Sunday, July 22, 2007

'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds Report Into Sunday Afternoon 7/23

Jackie's TV Blog, BB8, Big Brother 8

Graphic arteest Zoetawny nailed this one on the head. Kail has been literally shattered since last Thursday night!

It's to the point that almost every time she speaks, I expect her to rehash her anti-Dick diatribe.

Oh, quit it, Kail. I so much thought she was going to be a favorite of mine this season. I was so, so wrong. Jen talked about the most negative people in the house. She should put Kail up there as Number One!

Here are today's events and gleaned information so far from inside that Big Brother house of Dashed Dreams:
  • Jessica's brother is in Iraq, expected home later this month.
  • Late last night, BB told the HG they couldn't play dodgeball anymore because the balls were wet and doing damage. Dick bears the bruises today.
  • Kail pouted.
  • Zach streaked. The others found it a bit lacking.
  • Dick hasn't been sleeping in the HOH room. He's been letting just about everyone else sleep in there.
  • Eric thinks Nick is flirting with Dustin.
  • Apparently Joe told many people not to trust Nick before he left the house.
  • Dick doesn't seem to want to be the one to put Nick on the block. Eric, if he wins, should put him up. Jameka thinks Nick should be backdoored out.
  • Kail cried.
  • Dick told Jessica he has her back in the game.
  • For the most part, with the exception of Mike getting up early and then falling asleep in the yard and Kail sitting with a sour look on her face while sighing, the others slept until past 11 AM their time (2 in the afternoon here).
  • Kail fussed about Dick. Again. Rinse and repeat throughout the day.
  • Nick told Amber that he'd rather have Kail in the sequester house than Jen or Zach.
  • The plan to get rid of Mike instead of Kail seems to be well... the plan. Of course, Dick hasn't put him on the block yet, so it's kind of like counting your chickens before they're hatched. Things have been known to change within 24 hours in the house.
  • Amber was sick late at night, they think it was the eggs... or the artificial eggs, it seems.
  • Dick tried to warn Daniele to beware of Nick. She didn't really listen.
  • Then Daniele cried leaving Dick to say he never knows how to approach her. He later told Jameka that's how the whole estrangement started. She gets upset when he tries to talk to her, then they both get mad at each other.
  • Amber thinks Kail hates Zach and that Dick is on a power trip.
  • Daniele told Amber that since Dick never really was a parent to her, he shouldn't talk down to her and act like a parent just when he feels like it.
  • Jameka tried to give sage advice to Dick about dealing with Daniele.
  • Kail fussed about Dick more.

And that's the way it's been going. I'll be live-blogging tonight's show as it airs here on the East Coast if you wish to join in with comments -- I'd love to read your thoughts!

Latest is up on TV Squad!

My latest post is up on TV Squad. Keep in mind that it was actually written this morning, but it contains some events I haven't discussed here!

I'm still waiting for something interesting to happen before giving you the latest here. These hamsters need to mix it up a bit! Sheesh.

'Big Brother 8' - And, Now in the House...

Kail is exercising with Jen. They both will eat healthy today with the exception of a small piece of Jameka's birthday cake later on. The only game talk was Kail rehashing her Dick Whines at Mike who didn't seem to be very interested.

'Big Brother 8' - In the House RIGHT NOW...!

Kail is sitting in the backyard moping as planes fly overhead. The rest are all still asleep.
In order for me to report on the happenings, there really needs to be something going on!

It Must be the Pants! - This Week on 'The Late Show with David Letterman' - July 23-27

Late Show with David Letterman
It's gotta be the pants! I'm talking Worldwide Pants, of course. We have another week of all new shows ahead of us. One of these years I'm going to take a count of how many weeks off Dave actually takes. Of course, when he started out, the show only aired four days a week. Now it's on for five, but if memory serves, they double up on the filming one day a week, so he still really works only the four days a week.

Here are the guests we can expect to see this week on the show:
  • Monday, July 23: Drew Carey (Power of 10), Nikki Blonsky from Hairspray, the new version. Musical guests are Grinderman with a self-titled CD out on the market.
  • Tuesday, July 24: Paul Rudd (The Ten - not to be confused with The Power of ...), Indianapolis Colts Head Coach Tony Dungy, musical guests The National whose CD is Boxer.
  • Wednesday, July 25: Catherine Zeta Jones promoting No Reservations, comedian Bob Sarlatte, musical guest Porter Wagoner (CD is Wagonmaster).
  • Thursday, July 26: Sharon Osbourne lately of America's Got Talent and the Yeah Yeah Yeahs.
  • Friday, July 27: Anne Hathaway (Becoming Jane), Jim Gaffigan of My Boys, musical guest Buffalo Tom (CD is Three Easy Pieces).

In an unrelated trivia note -- On Thursday, July 26, Mick Jagger will be 64 years old. Oh, my. That's scary.