Monday, April 14, 2008

Big Brother 9 Live Feeds Into Monday Morning

Alas, I won't have time to mess with that YouTube video until later today. But here's what happened last night in the Big Brother House of Useless Confrontations:
  • First off, Natalie didn't want to go to their silly meeting. Sheila and Sharon acted like they knew nothing about it.
  • Adam sat at the kitchen table shouting out bible quotes as Natalie was in the bathroom saying she had already started to dye her hair.
  • Finally they brought the meeting up to her.
  • It was strange. Ryan was the driving force behind it, but Adam was the one who was truly upset because he heard Natalie targeting him.
  • The meeting didn't solve anything. What the boys accused Natalie of, they're doing themselves.
  • She apologized, said she's loyal to the two of them, said she heard a prediction from Sharon that the two boys would be standing at the end.
  • Ryan had hoped she'd call out Sharon for more.
  • After it was all over, Sheila was mad at Natalie because Natalie didn't defend their alliance saying she was loyal to the boys.
  • Natalie started repeating, "I'm going home. I don't care."
  • Sharon pretty much stayed out of it all.
  • Adam felt bad afterwards. Ryan said they got a little out of the meeting -- she admitted making deals with James, something they never did.
  • After the meeting ended, another meeting with Natalie. She told them Sharon was putting ideas in her head. @@
  • The guys questioned why she didn't say that about Sharon when she was at the meeting.
  • So then Natalie started throwing Sharon totally under the proverbial bus, probably thinking that's what they wanted to hear, I guess.
  • Natalie cried.
  • Natalie tried to convince Ryan and Adam that she's always been loyal to them.
  • She refused to swear on the bible saying she never swears on the bible about anything.
  • When Sheila asked Adam later if Natalie was backpedalling, he told her she wasn't.
  • Adam told Ryan if they keep Natalie, all they have to do is stop Sheila from winning POV.
  • Ryan told Adam he'd feel better if Natalie was gone. (No surprise there seeing he has his alliance with Sharon.)
  • He didn't tell Adam of his alliance with Sharon.
  • Natalie said she wouldn't campaign to stay.
  • Natalie then went to Adam and asked him not to let them turn him against her.
  • Natalie decided she needed Sheila's help.
  • Sheila asked her why she had been telling Sharon things told to her and more.
  • Natalie insisted that she wasn't talking game with Sharon.
  • Natalie said she never threw anybody under the bus.
  • Sheila, lying, told Natalie that she never thought Adam would win POV and didn't think it would turn out like this.
  • Natalie started talking about the boys being masterminds of the game, providing more info for Sheila to share with the boys.
  • Sheila continued to act like she knew nothing of the meeting before it went down.
  • Natalie, Sheila, and Sharon then hung out, not really talking much game talk.
  • Ryan told Adam "never trust a stripper." He seems intent on voting to keep Sharon.
  • Adam and Ryan talked about the jury votes.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

BB9 - The Ryan and Adam Confrontation with Natalie VIDEO

Grrr ... although YouTube gave me an embed code and all, they rejected my video because it was too long. I have to write up the review of tonight's show for TV Squad. If I'm still awake after that, I'll break it down to separate chunks and re-upload. I might not be able to get that done until tomorrow after work, though. Sigh.

Big Brother 9 - 4/13 Show Live Blogged from the East Coast

jackie's tv blog, Big Brother, BB9

The show has started here on the East Coast. This entry will be constantly updated as it airs. As always, comments are very welcome! Since the entry in this blog is written as I watch television, please forgive any typos!

We're into the pre-credits recaps now... they're focusing on Natalie playing all sides and her allies turning against her. James was evicted and Natalie is now Public Enemy Number 1. Into the opening credits.

Black and white HOH Glass Houses comp. Into color. Ryan tells us he feels pretty safe due to his alliance with Sharon. Sharon tells us how important this HOH is for her. Sheila says she doesn't trust Natalie. Natalie thinks she's 100% guaranteed a win in the comp.

Now we see James evicted in black and white again. Sharon tells us because James is gone, she has to pull her game up. Sheila tells us he reminds her of her son and she felt guilty. Ryan says finally. April 9, BB9, 9th week, end of James nine lives, says Nat. Adam said it was sad, but time to move on.

