Thursday, July 07, 2022

Big Brother: BB24 Live Feeds into Thursday Evening - July 7

Doesn't want his noms to be "mean." Okay.

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Happy Hamsters:

  • Yeah, they're still happy for the most part.
  • Maybe Paloma and Alyssa not so much.
  • They both have a bug up their butts about Taylor for some reason.
  • Now, I don't think it was too cool for Taylor to mention she won a beauty pageant. But she did mention it and now it's coming back to bite her.
  • The two are referring to her as "Pageant Girl."
  • Not to her face, mind you.
  • They also claim she's rude and condescending.
  • Yet Taylor prepared their food for them. Hmm.
  • Ameerah and Brittany are also anti-Taylor.
  • The two also think that the four Have Nots volunteered to be such thinking that will save them from being nominated.
  • Sigh.
  • They still don't know what will happen with their Backstage passes.
  • Pooch is worried that, as Backstage Boss, he might have to nominate one of them.
  • The thought of a third nominee has been mentioned.
  • Nicole is trying to think of various slop dishes they could try. BB did give them a book of slop recipes, but she wants to experiment.
  • Surprisingly, Brittany and Turner have something going on. The cameras cut to them just as they were fist-bumping and saying they have to keep it to themselves.
  • What it is, I haven't a clue as the camera didn't catch it.
  • But there is something there.
  • Monte and Pooch have aligned.
  • Several of the guys talked about forming and naming an alliance.
  • Yawnsers ...
  • Maybe there will be nominations tomorrow and we will get some action.

Terrance thinks he is the odd man out.

Ohmm ...Ohmm ... Ohm

Turner is doing better than I thought he would

They got the yard and pool time today.

She has really decided to target Taylor

Big Brother: BB24 Live Feeds into Thursday Morning - July 7


I want a cat shirt, too!

So, any brouhahas overnight? A kerfuffle or two? Nah. Here's what I got from the first night of the live feeds in that Big Brother House of Talkative Hamsters:

  • Pooch wears a yellow Backstage Boss shirt while Paloma, Brittany and Alyssa wear black shirts which just read Backstage.
  • Daniel had to name four Have Nots and none of the backstage hamsters can be Have Nots.
  • Michael volunteered right away. He was followed by Joseph, Kyle and Monte. So, that went fairly easy.
  • The Have Not room is set up like a sort of pool cabana. They will sleep on pool floats (and pretend they're air mattresses?) and use towels as blankets. Oh, yeah. They do get pillows. I've seen worse!
  • Daniel did tell the others about his Elvis act in Vegas. He said it took him six years to get it and the gig will still be there for him after BB.
  • Both Nicole and Terrance said they applied for the show due to last season. They felt it gave them more of a chance.
  • Monte says that when he was in Germany he was mistaken for Will Smith. Now, I don't see that at all! Maybe he will slap someone. Heh.
  • Lots and lots of small talk and getting to know each other talk -- sometimes they were all talking at once.
  • Hmm. Kyle was raised Mormon and left the faith at 19 while Joseph was raised Muslim and also left his faith. He says he cannot go "home" to Syria to visit extended family. His father is old school and won't understand BB at all.
  • Paloma and Alyssa are already trying to start up a big six to eight person alliance. They think Kyle is a strong guy to add in it. Paloma thinks Monte is a snake. I cannot see a huge alliance built by them sticking, though.
  • Ah, the first final two pact sighting is afoot -- Paloma and Alyssa. Of course, one of them might be up for going home as they're both backstage and I see a "Save Brittany" movement going on over on Twitter.
  • Ohh! They have a bidet! I want a bidet! Terrance is a bit leery of it while Joseph says he loves them.
  • When Daniel was alone in the HOH talking to his Mom and us, he said he's been auditioning for BB for ten years and always wanted to be the first HOH.
  • At least he knows to talk when he's alone!
  • Taylor might want to watch herself -- Daniel told us that she (and Indy) are firecrackers and could go off very easily while Alyssa/Paloma both think she's condescending and gives off bad vibes.
  • Turner seems to be non-existent most of the time. He did say he is bisexual and many in his family don't know it. 
  • Joseph says he doesn't want to curse in the house as his mother will be watching. His father doesn't speak a lot of English but would recognize the curse words.
  • According to the rules for Backstage, they cannot be nominated by the HOH, nor can they be put up as a renom. I guess it doesn't say anything about them being put up by a popular (or not) vote by America as a third nominee.
  • They have a pool table in the house. I think I prefer it being a yard only bonus. Oh, well. It's better than watching them play chess. At least they move around.
  • They are all still awake as I get this posted.
  • Nothing earth-shattering overnight. 

