Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Big Brother: BB24 Live Feeds into Tuesday - August 16


Turner got Jasmine mad at him ... again.

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Harried Hamsters:

  • Turner got Jasmine even madder at him when he wasn't even trying.
  • In front of Michael, Joseph and Turner, Jasmine said she needed to ask production if she can release a balloon in honor of her father's birthday -- she and her father share the same birthday. He passed away some months before she went into the house.
  • Now, Turner is a bit of an eco-geek -- he's a vegetarian, worried about climate change, carbon footprints, etc.
  • He suggested, not maliciously, that she might want to do something else because Los Angeles doesn't need more plastic in their air and the balloons are dangerous to birds.
  • She was horrified.
  • How DARE he disrespect her like that!
  • Both he and she immediately went off in different directions.
  • She hissy-fitted about it forever!
  • Speaking of Jasmine, she's hobbling without her cane and told Joseph that the boot will be done this week.
  • I actually agree with Turner on balloon releases. I know they are popular. But they are not good for the environment, nor for the animals.
  • Kyle and Alyssa seriously need to stop.
  • He didn't use the veto because he was so scared she would go up as a renom.
  • Yet, he KNOWS she lied to him about not telling anyone about one of their sexual escapades. She told three people (at least) in the Leftovers and they all told him she told them.
  • Terrance is getting more tattoos every time the voice yells that it's time to get inked. Of course, they are stick-ons, not real.
  • They aren't showing Indy's punk performances. Of, at least I haven't seen any.
  • Then there is the tethering of Taylor and Joseph.
  • I still don't know how Josph was chosen.
  • But BB has them dressed as English punkers Skid and Fancy. They have to speak in fake UK accents.
  • Hmm. Obviously a take-off on Sid and Nancy from the Sex Pistols.
  • Is that a good idea?
  • That couple was all about drugs, addiction, suicide pacts and murder ... with some music thrown in.
  • Ew.
  • I kind of doubt that either Taylor or Joseph is aware of the background of Sid and Nancy ...but I am.
  • Weird choice there.
  • Indy is going around trying to gather votes to stay.
  • Terrance just seems to think he has the votes to stay.
  • And, there you go ... 

He can go away. I'm sick of the showmance.

Tethered together, they are Skid and Fancy.
Punk rockers.

Getting his 181 tattoos ... 

Brittany can strategize, but can she win a comp?

Monday, August 15, 2022

Big Brother: BB24 Live Feeds into Monday, Veto Meeting - August 15


Much too forgiving for the game

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Torn Devotions:

  • Okay, so Kyle won the veto.
  • He fears if he uses it, Alyssa would go up (and out).
  • He fears if he doesn't use it, the Leftovers will be upset.
  • As much as I want to cheer on Taylor, she is so not good at making HOH decisions.
  • It's not all about the room, robe and title, y'know.
  • As Michael and Monte have said, winning comps can make you get "blood on your hands" and a target on your back.
  • They have no clue the shake-up that will be coming with Thursday's two-hour show.
  • The Leftovers is showing cracks and probably will not survive until the final seven.
  • The double agents are having a hard time staying loyal.
  • Brittany and Michael are having a hard time going with a group-think when the group-think isn't BB logical.
  • Oh, well.
  • In the end, Kyle did NOT use the veto.
  • Terrance and Indy remain on the block.
  • Joseph told Alyssa that Kyle did not use it to protect her.
  • Hmm.

Needs Jasmine OUT

Indy's "punkitard" punishment

Terrance is just punishing us with his wardrobe

Sunday, August 14, 2022

Big Brother: BB24 HoH Comp, Nominations Show Blog Party - August 14


Good evening! I've been enjoying some more reasonable temperatures here in the NJ/NYC area. We could use some rain although our drought is nowhere near what it has been in some of the Western states.

Tonight's show will be the HOH and nominations. They began the Wall HH comp as the show ended on Thursday. Jasmine was down before the show signed off.  Although many of us already know the results of the veto comp, shhhh. This is a show post -- no spoilers!

I will be live-blogging, updating this entry as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest update! As always, the real party is in the comments area. I hope to see you there!

Previously On ... and on.

Don't forget the Wall comp is Conspiracy Fest. We'll see Jasmine fall first once again. We have lots of Diary Room sessions before we get the real action. There -- Jasmine is down. A weird voice shouts out conspiracies as they get gooped on. Sigh ... back to pre-comp Alyssa/Kyle stuff due to Daniel trying to turn Alyssa against Kyle. 

Fake NEWSpapers fall on them. Brittany down. Sheesh -- another pre-comp bit about the girls trying to get Joseph in an alliance. Back at the comp, Terrance is now down. The Loch Ness monster gets them with blue goop. Monte down. Alyssa down.