Day 63, now they're still pre-HOH comp. "I'm a woman and a MOm, I cringe every time we have to evict someone." -- guess who?

Back to the Glass Houses. There's smoke. Sharon is having trouble. She hurt her back last night. She's out 8 minutes into the comp. She tells Adam she will have to win POV.

Natalie's happy because Team Christ is still in it. Sheila tells us how much she wants the HOH, the letter from her son. Did you know she's a single mom? She has to stay up as long as possible because she wants the photos and letters.

Natalie says she doesn't feel safe. Sheila wonders who bothers her ... Ryan or her (Sheila)? Adam is yelling RODE HARD and Natalie claims she's chillin. Sheial says she feels frickin old. Sheila tells us that Natalie is fueling the fire by talking and making her want to win even more.

Ryan says he has scabs on his hands. Adam asks if he means blisters. Oh, yeah. 2 hours six minutes into it, Adam and Sharon both leave the yard. Natalie proposes a deal to put up Adam and Sheila. Natalie wants deals. Sheila tells them she won't put up Ryan. She says she'll put up Adam and Sharon. Natalie wants Adam to be voted out.

Ryan trusts Sheila more than Natalie in the game. Adam goes back to the yard. Ryan tells Sheila he wouldn't mind her being HOH - 2 hrs 47 minutes -- he drops. Natalie rolled her eyes when he said Sheila deserved it.

Sharon tries to talk Natalie into going. Jesus suffered for us, what would Jesus do? Sharon just shrugged. Natalie is still balking at giving up. Sheila assures her that she's good. In DR, Sheila thought Natalie would renege on the deal because she was staying up so long after it. Natalie just smiles an evil Chucky doll smile from her glass house and we go to commercial.

Back, Natalie is still being a problem child. Now she's tapping. What will I do? Sheila says she'll stay up another hour if she must. The nice part of me wants to give it to you. The Christian in me would do a lot of good things if I win. Sheila is looking more haggard by the moment. Adam in DR says she's just making herself a bigger target by being so annoying up there. Sheila in DR tells us she didn't like how Natalie is acting. I'm a giver and I want to show them I can give, then she drops 3 hours into it.

Sheila cracked her tooth when she dropped. Natalie in DR tells us that Sheila wouldn't screw her over. Adam is expecting to go on the block because he put her up. Sharon is sure she'll go on the block, but thinks they might attack each other.

Natalie, Ryan, and Adam talks about how Sharon is going home. Adam is worried, getting pissed off at Natalie for talking on about POV when he doesn't want to go on the block.

Adam listens as Natalie tells Sharon that she would have put Adam on the block. Natalie and Sheila meet in the storage room for Advil. Sheila tells her she doesn't want to get Adam out. She tells us that Natalie is her real target -- she told her she wouldn't put her up, but said nothing about not backdooring her. Heh.

HOH room -- Aw, pics of her son, baby and teenager shots. Her brother, her sister. She's crying. And, wow, the photo of Sheila at 25. Why must Adam have his sirt up exposing his tubby belly while scratching as she looks at the photo? Ryan reads the letter from her son ... he's doing "good." Perhpas he should make sure he goes to English class instead of walking Kitty? Her sister writes that they're proud of her. Adam wipes a tear. Aw, Sheila cries.

Sheila tells us how much she needed to get the win for the letters. She's so happy that the other HG are happy for her, too.

Back massage time for Adam. She tells Adam that everyone will start turning on her. Adam says he sees the little girl side of her, tough exterior. Sheila has a tremendous love for Adam and would like to be standing next to him at the end of the game.

Sheila talks to Sharon and Adam. Sharon mentions that everyone wants Natalie gone. They think Ryan has to win POV, take Adam down, then Natalie goes up. Natalie is about to see what I'm really made of - Sheila.

Now they're doing the topics cards. Not that I see the cards, the biggest physical turn on ... Adam says talking dirty to him. As Sharon talks eyes and teeth, Adam picks his nose. Sheila wants a cross between Evel Dick and Dr. Will.

Ryan goes to the HOH room. Sheila tells him she needs a guarnatee, if he wins POV he must remove Adam. She wants to put Natalie up. Ryan promises. If he wins POV, he will take Adam off the block.

