Tuesday, October 31, 2023

BB25: Power of Veto Show Blog Party - Oct. 31


Good evening! Happy Halloween!

We have Cirie and Felicia on the block this week. Will they still be on the block by the end of the show? Hmm ... (live feed followers, don't tell!) 

I will be live blogging the show as it airs here on the East Coast. I'll be updating regularly -- please refresh the page to get the latest updates. As always, the real party is in the comments area. I hope to see you there!

Skipping out on the Previously On even though the narrator is doing it in a Halloweeny voice. We're up to Jag wanting to target Cirie. It's time for Halloween on Big Brother.

We pick up the action after Nominations. Matt wants Cirie to still be here next week even though he thinks his path to the end is with Jag and Bowie Jane. Cirie is suspicious of Matt.

Felicia has been on the block seven times now. Jag, of course, would rather her stay over Cirie. Felicia meets up with Matt who tells her she is not his target. Ah, but she is his target. He lies to Felicia and tells her Bowie Jane is his target.

Matt doesn't like lying. He tells Jag the only one he really trusts in him. Oh, they need a name with the Bowie Jane added in -- the Mafia. They create hand signals. Mafia versus the Mamas.

Cirie and Felicia know their games are in danger. Cirie is very upset with Matt and wants to avoid him while she's upset. The other three are hiding up in the HOH room away from him. Felicia mentions how Bowie Jane throughout the game has just followed the power. What happened to the final four with Jag, Matt, Cirie and Felicia?

Uh-oh. A segment on Felicia's feet. EW. She's on Cirie's bed messing with her toenails and callouses. "Did I give you an indication that was appropriate ... on my blanket? You know I hate feet!" Toenail dust on her spread.

Jag and Bowie Jane talk ... one of them this week, the other next. Jag tells us he would have a better chance to win with Bowie Jane rather than Matt. Bowie tells us she doesn't think she would win sitting next to Matt.

Felicia thinks if either Matt or Jag win the veto, one of them might be saved. Cirie doesn't think that's the case. She doesn't know whether she or Felicia is the target but knows one of them must be.

Once again, Jag talks anti-Cirie with Bowie Jane. He thinks he has a better chance with Felicia. Now they must change Matt's mind ... although he has no vote this week.

The veto comp -- Camp Veto. Terrifying abandoned summer camp. Build an antenna to call for help. Go through swamp, stack 25 pieces vertically on the base. When done, make a call.

JAG wins the Power of Veto! (Of course.)

Cirie and Felicia talk about the comp. Felicia didn't want Bowie Jane to win the veto. She thinks that Jag will save her with the veto and Bowie Jane will end up on the block. Cirie knows the veto will not be used. She just hopes that Matt will keep his word and she will be safe this week.

Matt, Jag and Bowie Jane talk. Matt still thinks that Felicia will go this week. Both Bowie Jane and Jag think Cirie gone would be better for their games.

Matt again promises Cirie that she's safe. But Cirie knows it's up to Jag and Bowie Jane will determine her fate in the game.

The Scary globe in the living room is glowing. They get mail -- a luxury comp, one will win $5,000. They each have stations throughout the house, give a treat or take a treat from any player in rounds. Most candy in the bucket wins a treat.

1. Remove 2 pieces of candy. Jag is taking from Cirie/Felicia. He wants Matt to win.

2. Give five pieces. 

3. Remove three pieces.

4. Give 4 treats.

5. Remove 2 pieces.

Felicia and Bowie Jane both have 9 pieces. Cirie has 10, Jag 12?, Matt 17.

Matt wins the five grand.

Jag once again lies to Cirie and says she's good. Her Cirie mist doesn't seem to be working. 

Time for the veto meeting. Surprise, surprise. Jag does NOT us the veto. Cirie and Felicia remain on the block. Jag is determined to get Matt on board with Cirie going this week.

BB25: Live Feeds into Tuesday - Oct. 31


That's right. Hide!

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Is It Ever Going To End?:

