Monday, October 12, 2020

BB22: HoH Comp, Nominations Show Blog Party - Oct. 12


Good evening! Unlike last Monday night, we're not dealing with waiting out a football game and having an uncertain start time. Plus, I actually remember that they only started the HoH comp during the end of the last show. So, we're a step ahead, methinks.

I will update this entry with the major events as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest update. As always, the real party is in the comments area. Please feel free to join in on the fun!

So, we have to sit through all the alliances and the triple eviction once again during the Previously On segment.

Okay, it's to the pumpkin teeter-totter HoH comp in the back yard. Cody has to sit this one out and is worried that if Christmas wins, he'll go on the block. They have to transport one pumpkin at a time over the teeter-totter, 25 of them, if they drop one they have to start all over again.

None of them seem to be having an easy time with it. Nicole seems to have developed a strategy. Enzo is horrible at it. Now both Christmas and Memphis are doing better than Nicole. Christmas only has two pumpkins to go and we go into commercial.

Christmas has to reset as a pumpkin fell from her basket. She cries to us. Too bad, so sad. Whoops! Memphis loses a pumpkin. This leaves Nicole in the lead. Enzo is just a joke at this point. 


Christmas cries more to us from the Diary Room and plays the son card. Wah, wah.

Christmas cries to Nicole that it's been an emotional week. It makes Nicole feel so sad ...not. Although, she is polite to Christmas who cries and cries in the Diary Room to us. And to Memphis. Now, he's not happy with a Nicole win either. He figures he will be on the block. Meanwhile, Enzo is in a happy place because he thinks Nicole will take out either Memphis or Christmas and the blood won't be on his hands.

Nicole talks Memphis and Christmas as nominees to Enzo and Cody. Enzo is pushing a Memphis target. Nicole tells us her target is Memphis.

A funny bit about Christmas walking into Enzo in the toilet stall. Oh ... and we're going to see an HoH room, huh? Not much of that this season either on the feeds or the show. Maybe because of her Victor, also from BB. Change that to definitely because of Victor.

Christmas goes in the HoH to suck up to Nicole. Nicole is looking for intel and tells her that she doesn't think she has any reason to put either Enzo or Cody up and she doesn't want her (Christmas) to go home. Christmas obviously wants to target Cody. We know Nicole is tight with Cody.

Cody interrupts them. Naturally, Nicole tells all from Christmas to him. Now Cody wants Christmas out rather than Memphis. Nicole isn't happy with that as she wants to keep Christmas over Memphis, thinking that would be better for her own game.

A segment on Enzo's foot stalker looking at his ugly feet.

Now it's Memphis's turn to try to convince Nicole he needs to be safe. He tells her he has no other alliances other than the Committee. He tells her Enzo and Cody have alliances. He promises her safety and promises to take her to the final two. She tells him she's the odd one out. She plays along with him but tells us no way.

We have Christmas music, so I assume it's time for a Christmas clip. Yep. She air horns Enzo in the toilet stall.

Time for the nominations ceremony. Nicole first nominates Christmas, then Memphis, saying that because she has to make a move that may help her game. Christmas voted to evict her, Memphis put her on the block.

TAR32: Meet the Cast - Part 2

Father and Son: Jerry and Frank
Frank Eaves is 25 and resides in Louisville, KY. He makes a living in luxury car sales. It sounds like he has some interesting clientele between stars and sports figures! He's athletic, always a plus in the race. His bio makes it sound like he's in it just as much for the adventure with his father or more so than for the money.

Jerry Eaves is 61, also residing in Louisville. He's a host of sports radio and also the athletic director/coach of men's basketball at Simmons College of Kentucky. Heh ... he said what scares him the most about traveling is the middle seat. I can so get behind him on that one! He seems athletic considering he's probably the oldest racer on the show. Like his son, it seems the adventure and bonding are more of an incentive than the winning monies.

Sisters: Kaylynn and Haley
Kaylynn Williams is 30, living in Bluffton, SC. She's a real estate agent. It sounds like she's a pretty good fit for the race -- likes anything to do with on the water, running and such. She refers to her sister as her best friend and it sounds like they have a great relationship unlike some of the love/hate ones we've seen.

Haley Williams is 31 and also lives in Bluffton. She is also a real estate agent. I think I'm sensing a theme here! She refers to her sister as her "best friend attached at the hip." They share not only the same town, same job but pretty much the same interests, too. Both seem on the athletic and adventurous side. Hopefully their personalities will shine as much as their smiles do.

Former Olympic Hurdlers:
Kellie and LaVonne
Kellie Wells-Brinkley is 38 and resides in Richmond, VA. She's an on-air personality, public speaker and is a strategic partnership manager for a tech company (whatever that is!). Oh my. She likes pole-dancing. I wonder if that particular hobby will come into play on the show! It's a pretty sure thing that she's athletic. She loves and is used to traveling and competition. We could have a contender team here.

LaVonne Idlette is 34 and resides in Hampton, VA. She's a real estate impact investor and fund manager/mortgage broker. She explains the former in her bio and it sounds way complicated. She has also passed her bar exam, so she has athletic skills and smarts, too. She calls Kellie her best friend.


Sisters: Michelle and Victoria
Michelle Newland is 34 from Lafayette, LA. She is a luxury auto salesperson, apparently BMWs as she hash-tagged in her bio on the CBS site and considers them "the ultimate driving machine." I just hope that includes stick shifts! She loves her job. She doesn't seem to enjoy any athletic pursuits but loves to photograph her food. She would like to see Vietnam as their parents came to the US for a better life and she has never been there.

