Sunday, July 17, 2022

Big Brother: BB24 HOH Comp, Nominations Show Blog Party - July 17


Good evening! Ready for another night of fun and tomfoolery? Although the results of the HOH comp, nominations and even the Power of Veto is known on the live feeds because they're real time, tonight's show will just cover the HOH comp and nominations. I ask that you do not post any live feeds spoilers here on the show post. Thank you!

I found the source of the missing comments from other posts. If it happens again tonight, I can restore any missing comments during the commercial breaks when I'm not actively blogging the show. I don't know the fix, though. Blogger is putting them in the Spam folder!

I will live blog the major events of the show as it airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments section. I hope to see you there!

Previously on is going over all the various alliances and the worries of the Backstage Pass holders. Oh, geez ... the Paloma tears. Gag me now. Now Jasmine hurt her ankle. Oh, boohoohoo.

We open with them returning from the pre-HOH comp. Taylor is thrilled to be in the house and competing for HOH. Heh. Daniel thinks his HOH meant nothing as all three of his nominees remain in the house. He thinks it makes him a bigger target.

Jasmine has crutches which she is not using right. Others are helping her. She tells us it's only sprained.

Brittany is another one thrilled to still be in the house. As a Backstage Pass holder she had been full of gloom and doom.

Pooch wants Taylor to be targeted again. Indy is upset that she lost the pre-HOH. She hates losing and always feels like she must be the strongest in her family. She is consoled by Taylor. Alyssa is taking strides to get in more with Taylor.

Daniel is dressed in farm gear and announces with a horrible Southern accent that it's time for the HOH comp. It looks like it's set up for a pie-eating comp. @@ We have Taylor, Monte, Michael, Jasmine, Ameerah, Kyle and Joseph competing.

Each round a true or false question about the BB Hotel, search through pie with mouth only for the correct answer. Each round the pie grows.

First round last two eliminated. Sign above dining room table says Color TV. Last two Kyle and Monte too slow, eliminated.

Next round - First three advance. The refrigerator in the kitchen is red. Taylor and Joseph out.

Third round - First two move on. Jasmine, Michael and Ameerah competing. Commercial cliffhanger alert! There are five exercise bikes in the downstairs gym. Ameerah out incorrect answer.

Jasmine and Michael move on to the final round. Jasmine asks Michael to throw the comp to her. She promises him safety. She wants the letter from home. The neon diver over the stairs is wearing a pink bathing suit. 


Jasmine needs to use her hands and arms for the crutches. She is hanging all of her weight on her underarms. They are all cleaning up after the comp.

Michael wants to work with Taylor -- he's glad she's still in the game. Meanwhile, Nicole and Daniel want to gather up a six-person alliance. 

Pooch is still gunning for Taylor. He thinks the best plan to get her out is for him to go up as a pawn, beat her in PoV. He suggests it to Alyssa. She is another claiming superfan and tells us that is a dumb move. Well, duh. Yeah. Anytime volunteering to go on the block is dumb!

Alyssa suggests to her group that they take Pooch up on his offer to go on the block and then just go ahead and vote him out.

Time for a segment on Indy being a sex coach. Looking for ratings, CBS?

Pooch goes to the HOH room and volunteers to go on the block as a pawn, up against Taylor. Jasmine tells us she would be happy if either of them go home. Pooch thinks he's building up some kind of BB resume with this move. Oh my.

Taylor knows she would be an "easy" nomination for Jasmine as she was on the block last week. Jasmine tells her that she will go up as a pawn. Now Taylor is more worried if someone uses the POV.

Time for the Nominations Ceremony. Jasmine wheels out on a knee scooter, promptly drops the nom box. She nominates Taylor, then Pooch. Says Taylor didn't talk game with her, honor first HOH. Pooch, Backstage Boss.  

Big Brother: BB24 Live Feeds into Sunday Morning - July 17


Alyssa is a bit better without Paloma

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Calamity Cats:

  • I honestly don't have a heck of a lot for you.
  • The target for eviction turned from Taylor to Pooch and remains on Pooch.
  • They think they can always get Taylor out later.
  • Turner and the nominees are the only ones not knowing the Oust da Pooch Plan.
  • No one is telling him because he's so close to Pooch.
  • Yet Pooch doesn't cuddle all over him like he does to Joseph.
  • They think Turner will be "broken" without Pooch. 
  • Like he's doing anything now!
  • Michael won the veto and is likely to do whatever Jasmine tells him to do with it.
  • Jasmine does not want to change the nominations but wants to make sure Pooch gets evicted.
  • For all tears on the show over Paloma, there has been barely a mention of her on the feeds.
  • Ameerah told Indy that Joseph mentioned her (Indy) as a target.
  • Okay, Indy is steamed. She wants to spit in his food steamed.
  • He's got to go!
  • I recall Joseph early on saying he hated how the males in the house went around without their shirts on. He thought it was disrespectful.
  • But now he's doing it.
  • Mind you, his shirtless top is eye candy, but ...!
  • Most are wearing sweatshirts and Terrance even wears a jacket. I think it must be cold in the house.
  • The feeds were blocked for a few hours early this morning (their time early, not mine). Nothing seems to have happened. The hamsters were asleep.
  • They should have the yard today and no comps or meetings.

