Wednesday, May 25, 2016

The Price is Right Special - The Amazing Race Edition - May 25


Tonight, it's The Amazing Race teams appearing on a special The Price is Right. And, on Wednesday, it's The Amazing Race competitors. I will be watching the show tonight. However, I'm not much of a game show fan (other than Jeopardy) and I probably will hang out in comments rather than live-blogging it, per se. But, since folks would like a place to discuss this show, here you go!

In addition to a Phil Keoghan appearance, the following teams will compete:

Leo Temory and Jamal Zadaran, Season 23 and 24
Tyler Oakley and Korey Kuhl, Season 28
Erin Robinson and Joslyn Davis, Season 28
Joey Buttitta and Kelsey Gerckens, Season 27 (winners)
Natalie "Nat" Strand and Katherine "Kat" Chang, Season 17 (winners)
William "Bopper" Minton and Mark Jackson, Season 20
Tiffany Chantell Torres and Krista DeBono, Season 27
Brook Roberts and Claire Champlin, Season 17
Nathaniel "Big Easy" Lofton and Herbert "Flight Time" Lang, Seasons 15, 18, and 24

Teams ready? Go!

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

The Price is Right Special - Big Brother Edition - May 24


Tonight, Big Brother hamsters appear on a special The Price is Right. And, on Wednesday, it's The Amazing Race competitors. Unfortunately, I won't be around for tonight's show. I'm actually not quite sure how I'd live-blog a game show anyway! But, since folks would like a place to discuss this show, here you go!

In addition to an appearance by Julie Chen, this is the guest list for tonight:

Frankie Grande, Season 16
Britney Godwin, Seasons 12 and 14
James Huling, Season 17
Will Kirby, Seasons 2 (winner) and 7
Janelle Pierzina, Seasons 6, 7, and 14
Rachel Reilly, Seasons 12 and 13 (winner)
Da'Vonne Rogers, Season 17
Jeffrey Schroeder, Seasons 11 and 13
Ian Terry, Season 14 (winner)

Have fun and I'll check in on comments a bit later!

Monday, May 23, 2016

The Price is Right - Survivor Edition - May 23


Tonight, Survivor castaways take over a special edition of The Price is Right! Tomorrow night, it's Big Brother folks and on Wednesday, The Amazing Race competitors. Unfortunately, I won't be around for tonight or tomorrow's show. I'm actually not quite sure how I'd live-blog a game show anyway! But, since folks would like a place to discuss this show, here you go!

In addition to an appearance by Jeff Probst, this is the guest list for tonight:

Natalie Anderson, Season 29 (winner)
Joe Anglim, Seasons 30 and 31
Rupert Boneham, Season 7, 8, 20, and 27
Jeremy Collins, Seasons 29 and 31 (winner)
Cirie Fields, Seasons 12, 16, and 20
Woo Hwang, Seasons 28 and 31
Rob Mariano, Seasons 4, 8, 20, and 22 (winner)
Kelley Wentworth, Seasons 29 and 31
Tina Wesson, Seasons 2 (winner), 8, and 27

Have fun and I'll be checking in on the comments later this evening!

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - May 22, 2016

Good morning! Since it's a Sunday morning, that means it's time for my weekly off television topic reflection on the week gone by in both words and photos I've taken along the way.

Speaking of television (even though I'm not speaking of television on this post), on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, CBS will air reality TV guests on special The Price Is Right shows -- 8pm ET/PT. The shows involved, respectively, are: Survivor, Big Brother and The Amazing Race. I won't be able to watch on Monday night or Tuesday nights, but will set up posts for those who wish to discuss the shows as they air East Coast time. I will post and live blog the show on Wednesday night. But, mind you, I'm not a big The Price is Right fan and I'm not quite sure how good my live blogging of the show will be. I'll probably make more mocking (or otherwise) comments about the show's guests!

Random notes on the week:
  • The landlord will get another call about the guy upstairs with the booming bass stereo. He blasted it for over an hour Friday evening, vibrating my whole apartment. Then he and he guests left. I went to bed only to be rudely awakened at 1:38am by the thumping of the bass on his stereo. It wasn't AS loud as earlier in the evening. But it did wake me up and I had trouble getting back to sleep. I ended up going to work yesterday on all of about three hours of sleep. I work Saturdays despite his belief that Friday nights can be wild. The stereo was still on when I left for work.
  • Thankfully, he and his buddies seem to have gone elsewhere (probably to annoy other people) for last night and I actually got some sleep.
  • I'm looking forward to two weeks of four day work weeks ahead. Woot! Woot! I actually have a three day holiday weekend next week. Hopefully I won't be tempted to sleep it all away.
  • People who walk and text do things like fall over benches and walk into poles. Ha. 
I don't have much more for you except for the photos ... clicking on an image will bring up a larger version.

Vincent tries to make a friend

Oh my. A young dove made the mistake of sitting on one of my windowsills cooing. Coo coo. Vincent tried to befriend the lonely dove. Wisely, the dove flew away. (Of course, the window is closed and there's a screen. Vincent couldn't have gotten the dove if he lunged.) Sorry about the quality of the shot, but I only had a moment to take it!

Pretty planter

One of the townhomes on East Front Street in Plainfield always has beautiful planters of flowers in their yard.

Live CRAWLfish?!?!

I don't want them crawling around my kitchen! Eek! (I assume they mean CRAWfish.) A sign in the window of Pete's Fish Market on East Second Street in Plainfield.

When a tree falls in Plainfield ...

... it closes down a major thoroughfare for nearly 24 hours! On Monday morning, a tree fell from the north side of East Front Street. It fell across the street severely damaging two parked cars and snapping the utility pole (leaning on the left of the photo) on the south side of the street.  The tree saga continues after the jump.


Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Survivor: Kaoh Rong Season Finale Blog Party

Survivor fans ready? It's the big season finale with folks I wouldn't have predicted in the final four. As the show airs, I'll update this entry with the major happenings -- refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments area. Please join us there. We like snacks. And beverages. Don't forget the beverages!

Lifeguard Laurie has been keeping up with the pool --

Aubry Braco - Jennasmom, Glenn
Cydney Gillon - Leo Lionharted, PDX Granny
Michele Fitzgerald - Brian TCC, Kelsey NY
Tai Trang - Margo, anonymouse

Neal Gottlieb
Nick Maiorano
Debbie Wanner
Scot Pollard
Julia Sokolowski
Kyle Jason 
Joseph Del Campo (medical evac) - Grandi, Petals

Let's get this show going! Not to mention, the party ...

