Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Survivor 35: Heroes-Healers-Hustlers - October 11 Blog Party

As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll be updating this entry with the latest happenings. Refresh the page to get the latest! The party itself is in the comments -- join in on the discussion!

Lifeguard Laurie has updated the blog pool and here ya go:

Levu Tribe (Heroes)
JP H. - Cheryl in NC, Kristen from Ohio, Shannon 
Alan B. - Ed in Ohio, monty 924, Terry is a Texan 
Ashley N. - Donna NY, MikesGirl, tbc. 
Ben D. - Donna in FL, Merrilee, Tammy. 
Chrissy H. - Donna in Alabama, meb, SueGee, KelseyNY 

Soko Tribe (Healers) 
Cole M. - Dolores in Hollywood FL, Marthalight, Stormy 
Desiree W. - Delee, Mario Lee, Skyriverblue, Buzzmaam 
Jessica J. - ChicMc, Silk, Sharon N. 
Joe M. - Cheryl ICNY, Krysa Gibson, Sharon C. 
Mike Z. - Becky, Janice, Rbennie, PDX Granny 
Roark L. - Auntie Leigh, Indiana Jane, Pam 

Yawa Tribe (Hustlers) 
Ali E. - Dr_Celine, Monnie8, Tennistoe 
Devon P. - David, Margo, Laurie, Fred aka TwoBlackAces 
Lauren R. - Brian, Jennasmom, Rochelle, Judi Sweeney 
Patrick B. - Beachbound Gmom, Jackie, Petals, Sara Welty 
Ryan U. - Anonymouse, Glenn Allen, Nickelpeed 

Flame Extinguished 
Katrina R. - Pool People moved to a different teams.
Simone N.

Survivor fans ready?

Sixteen are left. Who will be voted out tonight?

Interesting -- Hustlers are checking out clothes left behind by Simone. Devon and Ryan have decided they both like and relate to Ali -- which doesn't fare well for Lauren. Meanwhile, Lauren is trying to fit in with Ali. She's going to try her best to get the focus off of herself and onto Patrick. 

On Heroes, Ben is a bit too confident, methinks. He thinks he and Chrissy are running the tribe. Yes, Alan is a hothead and he'll probably sink himself sooner rather than later. Heh. He can't get a coconut open. In other news, Ashley is falling for JP and he's being the fish-bringer for the tribe. Of course, Alan is the one who was all concerned about them being a power couple. So Ashley wants him gone.

On Healers Joe is worried because Cole knows he has an idol. Meanwhile, romance seems afoot with Cole and Jessica. Oh my. She just said on national television that she's a virgin. That's new and different. Heehee -- Cole told her that Joe has the idol. Well, that secret didn't last long!

Dawn arrives and Ryan is leery because Patrick is out there searching for the idol. Ali gives Patrick a heads up that the others might hold looking for the idol against him. I never understood that. I would think everyone would be out looking for an idol.

Over on Healers, it looks like Joe is alienating himself more. Even his buddy Cole thinks it might be a good idea to blindside him, send him home with an idol in his pocket. So, he spreads the word around. Eep, Jessica isn't too thrilled that he's doing that so early. 

Time for the Immunity Challenge! Race through obstacles, sandbags knock blocks off ledge, stack blocks. Reward is four chickens -- one rooster, three hens. The second winning tribe gets a dozen eggs. Mike sits out on Healers to even up the tribe numbers. 

Hustlers are way behind because Patrick refused to switch out when throwing the sandbags. Healers almost win, but were missing a block.  

Heroes win first place! Healers win second.

Hustlers will go to Tribal again. 

Uh-oh. Since they made a point of Lauren pointing out to us that Patrick should go home, he probably won't. 

Patrick apologizes to all. It seems the guys are on his side. Hmm. He wants Lauren to go home. Lauren tells him that she has twenty-five years experience in pitching. She tells Patrick that she knows she's a target. So, she goes to Ali about Patrick. Ryan feels that it's all up to him and Devon to pick the target. Devon thinks that Lauren is tougher in challenges and Patrick has let them down in them. It's looking like it's leaning towards Lauren going unless something happens in Tribal and Patrick sinks himself.