Bigfoot conspiracy -- hair drops on them. Now pink goop hits them hard from "aliens." Indy down. Now all that remain are Leftovers. Taylor tells us she will not let go. Turner gives up. It's Taylor, Joseph and Kyle remaining. Joseph down -- he did not want to be in the position to have to deal with the girls who think he's in their alliance ... along with Kyle. Kyle is down.

TAYLOR is the new HOH!

Many are thrilled. Jasmine is not. Brittany and Taylor happy dance in the storage room. Michael tells Brittany that Joseph and Kyle are in another alliance and are dependent on the players from the Leftovers who do win. Taylor tells us Jasmine is not on her radar and she came into the game planning to not target another Black woman. Brittany thinks Jasmine should be the target. Monte suggests Indy.

Terrance talks to Taylor. Taylor acts like she's listening but tells us she doesn't trust him at all.

Taylor talks to Joseph. She tells us he was the first person to be kind to her. He hints showmance to us from the Diary Room. She tells us her goal is to get Terrance to the jury house this week. She is looking for a pawn. Turner is upset as he stuck his neck out for her and doesn't want to be a pawn. She's thinking Turner/Monte up, backdooring Terrance. EEK says the two guys.

A segment on Joseph and Indy. She's the crankiest roommate ever.

Taylor decides she will put Indy/Terrance on the block and tell them it's to backdoor Monte. She had told Indy she wouldn't put her up so she needs to tell her. Indy talks to her. Indy tells us she never really trusted Taylor. Indy says okay but is clearly upset.

The rest of the Leftovers would like Jasmine out.

Time for the Nominations Ceremony. Taylor nominates Indy, then Terrance. Indy most distant relationship. Terrance play the veto. There is always a larger target.

Heh. Indy thinks she's a pond.

Saturday, August 13, 2022

Big Brother: BB24 Live Feeds Saturday, Veto Comp Bulletin - August 13


Perhaps a Turner of events afoot?

It was a reward/punishment veto comp. Alyssa, Jasmine and Kyle were the picks to play veto with Taylor, Terrance and Indy. Taylor got the Houseguest's Choice and chose Alyssa. Turner hosted.

KYLE won the Power of Veto.

Alyssa got money ... $5,000? It sounds like Joseph and Taylor have to be tethered together for 48 hours, but Joseph didn't play in the comp. I don't know how he got in there. Jasmine got a trip to London. (She is clueless about where it is!) Terrance got 100-something tattoos. Indy got a punkitard and has to give concerts. 

Talking, Kyle and Taylor say the plan is to take Terrance down, put Joseph up (he volunteered) and Indy goes home. Hmm. 

UPDATE -- Now I hear Joseph can't go up because she is tethered to him. Kyle won't use the veto. Still, Indy goes home. Hmm.

Big Brother: BB24 Live Feeds into Saturday - August 13


Don't do it, Joseph!

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheep:

  • It really should have been an easy week for Taylor.
  • One good thing remaining is that she knows no way no how will she be on the block.
  • But, besides that, she has a mess on her hands.
  • She's to blame for part of it.
  • Y'see, Taylor is a nice and forgiving person.
  • Despite the nasty things Jasmine has said about her, she doesn't want to have her evicted.
  • She put Indy and Terrance on the block, but doesn't want either of them to go, per se.
  • With Indy, she feels like she's betraying her gender.
  • With Terrence, she feels like she's betraying fellow Black people.
  • While they are spreading the word that there's a backdoor plan to put Monte up, it isn't true.
  • However, she does need a pawn (not a pond as Indy thinks) to have for a renom if the veto is used.
  • In comes Joseph.
  • He apparently is willing to Pooch himself to try to save one of his two people outside the Leftovers.
  • Indy has a crush on him and he promised to save her if he wins the veto.
  • Terrance is his buddy. However, Terrance has been off on a Daniel tangent for days now.
  • If Joseph does not win veto and ends up on the block because he volunteered, he deserves to be voted out!
  • He was doing so well, playing both sides of the house. But it's become like a deep undercover narcotics cop getting hooked on drugs. He doesn't seem to be able to draw the line.
  • As I write this up, I don't know who the veto players will be. 
  • Also, I think the only people really safe from being renoms would be Michael, Brittany and Turner. Maybe Monte as Taylor considers his words to her as falling for Paloma's lies.
  • I guess we'll see.

The time it be forgiving is outside
the house, not now!

She KNOWS the game, but can she compete?

Jasmine makes cleaning a major operation!

Has he won too much for his own good?