  • Nothing much has changed since yesterday's post.
  • Matt and Jag joked about the "Pressure Cracker" or "Operation Paranoia" -- the plan to drive Felicia bonkers before the HOH so she will do poorly.
  • Apparently, Mr. Comp Beast Jag can't go into the HOH comp with confidence that he will do well.
  • Although it seems that Cirie deep down inside knows she will be leaving on Thursday, a part of her is clinging to the fact she might stay.
  • She's looking forward to finale night and revealing the big Jared secret. "Hey, Felicia ... your favorite son is mine."
  • Both Felicia and Cirie know that whichever one doesn't go this week is gone next.
  • Of course, they both been told they're pawns.
  • Cirie told Jag and Matt that Reilly had told her to trust them.
  • Oh, boy ... how right was she?
  • Not.
  • Cirie also had kind words to Bowie.
  • Jag saw right through it -- it's a ploy! It won't work with him!
  • Felicia also confronted the group in the kitchen. She said she felt more like an outsider than she did before.
  • Oh, no. Everything is okay. Wink-wink.
  • They had the yard yesterday, maybe for the last time this season.
  • Jag and Matt talked at length about how great the Minutemen alliance is and how they will be remembered in BB history.
  • Well, mainly for other meanings of the name, but ...!
  • They certainly are no hitmen. Unlike Cody taking Derrick to the end, Jag plans to cut Matt and go there against Bowie Jane.
  • They divvied up Halloween candy.
  • I would guess BB will do something for them today for Halloween.
  • Laters!

It sounds like she's planning to keep the secret.

And Bowie Jane kept on smiling.

Close enough to slug him, Felicia!

Swimming is easier.

Monday, October 30, 2023

BB25: Live Feeds into Monday, Veto Meeting - Oct. 30


She who cried to stay off the block ...

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Mean Mice:

  • Okay, I'm irked.
  • Particularly at Bowie Jane, but also at Jag. I'm just disappointed in Matt.
  • Keep in mind, Bowie Jane CRIED to not be put on the block as a pawn.
  • CRIED. Like real tears.
  • So, what does she and Jag want to do?
  • Well, their target to vote out this week is Cirie.
  • According to Bowie Jane, Felicia is "acting too comfortable" and needs to be shaken up.
  • They plan on basically gaslighting Felicia, keeping her awake and driving her crazy.
  • And they're laughing at it.
  • Matt is following right along with them.
  • Jag is running Matt's HOH.
  • Oh, but the three continue to let Felicia and Cirie cook for them.
  • There is a mean-spiritedness that goes beyond what we usually see in the game.
  • It's especially tough as they do have them cook for them, clean after them, refer to them as Mama C and Mama Fe.
  • Is that the treatment they would want for their own mothers?
  • Push them to the edge. Drive them crazy. Keep them awake. Then laugh about it.
  • I know Jag is my blog pool random pick person.
  • But I'm ready to disown him.
  • He could have just continued to be good at winning comps without this meanness coming out. It's unnecessary.
  • The feeds returned after a long block for the veto meeting.
  • No one is talking about what happened.
  • I'm sure Jag did not use the veto and Felicia/Cirie remain on the block.
  • Both have been told they are not the target.
  • Cirie is the target.

Matt the Follower

They are going to try to gaslight Felicia.

Not happy times.

Better off playing cards by themselves.

Sunday, October 29, 2023

BB25: HOH Comp, Nominations Show Blog Party - Oct. 29


Good evening! Tonight we will see the HOH comp that was held after last Thursday's double eviction. Due to football, the show will be starting ten minutes late.

I will be live blogging this show, constantly updating this entry as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest updates! As always, the real party is in the comments area. I hope to see you there!

Finally, it's starting. I really don't care for the 10PM slot on Sunday nights at all. And, when it's delayed for sports coverage, I hate it even more. As per my usual, I'm sitting out the Previously On segment. Oh goody, we will get to see all the scrambling before the double. Dang, that's way old news by now!

Back to Blue pre-eviction. She knew she was being evicted. Well, we knew that because of the way she was dressed. Felicia told her. She went to Jag. He makes the excuse that he knew she wouldn't take him to the end. @@

Matt tells us they had to pull the trigger first as they knew she would be coming after them. She talks to Cirie, claiming she figured out that Jared was her son (even though he told her), and how honored she was to play with her.

Now we are up Bowie Jane being HOH. ALL OF THIS IS PAST HISTORY! I can't believe I have to be posting ridiculously late stuff that happened before last week's live show. Matt wins the POV again. The plan is to vote out America. She begs ... again. To no avail ... again.

Matt tells Jag and Cirie that Felicia must go next. Jag tells Matt that Felicia said Cirie and Matt were after him to get him out. Matt claims that Felicia and Cirie must want to drive a wedge between them. Matt and Cirie did discuss it. Cirie is shocked that Felicia talked when Felicia is the first one to mention Matt going up against Jag. 

Jag doesn't believe Felicia and can't trust Cirie. Matt tells us he now thinks Jag will take him to the final two.

HOH comp. The set has storefronts. Another cosmic crystal. Chaos turning heroes of BB Comics against each other. One at a time must roll energy orb at the target icon they say is a target.

