Wednesday, August 03, 2022

Big Brother: BB24 Live Feeds into Wednesday Morning - August 3


BB took away Jasmine's scooter
and gave her a boot

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Bye-Bye Bully:

  • If you noticed, I didn't post yesterday.
  • If you notice, this update has a larger amount of screen caps than usual.
  • That's because I was going to post yesterday. But, before I could, I ended up really not feeling well and running constantly to the bathroom.
  • That's a pain in a wheelchair as it doesn't fit through the bathroom door and I had to constantly get up and down.
  • I must have eaten something that disagreed with my stomach. I'm feeling better today.
  • But I'm no Jasmine!
  • I don't lay about and have people fetch stuff for me, waiting on me hand and foot!
  • Speaking of Jasmine ... BB took her scooter away from her yesterday.
  • They gave her a walking boot and a cane.
  • Now, since that's a walking boot, she really shouldn't need a cane.
  • And, if she needs a cane, she should hold it in the opposite hand from the "injured" ankle.
  • She is really milking it ... and now fussing more than she did with the scooter. 
  • Oh, and she's plopping down and having people wait on her. @@
  • In other news, Alyssa has set her showmance target on Kyle.
  • She kissed him.
  • He acts like no girl has ever kissed him.
  • It seems that he should still be sticking to the Leftovers plan of taking out Nicole this week even though he's telling Alyssa he will be voting out Taylor.
  • Daniel and Nicole are still trying to figure out the numbers.
  • Several people are lying to him.
  • No matter what, this week's vote should draw the line in the sand.
  • Nicole is threatening to tear the house apart if she stays.
  • Good. That's another reason to get rid of her.
  • There are some cracks in the Leftovers.
  • But, if they can do it, I think they should remain together until they can get out Nicole, Daniel, Alyssa and Indy (pretty much in that order) ... as long as the Leftovers can win HOH.
  • Oh. The seasonal ant invasion of the kitchen has started.
  • Nicole fussed and slammed things around saying it was because people don't wash their dishes.
  • Sure, that could be a problem. 
  • However, us regular feeds watchers know the ants return every summer!

Kyle talks to us

Daniel schemes with Nicole

Will Brittany and Michael split from the Leftovers?

The ants have returned to the BB kitchen

At least it's not one against the world now

She needs to stop showmancing with Kyle!

Mr. Expendable

Not a happy hamster!

Being a Have Not gives him an excuse
not to shower

Monday, August 01, 2022

Big Brother: BB24 Live Feeds, Veto Meeting Monday - August 1


Bumper pool crowd

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Angsty Aardvarks:

  • Nothing earth-shattering to report
  • The biggest news was they all got together for Michael's birthday.
  • His birthday is the same day as Keesha's (BB10)
  • Remember that one?

  • They reenacted the birthday with Taylor having the "Anyone want cake" line.
  • They're still acting like the backup plan is to backdoor Taylor.
  • The feeds were blocked for the veto meeting today.
  • Daniel used the veto and saved Alyssa/Indy.
  • Taylor/Nicole are the renoms.
  • Daniel THINKS Taylor is the target.
  • He's wrong.

The big birthday party

That scooter needs to be evicted

At least they can all seem to have fun

Keep telling yourself it's them when it's you

Sunday, July 31, 2022

Big Brother: BB24 HoH/Nominations Show Blog Party - July 31

 Good evening! Welcome to the blog that never ends ... or something like that. Tonight's show will air the HOH comp and nominations. We know in real time that the veto comp has already played out. However, since this is a show post, please remember not to comment any spoilers!

I will be live-blogging as the show airs here on the East Coast -- refresh the page to get the latest update. As always, the real party is in the comments area. I hope to see you there! 

Previously On segment goes over all the alliances once again.

We pick up with the hamsters searching for the red invitation in the 1,500 envelopes that fell to earth in the backyard. As we know from the show end -- Jasmine, Terrance, Brittany and Monte have one.

We cut to after Ameerah walks out the door. Michael admits to Alyssa that he voted to evict her. Alyssa is in tears. Nicole looks like she's on the warpath. Indy too is stomping around.

Back to the backyard invitation search. Now Daniel joins in. with the winners, then Joseph. Now Nicole and the last one is Alyssa - in a foot race with Indy.

