Thursday, September 04, 2008

Big Brother 10: Live Feeds Into Thursday Dawn

See, when there isn't much to report, I can fill the space in with screen caps I took last night! Here's the latest from the Big Brother House of Bad Wardrobes:
  • Memphis, Keesha, and Renny talked about how Dan never changes his clothes ... and never washes them, either. Ew.
  • Memphis wants to destroy Jerry's t-shirts with the cut-off sleeves.
  • Renny walked in on Jerry as he was urinating, then mimicked him one hand on the hip off and on.
  • Jerry screamed for beer even though BB gave them wine.
  • Jerry said that he wrote nice things about them all in his HOH blog. I guess we'll see about that!
  • Renny told Keesha she shouldn't worry about packing because she (Keesha) won't be going home. Keesha packed anyway. Renny packed earlier.
  • The Diary Room called them in one by one.
  • Jerry keeps scaring Keesha by reminding her there could be a tie vote.
  • Keesha feels guilty that she didn't win POV -- if she had, she could have saved herself and Renny with her vote. If it were Dan and Renny or Memphis on the block, Jerry would definitely vote Dan out in a tiebreaker.
  • But it wasn't meant to be.
  • Memphis told Keesha he likes the lose-lose situation for Jerry this week. He can't play for HOH and they can't let him win POV.
  • All are asleep as I post this.

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Big Brother 10: Live Feeds into Wednesday Evening

How's this for excitement? For the longest time, Dan and Memphis played chess barely speaking on two feeds and Jerry napped on the other two. The big news of the evening is that they did another Craig Ferguson spot tonight. Craig's probably going to be confused where everyone went during his two weeks of vacation. Here are some other noteworthy (or not) happenings in the house this evening:
  • Both Keesha and Memphis are creeped out by the way Jerry stares at them. I think I would be, too.
  • Jerry spied on them some more with the spycam in the HOH room. I wonder if they could feel his eyes watching them.
  • Renny read the bible, Jerry napped, and the guys played chess. I think Keesha was napping off camera at the time. It all made me want to nap!
  • Renny gave Dan a few cooking tips.
  • Jerry droned on about investing money and his own investments.
  • Renny packed.
  • Memphis picked. His nose, that is.
  • They did the Ferguson spot and apparently all just wanted it over with and were irritable by the end of it.
  • Yawn.
  • Ferguson wil be a bit delayed here because the Republican National Convention ran over. I love it -- Palin's speech ended a few minutes ago and now they're replaying it on the local news. Well, duh ... do they think they're Big Brother with the recaps or something?

TV Squad Doings

Nah, this photo has nothing to do with TV Squad. I just found it interesting that the NYC X-Men have taken over the train station -- graffiti all over the place.

I have a new Reality TV Newsy Bits column I'm trying to get as a regular feature over on TV Squad. Once BB stops, I'll also go back to the more general TV Newsy Bits here with the links and all. But I want to see if I can get the weekly going there. Please check it out!

Plus, my full review/recap of last night's BB episode is up over at TVS, too.

Welp, I'm off to go exercise the knee. Fun never ends.

UPDATE 5:45 PM ET: My latest live feeds report is up now on TV Squad. The house is boring today, grr. As for me, I think I pulled a muscle in my leg. I shouldn't be allowed on exercise equipment. I must put ice on it. The knee is okay, though.

Big Brother 10: Live Feeds Into Wednesday Dawn

jackie's tv blog, Big Brother, BB!0
Yep, graphic artist Zoetawny wants Renny to keep on trucking. Unfortunately, I think we'll see her get the truck right out of there this week. Here's the latest from that Big Brother House of the Final Five:
  • Renny gave Jerry a haircut. Maybe now she'll remember that bald top!
  • They're bored. I'm bored.
  • Keesha told Renny and Memphis that Jerry was staring at her creepy-like.
  • Memphis said he never used to say "dude" and he has to stop saying it.
  • Yes, he does. The "dude" drove me crazy when they were feeding moths to the spider the other night. It's better than Michelle using the f word every other word, but ...!
  • Memphis told Dan that Keesha isn't his type for dating.
  • Jerry talked to himself in the HOH room. He did his Muttley laugh to himself, too.
  • He was kind of sad.
  • And boring.
  • BB gave them alcohol.
  • Dan and Memphis hung Keesha's bras on a lamp and giggled a lot. Sort of like a panty raid operation.
  • Dan and Memphis named the spider "Ted" and spent time feeding him again.
  • Dan (again) jumped out at Keesha to scare her. It worked.
  • Then Memphis scared her.
  • Renny told Keesha that if she (Keesha) hadn't been close to Memphis in the game, he would have been gone long ago.
  • All are asleep as I post this.