Daniel talks to us alone in the HOH room

I do not have Will Smith ears!

Let's check this slop out!

Now I'm confused. Who is this one?

Like a slumber party.

Wednesday, July 06, 2022

Big Brother: BB24 Season Premiere Blog Party


Good evening! It's here ... our summer guilty pleasure. Just a few things before we get started:

  • I'm still not in great health but hopefully will be able to stay out of the hospital. I'm swamped with medical bills. So, if you wish to donate, now would be a great time!
  • I discussed -- with photos -- the new hamsters (no returning players) in posts here, here and here. The alternate hamster replacing one is here.
  • We, the people (as opposed to them the hamsters) will have some kind of vote/input starting tonight.
  • There is no eviction show tomorrow night. The next show is Sunday.
  • The blog pool sign-up post is at this here link. That is the only place to sign up for it -- anywhere else might be missed. The cut off is Friday noon PT, 3PM ET.
  • Apparently, the theme is some sort of BB Fest at a BB Motel. Um. Okay.
  • The live feeds are supposed to come on after the show airs on the West Coast. My first report probably won't be until morning.
  • Tonight's show is 90 minutes followed by a 90-minute season premiere of The Challenge. I will most likely watch the latter but won't be live-blogging it. Since it's mostly contestants from the shows we watch, I can set up a post and add a bit of commentary now and then if you want. Let me know.
  • Forgive me as I stumble over names for a while until I get to know who's whom. The cast reveal yesterday hasn't given me much time to get used to them.
Let's get this thing going!

Oh ... Julie is wearing a purple dress! Now, that's different. The house is a motel them. The prize remains the higher $750,000. Julie promises us a festival-themed summer called BB Fest.

The first four hamsters are revealed. Jasmine ran a farm but now has a nails business. Her father wanted her to be on the show but has passed away. Kyle makes dancing videos with his mother. He's unemployed and no longer Mormon. He lives with his parents. Paloma runs on the beach. She has her real estate license and is single. Monte has a degree in mechanical engineering but is a personal trainer. He thinks he is brawn and brains.

Julie tells them there are four stations with tickets to BB Fest. They are to grab one each. The stations each seem to have four tickets. Then they head to the backyard at Julie's direction. Three hot spots -- the PortaPotties - Paloma. Jasmine gets PortPotties, too. Monte, too. Kyle, too. 

Time for the next four. Alyssa writes poetry and is fun and outgoing. Big show fan. Danie is an Elvis tribute artist and loves his work. Fan of the show and even watched the live feeds. Taylor was Miss Michigan USA and is very competitive. Michael is a criminal defense attorney. He's a MENSA member. Has watched BB since he was eight years old.

They're sent in the house to grab their tickets to BB Fest. Julie calls them to the backyard to scan their tickets. Michael gets the Merch Stand. Alyssa gets Merch as well. Taylor gets the Piercing Tent. Daniel gets Merch Stand.

Next four. Nicole is a private chef and ex-police officer. She is a lesbian. Turner is an artist and owns his own thrift store. He did a van life thing, too. Joseph is a lawyer and personal trainer. He is really muscular. He's Syrian/Palestinian. Brittany is a hypnotherapist and belly-dancer. She is a big show fan but will play funny, goofy.

