Friday, July 15, 2022

Big Brother: BB24 Live Feeds into Friday Morning, New HOH - July 15


At least it was a colorful messy comp

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Mean Miscreants:
  • The feeds were blocked forever.
  • Well, not really forever. 
  • But it was long after the West Coast live show that they returned.
  • Oh noes!
  • The HOH comp players -- Michael, Taylor, Joseph, Ameerah, Jasmine, Kyle and Monte -- were all splattered with colorful paints.
  • Jasmine is on crutches.
  • Listening to them talk about the comp -- they were talking about letters in their mouths and returning to the cave.
  • I just don't know.
  • But Jasmine won.
  • Yes, Jasmine.
  • Monte carried her upstairs to her HOH room reveal while one of the other guys carried her crutches.
  • Will they be carrying her up and down all week?
  • Is this going to be Christmas once again?
  • This is not good news for Taylor as Jasmine said something to the effect of her going right back up on the block.
  • Sigh.
  • I just don't know ...

Alyssa will be safe, for sure

Kyle is colorful

Non-HOH participants

Brittany looks like a different person!

I'm shocked. Really, now.

Who wants to see my HOH room?

Thursday, July 14, 2022

Big Brother: BB24 Live Eviction Show Blog Party - July 14


Good evening! Tonight it might not be your typical live eviction night. We already had the mystery of what's going on with the Backstage Pass hamsters. It appears there have been other developments as well. If nothing else, it should be an interesting show.

I will live-blog the major events as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest update. As always, the real party is in the comments area -- I hope to see you there!

But first ... a blog pool reminder from Lifeguard SueGee:

Alyssa          - JonMD1267, Auntie Leigh, SueGee, Gibby in MI
Ameerah    - Jennifer S, Joanne Victoria, Jackie
Brittany    - Judi Sweeney, MikesGirl, Tilde, YoDave
Daniel    - jo C, Indiana Jane, Marthalight
Indy    - Brenda, JamieNJ, Krysta
Jasmine       - Sharon N, Babs, tbc
Joseph    - Cheryl in NC, T-Town Chick, Sharon C, Tammy M
Kyle    - RJM in SC, Nickelpeed, Donna NY
Michael    - Jennasmom, monty924, KelseyNY, Fred aka TwoBlackAces
Monte    - Sally, Willie J, Rodney
Nicole    - Donna in FL, Dr Celine, Skyriverblue
Paloma    - AprilW, Chacha, Petals
Pooch (Joe)  - David, Joyce Johnson, Quixotic Elf, PDX Granny
Taylor    - CherylNY, Donna in AL, Cherry Pie
Terrance    - Lili, Caela, Ayana, Nora
Turner (Matt)- Bizaro22, Glenn Allen, Jasonuwp

Here we go!

Julie has a summery dress on, reminds us of "expect the unexpected" and tells us that's even more so tonight. Then we go into "previously on" and here we are.

The narrator tells us emotions are high and a shocking announcement rocks the game.

Julie tells us the Backstage twist has been changed due to events and apparently won't culminate tonight. Taylor cries. She doesn't like to feel unwelcome. Paloma tells us she feels sorry for Taylor. Yeah, right. Then she plays up to Taylor in tears herself. @@

Taylor picks up that Paloma may not be 100% on her side. She is determined to see who she offended and rubbed the wrong way. She tries to straighten things out with Monte. He tells us he's still with Paloma, though. Huh? Paloma tells Taylor that she would rather go to bed than to hear her explain herself.

Going into commercial, Julie confirms one houseguest unexpectedly exited.

Girls, Girls is expanding to Girls, Guys ... Kyle, Monte, Pooch along with Paloma, Alyssa and Ameerah. Then Paloma decides to recruit Michael. He is leery but agrees.

Brittany is still concerned about Backstage. She wants to get in good with Pooch in case he has the power to save one of them. Pooch runs to Joseph and Ameerah telling them that Brittany said that Ameerah wants to put him on the block. Ameerah and Jasmine confront Brittany. She knows Pooch ratted her out.

An emotional series of events leads into an unexpected departure and an unprecedented announcement to the houseguests. Another pre-commercial teaser.

