First, I would like to thank everyone who has given me birthday greetings both here on the blog and on Facebook!
Tonight's show should be entertaining, I'd say. As we head into it, Taylor and Alyssa are on the block. Only Turner and Brittany can vote. If there is a tie, Monte has to cast the tiebreaker vote. You can see the drama now!
Before we get into the show, Lifeguard SueGee has updated the blog pool --
Brittany - Judi Sweeney, MikesGirl, Tilde, YoDave
Monte - Sally, Willie J, Rodney
Taylor - CherylNY, Donna in AL, Cherry Pie
Turner (Matt)- Bizaro22, Glenn Allen, Jasonuwp
I will be live blogging the show, updating this post with the major happenings as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments section. I hope to see you there!
Julie looks very casual, sporting pigtails and wearing black slacks and a lavender short jacket. Into the Previously On which I will ignore.
Julie tells us a budding showmance could have game-altering consequences. Brittany tells us she will vote to keep Taylor. Alyssa is sure that she will have Turner's vote to stay. Brittany talks to Taylor about sticking together. Brittany needs someone to have her back.
Turner and Alyssa talk. She gives him her pitch. Taylor, if HOH, will take him off, she has everybody's vote, on and on. Turner is reluctant to force Monte to show his cards by breaking a tie.
Brittany is not happy the other four hangout together and have slumber parties without her. Eep. Monte is flirting with Taylor and she is flirting back. Now they are in bed together. Eep. Cuddling. Eep. Kissing! Yikes!
Brittany and Alyssa are talking. Alyssa tells Brittany that Monte, Taylor and Turner were up until 8AM. Brittany thinks Taylor was using her before and now has turned her back on her.
Julie tells us that a sympathy vote could make the difference between staying or leaving and then the cameras head to Taylor and Monte. Brittany is in tears to us because Taylor was laughing about the way Michael left. So, then Brittany is in tears to Alyssa about it.
Brittany thinks Monte wants Taylor to stay and she can't help because Monte would do the tiebreaker. She tells Alyssa that Turner will vote what Monte wants. So, Alyssa runs to Turner (who has promised to keep her) and, with tears, asks him for a sympathy vote. Turner tries to tell her she has to separate friendships from game. She tells him it would cost him her jury vote if he votes her out.
To the living room --
Taylor - Won't drag anyone, whole lot of fight left in game. I'm good for your game.
Alyssa - Shoutouts to all. Taylor, you're my girl and a good competitor.
The votes to evict:
She is cordial. She thinks it was probably Turner voting her out. Julie can't tell her who voted for her. In the goodbye messages, Taylor tells her Turner and Monte had a gentlemen's agreement to keep her (Taylor), but she will fight to make sure two women as Final Two.