Now Adam goes to the HOH room. She tells him that Ryan promised to use the POV on him if he wins.

Natalie tells "Rye Bread" than Baller is up there bawling to stay off the block. Sheila tells Adam that they're the last couple in the house and tells Adam that Natalie will vote him out. Natalie must go!

Now it's Natalie's turn. Sheila tells her that she won't put her on the block. She tells Natalie the noms should remain the same and Adam should be safe. Sheila thinks that Natalie will gun for her and is lying to her when she told her next week she's safe.

Nominations today -- Natalie isn't concerned because she made a deal with Sheila. Sharon is worried because the pawn may end up being the target -- the last survivor of the evil doers. Adam is worried. He knows Sheila made deals with Ryan and Natalie.

Sheila feels she has no options, she's making the best decision, finally playing the game, it's real. Noms ceremony -- Her voice is shaking. Hardest thing she ever had to do in the game, loves them all, has to do it. Key order -- Natalie, Ryan.

Sharon and Adam are on the block. Adam -- hope you're not mad, you did it to me, put my game at risk, just a game. Sharon -- love ya, good luck with the POV you're a strong player and you're great.

Adam tells us he's a pawn, wants Natalie to go. Sharon wants Natlaie out. Natalie goes on about Team Christ. Sheila tells us old Sheila took it on the chin, but new Sheila will knock her right out of the house and be proud about it.

BB9 Live Feeds and Tonight's Show

My latest BB9 live feeds report is up over at TV Squad. Since I wrote that, the confrontation planned by Ryan and Adam with Natalie took place. I recorded that and will be uploading it to YouTube.

Tonight's show here on the east coast is delayed due to golf. (What next? Badminton? Table tennis?) 60 Minutes started at about 7:40 PM ET, so BB should be an hour after that, starting about 8:40. I'll put up my live-blogging post for it when it starts here and I'll be writing a full review for TVS after that.

Once my video gets loaded to YouTube, I'll post it here.

Big Brother 9 Live Feeds Into Sunday Morning

jackie's tv blog, Big Brother, BB9

Graphic artist Zoetawny created a special edition Penthouse commemorating Sheila's head of house and Pet days! I think her big splash was in 1986 or thereabouts.

I should make it known that in 1986 I wore clothes in public at all times. I still do. There's no sense in terrifying small children, I say!

Sheila's birthday was yesterday, giving her more reasons to cry. Now we'll keep hearing about her birthday, the letters and cards, and the surprise of it all as long as she's in the house.

Here are the late night and overnight events in that Big Brother House of Dastardly Deviants:
  • Ryan wants to bring the bible to the big call out party he and Adam are planning for Natalie and Sheila.
  • He's been going through it for quotes to use as ammunition against Natalie.
  • Sheila fears that one of the boys will give Natalie a sympathy vote and force a tie.
  • Sheila and Sharon are thick as thieves as of late. Sheila all of a sudden thinks Sharon is the most trustworthy person she's ever met.
  • That could be because Sharon wants to secure a place in the house this week. She might lay low, but she's not dumb.
  • It's been non-stop Natalie bashing between the two for two days now.
  • Sharon was livid when Adam told her that Jacob said he smoked pot before going into the BB house. Sharon is the only one of the houseguests who has never done any sort of illegal drug.
  • Sheila made a life-size Alex doll complete with hoodie. She used pillows for the body. I guess Alex has lost his buffness since leaving the house.
  • BB gave them alcohol again last night. They all partied hanging out in the HOH room -- all of them including Natalie.
  • Natalie is confused. She's not sure if she's nearsighted or farsighted.
  • Sheila talked about Adam's nasty personal habits.
  • Sheila told them that Evel Dick asked her out on a date. (Run Dick, run. Run fast as the wind!)
  • She has a yearning for him. (Run faster, Dick!)
  • Away from the others, Ryan told Sheila she has no worries. Natalie will be leaving this week.
  • Sheila whined about having to do the dishes on her birthday. I'd say just leave them there. If the slobs want to eat, they'll eventually wash them.
  • Sheila told Ryan it would look really bad for him and Adam if they don't get rid of Natalie. I'm not sure that's the best approach.
  • All are asleep as I get this posted.