Jag targets Felicia and misses. Felicia targets Jag, misses. Matt targets Felicia, misses. Cirie targets Jag, hits his first target (out of three). Jag misses Felicia. Felicia aims at Matt, gets him. Matt aims for Felicia, misses. Cirie gets Jag's second target. Jag once again misses Felicia. Felicia aims for Jag, gets herself. Matt gets himself. Cirie goes for Felicia, misses. Jag gets Felicia's first target. Matt gets Felicia's second target down. Jag goes for Cirie and we go to break.

Jag knocks out Felicia's last icon. Matt misses Cirie. Cirie misses Jag. Jag misses Cirie. Matt gets Cirie's first icon down. Cirie misses Jag. Jag gets Cirie's second icon down. Cirie knocks Jag out of the competition. Matt knocks Cirie's last one out and MATT IS THE NEW HOH!

Felicia knows everybody was gunning for her during the HOH comp. Jag is thrilled his bromance bud won. Cirie asks Matt not to put her up -- after all, he has promised her that he would never put her up on the block. He tells her he wants Felicia out.

Felicia and Cirie talk. Felica tells Cirie that she knows they want to vote her out. She thinks Matt needs to put up Jag and Bowie Jane. (Yeah, like that will happen!) She wants Cirie to go fight her case with Matt.

Bowie Jane, Matt and Jag talk. They decide that Felicia must go and Matt has to figure out how to tell one of his allies that they will go up as a pawn. Felicia talks to Jag and wonders if their final four -- her, Jag, Matt and Cirie -- is still good. She wonders about Bowie Jane. Jag tells her Bowie Jane is not part of the final four. (Yeah, because BJ is part of the final three with Jag and Matt!)

HoH room reveal. Wait ... REILLY is in the photo with his mother! And, his letter is from Reilly. They were Ratt -- Reilly and Matt.

Cirie reminds Matt he promised not to put her up. He tells her that if he puts her up, that will cover them working together. She reminds him Bowie Jane has never been on the block. She puts him threw a guilt trip. She thinks he should take the shot at Jag because he may never have an opportunity. He tells her that Felicia would be the target. She also mentions the Bowie Jane, Matt and Jag final three.

Time for the nominations ceremony. Matt nominates Felicia, then Cirie. He tells them he spoke with them privately and gave them his reasons. He tells us that his target is Cirie. He thinks his best chance to move ahead is to work with Jag and Bowie Jane. Jag thinks keeping Felicia is better for his own game and wants to have Matt agree to a Cirie boot.

BB25: Live Feeds Into Sunday - Oct. 29


And Bowie Jane kept smiling.

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Comp Winners Only Need Apply:

  • Just a personal opinion here -- I was so happy to see a better mix of ages with the hamsters this season. I've never been one for showmances and the whole cast being models and bartenders. Putting the Cirie twist aside, if you are going to have folks 50 and older in the cast, preferably more than two or three, the playing field for comps needs to be adjusted a bit, too. Otherwise, the younger more able "comp beasts" will just plow their way to the end. BB is a social strategy game, too. Make that count just as much!
  • Okay, off my soapbox.
  • I shouldn't complain as my blog pool random pick is Jag this season. Unless either Matt or Bowie Jane gather the nerve to get him, he will plow his way to the win. It would be the first time I ever won my own blog pool if that's the case.
  • Not all that much has changed over the last day.
  • Jag has managed to completely turn Matt against Cirie.
  • Of course, Matt can't vote anyway. So, it was always to be Jag's vote and Bowie Jane will do whatever Jag wants as he is in charge.
  • Jag is not being a nice guy about things.
  • He kept going on last night about the evils of Cirie rallying his troop of three.
  • He also plans to tell both Felicia and Cirie that they are safe (separately), then vote out Cirie.
  • I'm disappointed in how callous he has become. He was NOT that way earlier in the game.
  • They apparently had a luxury type comp during an extended feed break early yesterday evening -- Halloween related and Matt won money.
  • Felicia and Cirie are still cooking for the three!
  • Eek.
  • Now, Matt makes a mean scrambled egg. I don't recall ever seeing Bowie Jane cook and I've only seen Jag cook at the grill after the food is prepped by Felicia.
  • Instead of calling it cook's quits, Felicia is running around checking in with Jag and Matt all the time to see if she's good.
  • Heck, yes. She seems to be good going into Thursday as they are so focused on Jag's distrust of Cirie. 
  • But Felicia is next and I don't see that train stopping at the station.
  • That's all for now.
  • Laters!

Do not ask for whom the bell tolls ...

I'm surprised he's a follower rather than a leader.

STOP cooking for them!

So happy he's HOH ... wait, he's not HOH?