Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Big Brother 13 Live Feeds Quick Monday Evening Update

Her name is Crystal

The fortune teller has come to life, this time talking. First she said hello to Porsche by name. Porsche screamed and called in Rachel. They both screamed and got everyone else in there.

The fortune teller told them first that one of them will be the winner of Big Brother. (Well, duh.)

Then she said she had premonitions and they would have to hear all of them to win HoH. She would laugh and they need to come running.

The first clue was about Shelly becoming rich with her 2018 book about how she has the perfect tan and you can too. It will make #3 on the all-time bestseller list.

Okay, she's laughing again ... in 2017, tired of the Miami heat, Porsche will move to Anchorage, Alaska and buy an igloo with an Eskimo named Ernie.

This is probably going to go on for most of the night and I have to get some sleep as I have to go to the doctor, then physical therapy in the morning. But I'll hang in for a while.

She laughed again.

In 2014, Jeff will disappear from society. He will last be seen wandering the Chicago streets muttering two words, "Clown shoe!" Be gone!

Laughing again ...

October 15 3:42 PM, Daniele will reconcile with her father Dick. On October 15, 3:49 PM they will go back to not speaking.

Laughing again ...

In 2014 in a sleep study after sleeping for 19 days straight and making national headlines, Kalia will get her dream job as a mattress and pillow tester.

Laughing again ...

In 2016 Lawon will take NY Fashion Week by storm when he launches his Handsomefied line of hats, ties and jackets.

Laughing again ...

After taking 9 years to earn his PhD, Brendon will shock scholars and physicians alike by finding the cure for an ailment that's been bugging him his whole life after discovering the cure for athlete's foot.

Laughing again ...

In 2020 Adam will file bankruptcy after investing his life savings in a line of bacon-scented heavy metal teddy bears for children.

Laughing again ...

In 2018 Rachel will give birth to a 9 lb 6 oz bouncing baby boy named Buki, Jr. after his proud father.

Laughing again ...

In 2012 Cassi will land a role alongside international mega-superstar David Hasselhoff in a remake of a countrified version of Baywatch, Riverwatch.

Laughing again ...

In 2015 Evel Dick will start a new tradition by bringing Christmas gifts to heavily tattooed orphans changing his name to ... old St. Dick?

Laughing again ...

In 2013 Dominic will grace the cover of Seventeen Magazine with total DOMination, he'll dethrone pop sensation Justin Bieber as America's favorite heart throb

Laughing again ...

In 2015 Keith will land a job hosting a new dating show called Love Rejection but it will be short-lived after it's revealed that he tried to date all 29 contestants.

She almost went into the next premonition but then the tape stopped and she told them to leave the parlor room. If I'm not mistaken, I think Jordan is the only one left now.

Laughing again ...

In 2011 after the runaway success of the Humilitard, Jordan will launch a line of Humilitard-inspired items including the Humilicar, Humilifier, and the Humilibake oven

Okay, she went through all the hamsters. I hope it's over. On another note, Rachel just asked Jordan if she would reconsider her vote to keep Kalia. Jordan says it doesn't matter, she can change since she's sure Kalia will go whether she votes for her or not.

I'll be signing off for a while soon unless I hear the fortune teller laugh in next few minutes. Some of my Crystal quotes might not be perfect, but commenter FA has been transcribing them, along with the PT times and Crystal's good-byes for each one in comments. (Thanks, FA!)

MORNING UPDATE: No sleep for the hamsters as the fortune teller kept at it all night, repeating the fortunes already told. Rachel did sleep -- she can't compete in HoH and is strong on the fortunes from the first round. Adam seems the strongest with Jordan confused at times. Porsche and Kalia have a few things outright wrong.

Monday, September 05, 2011

Big Brother 13 Live Feeds PoV Update 9/05

As expected, Adam did NOT use the PoV -- Kalia and Porsche remain on the block.

Jordan thinks that Kalia has actually played the game and taken chances, unlike Porsche. However, both Rachel and Jordan are sure that Adam will vote out Kalia. So they remain discussing which will go. But I'm going to bet it will be Kalia.

Big Brother 13 Live Feeds Into Monday Morning 9/05

Adam still holds the power this week

No, I haven't forgotten y'all ... there just isn't all that much new to report. Here's the latest from that Big Brother House of Fools:
  • The PoV meeting hasn't gone down yet. I expect it later today.
  • Doesn't matter; Adam will NOT be using the Power of Veto.
  • Not only has he told Rachel and Jordan he won't (and, when the dude actually commits like that, he sticks to it), but he told US ... the live feed watchers.
  • I wish Adam was more interesting when he talks to the feeds watchers. He's no Dick at Nite show.
  • But, at least he DOES talk to us when he's alone.
  • They continue to all get along when together, no brouhahas.
  • They continue to play cards made out of tea bags.
  • Except Jordan, that is. She doesn't really like (know how?) to play cards.
  • Porsche is now sporting a new puke green velour sweat suit. @@
  • They all seem to be dressing up in their new clothes for PoV this morning.
  • Porsche is now wearing a floor-length dress with a hoodie over it. @@
  • Kalia and Porsche still work on Adam whenever they're separately alone with him, often throwing each other under the reality TV bus.
  • But it ain't gonna happen. He won't use it.
  • It still looks like Kalia will go this week.
  • Despite Kalia's extremely annoying personal habits and voice, I'd still prefer Porsche go.
  • Now that Porsche is actually shown doing stuff other than sleeping on the feeds, I'm not impressed.
  • Rachel continues to be normal-acting sans Brendon.
  • She might want to think about that when she gets out of the house.
  • That's all she wrote ...