Back -- BB House can be difficult. Paloma isn't sleeping more than a few hours a night. She locks herself in the bathroom stall crying. Her anxiety is running amok. Alyssa tells Joseph that Paloma told her to vote her out today. They are all getting worried about her. Paloma goes to the Diary Room.

Daniel calls everyone to the living room. "Due to a personal matter, Paloma will no longer be in the Big Brother game." She loves you and wishes you the best. Oh, geez. They're all in tears.

Julie tells us that America voted to keep Brittany safe. With Paloma gone, this is affecting tonight's eviction and the Backstage twist. There would have been a battle between Backstage and a hamster. The loser goes home immediately. Since Paloma was in Backstage, so this changes. Brittany and Alyssa are now safe. Both nominees are safe.

They have to head out to the backyard for the HOH comp.

Backyard is full of giant size instruments. Only seven can play, seven head-to-head race. "Bye Bye Backstage" Race across obstacle course to stage, hit button.

Pooch and Michael first - random draw - Michael wins.

Taylor and Alyssa - Taylor wins.

Indy and Joseph - Joseph wins.

Brittany and Ameerah - Ameerah wins.

Jasmine and Terrance - Jasmine. I thought she touched her foot at one point, then she fell after winning. May be hurt. They confirmed she did not touch.

Kyle and Turner - Kyle wins.

Monte and Nicole - Monte wins.

The winners advance to the HOH comp which is not going to be shown on the show until Sunday. It will probably play out sometime tonight blocked to the live feeds.

Big Brother: BB24 Live Feeds Overnight into Thursday - July 14


Adoption, not eviction!

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Who Went Missing:

  • Yes, this isn't my normal more lengthy report.
  • Yes, that's a cat.
  • No, the cat is not in the BB House.
  • But we went to adoptable animals yesterday evening.
  • They're usually reserved for when feeds are down for comps and such.
  • We STILL have adoptable animals this morning.
  • There is no comp.
  • Fairly reliable sources say Paloma is gone.
  • Whether self-evict or removal, it's not known.
  • Apparently, while Taylor went around one to one apologizing, talking, trying to keep herself in the house ... something went down with Paloma.
  • We saw nothing more than Paloma's usual manic discussions which leave my head spinning.
  • That's all I have for you.
  • If Paloma is indeed gone (which it seems she is), I doubt the feeds will return until after tonight's live show.

Taylor worked on the crowd

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Big Brother: BB24 Power of Veto Show Blog Party - July 13


Good evening. I hope everyone is comfy in air conditioning. Although it's been hot and humid here in the NJ/NYC Metro area, we're cool compared to a lot of the country.

Tonight is the Power of Veto Show. Remember, the Backstage hamsters cannot compete in any comps. That would be Pooch, Brittany, Alyssa and Pesky Paloma. Michael and Terrance have been nominated for eviction.

I will be live-blogging the major events of the show as it airs here on the East Coast. Please don't post any spoilers from the live feeds in the comments of this show post! That said, the real party (without spoilers) is in the comments section -- I hope to see you there!

Previously on and blah, blah, blah.

Ah, they admit that "almost immediately Paloma didn't like Taylor." She forms a girls alliance sans Taylor. Heh. Paloma thinks Newark is the happiest place on earth. I don't think so. I live near there. 

Michael tries to talk to Daniel. He tells us he will get his revenge although he's being nicey-nice to Daniel. Meanwhile, Daniel sees right through his act.

Daniel tells Terrance that his heart is breaking over nominating him. Now, if it upset him that much, why did he put him on the block? Put the only older guy on the block as a pawn? Not a good idea!

Taylor is putting on a fashion show. The guys are enjoying it and it gives the mean girls more of a reason to target her. Mind you, fashion shows are not my thing. But it's not something that would make me target someone for eviction in the BB House.

Michael wants to shop around for allies in the veto comp. No one seems to want to commit. He understands that if he wants the veto, he will have to win it for himself.

Time to pick players for the veto comp. Daniel draws Indy. Michael draws Turner. Terrance draws Ameerah.