Tribal Council time. Sure enough, Lauren brings up Patrick and his insistence on solely throwing the sandbags. Ali is trying to stick up for her buddy Patrick. And on it goes with the questions. Lauren and Patrick, Patrick and Lauren.

They vote for each other, of course.

The tally:
Patrick, Lauren, Patrick, Patrick.

There goes my pool boy! I actually think they made the right decision. 

Next week, while not the merge, there will be some sort of tribe switch up. That's good because the Hustlers are now down to four! 

Sunday, October 08, 2017

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - October 8, 2017

Good morning! Since it's a Sunday morning, it's time for my off television topic reflection of the week gone by in both words and photos I've taken along the way. If you're not interested in either, please feel free to check out my previous and newer posts I will put up after this -- they will be television related! You can find my Survivor posts at this link

I had pretty much of a sucky worrisome day yesterday with relief only coming in the evening after I returned home from work. As some of you who know me might know, I'm SO not a phone person. I only bought a cheap prepaid cell phone about eight years back because of the lack of pay phones as time went on. I do have a landline -- just a very basic one which even works in power outages. But I've had the same prepaid flip phone for eight years. It cost me about $20 back when I got it. 

It is (was) a dumb phone. Yet, due to today's society and the fact that it can screen calls better than my landline, receive texts and more, I use it for almost all of my online stuff. The number for it is the one hooked into the intercom system to know if someone is at my apartment door for me and more. GAH! Without that number, I'm a bit lost. I also use it as an alarm clock and have stopped wearing a watch because I use it for the proper time.

The phone fell out of my pocket on the train going to work yesterday. I know I had when I got on the train. And, when I got off the train, as the train was pulling out, I went to check the time. OH NOES! It was gone! Now, if I were anyone else at my workplace, I could have either waited for the train to make its next run back to the station with that crew and retrieve the phone. If I worked in just about any other place, I would have access to the internet to at least suspend the service online. 

But ... NOOOO. I had new employees coming in which had me going into work an hour earlier than usual on a Saturday morning. I'm the ONLY one there who knows how to do all the paperwork, the computer programs needed (Oracle and Kronos Workforce Management) and stuff to get them in the computer system and to do the actual orientation for new employees. The one other person who knows it, but does things a bit haphazardly if I do say so myself, is on vacation.

While I didn't have outright banking information or anything like that on the phone, the payment system for the phone is hooked to my debit card. I had just put more money on it and someone could go to town with calling stuff on the phone. I worried all day. And, instead of working an hour extra due to my early arrival, I went home an hour early after doing the orientation for the new hires and the accounting. 

Now, it's been years since I bothered with the Verizon wireless web site. But I had made an account there and managed to get in to it from my home computer. The actual phone account is now suspended and I have a new phone ordered from Amazon set to arrive at my workplace on Tuesday. I can't have it come here as I would have no clue if someone rang my intercom buzzer! I need it by Wednesday as I have a Peapod grocery order coming and they text me. At this time, the worst case is that I will lose my contact list. With the new phone I'm getting (same number), my contacts will be stored on the Verizon cloud -- not sure of the old phone contacts or not. I'll find out.

The phone I'm getting finally puts me in the smartphone world. But I'm still getting a prepaid one. And, while I'll probably take advantage of some available apps, I refuse to be one of those people addicted to the phone. I'm buying the next to cheapest 4G Android phone (Samsung) I could find on Amazon with good reviews. It will still be more expensive than the one I lost. Grr. One reason I never bothered with a smartphone is because I'm cheap ... er, frugal. I'm just SO not a phone person and didn't need the extra expense. 

But one pro to it is that I will be able to take decent photos and video and finally get to have an Instagram account without a bunch of software on my computer to act like I'm posting photos from a cell phone. My dumb phone had a camera, but it was a pain to upload the bad photos to the online Verizon site which is the only place I seemed to be able to make them go and the reason I even had an account on the Verizon wireless site to begin with! Plus, the new phone has a much better camera and I can take more candid photos on trains and such without pulling out the actual camera I carry.

One last thing about this fiasco ... NJ Transit really needs to get more professional staff answering the phones for lost and found. When you call a business representative, you really don't need to hear someone say, "We ain't got nuthin' turned in today." AIN'T GOT NUTHIN?!?! My own workplace has strict standards for greetings and handling business calls. It reflects on the business itself.