The scene is set in Los Angeles. A mention was made that Mark the Chicken made it further than any other chicken without being eaten. Jeff promises us a first time new twist which could mean the difference between winning and losing for a castaway. Hmm.

Now it's just recapping all the difficult times.

At camp Tai is worried ... worried that people will get mad about Mark crowing and blame on him, worried that he can't use his idol as they're at the Final Four, worried if he can win anyone over other than Aubry.

Aubry thinks that Michele is the one who's the biggest threat for winning jury votes.

Michele thinks Tai is dangerous. Cydney thinks everyone wants to take her to the final three.

Reward Challenge is on! Obstacle course, puzzles and a locked box. Steak, vegetables, drinks and a protein bar are the reward.

Aubry wins Reward! It's her first individual win. She's offered the opportunity to bring one person ... or not. She chooses Cydney. Hmm. She says it's so they can beat Michele in Immunity. But, of course, we know that Michele and Cydney are big allies. Hmm.

Meanwhile, Michele is working on Tai to vote out either Aubry or Cydney. She wants Aubry and gets Tai to agree with her. Once again, he's willing to try for the million at any cost even if it means betraying his one true alliance.

Time for the Immunity Challenge. Race into ocean, retrieve a key, stairs, another key, race back out, drop a ball, key, puzzle. Aubry led for until the puzzle, then Tai (and Michele) took over the lead. Cydney and Aubry are out of it for all it's worth.

Michele wins Immunity!

Aubry (of course) wants to target Cydney, but doesn't quite trust Tai, either. They think a tie and the fire-making to solve it. Meanwhile, Cydney and Michelle talk. Michele wants to target Aubry because she would do better with the jury than Tai would. They want to bring Tai into it. Aubry is right to worry.

Aubry promises us she won't go down without a fight.

Tribal Council. Uh-oh. Tai mentions alliances are out the door now. It's a me game, not a we game according to Cydney.

The tally:
Aubry, Cydney, Aubry, Cydney -- it's a tie! Onto the fire-making challenge? I don't know. I do know we're onto a commercial.

The votes won't change and it is fire-making -- Cydney vs. Aubry.

Aubry wins and Cydney goes to the jury!

Michele thinks Tai gave Aubry a million dollars by voting Cydney.

They find out it's a final two, not three. There's one more challenge and the winner chooses who they're taking with them.

Immunity is NOT up for grabs. They ARE the final three! They get to plead their case to the jury. But they will vote someone out. The winner gets to vote out a jury member. Interesting.

They have to balance on wobbly (huge springs) platforms while stacking balls and stands with a pole.

Michele wins! Not only does she get to vote off a jury member, she gets to be the one to tell them.

Michele is thinking of taking Joe out as she's sure he would vote for Aubry. Tai brings up Neal, who might persuade the others more than Joe. Aubry thinks that Tai might have more power with the jury than they think. She suggests Scot.

Jury questioning time! Michele reads the announcement -- the jury member voted out won't be here for the questioning, nor the vote. After much reasoning why the vote of whom ... Michele votes.

She takes out Neal. Whoa, he tosses some insults at her comparing her to a whining little puppy. Nasty dude. The right choice? He tells us that both Tai and Aubry played better than Michele.

The castaways get a scale and a mirror. Yikes all about! They get their last day feast. Each one tells us about their game, why they need to win and their fear of the jury.

Mark accompanies them to the jury questioning.

Nick: Giving advice, some animosity, Michele show intelligence, Tai awareness, Aubry confidence. Be honest.

Debbie: Tai, inexplicable switching votes, multiple personality? Tai says he didn't. Protected Aubry when Scot and Jason targeted his ally. Stayed true, but had to make a big move. Aubry - I helped keep you in the game, would you do the same? Yes, heat stroke, gamewise you were too much of a threat. No questions for Michele.

Julia: Michele, you were the weakest link on the Beauty Tribe, brought along as a number after the merge. I was proud of you when you made the big move to vote me out. Michele said she had to prove she was capable. Tai - you started out strong, huge threat, things went crazy, deteriorated. He says he followed his alliance to the end.  Nothing for Aubry.

Joe: Michele, know what your game is about. Tai - Selfless, hardworking, truthful. Why you, not Aubry? Tai talks of idols, getting Scot out. Aubry - how did your game differ? Tai came to her with info, if Tai didn't have her, nothing would have gone on, she had the right side for votes, he didn't.

Jason: Truth time. I don't know who I'm voting for. Michele, you weren't in on the Scot vote. When did things change? She says she worked her way in and didn't flip-flop like Tai did. Tai - Why did you leave us (Scot and Jason)? I got scared, got scared of your relationship with Scot.

Cydney: Aubry - Always a plan to get me out? Aubry says it was supposed to be Michele, but she had immunity. Michele - Did you know that it would be a tie. I wanted to be here with you, says Michele.

Scot: Tai, got an idol, didn't use it, didn't use your advantage right. Aubry - started out well. Why would I vote for you? Because you're a competitor and I am in my own way. Michele - You out-toughed those two. Well done, Michele.

Jeff gives the three a chance to talk:

Aubry - Managed to change, tried hard, played my heart out.

Tai - Game is hard, believes in goodness and humanity, each is a hyacinth plant floating on water. Teary.

Michele - I was playing an intelligent game, had to fight her way against roadblocks, believed in self. Proud of herself.

Jeff gives Tai a chance to set Mark free and they all say goodbye to their chicken.

It's onto Los Angeles and the cleaned-up final three.

The votes:
Michele, Aubry, Aubry, Michele, Michele, Michele.

Fellow Jersey Girl Michele wins Survivor: Kaoh Rong!

Whoa ... in the reunion, pop star Sia gives Tai 50 grand for himself and another 50 grand to the animal charity of his choice.

Drew Carey segment about the Survivor people on The Price is Right to air Monday 5/23 at 8pm. 

Next season will be set in Fiji. 33rd season, 20 castaways, Millennials vs. Gen X.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - May 15, 2016

Good morning! Since it's a Sunday morning, that means it's time for my weekly off television topic reflection on the week gone by in both words and photos I've taken along the way. Please stop by on Wednesday evening at 8pm EDT for east coast live blogging and the blog party for the season finale of Survivor: Kaoh Rong!

After having an entire week of rain the previous week, this past week was more sunny and spring-like here in New Jersey. Oh, sure ... we had some stormy weather. But, thankfully, not an entire week of grey dismal cloudy skies and rain!

