Thursday, August 20, 2020

BB22: Eviction Show and HOH Blog Party - August 20


Yes, still an hour earlier than we're used to having the show. And, yes, it's not live once again. It was taped a few hours ago.

If you need a refresher as to which hamster you have in the blog pool, an update is available at this link.

I will be updating this entry with the major events as the show airs here on the East Coast -- refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments area. Please feel free to join in on the fun!

Julie is quasi-casual tonight, wearing a red blouse and black slacks.

After the previously on segment, we once again have Julie explaining to us what has happened. 

But, first ... no one is aware of the alliances existing in the house. She's got that right! I certainly can't keep them straight. It looks like we're going to have an extended period of Nicole A fruitlessly searching for support. Da'Vonne tells her that she made a personal vow to not vote out anyone who looks like her (Black). She says she isn't friends with David, but that is her reasoning. Hmm ...

Bayleigh thinks that Kaysar is being a bit over zealous as he tries to line up votes to keep Nicole A. Meanwhile, David turns down Da'Vonne's game advice. Will Da'Vonne and Bayleigh stick to the race or gender pull of the nominees?

Kaysar tells Nicole A that it looks like the vote is split. Nicole A is being totally unreasonable with Kaysar and Janelle. They are trying to keep her and she's acting like it's Janelle's fault she's on the block. It's Janelle's fault that Memphis not only nominated her, but failed to save her with the veto.

To the living room not live -- Julie comments on the house looking tense. She also wishes a happy birthday to Dani.

David - Grateful to be here. Nice words to Nicole. Want to be here, want to fight.
Nicole - Advertises her podcast, wants to play all stars, not all scared. Lights into Memphis. (Kind of bitter overall)

The votes to evict:
Tyler - Nicole A
Enzo - David
Christmas - Nicole A
Commercial break ...
Kevin - David
Janelle - Nicole A
Da'Vonne - Nicole A
Kaysar - Nicole A
Bayleigh - Nicole A
Cody - Nicole A
Ian - Nicole
Nicole F - Nicole
Dani - Nicole

Nicole A blew the game this season. She did it to herself. Hugs them all. After all, she loves them all. Julie tells her that Janelle cried over her. I do hope that sinks in. She played the game horribly this season.

HoH time - Mugshot, one at a time, slide mug down counter, land each mug on the highest scoring zone. three mugs, must lock in score.

Cody up first. 4 but one fell.
Enzo 8
David 6
Christmas 8 but not as fast as Enzo
Da'Vonne 7
Kevin 7
Ian Now in the lead
Nicole 9
Dani 4
Tyler 12 takes over lead
Bayleigh 7
Janelle 11
Kaysar does not beat 12


Julie said LIVE VOTE in the teaser for next week. I predict an endurance comp.

This week's Julie sign-off: If you have the choice between being right and being kind, always choose kind.

Hmm ... I prefer to kindly be right!

BB22: Live Feeds into Thursday - August 20


Janelle "Foil Fingers" Pierzina


I'm a bit under the weather, so this is not only late, but it's rather brief.

  • I'm beginning to think that there might not be any actual "live" evictions this season. Maybe without an audience in the studio, it's easier for them to tape the show a few hours in advance.
  • I doubt tonight's HoH is endurance. They usually use that as the Sunday night show fodder and we have one more week of Safety Suite.
  • That's good (if it is that way) because I don't think I'm up to endurance tonight -- I don't have the right sneakers and gloves.
  • Things remain pretty much the convoluted same in the house since yesterday,
  • Memphis is dead-set against Kaysar even though he neither nominated, nor backdoored him.
  • Nicole F is dead-set against Janelle and was stymied in her efforts to get her backdoored.
  • Janelle and Kaysar remain the Number One (and Two) targets of the entire house even though both have tried working with others.
  • Since neither has won a season, I can only think that their popularity with show fans has affected what the others think of them.
  • Janelle and, to a lesser extent, Kaysar have continuously tried to campaign for Nicole A.
  • Nicole A has bad-mouthed and been rude to Janelle at almost every turn.
  • It seems like Nicole A blames Janelle for Memphis putting her on the block.
  • Say what?
  • Janelle obviously didn't try hard enough to talk him out of it!
  • Nicole has been confronting people and trying to get them to promise her the votes to stay.
  • She got Memphis to give a non-committal grunt and say he will 90% save her if it comes to a tie.
  • I bet he'll go with the 10% which remains.
  • I guess we'll just have to see what happens tonight. I don't think she will be staying. And, with the way she's playing, no loss. I'm disappointed in her this season.

No meltdowns this season ... so far

Janelle and Kaysar are targeted by all

Kevin has fallen for the mandana trend

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

BB22: Power of Veto Show Blog Party - August 19


Good evening! Are you ready for the second All-Stars Power of Veto comp of the season? No? Um. Well. Tough. Go rustle up some adult beverages and snacks and get back to us. 

I'll be updating this entry with the major events as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh this page to get the latest news. As always, the real party is in the comments area. Come join in on the fun!

Previously on and on ...

We pick up after nominations. Memphis thinks Nicole A is "dangerous" because she can still play for safety next week. Both Nicole A and David are understandably upset because Memphis nominated them. 

Tyler thinks Memphis is lame and his old school game is outdated. He likes David and wants to work with him. Janelle tries to placate Nicole A -- she adores Nicole and thinks she's trustworthy and loyal. Nicole doesn't seem overly receptive. Kaysar and Janelle talk to Memphis. Again he talks of Nicole not trying for safety this week and thinks he might have been a bit "harsh" on David. Janelle thinks, since Memphis doesn't seem to care who goes home, thinks it's an opportunity for a backdoor. 