Wait ... one more last thing! (Really.) Because losing the phone was all new to me -- I don't lose things and even still have an eight-track player that works -- I did the chat bit on the Verizon Wireless site last night to make sure I could keep the number and suspend the service until I got the new phone. The person I dealt with in the chat was delightful -- polite, not just canned responses, friendly, spelling and punctuation were professional and she did exactly what I needed done. Oh, and she told me it was her birthday. Happy birthday again, Casey! We ended up small-talking a bit while we waited for the computer to bring up my account. She was such a gem!
Onto this week's photos ... clicking on an image will open it in a larger version.

Starling in its fall coat

They go from glossy black with highlights in the sheen to spots over the seasons. 

When you see tracks, always ...

... think junkie. Er, um, train. Last night at the Plainfield Train Station as I arrived home from work. I guess I'm just too cynical.

Tiny flowers ...

... in the weeds. Make me feel happy. Make me forget my needs.
Or something to that effect. 


Wednesday, October 04, 2017

Survivor 35: Heroes-Healers-Hustlers - October 4 Blog Party

We got off to an interesting start with last week's season premiere. I can't help but wonder why, at this point, some of the castaways are so cutthroat within their own tribes. I would think that this is the time for the tribes to work at bonding together and attempting to stay intact as best they can until the merge. Ah, what do I know? Heh.

As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll be updating this entry with the latest happenings. Refresh the page to get the latest! The party itself is in the comments -- join in on the discussion!

Lifeguard Laurie has updated the blog pool and here ya go:

Levu Tribe (Heroes)
JP H. - Cheryl in NC, Kristen from Ohio, Shannon 
Alan B. - Ed in Ohio, monty 924, Terry is a Texan 
Ashley N. - Donna NY, MikesGirl, tbc. 
Ben D. - Donna in FL, Merrilee, Tammy. 
Chrissy H. - Donna in Alabama, meb, SueGee, KelseyNY 

Soko Tribe (Healers) 
Cole M. - Dolores in Hollywood FL, Marthalight, Stormy 
Desiree W. - Delee, Mario Lee, Skyriverblue, Buzzmaam 
Jessica J. - ChicMc, Silk, Sharon N. 
Joe M. - Cheryl ICNY, Krysa Gibson, Sharon C. 
Mike Z. - Becky, Janice, Rbennie, PDX Granny 
Roark L. - Auntie Leigh, Indiana Jane, Pam 

Yawa Tribe (Hustlers) 
Ali E. - Dr_Celine, Monnie8, Tennistoe 
Devon P. - David, Margo, Laurie, Fred aka TwoBlackAces 
Lauren R. - Brian, Jennasmom, Rochelle, Judi Sweeney 
Patrick B. - Beachbound Gmom, Jackie, Petals, Sara Welty 
Ryan U. - Anonymouse, Glenn Allen, Nickelpeed 
Simone N. - 4nancie, Nana in the NW, weenabe 

Flame Extinguished Katrina R. - Pool People moved to a different teams.

Whichever castaway goes tonight will also have their torch snuffed in the blog pool! We only "forgive" the first gone.

Survivor fans ready? 

On Heroes, Chrissy is feeling more secure in her standing as the others had been quibbling at Tribal. She also has the thought that she can use the now powerless idol as a power ploy, make people think it's real if she's at risk. Ashley is now very leery of Alan. The Core Four is no more.

On Hustlers, Devon and Ryan are still bonding well. But Ryan points out that Simone is a rather weird one. Hmmm ... she hates the outdoors. Such a great show for her to be on! Welp, she can gut a fish just after having read about it. Maybe she will make it. 

The Healers are having trouble with spear fishing. A crush is developing with Cole and Jessica and Joe is still being suspicious of Mike. Mike is still wanting that idol! Meanwhile, Joe thinks he's found a clue to the idol. Now he thinks Cole might have found it. Joe tells Cole about the clue and Cole seems to have a different take on the "map." They went searching together and Joe has the idol. He's concerned because Cole knows. Cue dramatic music now.