As for me, just another week in the life of work, home, eat, (not enough) sleep, pay attention to a cat and then rinse, repeat. I didn't do anything exciting, nor did I go anywhere except to work. I often feel like I'm doomed to complete exhaustion and will end up working until the day I die. With my luck, I'll probably die AT work. Gah. I so want to retire and move onto doing something I actually enjoy doing and have less stress in my life. I'm tired of being so tired.

Wah. Sniffle. Sniffle.

Now that my whining is done, here are some random takes on the week gone by:
  • The Somerset Patriots at the TD Ball Park in Bridgewater were rained out one night, but played last night as the dark stormy skies were rushed away by strong winds. Their ballpark food always smells SO good as I walk by on my way to the train station! 
  • Other than some rare random hammering as they hang pictures or something, I haven't heard a peep out of the new neighbor(s) downstairs. Hopefully they can say the same about me. Well, except for the hammering part, that is. While I actually own a hammer, I can't tell you the last time I used it!
  • On the other hand, my upstairs neighbor had his stereo going full blast in short spurts Friday night. Hmm. I've come to the conclusion that he's a loud guy whenever he has guests over. Unfortunately, he has guests every weekend. I have to work on Saturdays. If I were new here, I'd just think sound travels. But I know better. In the time I've been here, there have been a handful of different tenants in that apartment. He's the ONLY one with a pounding bass stereo at an unreal volume. He's also the ONLY one whose conversations I can hear when they're not even arguing/fighting. You pretty much have to shout for me to make out the words in my apartment and he does. Sigh.
  • We might have record cold temperatures tonight. Eek. I hope some of this chilliness carries on through the summer. I wouldn't be upset at all if we had no heat waves!
  • Is Norma really dead on the Bates Motel
That's all I have for you! It's onto the photos I've taken this past week. If you click on an image, it will open in a larger gallery version.

Spotlight on the azaleas

I edited this shot with the Google NIK Color Efex Pro 4 photo editor to darken the edges and bring out the color on the row of blossoms a bit more. These are growing outside of the TD Bank Ball Park in Bridgewater.

Red pansy

I used the same effect on this shot, but made the edges even darker. There were not so healthy blossoms nearby this beauty. By using this vignette filter, they were taken out without cropping the photo and they no longer distracted from the beauty of the red pansy.

How do these things happen?

This is right down the street from my apartment. There is no cross street there. Plus, traffic shouldn't be moving all that fast if adhering to the speed limit. That's a cast iron fence. Sheesh. A drunk driver is the most likely cause.

Pretty pansies in a row

I did absolutely nothing other than resize this photo down for posting. It's all just plain ol' nature's beauty.


Friday, May 13, 2016

The Amazing Race: Season Finale Blog Party - May 13, 2016

The show is starting! As it airs here on the East Coast, I'll post the major happenings live. Refresh the page to get the latest! However, as it always is ... the real party is in the comments area. Please join in on the fun! (And bring tasty beverages and snacks!)

The Magnificent Margo (and Mom) have made the random picks for the blog pool and here they are ...
Tyler & Korey-P- Paula Bell, Bruce & Ray, SueGee
Sheri & Cole- Donna in FL, Merrilee, Becky
Dana & Matt- Grandi, Nicklepeed

Marty & Hagan- Jackie, Willie J
Cameron & Darius- chrob61, PDXGranny
Jessica & Brittany- Donna in AL, Monty924
Erin & Joslyn- Brian, Margo, Rbennie
Scott & Blair- Meb, Jennasmom
Zach & Rachel- Sharon N, Nana in NW
Kurt & Brodie- David, Ed in OH
Burnie & Ashley- Buzzmaam, Delee

Yikes, it's the season finale! My blog random pick team was the first one out, so I've been a free agent. I'd love to see Sheri and Cole win this. I'm amazed that they're still in it! But, I doubt that will happen. I guess we'll just watch and see.

Ready to race?

Recap, recap, season recap.

Teams will be racing to Los Angeles in the final leg and are getting an upgrade to premium class -- a first for the show. Whoa! That's some digs on that plane!

Roadblock: Who's ready to take a leap of faith? Jumping off a skyscraper to grab a clue. If they miss, then they have to rappel back down and try again.

Dana and Matt are in the lead and are headed for a helicopter ride to Santa Barbara. Sheri and Cole beat out Korey and Tyler TO the jump site. But Sheri is starting to freak out. Can she do it?

No, she flubs and has to re-do it. Tyler is up next. He flubs it.

The helicopter was waiting with Dana and Matt, but left after both teams failed.

They move the clue closer for the second try. Sheri got it. Tyler misses it! He gets it on his third try. Both other teams are in their helicopters. Will they catch up?

Matt and Dana borrowed the taxi driver's cell phone, so they kind of know what they're looking for -- a marked dinghy and eventually a boat named the Theresa Ann. They got it. They're on their way to Gibralter Rock.

BUT ... they made the mistake of letting their taxi go and are now waiting. Meanwhile, Sheri and Cole went right by the Theresa Ann. Eek! The boys aren't at the water yet.

Heh. Sheri and Cole fooled the boys into thinking they didn't have a clue. But Sheri and Cole didn't keep their taxi. The boys are now ahead of them. They get a cab. The boys' driver doesn't know where Gibralter Rock is.

Matt and Dana arrive. Are you ready for some synchronized mountaineering? Working together to get the next clue. Each gets a half of the clue and meet together at the end.

The next clue is at a vineyard.

Sheri and Cole are starting the high over the ground mountaineering. Uh-oh. Tyler and Korey have the fate of the Bad Cabbie. Sheri and Cole did it! The boys are there working hard and fast at it!

Heehee. Dana and Matt went way beyond the clues stuck in a bale of hay at the vineyards. Maybe the other teams will catch up!

They found it Roadblock. They have to hashtag all the clues on barrels of wines spelling out cities on the race in order. Dana is going through it quickly. She got the clue. They have to go to the finish line at a lake.

Cole is the one doing the barrels for them. Now Korey is starting. Dana and Matt can't find the lake.

DANA AND MATT win The Amazing Race! (Not my personal choice of the three teams remaining, but kudos to them!)

2. Sheri and Cole!
3, Tyler and Korey

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Survivor: Kaoh Rong - May 11 Blog Party

Survivor fans ready? As the show airs, I'll update this entry with the major happenings -- refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments area. Please join us there. We like snacks. And beverages. Don't forget the beverages! They promise us a shocker tonight. I worry it might be Tai!

