONE.

Anonymous said...

That's a watered down version of what Big Brother is.

Big Brother is also a reality show where people's social habits, biases, prejudices, impulses, judgement skills, character, integrity, social proclivities are put on full display for viewers to watch, judge and discuss, and as such is often a reflection of aspects of society at large. It's literally a social experiment and not just "a game." That's survivor and the amazing race you're thinking of.


Anonymous said...

To Anon @12:09

Everyone that has been voted off this season has had no alliance, been terrible at comps and not a threat. So, why should we expect any different with this weeks noms. Christmas is in an alliance with Memphis, Dani, Nicole and Cody, so I see no reason why she would go after them.

Also, two of the last three winners were POC.

Sharon N said...

As an aside to all the Anon posts above...

Jackie's site has always been very people-friendly, and I appreciate being able to reply to "a person" rather than a "timestamp." I do know it's a choice, but it helps if you leave some kind of name at the end of your posts... a creative name will do.

Jackie S. said...

Sharon - One of the Anons in the conversation is a regular -- anonymous tildes -- with a sign off of ~~~ He/she has commented for several seasons

CherylinPA said...

Well Said Anon ~~~ you hit the nail on the head as to what I have been feeling too

Sharon N said...

Thank Jackie,
I actually noticed occasional tildes, but somehow never picked up that it was a specific sign-off. It does help to distinguish that person from others. :)

Sharon N said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I really think Tyler just wanted to go home before Jury. He really misses Angela & figures he won't win. They said they get _ 40,000 just for coming into the game & another $12,000 for making it to Jury. BB said they would lose everything & have to pay back everything including food etc.

Petals said...

Re racial/racist vs "not" ~ I am frustrated with this season NOT because of who is on the block, but that 2 of the all-time faves were targeted and dismissed immediately.
After listening to Danielle Reyes & Jason Guy (S3) podcast, we heard from Queen Janelle the REAL reason she was ejected so quickly.

The voting blocks and mob/herd mentality is old and boring, IMO. The 8+ person alliances & side-alliances are, like King Kaysar so aptly put it, "so incestual" with all the overlapping and multiple F2s. (listen to HIM on Danielle's & Jason's podcast, too!)

I want to keep the drama in the house - not here - and continue to happily love & hate the HGs without fear of it being considered anything but what it is.

I don't like David. Paint him polka-dot, I'd feel the same way. He adds nothing to the show for me. But I also don't like Xmas; she's a bad seed in any color.

Bizaro22 said...

For those who don’t recall, Tyler took a LGBT POC to final two over his own girlfriend. Just sayin....

monty924 said...

Going back to an earlier comment from anon ~~~... it was actually Dani and Nicole (mostly Nic) that got Bay and Day on the block. Nicole hasn't let go of Bayleigh's a couple tries and a couple guys comment and she (Nicole) wants her out.

The moleman said...