Oh my, JP speared what looks like a lobster ... they're eating well in Heroes tonight! Now he's even confiding in Chrissy and denying that he and Ashley are a power couple. Chrissy is analyzing the pros and cons of working with others. She thinks Ben is her best bet. It looks like Alan burned his bridges with Ben. Now Chrissy and Ben are a power couple -- although they will deny it.

On Hustlers, it looks like Patrick wants to be the class clown. He's wearing the nerves of some of the others. Lauren talks to Ali about him. Now, Ali and Patrick were planning to work together, but she just might drop him like a hot potato. Watching his antics, I think he'd irk me, too. I would want to put crabs in his pants. 

Immunity Challenge time! Ryan sees Chrissy is still there and hopes down the road his good deed of giving her the idol will pay off. 

It's a diving to retrieve puzzle pieces then solve the puzzle. First tribe gets the Ultimate Survivor Fishing Kit, second tribe gets a smaller kit. Joe and Lauren sit out of their respective tribes so the playing field is even. 

Hustlers have the early lead with Heroes taking up last place. But they took up the slack -- Healers win first place! Heroes take over the second place! Hustlers will have to go to Tribal Council. 

Devon, seeing that Simone can't solve puzzles (in addition to her other quirks), tells us he thinks she's the one to go. We'll see. Since they showed that clip, she'll probably remain. 

She might not like the outdoors, but she's observant. Simone knows she's a target and has picked up on Patrick annoying others. She tries to work her mojo on Lauren. Ryan and Devon think it will be Simone going. Ali talks to Ryan about the logic of keeping Simone over Patrick because Patrick is so unpredictable. Has he bought it? It seems he did. We'll see.

It's time for Tribal Council. Jeff has to ask his Probsting questions. Patrick voted Simone. But did anyone else?

The tally:
Patrick, Simone, Simone, Simone, Simone.

She's out. That's rather surprising. But, for the strength of the tribe, it's probably a good move. While she could be trustworthy, she really isn't cut out for this experience. At least that's my opinion ... and probably theirs, too.

Sunday, October 01, 2017

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - October 1, 2017

Good morning! Since it's a Sunday morning, it's time for my off television topic reflection of the week gone by in both words and photos I've taken along the way. If you're not interested in either, please feel free to check out my previous and newer posts I will put up after this -- they will be television related! I am over (SO OVER) Big Brother 19 -- I personally have no interest in what the hamsters are doing since the show ended. Yes, I know Cody and Jessica will be on the next to be filmed season of The Amazing Race. At least a dozen people have told me. I don't care! If I had my druthers, I'd never have to see anyone from BB19 ever again anywhere. Meanwhile, you can find my Survivor posts at this link

In weather news around here, we finally seem to be rid of summer temperatures and into autumn. Yes! While some folks love the summer heat, I personally enjoy the days with temperatures in the low 70s and chilly overnights. Now, I don't want those overnights TOO chilly as I don't think the landlord turns on the heat until October 15, but ...! The heat has really been getting to me this past summer. As I get older, it seems harder to take and I feel like I've been on the edge of heat stroke at times. That's not good. But, when the autumn temperatures kick in, I feel so much better!

Random bits and pieces:
  • I found out that my longtime across the hall neighbor Joe is in the Aristacare rehab place across the street. That's where I almost went for a knee replacement recovery but went home instead. I was worried that he passed and squatters moved in. It's now his daughter and her (at least) two children in the apartment. Oh, well. She doesn't let the kids run the halls of the building. But it is odd to see Joe's apartment door all decked out for Halloween. That is so not Joe!
  • We're not into fall foliage yet around here. However, I've noticed some trees have just had their leaves turn brown and die. Hmm.
  • Because I often have a ride with a friend to work these days, I'm not on the train every day. I no longer buy monthly passes as, economically, they don't pan out. Now, after my recent birthday, I can get my train tickets for less than half-price. I only pay $1.35 each way! But getting the tickets out of the machine is a hassle. You can buy individual round trip tickets, but I can't seem to make the machine understand I want like five round trip tickets. After the first round trip, I end up with tickets all going one direction! Thankfully, the conductors accept them for either direction. But it really should be easier to buy multiple round trips.
  • Surfers are enjoying the off shore hurricane waves as of late on the Jersey Shore. But I think more people have died this past season than most years due to rip currents. While I love the ocean, I myself am a bit leery after getting caught in a rip tide back in the 80s. I not only thought it broke my shoulder by whipping my arm around to my back, but I was sure I would drown. I ended up nearly a quarter mile from where I had been. 
  • I wonder if that might be a reason I seem to have developed such arthritis in my right shoulder. Hmm. It could be the water-skiing I did for years or just plain my body falling apart. Of course, I could blame Vincent. That's the shoulder he favors for draping over purposes!
  • I would guess it's a combination of aging and stuff I did over the years. I do have a relatively new annoying health thing -- my neck wants to make noise every time I turn my head. Sheesh. 
  • I need to find the fountain of youth, methinks.
Onto the photos I took this past week. I didn't take tons of them. Clicking on an image will bring up a larger version. 