Lifeguard Laurie has been keeping up with the pool --

Aubry Braco - Jennasmom, Glenn
Cydney Gillon - Leo Lionharted, PDX Granny
Joseph Del Campo - Grandi, Petals
Michele Fitzgerald - Brian TCC, Kelsey NY
Tai Trang - Margo, anonymouse

Neal Gottlieb
Nick Maiorano
Debbie Wanner
Scot Pollard
Julia Sokolowski
Kyle Jason - Nana in the NW, Sharon N.

Let's get this show going! Not to mention, the party ...

Tai knows he's in hot water with the others. They bring up that he's turned on alliances three times so far. Michele, of course, is very irked knowing he targeted her. Meanwhile, Tai thinks Aubry betrayed him.

Reward Challenge time -- race into jungle, climb ladder, collect sandbags, throw them into five targets. Survivor Spa is the reward, including food and spending the night in a real bed.

JOE wins reward! He chooses Aubry to go with him. One more ... he picks Cydney at Aubry's request. At Reward, Joe thinks he's reinforcing the final three. But, in actuality he just opened Aubry's eyes to how dangerous Cydney actually is in the game. Meanwhile, Michele and Tai bond back at the camp.

Aubry is hoping her, Joe and Tai are the final three. She wants to make amends with Tai. She sells him on it. They're a pair once again.

Cydney is suspicious of Tai and Aubry. She goes to Michele. She really wants Tai out next. Michele now thinks they can get out either Joe or Aubry.

Joe's not feeling well. He overdid it at the Reward. Aubry is worried. Uh-oh. Medics are coming to take a look. After medication, Joe is still feeling horrible. He's in a lot of pain. This could be serious. Tai cries ... again. They're all upset. He sees the doctor once again. His prostrate issues could cause long term kidney damage.

Yep, Joe is getting pulled from the game.

This season has a record for people getting pulled from the game for medical problems -- three.

No tribal tonight. Our final four are Cydney, Michele, Tai and Aubry. Hmm.

Sunday, May 08, 2016

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - May 8, 2016

I hope all of the mothers out there have a day full of love and family!

Since it's a Sunday morning, that means it's time for my weekly off television topic reflection on the week gone by in both words and photos I've taken along the way. Please stop by on show nights for east coast live blogging (and blog parties) for both The Amazing Race and Survivor!

I really don't have much for you this week. It was dreary, chilly, rainy, misty and grey for most of the week here. That's not very conducive to taking photos!

My new neighbor(s) moved in downstairs. I'm thinking it might be a middle-aged couple. Or, possibly one person. I saw a man moving in boxes last Sunday. But I don't know if he was the one moving in or was just helping the move. Other than some moving in noises, I really haven't heard anything from downstairs. Obviously, no kids. (Yay!) Chances are that I might not ever really meet them -- different floors, different halls used, etc. Heck, we won't even be sharing the elevator!

I invested two dollars, yet did not win the Powerball.

Onto this week's photos -- clicking on an image will open a larger version.


I really don't know how quickly the luxury apartments in that new building and in the rehabbed old Miron Warehouse (in the backgrount) will rent out. The rental prices are a bit high for the neighborhood in its current state. As the Transit Village near the train station gets more underway, these downtown changes are definitely welcome. East Second Street, Plainfield.

I'll try not to be cynical

This post on the lawn of the Friends Meeting House (Quakers) on Watchung Avenue is a bit more optimistic about the state of the world than I am.

Rain, rain and more rain


Friday, May 06, 2016

The Amazing Race Blog Party - May 6, 2016

The show is starting! As it airs here on the East Coast, I'll post the major happenings live. Refresh the page to get the latest! However, as it always is ... the real party is in the comments area. Please join in on the fun! (And bring tasty beverages and snacks!)

The Magnificent Margo, birthday girl, (and Mom) have made the random picks for the blog pool and here they are ...
Tyler & Korey-P- Paula Bell, Bruce & Ray, SueGee
Burnie & Ashley- Buzzmaam, Delee
Sheri & Cole- Donna in FL, Merrilee, Becky
Dana & Matt- Grandi, Nicklepeed

Marty & Hagan- Jackie, Willie J
Cameron & Darius- chrob61, PDXGranny
Jessica & Brittany- Donna in AL, Monty924
Erin & Joslyn- Brian, Margo, Rbennie
Scott & Blair- Meb, Jennasmom
Zach & Rachel- Sharon N, Nana in NW
Kurt & Brodie- David, Ed in OH

Last week we lost the Alpha Male team. Who gets Philiminated next?

Ready to race?

Teams are on the way to China. All teams are on the same flight. They have to trek by bus and train to the Eiffel Tower. No, not the one in Paris! There's a bit of a rift going on because Tyler/Korey were exposed when they said they hadn't found the clue, but they did. Poor Sheri and Cole!

Who wants to see the world? A theme park has many iconic structures from around the world. Tyler works with Dana. Burnie is on his own. Sheri and Cole missed the bus. Sheri us doing well once she gets going. But she's still behind. Burnie passed out Dana and Tyler.

Detour - Commuter Cycle or Master of Arts. Travel on a cycle scooter thing or find an artist with a marked paint brush, deliver and post paintings.

Pit Stop:
1. Tyler and Korey
2. Dana and Matt
4. Burnie and Ashley

The last team was Philiminated. But I'm so happy for Cole and Sheri!

Wednesday, May 04, 2016

Survivor: Kaoh Rong Blog Party - May 4

Survivor fans ready? As the show airs, I'll update this entry with the major happenings -- refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments area. Please join us there. We like snacks. And beverages. Don't forget the beverages!

Lifeguard Laurie has been keeping up with the pool --

Aubry Braco - Jennasmom, Glenn
Cydney Gillon - Leo Lionharted, PDX Granny
Joseph Del Campo - Grandi, Petals
Kyle Jason - Nana in the NW, Sharon N.
Michele Fitzgerald - Brian TCC, Kelsey NY
Tai Trang - Margo, anonymouse

Neal Gottlieb - Merrilee, JoyzJenn
Nick Maiorano - Laurie, ML
Debbie Wanner - meb, Rbennie
Scot Pollard - Delee, Pinky
Julia Sokolowski - Indiana Jane, Nickelpeed

Let's get this show going! Not to mention, the party ...