Oh my, Indy

Now Taylor isn't the target ... for now

He was a priority last week
and keeps winning veto comps.

Slight Audrey-ism going on, Pooch.

Don't try to kiss up to us!

Turner and Pooch reversed!

Saturday, July 16, 2022

Big Brother: BB24 Live Feeds, PoV Winner Saturday - July 16


He thinks he's hip. Okaay ...

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Drama Llamas:

  • Jasmine got a little knee scooter similar to what Christmas had.
  • Most of the other hamsters had fun riding it around.
  • The target changed from Taylor to Pooch with a new ongoing movement.
  • Pooch has no clue.
  • Now everyone in the house knows but Taylor, Pooch and Turner.
  • Even Joseph, who has been the recipient of Pooch's cuddling knows.
  • Jasmine had to have her ankle x-rayed to make sure it isn't broken.
  • Broken or not, she's milking this one!
  • POV players -- Michael, Terrance and Ameerah in addition to the two nominees and Jasmine.
  • Michael won the Power of Veto again.
  • He must want that target right back on him! 

Interesting outfit


Indy is growing on me

Nicole and Ameerah listen attentively ...

Friday, July 15, 2022

Big Brother: BB24 Live Feeds into Friday Evening, Nominations - July 15


How I feel ...

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Ankle Twisters:

  • As you know from my last post, Jasmine won HOH.
  • Don't ask me how.
  • She is on crutches from the pre-HOH comp fall and Monte carried her upstairs to her HOH room.
  • All I can do is shake my head.
  • She did make one smart move to lessen "blood on her hands" when she told the Have Nots to each name a Have Not for the week.
  • Joseph picked Nicole, Michael picked Terrance, Kyle picked Daniel, Monte picked Pooch.
  • Jasmine has been telling just about everybody that Taylor will be back on the block.
  • But, then again, she would also like to split up Pooch and Turner.
  • Meanwhile, Pooch offered to be a pawn, not realizing that some would probably vote for him to go.
  • Brittany, for one, has a grudge against him for naming her Backstage when her group had no obvious first one out.
  • Michael, Nicole and Daniel have also been in Jasmine's ear about Pooch. Alyssa and Ameerah would get on that train, as well.
  • From her bed, she's been having meetings with them all.
  • After a long feeds block, we return to Taylor and Pooch on the block.

Indy tries to sleep a bit longer

Body language says it all

And, here's your HOH, Leader of the Pack.

Ameerah and Britanny should be safe

Terrance is ready for winter

Big Brother: BB24 Blog Pool Update

Since there was no eviction last night and Paloma unfortunately (heh) removed herself from the show, SueGee has reassigned the folks who had Paloma in the blog pool to other hamsters.

Here's the latest --
Alyssa          - JonMD1267, Auntie Leigh, SueGee, Gibby in MI
Ameerah    - Jennifer S, Joanne Victoria, Jackie
Brittany    - Judi Sweeney, MikesGirl, Tilde, YoDave
Daniel    - jo C, Indiana Jane, Marthalight
Indy    - Brenda, JamieNJ, Krysta, Petals
Jasmine       - Sharon N, Babs, tbc, ChaCha
Joseph    - Cheryl in NC, T-Town Chick, Sharon C, Tammy M
Kyle    - RJM in SC, Nickelpeed, Donna NY
Michael    - Jennasmom, monty924, KelseyNY, Fred aka TwoBlackAces
Monte    - Sally, Willie J, Rodney
Nicole    - Donna in FL, Dr Celine, Skyriverblue
Pooch (Joe)  - David, Joyce Johnson, Quixotic Elf, PDX Granny
Taylor    - CherylNY, Donna in AL, Cherry Pie
Terrance    - Lili, Caela, Ayana, Nora, AprilW
Turner (Matt)- Bizaro22, Glenn Allen, Jasonuwp

In other blog news, I found the missing comments. Blogger has been sending random comments to its spam folder. I restored the missing ones from the BB24 posts and emptied the folder so I can better watch it. If it continues I might try making people click the "I am not a robot" captcha to see it that keeps them in. My apologies!