Hanging out with Adam ... love the gown and hoodie, not!

Tea bag card game in action.

Sunday, September 04, 2011

Big Brother 13 HoH Result and Nominations Show Blog Party 9/04


The show is about to start here on the East Coast. Shockingly, it didn't get delayed by tennis! As it airs, I'll update this entry with major events. But the real fun is in the comments and I hope you all join in!

Rachel won HoH by a wide margin!

Rachel goes to the room to find Pandora's Box -- Tori Spelling and a shopping spree! She knows Adam's Tori fixation and thinks there can't be a big twist. So she goes for it. Rachel instead got Jessie. Eww.

The house got Tori Spelling. Adam is agog. Then the house got a three-minute shopping spree. Rachel didn't get to go.

Adam, Porsche and Kalia all pleaded their cases with her. But only Jordan and Adam are safe. Kalia and Porsche are on the block.

Off Topic - That Was the Week It Was - September 4, 2011

If you're looking for the latest Big Brother 13 live feeds update, it's this post, not THIS post.

It's Sunday morning and, unlike last Sunday, it's time for my (usually) weekly look back on the week gone by in both words and photographs I've taken along the way. I didn't post last Sunday due to an extended power outage due to Hurricane Irene. My power went out late Saturday night and didn't come on again until Monday morning. During Monday, it went out twice again for much shorter periods of time. However, I had it easier than many of my friends in Manville and Bound Brook during the storm.

For only the second time since living here (ten years), my own street flooded and had to be closed down. I didn't go out for any storm photos as my power was out -- no elevator with me still getting around with a crutch after my knee setback. From my own windows which look off to the side, the storm didn't look that impressive. Yet, when I went out on Tuesday, I noticed the water marks on the front part of the building were over a foot high. Our front foyer, which is lower than ground level (steps down to it outside, then steps up to the first floor inside) must have flooded.

I'm not sure when my power went out Saturday night -- I woke up around 4 AM all sweaty because my fan went off. Since I couldn't get back to sleep, I sat in my recliner chair by the window and watched explosions of transformers and wires being brought down by falling trees light up the night sky. It was almost surreal, like lightning close to the horizon with no lightning bolts or thunder. As I watched, I feared my power might be out a long, long time.

I'm lucky. Some of my friends STILL have no power as I get this written. Plus, I have no worries about storm damage. I live on the second floor of a three story apartment building. If a tree were to fall, it would hit the top floor. If a flood were to happen, it would be the basement and first floor.

The storm made the week a bit weird. I still see some wires down on the street. Hopefully they're just cable wires at this point. All of the intersections with traffic lights still boast flare dust from when cops were there through the night, then day, then night again. I had my police scanner on through the storm and my outage listening to water rescues and the various emergency responses. The Plainfield Police and Fire Departments get my kudos for a job well done!

Let's see ... what else has been going on? Oh! I found out that the stomach bug I had is indeed something that's going around. The mother of one of my friends was actually hospitalized with it. I know since my operation, my immune system is weaker than normal, so that's probably why I caught it and why it hit me so hard.

The knee continues to improve from its setback. Unfortunately, a lot of my recent physical therapy has had to focus on the kneecap dislocation rather than the knee replacement. My PT says that he has patients coming in solely for therapy for that. Ack. I've worked myself back down from the crutch to a cane while outside the apartment. But I still feel like it's unstable and I'm taking it real slow. Inside, I'm not using anything, but I'm not dashing about for sure!

Anyway ... onto the photos. My apologies again for no storm photos!

I come from New Jersey with my cap upon my knee

Second Street, Scotch Plains.


Tons of fungi all over the place both before and after Irene due to the historically wet summer.


A gathering of the 'shrooms

A lone 'shroom

I read where some folks have been eating the local mushrooms and have had to be hospitalized. That would never happen to me. I'm only a fan of photographing them. I don't care for eating them even when they're not poisonous.

Where the water came from?

I took this shot from in front of my building. The Green Brook runs in back of those apartments across the street from me. It's usually a small brook -- sometimes down to maybe twelve feet wide in spots, perhaps 20-25 feet at its widest in the area. Apparently it grew big enough to make my own street into a raging river during Irene.

My taped up kneecap.

My knee is swollen just because it's swollen. It's splotchy because I had ice on it at the end of PT. The scar is healing nicely, though!

Yet another mushroom

Snoopy window

East Second Street, Plainfield

Pretty in pink

Flowers brighten up a set of weathered steps on Berckman Street in Plainfield.

Silly tiny bikes

How can they ride these things? Those seats look SO uncomfortable! Scotch Plains.

Camera shy

That human will never find me!
I'll become one with the tree!
Call me a treehugger

Yet another mushroom

You NEED to put that camera down and play with me!

Okay, Vincent. Whatever you want ...