Tai is thankful he ended up safe. Jason thinks he can talk people into things and he's ready to scheme to stay in the game. Tai tells Aubry and Joe that he not only has the idol, but an extra vote that he will use in the next Tribal Council. He also has Cydney in his group. The target with be either Jason or Michele to go.

It looks like Mark the Chicken has the best chance of making it to the end of the game.

Jason has decided to "play the lazy card" and do nothing. Of course, his thought is that everyone will want to have him in the finals against him.

Reward Challenge -- Two teams of three, race through water maze, retrieve three balls, maneuver balls through maze. The Reward is a trip to the Wildlife Alliance Sanctuary, visit facility, interact with the animals and have an outdoor picnic.

Joe, Aubry, Cydney
Tai, Michele, Jason

Tai, Michele and Jason win Reward! While Tai loves animals and is excited about seeing them, he's worried his team will fall apart back at camp. It's probably a valid worry. After all, they all know if he makes it to the final three/two, he'd probably win -- he's played a strong game and, gosh darn it, people like him. That's not someone good to sit with at the end!

Back at camp, Joe's getting himself in hot water while building a fire to heat the water -- he's ordering the other two around. Cyndey, in particular, is bristling.

The Rewards group got the picnic first. They're thrilled when an elephant comes by to visit. Uh-oh, Tai is warming up to Jason. He thinks that Michele should go next. Michele is not as touched by Jason's warmness with the animals.

Time for the Immunity Challenge! Hold onto a rope which balances a wobbly table, collect blocks, solve stacking puzzle by spelling the word "immunity" with the blocks.

Cydney wins immunity!

Tai wants to use his extra vote to oust Michele. Cydney is being quiet. Gah, Tai tells Jason to vote Michele. Jason wants to vote Joe. Meanwhile, Cydney tells Joe that Jason needs to go before Michele. Cydney tells Michele about Tai targeting her.

Tribal Council and it's Attack Tai time for Michele. Hmm.

Tai uses his advantage, his extra vote. He goes to cast a second vote (for Michele). He doesn't play his idol.

The tally:
Jason, Michele, Michele, Jason, Joe, Jason, Jason.

His vote did not good for his cause. They voted Jason out.

Sunday, May 01, 2016

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - May 1, 2016

Good morning! Since it's a Sunday morning, that means it's time for my weekly off television topic reflection on the week gone by in both words and photos I've taken along the way. Please stop by on show nights for east coast live blogging (and blog parties) for both The Amazing Race and Survivor!

Another week gone by and now we're into May. Remember back when you were a child and the years seemed to last for years and years? I find that, as I'm aging, they go by in nearly the wink of an eye. And, after all, a wink is as good as a nod to a blind horse. Or, something like that.

Our temperatures here dipped to more chilly and we had more rain this past week. But, at least, we're not back to the wintry mix realm! The weather wintry and spring fluctuations have really affected tree leaves and blossoms in the area. This coming week is also supposed to be on the chilly side (but not wintry -- just a few degrees below normal) with rain. I thought April showers were supposed to bring May flowers. I guess we're going to go for pilgrims. (Get it? What do Mayflowers bring? Oh, wait ... I'm thinking what do May showers bring. I'm stumped. Mosquitoes?)

In apartment news, until yesterday morning my upstairs neighbor didn't play his stereo. Or, he played it when I wasn't home or played it at a normal volume which I couldn't hear. Then, 7:30am yesterday ... really? REALLY? What is wrong with him? He knows people are complaining! While it wasn't cranked to his usual nerve-wracking volume, it was loud. He has to have the speakers sitting on the floor and the bass at full. I've never, with the very rare exception of an occasional outright party, heard music from that apartment in 16 years. Yet, he is the first tenant up there with wall-to-wall carpet instead of the hardwood floors and that should muffle noise some. But his thumping stereo can still disrupt my life. Grr. Plus, he's argued with the girlfriend most of the weekend that I've been home. He's quiet when she's not here. She needs to go away. 

Onto this week's photos -- clicking on an image will bring it up in a larger form.

Immortal West-Side Spirit

I took this photo because of the jacket and the guitar. But, when we both got to the other platform to wait for the train, this man played the most amazing classical guitar I've ever heard by someone in person. Absolutely beautiful! He got on the train, sat in the entry level handicapped/bikes section while I went upstairs ... and he continued to play there. The soft pretty sound of his guitar almost made me forget that some jerk with tinny music escaping from his ear buds was nearby. I took this shot at the Plainfield Train Station and edited for, I don't know, dramatic effect? 

Peachy keen azaleas

These bloomed this week both on Berckman Street in Plainfield and near the Bridgewater Train Station. This shot was taken in Plainfield.

Watchung Avenue excitement

Nearly twelve hours after an accident occurred, New York City and New Jersey news crews were still on Watchung Avenue as I headed off to the train station to go to work. More photos and an explanation after the jump.


Friday, April 29, 2016

The Amazing Race: Blog Party - April 29, 2016

The show is starting! As it airs here on the East Coast, I'll post the major happenings live. Refresh the page to get the latest! However, as it always is ... the real party is in the comments area. Please join in on the fun! (And bring tasty beverages and snacks!)

The Magnificent Margo (and Mom) have made the random picks for the blog pool and here they are ...
Tyler & Korey-P- Paula Bell, Bruce & Ray, SueGee
Burnie & Ashley- Buzzmaam, Delee
Sheri & Cole- Donna in FL, Merrilee, Becky
Dana & Matt- Grandi, Nicklepeed
Kurt & Brodie- David, Ed in OH

Marty & Hagan- Jackie, Willie J
Cameron & Darius- chrob61, PDXGranny
Jessica & Brittany- Donna in AL, Monty924
Erin & Joslyn- Brian, Margo, Rbennie
Scott & Blair- Meb, Jennasmom
Zach & Rachel- Sharon N, Nana in NW

Caution! Double U-Turn ahead! 

Ready to race?

Teams have to go to an island for their next clue. And, indeed, there is a U-Turn ahead. Apparently, in the last leg, the teams were only fifteen minutes apart from first to last. The water is beautiful. A dancing monkey (which they have find) will give them the next clue.

Detour -- Haul or Harvest. With a canoe, harvest enough seaweed to cover a tarp. Or, safely deliver coconuts and four chickens.

Tyler and Korey are in the lead.

Double U-Turn -- Korey and Tyler U-Turn Brodie and Kurt. Burnie and Ashley U-Turn Korey and Tyler so that they can't U-Turn anyone else.