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Big Brother 10 - 9/02 Show Live-Blogged from the East Coast

jackie's tv blog, Big Brother, BB10

The show has started here on the East Coast. I'll be constantly updating this entry as it airs. Please forgive any typos! Everyone is welcome to chime in with your thoughts in comments!

Recaps and pushing Jerry as the 75-year-old ex-Marine. Into the Renegades. Jerry and Memphis agree on the final two, Memphis and Keesha agree to be the final two. Nominations ... again.

Good, into color and it's Day 53. Dan is projecting in the DR again -- happy that both Renegades aren't on the block. Jerry tells us Keesha is just the pawn. She doesn't feel safe although Memphis is pretty confident. He wants to get rid of Renny this week.

Both Dan and Keesha are taking being on the block okay. Dan tells her that they can both stay there if a certain person wins veto. Keesha thinks that Renny and Memphis will fight hard for the veto to keep themselves safe.

Dan talks to Jerry, says he has no hard feelings. Jerry tells him, "It would be naive to believe you all love me for me." Jerry tells us that he was covering the fact that he has an agreement with Memphis.

Renny and Jerry talk. He tells her it all depends on POV -- they could pull Dan and decide to send Keesha or her home. Renny tells Keesha that she'd (Renny) would go home if the veto is used to save Dan. Renny doesn't think it's looking too good for her right now.

Snicker ... Jerry fell in the pool while trying to read skywriting from a plane. Jerry and Memphis confirm their deal for the final two, as does he also confirm with Keesha. Now he's onto Dan for the final two, too!

While Memphis gets cocky, Dan likes to aggravate Renny. He mimics her. She tells us Dan has a few quirks I don't understand and a few behaviors that are questionable. She then tries to strangle him.

Dan is getting on Renny's nerves. She tells us she wants him to go home. Memphis isn't sure why Dan keeps pushing Renny's buttons, but one of them need to win POV to send her home.

Time for the veto comp -- individual rooms, called one at a time. Dan is first Rockabye Veto. Baby pictures, two HG make up the baby's face. Parents of all six babies shortest amount of time wins. Those are some ugly babies! Jerry was up next. He's wearing a Texas A&M shirt.

Memphis up next. He's racing! He thinks he did well, but could have done better. Renny thinks she has to win because she believes Memphis and Dan have a deal to go to the end. Heh. She liked her own baby pic with Jessie. ACK! How can she get Jerry wrong with the bald head? Too much time wasted!

Keesha looks almost frightened of the images. She wants the POV so bad ... Steven and me look like a gorilla! We should never have kids together.

Comp over ... they all want to win. Renny 23:32, Jerry 8:01, Dan 2:58, Memphis 2:50, Keesha 5:16. Memphis wins! Jerry should try to emote while reading cue cards.

Memphis says he has to think of his next step. Jerry hopes Memphis keeps his word and lets the nominations remain the same. Keesj is upset because she didn't win -- she thinks she's going home.

Memphis tells Dan if he pulls him off the block, he has to stop all the crazy antics. Memphis tells us that he's not sure that he can trust Dan. He makes Dan promise that if he (Dan) wins HOH, he can't put him on the block. Dan promises. Memphis tells us he doesn't want to piss anyone off.

Keesah and Renny talk. Keesha thinks he's a little snake and will throw them under the bus. Renny doesn't think Memphis wants to get rid of Keesha. So, Keesha approaches Memphis directely. He tells heer she will be with them next week. He tells her that Dan has to come off the block and that's the only way they can secure final three. Keesha doesn't trust Dan. Memphis tells her he won't vote her out.

Renny told Memphis that she knows people are talking about her. He avoids the issue and says no one is talking about her. Memphis assured Jerry that he will take him to the final two. He tells Jerry that he has another issue in the house. Jerry tells him that they can take care of Renny next week. He thinks Dan is a more dangerous player.

Time for the veto meeting. Memphis is worried about all of his deals, hopes he picks the right fork in the road. Renny thinks Dan needs to go. Jerry says if Memphis pulls Dan off the block, he no longer has an alliance with him.

Dan: Don't have a lot to say, 25th birthdsay, great gift, no hard feelings.
Keesha: Knows it's hard, all four have had each other's back, no hard feelings, won't ask you to choose.

Memphis: I made a decision to ... use the power of veto. Looking out for what's best for me, no hard feelings, use it on Dan. Jerry has no choice but to put Renny on the block.

Renny tells us that she still has fight in her. Jerry is hurt by Memphis and will do something in retribution. Memphis tells us that he has to keep assuring Jerry that they're the final two. Next ep - Jury house!