Saturday, September 17, 2022

Big Brother: BB24 Live Feeds into Saturday Evening - Sept. 17


Needs a prize for listening to Brittany!

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Boring Bandicoots:

  • Before we get started -- remember, the Sunday show will air 1/2 hour later at 8:30PM on the East Coast.
  • Welp, that's it.
  • That's the big news.
  • Oh? What's happening in the house?
  • Lots of napping and sleeping in.
  • Tons of Brittany talk. She told them all that she isn't a toy tester and that she's a hypnotist.
  • Then she talked and talked to everyone and put me in a trance!
  • She mostly latches onto Taylor.
  • However, she even talked to Turner for a while.
  • She knows she will probably be the one leaving this week.
  • Monte and Taylor are still a thing.
  • He told her that he is a personal trainer, but also a former mechanical engineer.
  • They got videos from loved ones yesterday.
  • At least it gave them all something to talk about.
  • Then they napped some more.
  • Because they had to rush the noms and comps up to make Sunday's show with no Wednesday show this week, it's making this stretch until Thursday a total snoozefest, literally and figuratively.
  • Ohh ... BB just gave them alcohol and they have the tie-dye shirt fun ahead!
  • How exciting!

Brittany even talked at Turner.

She told all of them she's a hypnotist.

He told Taylor he's a former
mechanical engineer.

Survivor 43: Castaways and Tribe Breakdown

 Tomorrow morning the pool sign-ups go up for both Survivor 43 and The Amazing Race 34. Be there or be square! Due to overlapping with BB24 and my health issues, I haven't posted my usual casting introduction or even gotten the blog pools going early. My apologies! With the blog pools, we will be skipping the first out. We never get to know them anyway! Please do NOT sign up for the blog pool on this post! Wait for the sign-up post, please!

In my research I noted that there are discrepancies on how to spell the Blue tribe's name. I see it spelled both Coco and Koka. I'm spelling it as the latter in this post. However, I might be wrong. It just sounds better as Koka, right? 

Anyhow ... here's the tribe breakdown we can expect to see plus age, profession and where they currently reside:

Elie, Jeanine, Morriah

Mike, Owen, Sami

The Yellow tribe is named Baka. 

Elisabeth (Elie) Scott: Age 31, from Salt Lake City, Utah, psychologist.
Jeanine Zheng: Age 24, from San Francisco, CA, UX designer.
Morriah Young: Age 28, from Philadelphia, PA, content creator.
Mike Gabler: Age 52, from Meridian, Idaho, heart valve specialist.
Owen Knight: Age 30, from New Orleans, LA, admissions counselor.
Sami Layadi: Age 19, from Las Vegas, Nevada, recent high school grad.

Geo, Jay, Ryan

Cassidy, Karla, Lindsay

The Blue tribe is named Koka

Geo Bustamonte: Age 36, from Honolulu, web designer.
James (Jay) Jones: Age 37, from Philadelphia, event curator.
Ryan Medrano: Age 25, from El Paso, TX, fitness trainer.
Cassidy Clark: Age 26, from Austin, TX, fashion merchandising student.
Karla Cruz Godoy: Age 28, from Newark, DE, educator.
Lindsay Carmine: Age 42, from Downington, PA, pediatric nurse.

Cody, Dwight, Jesse

Justine, Nneka, Noelle

The Red tribe is named Vesi

Cody Assenmacher: Age 35, from Honolulu, account manager.
Dwight Moore: Age 22, from Collierville, Tenn., computer science student.
Jesse Lopez: Age 30, from Durham, NC, PhD student.
Justine Brennan: Age 29, from Marina Del Ray, CA, regional sales manager.
Nneka Ejere: Age 43, from Weatherford, TX. director of pharmacy operations.
Noelle Lambert: Age 25, from Manchester, NH, Paralympian.

Friday, September 16, 2022

The Amazing Race: TAR34 Preview Video and Cast List

What? No non-Philimination legs? The Amazing Race 34 makes its premiere Wednesday (September 21), at 10PM ET following a two-hour Survivor season premiere. BB24 is not on that evening and will air a special Friday show on the 23rd with its finale on Sunday, the 25th.

Have I confused you yet?


Here are the teams:

Aastha Lal (33) and Nina Duong (34), an engaged couple from Marina Del Ray, CA
Abby Garrett (24) and Will Freeman (25), childhood sweethearts from Birmingham, AL
Aubrey Ares (29) and David Hernandez (29), ballroom dancers from Los Angeles, CA
Derek Xiao (24) and Claire Rehfuss (25), a Big Brother reality romance living in Los Angeles, CA
Emily Bushnell (36) and Molly Sinert (36), long-lost twins from Ardmore, PA, and Palm Beach Gardens, FL, respectively
Glenda (41) and Lumumba Roberts (41), newlyweds from Norcross, GA
Luis Colon (34) and Michelle Burgos (34), a married couple from Miami, FL
Linton (50) and Sharik Atkinson (23), father and daughter from Brooklyn, NY
Marcus (38) and Michael Craig (30), military brothers from Richmond Hill, GA, and Alamogordo, NM, respectively
Quinton Peron (29) and Mattie Lynch (27), former Los Angeles Rams cheerleaders from Pasadena, CA, and Vista, CA, respectively
Tim Mann (40) and Rex Ryan (59), golf buddies from Brentwood, TN
Rich Kuo (32) and Dom Jones (35), motivational speakers from Huntington Beach, CA

Big Brother: BB24 Power of Veto Bulletin - September 16


His BB life is on the line

They held the Power of Veto comp this morning. Remember -- Taylor is HOH and Turner/Brittany on the block. The Power of Veto winner will have the power to decide who goes to the Final Three.

Monte will have that choice -- he won the veto.

What's best for his game is a hard guess. I believe he will save Turner by voting out Brittany. I don't know if that indeed will be best for his game. Sitting next to Brittany should be a win for anyone right now. Hmm ...

Mr. POV winner

Big Brother: BB24 Live Feeds into Friday, Nominations - Sept.16

Is taking Turner out her best choice?

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of the Final Four:
  • The schedule is all wonky!
  • BB opened the yard for them late at night instead of starting the set-up for the veto comp.
  • And ... nominations went down last night!
  • Whether thanks to the showmance or not, Taylor nominated Turner as we knew she would and Brittany.
  • Of course, the veto winner has all the power this week because he or she is the sole vote.
  • Turner told Monte that if he (Turner) wins the veto, which would mean that Monte would go on the block, he will refuse to have a one-on-one talk with Brittany.
  • Monte talked to himself and the cameras while alone, trying to decide who would be best to keep for his own game.
  • Taylor cooked for everyone.
  • And Brittany went around searching for a hidden immunity idol or something.
  • Yeah, wrong show. 
  • But she was searching all around for something!
  • I know that she and Michael previously were coming up with places to hide the veto if that comp came up. 
  • Maybe that was what she was doing.
  • Who knows?

HOH isn't as important as POV this week.

If only I could find a hidden immunity idol!

Is the Monte/Taylor showmance the real thing?