They gather their tickets.To the backyard. Nicole gets PortaPotties. Brittany gets Piercing Tent. Turner also gets Piercing Tent. Joseph also gets it.

Last four now ... finally. Terrance is a bus driver in Chicago. He DJs after work. His family watches BB, Indy is from Brazil, has been here for nine years. She came here for a better life. She was a big fan of BB Brazil. Pooch or Joe Pooch is a college football coach. He and his mother have bonded over BB for years. Ameerah works for Google, works from home. Her family had to struggle but she thinks it made her strong.

The last four go in the house to get their tickets. To the backyard. Terrance gets Piercing Tent. Indy to the Merch Stand. Pooch gets a Backstage Boss. He has to take the spiral staircase upstairs and take a seat. Ameerah gets Merch Stand.

Three competitions. Pooch will not compete in any of them tonight.

The first competition is with the PortaPotties peeps. Potty Talk. They are all sitting in individual PortaPotties. They overhear comments and lock in answers for four rounds until one remains. Uh-oh they have to put on goggles. Which word was said the most times? All answered right except Paloma who got blasted with blue. Second round - All right but Jasmine answered last, so she is eliminated. Nicole out on the third round. Last round Both got it right but Monte was faster. Monte will compete in HOH comp.

Piercing Tent comp. Piercing Panic. Ten pieces of jewelry must correctly attach them to their faces. Oh my. Turner wins.

Merch Stand comp. Hanging Tough. Hang on to t-shirt above them, they will be lifted. Last one still hanging on wins after the rest fall. Daniel wins.

So, it's Monte, Turner and Daniel for HOH comp. But the Backstage Boss might change everything (teaser before commercial).

HOH Drumming For Power. The three have to assemble drum sets. Daniel wins the first HOH!

Julie tells them that Pooch will be backstage all week long, won't compete in any comps and won't vote. He cannot be evicted. Expect the unexpected. How Backstage Boss affects the others. He can send three others backstage. The three have the same perks he has, but they are not safe like he is. 

Pooch chooses the ones out first in the comps. Paloma, Alyssa and Brittany. Huh. The three cannot be nominated but may still go home. The public will save one of them by voting on the CBS website.

Big Brother: BB24 Cast Hamster Change

Tuesday, July 05, 2022

Big Brother: BB24 Cast Hamsters Part 3

 You can find Part 1 and Part 2 at those linked links!

Hmm, Kyle Capener is 29 and unemployed. What a catch! Ahem. He's from and still resides in Bountiful, Utah. Bountiful with what, I ask? Unemployed men?

In his Parade bio he's on the talkative side and admits to being a bit goofy. He seems to have a good take on timing and avoiding conflict when playing the game. We'll see.

Here she is -- the "old lady" of the show at 41-years-old, we have Nicole Layog. She's from Fort Lauderdale, Florida and remains in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. In her Parade bio, she doesn't come out and say it, but it sounds like she just could be a superfan. She talks about not liking "floaters" but doesn't go so far as to advise a life vest. It sounds like she has a good take on the game. We'll see.

Now, I'm not sure it was Paloma Aguilar, but I saw an interview with houseguests. I think it was her with the vocal fry voice. That's going to be annoying. My apologies if it was someone else. I think it was her, though. She is from San Marcos, California and still resides there. In her Parade bio she claims to be a team player who doesn't like snakes or manipulators on her team. What game does she think she's playing?

Here he is ... the sole man up there near 50! Yeah, 47 is OLD for this show! Terrance Higgins is from and still living in Chicago, Illinois. As a bus operator there, he must have some stories! In his Parade bio he claims to have a sort of alpha vibe. Uh-oh. That and the fact that he's so much older than just about everyone else may shorten his stay in the house. Only one other person is over 40 and she's 41.