Roadblock: Who's feeling blue? A four-story drop into a blue lagoon.

The Alpha Boys are heading off to the second detour (harvest).

It turns out Cole has a fear of heights. Uh-oh. But he did it! Two other teams -- Korey/Tyler and Burnie/Ashley are heading towards the Pit Stop ahead of them.

Pit Stop:
1. Korey and Tyler -- won a trip on an Alaskan cruise
2. Burnie and Ashley
3. Dana and Matt
4. Sheri and Cole
5. Brodie and Kurt -- Philiminated

Brodie is going to make good with his date plans for Blair.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Survivor: Kaoh Rong - April 27 Blog Party

Survivor fans ready? As the show airs, I'll update this entry with the major happenings -- refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments area. Please join us there. We like snacks. And beverages. Don't forget the beverages!

I hope that between his Immunity advantage and his idol, Tai is safe through Tribal. I wouldn't shed any tears if Jason went away.

Lifeguard Laurie has been keeping up with the pool --

Aubry Braco - Jennasmom, Glenn
Cydney Gillon - Leo Lionharted, PDX Granny
Joseph Del Campo - Grandi, Petals
Julia Sokolowski - Indiana Jane, Nickelpeed
Kyle Jason - Nana in the NW, Sharon N.
Michele Fitzgerald - Brian TCC, Kelsey NY
Tai Trang - Margo, anonymouse

Neal Gottlieb (when the infection is gone) - Merrilee, JoyzJenn
Nick Maiorano - Laurie, ML
Debbie Wanner - meb, Rbennie
Scot Pollard - Delee, Pinky

Let's get this show going! Not to mention, the party ...

Of course, Jason is very upset with Tai. He's lost both his partner and his idol.  Michele and Julie are upset they were left out of the loop. Yet, Tai is now in with Aubry, Cydney and Joe.

Tai apologized to Jason and Jason acted cool about it. But, he's not.

Reward Challenge time -- they race through obstacles to collect three rings, tethered together in random pairs. They then have to toss the rings onto a fish hook target. Jason picked the wrong rock and won't participate. Julie/Aubry, Tai/Joe, Michele/Cydney. The prize is a helicopter tour of the island followed by a fried chicken feast.

Cydney and Michele win. Can pick one person to join them. They chose Aubrey to go with them because she hasn't eaten.

While on Reward, Michele works her way back in with the girls.

Cydney and Aubry know they don't want to go to the final three with Tai. But he can wait. They have others who need to go first and they need Tai.

Jason and Julia think that, with Michele, they only need one more to get Tai out of the game. They're thinking Cydney. Jason wants to sell her on the idea.

Immunity Challenge! Race to a platform, memorized symbols and corresponding numbers, open a combination lock, solve a puzzle. Julia is in the lead, Joe is sitting it out due to exhaustion. Now Michele is also working on her puzzle.

Michele wins with the word BLINDSIDED.

In discussion, the name Jason is brought up. But the consensus seems to be Julia. Michele isn't too happy with that. And, it would be typical of Survivor to have a flip. Thankfully, Tai is suspicious -- he will bring his idol and his advantage to Tribal.

Some of the key votes seem to be up in the air as Tribal Council starts.

The tally --
Tai does NOT play his idol. Aubry whispered to him he's safe.

Tai, Julia, Tai, Julia, Julia, Julia.

Julia gets the boot. Even her best buddy Michele voted for her to go. Only Jason and Julia voted Tai.

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - April 24, 2016

Good morning! Since it's a Sunday morning, that means it's time for my weekly off television topic reflection on the week gone by in both words and photos I've taken along the way. Please stop by on show nights for east coast live blogging (and blog parties) for both The Amazing Race and Survivor!

We've finally had a week of actual spring temperatures in the area -- perhaps a bit chilly overnights, but not below freezing. I've noticed many trees are a bit more sparse with their blossoms than they usually are. But, at least, what's blooming now has a chance of surviving the weather. Of course, with more trees blossoming and sprouting new leaves come the allergies.


Let's see ... what happened this week?
  • I slowly recovered from that illness of the previous week. I was ready to call 911 (which I've never done other than a witness at traffic accidents and such -- never for myself) at one point. I probably would have called a taxi instead if it came down to going to the emergency room. My health insurance is cost prohibitive when it comes to ambulances if you're not admitted to the hospital. I don't know how all the people who regularly call ambulances for minor things do it. Oh. Wait. They probably don't pay the bills!
  • After enduring blasting thump-thump extremely loud bass "music" from the apartment above me on Tuesday night until nearly midnight, I broke down and called the landlord's office. I hate to do that -- I don't want to be known as a "complainer." This is the second complaint I've made in the 16 years I've lived here. But, although usually quiet on weekdays, the tenant above me is ridiculous with his stereo Friday evenings through Sunday nights. I generally can't read, listen to my own music or watch television when he has his stereo cranked. You can hear it in the parking lot and in the hallway of the floor below him (my floor). I had enough. It vibrates my windows and my ceiling light fixtures. So, the Tuesday night was my breaking point. He has been quiet since I called. However, I'm not sure he's home yesterday and today. I haven't heard footsteps (which I would not complain about).
  • There has been now two manhole cover explosions and fires -- same manhole both times -- around the corner from me. While it's tying up traffic, it's not affecting my power here. They need to fix that, though.
  • If you haven't heard, Prince died. That was a shocker. He was much too young and we lost such a great talent. It makes you wonder about your own mortality when someone that energetic and seemingly healthy (vegetarian and all) passes at such a young age. I do hope it wasn't drug-related. Our generation has lost too many talented folks to that scourge.
  • Today would have been my father's 90th birthday. He's been gone for decades. I'm much older than he ever lived to be. I've lived most of my life without my parents since they both died young five months apart. The only good things about that is that they're forever young in mind (as that's the only way I ever knew them to be) and, unlike so many of my friends, I'm not dealing with aging parents medical issues today. But I still miss my father. He was a dear, dear man who worked hard and thought I was special. I think he'd get a kick out of my photography work these days!
Oh, well ... onto the photos for this week -- clicking on an image will bring up a larger version.

Dogwood trees are in bloom

Both the white and the pink dogwood trees are in their glory at the moment. This particular tree is on Berckman Street in Plainfield.

It's a magical time to behold

I really don't know what these trees are. There are several of them at the Plainfield Train Station.

Jersey Shore Soul Survivaz

... shop at Jesus Embroidery on North Avenue in Plainfield. And, no. I doubt he's a gynecologist despite what his jacket says. They ride to survive, y'know.