HOH Comp - When they hear the scream, they have to slide three goblets down wooden lanes for points, then hit their button. 

Alyssa 4
Nicole 9
Joseph 5
Daniel 4
Monte 11
Brittany 3
Terrance 4
Jasmine 5

MONTE is the new HOH!

The Leftovers are happy, Nicole not so much. She's on a mission to see why and how the votes flipped voting Ameerah out. She's even suspicious of her buddy Daniel.

It turns out that Joseph and Monte had told Terrance he's welcome to join them if that was part of the eviction Bestie twist. They figure if they go on the block, Terrance would be out and they would be safe.

Kyle thinks Alyssa would always favor Ameerah over him although they're close. Joseph thinks that Kyle is naive and needs to watch Alyssa. He tells him she has mentioned having a "person" outside the house. Kyle lets her know that he knew about the Ameerah ouster even though he didn't tell her.

Who wants to see my HOH room segment ... his letter is from his mother. A lot of Spanish in it. It ends with "no chicas." He cries in the Diary Room to us. Heh -- they wait out all the non-Leftovers and then do a silent victory dance. 

They talk about Nicole going. However, Taylor is her (fake) Bestie and really doesn't want to go on the block again. She suggests putting up someone who hasn't been on the block yet.

Alyssa tells Monte she wants to salvage his trust and work together. He tells her she isn't his target and Taylor remains her target. He hints he might put Indy/Alyssa up, then backdoor Taylor. He tells Indy the same story. She is very upset at the idea.

Monte talks to Taylor and tells her he doesn't want to target Nicole because he doesn't want to put her (Taylor) on the block again. He tells her that he would only backdoor Nicole if she is okay with it. He really wants to get Nicole out.

Nominations Ceremony time. Monte nominates Alyssa/Indy. He tells them they are not his target for this week and he hopes they win the veto. He tells us that if the veto is not used, Alyssa is the target and, if Taylor okays it, Nicole is his backdoor target.

Saturday, July 30, 2022

Big Brother: BB24 Live Feeds Saturday, Power of Veto - July 30


Indy pleads her case to Monte

Here's another brief report from inside that Big Brother House of Leftover Loons:

  • The leftovers is still sticking together, for now.
  • I feel that Michael and Brittany will go their own way, perhaps not until after jury.
  • And, although Taylor was cause to bring them all together, I don't think she will be as vital to them when the numbers dwindle -- I can see Monte, Joseph, Kyle and Turner sticking together.
  • There will be difference, though.
  • The bullying aspect won't be there.
  • Unfortunately, Monte still has a blind eye when it comes to Daniel's issues.
  • Turner really wants Alyssa to go this week.
  • It is Alyssa and Indy on the block with Alyssa being the target if the veto doesn't save them.
  • The backup plan if the veto is used will be Nicole.
  • Nicole still thinks she has done/said absolutely nothing wrong. @@
  • Jasmine is STILL using that scooter. BB should take it away.
  • Trust me, she would come up with a new ailment for attention.
  • Playing veto are Besties Monte/Joseph/Terrance, nominees Alyssa/Indy and chosen Bestie team Daniel/Kyle.
  • The feeds are down for the comp.
  • I will wait it out.
  • DANIEL won the Power of Veto, something to do with watching videos.

Kyle wants Alyssa to back off

Her future's so bright ...

Seriously wants to force a kiss on Kyle

A delicate operation

Oh, geez ... look who won veto

Friday, July 29, 2022

Big Brother: BB24 Live Feeds Bulletin, Nominations - July 29


Could JOSEPH be nominated?

This report will be a bit abbreviated. The Leftovers remain an alliance and are still meeting up separately. Daniel has admitted his sympathy vote to keep Terrance but the others are pretty much trying to shift blame to cover their own voting block. Turner and Jasmine are the Have Nots.

Unfortunately, with Monte as HOH, it's unlikely that he will nominate his dear Daniel. And he doesn't. He nominated Alyssa and Indy, with the target being Alyssa. After seeing if Taylor would be okay with it, Nicole is the back up backdoor plan if POV is used. He is telling the others various excuses why he put them up -- they haven't been on the block yet, Jasmine recently fainted and her ankle, y'know ...

Or, could it be Daniel?

Enjoying Monte's HOH room

First week Taylor isn't worried she might go home

Indy talks with Monte