I will be live-blogging and updating this entry constantly as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments area. I hope to see you there!
Previously on. And on. Get to the action, Mr. Narrator! It will be a slip and slide sloppy veto comp.
The nominations ceremony is now adjourned. Turner nominated Taylor and Brittany with Michael being his ultimate target. Both Brittany and Taylor are upset that "Joseph would lie about a final four deal with them." Monte reminds us that he influenced Turner to make the nominations he did.
Turner tells Brittany that she's not his target. Taylor talks to him and denies they had a final three deal with Joseph, never locked in. Taylor tells us she doesn't believe Joseph would ever betray her and say that to anyone.
Michael talks to Turner, asks if he wanted one in particular to go. Glad he's not on the block. Michael doesn't trust him -- figures he's a backdoor target.
Kyle tells us the After Party is trying to bring Monte in with them but without telling him all. Kyle tells Monte that he told Alyssa, then Terrance about the Leftovers. Monte is ticked that Kyle is blaming Joseph for telling about the Leftovers.
Monte tells Taylor something is up with the Dyre Fest people.
Michael talks to Kyle. It seems to be a very uncomfortable talk. Michael tells us that he thinks Kyle is behind a backdoor plan for him. Michael talks to Brittany. Ah, flashbacks to Kyle's worry that a Cookout situation will happen again ... even though this season some of the POC are targeting and voting out other POC.
Veto Players pick time. Turner randomly draws Alyssa. Taylor draws Monte. Brittany draws Michael. Kyle does not look thrilled. Heh.
Terrance is in a tux hosting the comp. They get a sneak peek at the movie BROS coming September 30. In the veto comp, the winner and three guests will see a screener of the movie.
To the backyard. It's a BROS movie theater with all kinds of movie posters slip and slide. Large and small receptacle. Use the small one and you can unlock jumbo wine tumbler to fill the large one more quickly.
Michael, Monte and Turner are doing better than the girls. Turner is going for the large wine tumbler smaller receptacle. Michael is ahead on the big receptacle but must book it to beat Turner.
Turner tells us he thinks he will have to put up Monte.
Michael chooses Turner, Alyssa and Taylor to see the movie in the HOH room with him. Tons of movie snacks!
Michael wants to tell what Kyle said about targeting POC in a try to keep all four of the Brocella people in the house.
Michael tells Monte and Taylor, hopefully they will think he should take it on to Turner in hopes of getting Kyle on the block. Brittany is there, too. Taylor is upset that Kyle did that when the seven had such a great alliance.
Michael and Brittany tell Alyssa. She says if it's true, it's not something she wants to be a part of at all. Michael talks to Turner. Monte tells Terrance. Brittany joins Michael and Turner in the HOH room.
Kyle, blanketed like Audrey in the past, goes to Alyssa. He feels "so alone" and doesn't know what's going on in the house. He claims it wasn't a race thing. She tells him to go to the HOH and talk with them and Turner. They turn him away.
Turner tells us he believes them but they should have said something before rather than wait until it can save a friend of theirs.
Kyle tells us that he would never be that way.
They are saving the big house meeting (blocked to the live feeds, too) for tomorrow's show.