Friday, April 22, 2016

The Amazing Race Blog Party - April 22, 2016

The show is starting! As it airs here on the East Coast, I'll post the major happenings live. Refresh the page to get the latest! However, as it always is ... the real party is in the comments area. Please join in on the fun! (And bring tasty beverages and snacks!)

The Magnificent Margo (and Mom) have made the random picks for the blog pool and here they are ...
Tyler & Korey-P- Paula Bell, Bruce & Ray, SueGee
Burnie & Ashley- Buzzmaam, Delee
Sheri & Cole- Donna in FL, Merrilee, Becky
Zach & Rachel- Sharon N, Nana in NW
Dana & Matt- Grandi, Nicklepeed
Kurt & Brodie- David, Ed in OH

Marty & Hagan- Jackie, Willie J
Cameron & Darius- chrob61, PDXGranny
Jessica & Brittany- Donna in AL, Monty924
Erin & Joslyn- Brian, Margo, Rbennie
Scott & Blair- Meb, Jennasmom

Tonight we'll see if Sheri and Cole can make it through a Speed Bump. I'm worried!

Ready to race?

Teams are off to Bali in Indonesia. All teams are on the same flight.

Once they get their clue, they have to wait until morning. They can search for the next clue spaced out in 15 minute interviews. They must deliver two separate offerings to different places --- it's fruit basket ensembles on their heads. The second offering is SNAKES!

Then they're off past the Bat Temple!

Roadblock -- Making salt from the ocean to finish. Who's worth their salt?

Meanwhile, Sheri and Cole hit the Speed Bump. They have to figure out a guy on a bike is a Meals on Wheels and deliver meals.

Sheri and Cole finished the Speed Bump and now they've bypassed Rachel and Zach in the Roadblock. It involved carrying heavy loads of water and Rachel is the only woman who did it. She's struggling.

A second Roadblock - Build a kite and go fly a kite! These are giant kites. The Alpha Team is using Brodie as Kurt used up his Roadblocks. Only Burnie and Ashley know that the Alphas have used up their Express Pass.

Pit Stop
1. Tyler and Korey - won $5,000 each
2, Burnie and Ashley
3. Sheri and Cole
4. Dana and Matt
5. Brodie and Kurt
6. Zach and Rachel -- Philiminated

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Survivor: Kaoh Rong - April 20 Blog Party

Survivor fans ready? As the show airs, I'll update this entry with the major happenings -- refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments area. Please join us there. We like snacks. And beverages. Don't forget the beverages!

The promos are promising us another blindside. Who woulda thunk it?

Lifeguard Laurie has been keeping up with the pool --

Aubry Braco - Jennasmom, Glenn
Cydney Gillon - Leo Lionharted, PDX Granny
Joseph Del Campo - Grandi, Petals
Julia Sokolowski - Indiana Jane, Nickelpeed
Kyle Jason - Nana in the NW, Sharon N.
Michele Fitzgerald - Brian TCC, Kelsey NY
Scot Pollard - Delee, Pinky
Tai Trang - Margo, anonymouse

Neal Gottlieb (when the infection is gone) - Merrilee, JoyzJenn
Nick Maiorano - Laurie, ML
Debbie Wanner - meb, Rbennie

Let's get this show going!

Scot, Tai and Jason are happy dudes -- they're all safe, Debbie is out and they still have the idols. Scot wants to work with Aubry and get rid of Cydney. Aubry isn't really buying into it even though she's acting receptive to him.

Reward Challenge time. Balance ceramic pots on a balance beam with one foot. They can choose to play for a bacon cheeseburger, fries and beer or a letter from a loved one or they can play for an advantage. They're only competing against the people playing for the same reward.

Advantage - Tai, Cydney and Aubry
Food - Scot, Jason, Michele
Letter - Julia, Joe

Julia wins the love letters from home.
Michele wins food.
Tai wins the advantage.

Tai's advantage is that he won an extra vote (up until five people are left).

Julia wants to target Tai to bring out the idols. Uh-oh. They figure the guys will vote for Cydney. Aubry is a bit suspicious of both Julia and Michele. The plot thickens.

Hmm ... Tai and Aubry are going to work together! Spiffy! She's definitely more his type than the bullyish dudes. She told him she's willing to work with the guys. Tai tells the guys and Scot/Jason think Aubry should be out next. They're making Tai feel even more of an outsider.

Immunity Challenge time! Stretch arms out to touch disks holding up ceramic pots with fingertips. (I wonder if all these pots are symbolic of 420?)

Joe out. Scot out. Julia out. Tai out. Michele out. Cydney out. After a tremendous effort, Aubry loses out and Jason wins Immunity. (Grr.)

Scot and Jason are sure that it will be Aubry going home. Of course, they do have a super idol. Scot and Jason convince Julie that they need to get rid of Tai anyway. Cydney and Aubry are thinking of blindsiding Scot. Aubry tries to convince Tai. Hmm.

Tribal Council time. Huh. Scot tells Jeff that they're not going anywhere. Tai just looks uncomfortable. Jason is being super-smug. Gah. We know he can't go!

The tally ... Tai is getting conflicted play it/don't play it. He doesn't.

Tai, Aubry, Scot, Tai, Aubry, Scot, Scot, Scot.

WHOA, NELLIE! Tai won't match up his idol and save Scot! Scot is GONE!

Epic! Legendary! I once again love that Tai guy!

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - April 17, 2016

Good morning! Since it's a Sunday morning, that means it's time for my weekly off television topic reflection on the week gone by in both words and photos I've taken along the way. Please stop by on show nights for east coast live blogging (and blog parties) for both The Amazing Race and Survivor!

I don't have a lot for you this week. I've been under the weather most of the week with a stomach virus and an upper respiratory infection. I still feel icky even though the doctor gave me some antibiotics. He said since the respiratory infection is viral, that just may take time. I hate how I seem to catch more of these things and they affect me so much more as I get older.

We finally seem to have turned the page and this week was spring, albeit with a few nights of overnight freeze/frost temperatures. Of course, this was the week that for three days I was so sick I only went to the doctor's office and the drug store. Grr.

Yesterday, when I arrived at Bridgewater about a half-hour early for work, the cars were lining up along the front of the TD Ball Park stadium for a vintage car show. So, I had time to take shots and even had an interesting conversation with one of the car owners. I shot some of these same cars last year when I saw them. But, this year I had a better vantage point.