Heh, Michael, talking to himself/us, asks WWJD? What would Janelle do? Janelle has to be thrilled with him.

Veto comp time! It's like a Medieval Faire. Kyle hosts. Head-to-head bouts. Knights jousting kind of thing. They have to collect rings with their "lances." No real horses! 

Turner and Indy up first.  Indy two rings, Turner one. Second pass -- Indy is up to three, Turner still has just one. Last pass, Indy wins five to one. Turner eliminated.

Ameerah and Terrance. First pass -- Ameerah three, Terrance zero. Pass two -- Ameerah remains at three, Terrance is up to two. Third pass -- with a final score of seven to two, Ameerah wins the bout.

Daniel and Michael. First pass -- Daniel one, Michael three. Second pass -- Daniel is up to four, Michael five. Third pass -- Michael wins with a total of nine to seven.

Ameerah versus Indy in the second round. Ameerah twelve, Indy six.

Michael versus Ameerah. On the first pass, they each have three rings. Second pass -- they each add five, so it's eight rings each. Last pass -- they tie at four more each. Sudden death time! Michael gets four more while Ameerah clocks in with three.

MICHAEL wins the Golden Power of Veto, says this one is for Janelle ... and his fiancé at home.

The girls talk girls alliance. They are concerned the guys are working together. Well, um. Oh my, they even talk to Taylor about it. She isn't that paranoid about the guys -- tells us it's too early to worry about that. Paloma tells us she just can't talk to Taylor because "she's not a girls girl." Hmm.

Taylor tells Monte, Michael and a few others about Paloma saying she wants to target the guys. Of course, now Paloma, when she gets wind of it, vows to ruin Taylor. Joseph thinks Paloma's lie defending herself is the truth. Gah.

Paloma tells her girls that Taylor is spreading lies about her. Jasmine believes her. But Ameerah hopes she is telling the truth. Hmm. Monte thinks Taylor lied about Paloma saying she wanted to target two "big players." GAH! Everyone is believing Paloma's lies! Nicole is skeptical but tells us the house does have an issue with Taylor.

Taylor tries talking to Daniel. Now, Daniel told us he's leaning towards her because "the whole house wants her out." That would be the least amount of "blood on his hands." He admits to her that some had brought her name up.

Taylor cries to herself. She's worried that she will be on the block. She had been feeling secure.

Time for the veto meeting. Naturally, Michael saves himself. Daniel nominates Taylor in Michael's place. He says it's because she's been rubbing the house the wrong way although he himself has no problem with her. Hmm.

Taylor cries. Terrance is confident he will not be going home.

Big Brother: BB24 Live Feeds into Wednesday Morning - July 13


Jasmine does not rock my socks

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Pesky Paloma:

  • More and more people are catching onto Paloma's non-stop manic ways.
  • Even Paloma's buddy Alyssa is warning others to be careful what they say to Paloma because Paloma will twist it and blow it up.
  • I myself can't listen to her more than five minutes before my head starts spinning.
  • I swear that girl needs some kind of meds!
  • Indy has come into her own. While she might be more familiar with Brazilian BB and the way it's played, she isn't scared to speak up.
  • She wants to know just what Taylor did to upset people.
  • Plus she actually schooled Paloma when Paloma asked Taylor what the proper term for Black people is these days.
  • "Google it! It's not Taylor's job to educate you!"
  • Yay, Indy!
  • I don't know. I think it's a rude question. I know quite a few people who refuse to identify as African- American because they have no Africa ties. But they are indeed Black. 
  • It's not a question I would ask. The only time I've discussed it is when friends brought it up. Yeah, they're Black, some African-American, some not.
  • Brittany is a bundle of paranoid nerves. She's worried about what will happen with the Backstage Pass people. 
  • She might want to worry more about her name being thrown about as a target next week.
  • So far Taylor, Brittany and Alyssa have had crying jags.
  • So much for a strong woman alliance.
  • Maybe next season sans Paloma, the Stirrer.

Mr. Boss Man ... um, well.

Stop making duck lips at us!

Shades of Home Alone with 16

Indy is now defending Taylor

Macho macho men ...