Janelle suggests Nicole F not realizing that said Nicole has been working her way in with Cody and Memphis and is part of their alliance.

David is trying to pep talk Nicole A because they're friends from last season. Nicole can only think that they have to compete against each other on the block.

A segment on times gone by and parenthood these days with the older hamsters. Nicole F thinks she was meant to be a Mom. Kevin and his husband want to try in vitro, adopt maybe if that doesn't work out.

Memphis reports to Cody and Nicole F about his conversations with Kaysar and Janelle. That makes Cody think they should be targeted. He wants a backdoor. Memphis isn't ready to do that just yet. Cody reports to Christmas and Tyler (their other alliance members) about Janelle and Kaysar naming alliance member names. He wants that backdoor regardless of Memphis.

Veto player pick time -- Memphis randomly draws Ian, Nicole A gets Tyler and David draws Nicole F.

The monitor in the living room announces 'BB All-Star Wars' for Ian's punishment. He has scenes playing Dirk Spacejammer that he needs to act out to audition. Ian has to please the director in his role and then perform all the roles himself.

Nicole F hasn't a clue why Janelle wants her backdoored. Tyler is wondering what's going on with Memphis that he won't target Janelle for a backdoor. If he (Tyler) wins veto, he plans to take David off the block and force a move. 

Enzo is hosting the veto comp. The yard is all lit up and it's midnight. Outlast the others -- stand in center of your star and hold your sphere on a disk. Last one standing sphere intact wins.

Nicole A is out first. Then Nicole F. Ian out. David screams to try to throw Memphis off. Oops. David out. Tyler out. MEMPHIS WINS THE POWER OF VETO!

Nicole A cries in the Diary Room. Kevin meets up with her and tries to console her. 

Meanwhile, Nicole F is still freaking out that Janelle or Kaysar might talk Memphis into backdooring her. Dani runs to Memphis telling him they'll come after her and him.

Cody thinks that Janelle should be backdoored and tells Memphis so. Memphis tells him of the two, he would prefer to backdoor Kaysar. 

Veto meeting time. Dirk Spacejammer performance interrupts. Memphis does NOT use the veto -- David and Nicole remain on the block.     

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

BB22: Live Feeds into Tuesday Evening - August 18


Meow Meow needs a cat nap

What's happening inside the Big Brother House of Discombobulated Doofuses?
  • The alliances are chaos and all over the place.
  • Fan favorites Janelle and Kaysar are Public Enemy Numbers One and Two.
  • Nicole A is on the block and the only two in the house who have tried to get her as an ally -- truthfully WANTING her as an ally -- are being trash talked by Nicole every chance she gets.
  • As a matter of fact, Nicole wanted to call a house meeting to expose them.
  • Huh?
  • I honestly thought she had more game sense than that.
  • We all know how productive house meetings are in the game!
  • Heh.
  • Tyler, perhaps as bored as we have been watching all of this drivel, passively encouraged her to hold the meeting.
  • But then Dani shut it down and told Nicole it wasn't a good idea.
  • As for Dani, I have no clue why she's on the Hate Janelle Train unless she thought she was just boarding the Crazy Train and went off the rails.
  • Janelle is NOT her enemy!
  • Sheesh.
  • Then you have Memphis and Cody talking about what a dangerous player Kaysar is and how his gameplay is really troubling.
  • Um.
  • To be honest, Kaysar hasn't really said much game to them other than to offer to work with them.
  • I'm so confused why these hamsters are playing the game like this! This is not normal!
  • It seems that Nicole knows she'll be going home. Oh, wait ... she thinks she might have enough votes to stay. No. Going home.
  • And, so on.

What am I doing in this handbasket?

Against the only two who want her

Sure, Nicole, call a house meeting

The legend is the enemy of all

BB22: Live Feeds into Tuesday - August 18


Will there be the need for his vote?

What's going on inside that Big Brother House of Waffling Wombats?
  • Actually, not a heck of a lot.
  • That's all.
  • Thank you for stopping by!
  • Oh. You're still there.
  • Well, let's see ...
  • Janelle is still campaigning for votes to keep Nicole A.
  • Nicole A. is still scheming against Janelle and Kaysar. She is reading people so wrong. I don't know what to say.
  • Da'vonne tried to get Memphis to commit to voting to keep Nicole A in the case of a tiebreaker.
  • Race is playing a part in all of this -- at least among the Black people in the cast. Bayleigh and Da'vonne are torn about the vote. In a way, they want to support David in a bit of solidarity. But then they also actually like Nicole A. In the end, they just might cancel each other's vote out. I don't know.
  • Dani is continuing being a Mean Girl. Rats. I really did want to enjoy her on the season. 
  • Da'vonne isn't playing a fantastic game. However, her insight into people seems to be back. She thinks Tyler is one to watch.
  • Bayleigh continues with her yoga classes. Both she and Christmas really are good at leading the sessions.
  • David went to Nicole to warn her she won't have the votes to stay. He told her he didn't want to get her hopes up.
  • Hmm.
  • While it's most likely that David will stay over Nicole, I don't think that was appropriate timing, nor quite the right person to bring her that news.
  • It's only Monday. We know how things can change in the house.
  • Plus, I think the warning should come from anybody else ... not the person who's on the block with her!
  • We have two more days of this ahead ...

Outward facing dog. See! I'm learning!

Hammock at capacity!

Too bad she's sinking her own ship

Still out of his league