Good evening! Tonight is Nominations and probably a lot of filler material. Yes, I am so excited.
I will be live blogging this show, constantly updating this entry as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest updates! As always, the real party is in the comments area. I hope to see you there!
Once again, tonight's show is scheduled much too late for my liking - 10PM ET/PT. Please note that the veto shows will now be on Tuesdays at 8PM ET/PT and, despite them earlier announcing that the live eviction shows on Thursdays will be an hour earlier, they are once again scheduled for 9PM ET/PT.
Hamster watchers ready?
After the show start being delayed about five minutes, we are into the Previously On segment. Okaaay ... we have Mecole getting evicted again. Soon Bowie Jane should win HOH.
We pick up the action after Julie tells them good night. Bowie Jane admits to us that she tried to throw the comp. America feels good. Cameron thinks of her as his person. Cory is all stressed out with both Mecole and Felicia calling him out. Cameron thinks Cory is obsessed with being the smartest in the room. Oh, wait ... Mecole is still there! Dang, stale filler material!
Okay, now Mecole is gone. Felicia is angry at herself for losing the tiebreaker. Cirie thinks she has had Bowie Jane issues dating back to the Red vote.
We get a bathroom victory dance with Bowie Jane, Jag, Cory, Matt, America. Jag tells us Bowie Jane is a good choice for the final three with himself and Matt. Cory and America want to work with her now, too. Bowie Jane tells us she wants to play her own game.
Cirie and Blue talk about Jared leaving. Blue knows she can trust Cirie. Blue thinks that Bowie Jane will put up Cory and America. Cirie thinks right now the person she can trust the most is Blue.
Cameron told Cory that Blue is after him. Matt tells him that Cam said that so Blue and Cory would go after each other. Cory tells Jag he would like to see Blue and Cam nominated. They think they all need to talk to Bowie Jane about it. Matt is worried that the survivor of such a plan will be mad coming after them. Jag and Matt aren't really in on the Cory/America proposed plan.
We get a lesson in turbans.
Blue talks to Cirie and Felicia. Blue wants Bowie Jane to put Cory and America on the block. Cirie thinks her best way would be to influence Matt and Jag that Cory and America should be the targets. They try with the "Minutemen."
Jag thinks that he would like Cory around as a shield. He tells us that, not Cirie or Felicia. Matt and Cameron talk. Cameron, once again, is pushing a Cory ouster.
More filler -- talk with Felicia about going into the service. She had domestic violence problems which actually inspired her to go in. Cameron tells us he respects her because of that.
Jag and Matt talk. Jag thinks that Cory/America are good to keep in the game. Is the best outcome Cam leaving? Matt tells us that Cam is the biggest threat in the house. Well, duh! They go to talk to Bowie Jane.
Matt lists all the possibilities for noms. Bowie Jane tells us she doesn't want to do anything crazy for her game. She thinks Cirie and Felicia need to go. Matt tells her that Felicia is not a threat. Jag thinks because the whole house is anti-Cory, he should stay. Bowie Jane is resistant to the suggestion of putting Cam up.
Cirie talks to Bowie Jane. She tells her she hasn't been against her. Bowie Jane is talking with all to see where she is in the game and solidify relationships. Cory suggest Cameron and Blue, America suggests them, too. Bowie Jane is more concerned with who doesn't like her rather than the big targets. She doesn't want to do the dirty work of others. Blue tells her to target Cory/America. Bowie Jane thinks she'd rather put up Felicia and Cirie.
Cameron talks to her. She tells us people are spilling who they want out to her and she never knew them like that.
Nominations today and it's time for the ceremony. Bowie Jane first nominates Felicia, then Cirie. She apologizes and tells everyone to BLAME CORY. She quickly said she's joking.