Victoria Newland is 33, also living in Lafayette. She is a physician auditor, consultant and educator. Well, that's not like selling BMWs! She likes sleeping. I doubt she'll see a lot of that on the race! However, she does list some more athletic pursuits such as biking and working out. So, that's good. Both sisters like cats. So I must like them, right?

You can find Part 1 of the cast posts HERE.
If you want in on the blog pool, you would need to sign up HERE -- not here here, on that link! The deadline is looming!

Sunday, October 11, 2020

BB22: Live Feeds into Sunday Afternoon - Oct. 11

Checking for fleas, Cody?

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Hapless Hedgehogs:

  • For the first time this season, Memphis seems to be actually mixing, mingling and having an actual personality.
  • Those efforts might be coming just a bit too late.
  • Christmas is really working on Nicole trying to get her to use the veto to take her (or even Memphis) down, replace the nom with Cody and backdoor Cody.
  • While I am so not a Christmas fan, in a way she's right. If Cody makes it to the final two he would win against anyone. He has had a great social and comps game.
  • Nicole, on the other hand, would probably lose to anyone except maybe Christmas because she's a previous winner.
  • Of course, it won't hurt her to keep up her winning streak.
  • This is the second time she has won BB Comics.
  • Enzo has won little but his social game is superb. I think the jury would probably vote for him just because of that and his family.
  • Enzo discovered a teakettle whistles when the water boils. He's been always using a pot to boil water.
  • Heh.
  • It's hard to tell when Enzo is lying. When he talks to Christmas, he makes it sound like he would vote to keep her. When he talks to Memphis, he makes it sound like he's keeping him.
  • When Nicole and Cody talk about it, although Christmas gets on their last nerve, it seems like Memphis is indeed the target as he's more of a threat for the win.
  • Enzo will do whatever Cody wants.
  • No matter what, Nicole will not be using that veto.
  • The Twitter world is abuzz with the exaggerated impression that Memphis and Christmas kissed.
  • I watched it. It didn't look like a kiss to me. It looked like Christmas was whispering something to him and didn't want the feeds to pick it up.
  • It all reminds me of BB1 when so many show fans claimed George kicked Pugita. No, he did not kick the dog. He gently nudged her out of the way using his foot because his hands were full and she was underfoot. It was not a kick and this latest was not a kiss.
  • But rabid fans always see more into things than actually exist.
  • Christmas and Nicole are all into attracting new sponsors for their Instagram pages.
  • Gag me now, please.
  • Anyway, it boils down to I think Nicole will be loyal to Cody since she's playing for second place anyway.
  • I do think Cody and Enzo will take the shot at Memphis.
  • Of course, they could each vote for one and make Nicole break the tie.
  • Heh.

Chug that wine, Christmas!

Luck or plan?

What? Memphis has a personality?

Yes, Enzo. Teakettles whistle.


Saturday, October 10, 2020

BB22: Live Feeds - We Have a POV Winner - Oct. 10


The comp was blocked to the live feeds ... of course. But, when the feeds came back, they were all dressed as superheroes with capes. It was the BB Comics comp.

Oh. And, Nicole won it. So, she's the HoH and Power of Veto holder.

TAR32: Meet the Cast - Part 1

Dating: Alana and Leo
Alana Folsom is 29 from Somerville, MA. She's an Internal Communications Associate at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard. Oh my. She enjoys poetry, cooking and running. Hmm. One of those might help her, maybe all dependent on the challenges. 

 Leo Brown is 31 and also from Somerville, MA. He's a senior healthcare data analyst. So, we're talking mostly about software computer stuff there. I don't think any of his hobbies are going to help him in the race too much -- "Playing the violin, vegetable gardening, eating peanut butter, and hosting friends in our backyard." He would like to go to Australia to meet a platypus. Ah, a man after my own heart. He wants to prove to Alana that he's a keeper. I don't know how they'll do but I think they will be likable.

Siblings: Aparna and Eswar
Aparna Dhinakaran is 26 from Berkeley, CA, She is an engineer/entrepreneur. Cool -- she's very involved with AI (Artificial Intelligence), It won't help her on the race, but cool anyway. She says she likes writing in cute little coffeeshops and preparing for her Bollywood breakout. Um. Okay.

Eswar Dhinakaran is 24, from Fremont, CA. He's a software engineer/entrepreneur. Thankfully, he at least has some more athletic hobbies than his sister. In his CBS bio he's nowhere near as wordy as she is. Both siblings grew up watching the show and it's a lifetime dream for them to actually be on it.

Former NFL: Gary and DeAngelo
Gary Barnidge is 34, from Middleburg, FL. He played for the Carolina Panthers and the Cleveland Browns and is now running a non-profit football-related organization. As I don't watch football at all, I had to look him up. He's the white guy.

DeAngelo Williams is 37, from Charlotte, NC. He played for Carolina Panthers and Pittsburgh Steelers. All he lists is retired for now.

Both seem to be a bit bored and are looking for adrenalin excitement as well as adventure. They will probably do well.

Married Parents: Hung and Chee
Chee Lee is 38 from Houston, TX. He lists his occupation as financial planning and analysis. He seems to be athletic although he enjoys binge-watching shows with his wife and once ate five pounds of pizza in an hour to win a contest.

Hung Nguyen is 39 also living in Houston. She's a professional development coach -- turning potential into promotions (she says). She was born in a refugee camp and is kind of hoping the race will take her back there as she has never returned. Both parents seem to be supportive and both like to experiment with new foods. I think they too will do well!

If you haven't signed up for the blog pool yet, please sign up by going to THIS LINK. Please don't sign up on this cast post! The deadline is looming! The season premiere is Wednesday, October 14, after Big Brother.