Other than that, I don't have much for you. Onto the photos! Clicking on an image will bring up a larger version.

Ron's sweet Thunderbird!

He's the only driver I talked to as the line of vintage cars drove by to park for a car show at the TD Ball Park (Somerset Patriots) adjacent to the Bridgewater Train Station. When I told him I was going to post a shot of his car on this blog and gave him the website info, he told me he owned a Yankees Stadium and gave me his YouTube. Um, right. Sure he owns a Yankees Stadium! But ... wait! He's right! He's a Yankees superfan and does indeed have his own stadium! You can see it at this YouTube video. Cool. Nice guy and you could only meet someone like him in New Jersey! (Plus a really sweet T-Bird with color-coordinated fuzzy dice!) If you're reading this, Ron ... nice to meet you!

A Chevrolet BelAir, year unknown

And what am I doing in this handbasket?

Sign at the Plainfield NJ Transit Train Station.


Friday, April 15, 2016

The Amazing Race Blog Party - April 15, 2016

The show is starting! As it airs here on the East Coast, I'll post the major happenings live. Refresh the page to get the latest! However, as it always is ... the real party is in the comments area. Please join in on the fun! (And bring tasty beverages and snacks!)

The Magnificent Margo (and Mom) have made the random picks for the blog pool and here they are ...
Tyler & Korey-P- Paula Bell, Bruce & Ray, SueGee
Burnie & Ashley- Buzzmaam, Delee
Sheri & Cole- Donna in FL, Merrilee, Becky
Zach & Rachel- Sharon N, Nana in NW
Dana & Matt- Grandi, Nicklepeed
Kurt & Brodie- David, Ed in OH

Marty & Hagan- Jackie, Willie J
Cameron & Darius- chrob61, PDXGranny
Jessica & Brittany- Donna in AL, Monty924
Erin & Joslyn- Brian, Margo, Rbennie
Scott & Blair- Meb, Jennasmom

Ready to race?

Teams are off to Dubai in the United Arab Emirates. The traveling Travelocity gnome is promised ahead. All the teams are on the same flight. So, we're starting out even once again.

In the desert, they pick up their gnome and face the Detour. Race It or Oasis. Racing bikes against camels or leading camels to a camp. Sheri and Cole are lost as all the other teams are hitting the Detour.

The Alpha Boys made it through the all but impossible task of racing camels. But now they can barely walk.

They're the first ones to the Roadblock -- at Aqua Adventure -- getting into a shark tank and solving a puzzle for their next clue.

The Alpha Boys give up on solving the puzzle and use their Express Pass. It's off to Poseidon's Revenge. Oh my.

Cole and Sheri actually beat the camels on bikes. But they're lost again now.

1. Brodie and Kurt -- won a trip to Finland
2. Burnie and Ashley
3. Korey and Tyler

Dana and Matt are having a meltdown. If they don't get their act together, Sheri and Cole might pass them. That is, if Sheri and Cole don't get lost again.

4. Zach and Rachel
5. Matt and Dana
6. Sheri and Cole -- NONPHILIMINATION!!!

They're still in it! They will have a Speed Bump in the next leg!

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Survivor: Kaoh Rong - April 13 Blog Party

Survivor fans ready? As the show airs, I'll update this entry with the major happenings -- refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments area. Please join us there. We like snacks. And beverages. Don't forget the beverages!

Lifeguard Laurie has been keeping up with the pool --

Aubry Braco - Jennasmom, Glenn
Cydney Gillon - Leo Lionharted, PDX Granny
Debbie Wanner - meb, Rbennie
Joseph Del Campo - Grandi, Petals
Julia Sokolowski - Indiana Jane, Nickelpeed
Kyle Jason - Nana in the NW, Sharon N.
Michele Fitzgerald - Brian TCC, Kelsey NY
Scot Pollard - Delee, Pinky
Tai Trang - Margo, anonymouse

Neal Gottlieb (when the infection is gone) - Merrilee, JoyzJenn
Nick Maiorano - Laurie, ML

Let's get this show going!

Tai is worried about his vote for Jason. He, Scott and Jason talk about using the Super Idol to save themselves. They're also hiding the machete and stuff to make camp life miserable. Tai thinks it's all a bit too extreme. He doesn't want to be a part of it, but says he can't control what they do. 

Scot and Jason get Plan Sabotage into motion, hiding the tools.

Debbie tells us they're not gentlemen. Ha. The girls are working on their own methods not using the hidden tools. Scot, in his own little hissy fit, dumps water on the fire.

Tai tells the boys that he can't do this. And Scot reminds him that he threw them under the bus last night at Tribal.

Reward Challenge -- Two teams of four, attached to one long rope, unravel, retrieve sandbags and hit targets. The reward is Chinese take-out. One person will be left out and gets to pick the team they think will win, celebrate with them or lose out with them.

Scot, Jason and Tai look for a female volunteer. Julia decides to join them. Joe sits out and picks the girls to win.

Jason, Scot, Tai and Julia win Reward.

Debbie thinks that Julia's still with them while Cydney thinks that she's going to play both sides. Aubry thinks the same. Julia told us that it would be good to sit in the final four with Jason and Scot because the jury would never vote for them to win. But, will they vote for her if she stabs her original alliance in the back? Hmm.

Oh, geez. Not Tai is putting out the fire. What have they done to him?!?!

Debbie wants Scot out. Aubry thinks it would be smarter to vote out Julia and flush out any idols the guys might have.

Immunity Challenge time! Stack blocks on a beam while avoiding trip obstacles. Once stacked, the blocks should fall like dominoes hitting a gong.

Julia wins Immunity! There goes Aubry's plan.

Debbie tells the girls (including Julia) they need to vote three for Scot and three for Tai. Julia runs to the boys and Scot tells her that she needs to vote Cydney. Aubry and Cydney think they need to cut Debbie loose. They think Debbie will bring them all down before Scot and Jason can. Joe doesn't want to vote for Debbie, though.

Cydney and Michelle go to Julia and tell her they want to send Debbie home. She's certainly not against that idea.

Tribal -- Jason and Scot decide to talk. They say Tai has an idol. Jason also shows his idol. Jason claims they'll let fate decide which of them (Scot or Jason) will stay or go.

Jason gives his idol to Tai. Tai sits down with both.

The tally:
Scot, Cydney, Scot, Cydney, Cydney, Debbie, Debbie, Debbie, Debbie.

So, the Super Idol wasn't needed and Debbie is out.