Aesthetics down the drain

On one trip to work this week, they were working on the lamps on the eastbound platform of the Plainfield Train Station. In addition to replacing the bulbs that have been burnt out, some for years, they replaced lamp poles which were down, missing or damaged. Um. What is this?!?! The new poles aren't anything like the old ones! Ack! Now they've pretty much totally blown my train station lamps photos for good. Plus, when I got home last night after dark, while the train station's new white bulbs do make the station a lot brighter, there are still the golden bulbs mixed in. It looks all out of synch. Gah.

Sunset from a shopping center

Bridgewater Promenade Shopping Center (no, not an infamous New Jersey mall) as I sat outside of the Target store waiting for a friend to pick me up.

Blast from the past this week

On Monday's commute to work I was greeted with a single level NJ Transit train. Oh, my. Pink walls, blue seats, the dreaded three-seaters on one side, seats that flip the backs so you can seat groups ... I didn't quite know where I needed to sit to get out at Bridgewater where only one door opens on the platform! It was also longer than the double-deckers which serve the Raritan Valley Line -- eight cars with the end one closed. Hmm. I had to sit up in the front of the second car from the end to make getting out easier. It was a quiet car. I can always deal with that! I think this makes twice in the last eight or so years that I've taken a single level train on my usual train line.


Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Survivor 35: Heroes-Healers-Hustlers - Season Premiere Blog Party

What? Only an hour show for the season premiere? What's up with that?

As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll be live-blogging the action the best I can as I'm not familiar with this group of castaways yet. Everyone is welcome to join in on the party in the comments area!

Due to the recent season of Big Brother, I'm laying down some ground rules for comments. Hopefully we won't see it happening here with this show and castaways with more success in life and labors. Some of these are rules we've had all along, but may need a reminder --
  • Keep comments to a PG rating. Do not quote from other sites that don't follow that rule. All asterisks if you feel you must.
  • Absolutely no hate speech which includes derogatory comments and slang.
  • While the castaways are fair game for commenting on as they are in the public eye, no comments on physical characteristics which they might not be able to control. 
  • No nicknames, please. When posting about a castaway, real name. It just makes things confusing. Thank you.
  • No comments directed at "fans" of castaways you might not like. Say why you don't care for said castaway, but leave the "fans" of him or her out of it. Commenters are free to like whomever they choose without feeling they themselves are the target of other comments.
  • If someone trolls the comments, please do NOT reply to them. I will remove the troll comments and replies give me more work to do!
  • Remember ... this is a TELEVISION SHOW. It's not your life!
For those who might have missed it -- the blog pool match-ups are in this post right here. Starting next week I'll be including the updated list each week in the blog party post. Lifeguard Laurie is in charge and she rocks!

Survivor fans ready? 

Now, you can bet Jeff Probst didn't climb up that peak! He's telling the new castaways about the Heroes, Healers and Hustlers breakdown. They do the old boat is loaded with supplies, get what you can. Each tribe has a burning urn on their beach. First tribe to raise one of their members to light a torch gets fire. Second gets a flint. 

Ohhh ... Jersey boy Ryan from Hustlers finds a secret advantage clue as they are getting the supplies. 

Healers got fire, Heroes flint. 

Healer Joe wants to manipulate people. There's also a bit of a rift on the Heroes tribe. Already! 

Whoa! Ryan's clue is actually a super idol! It can be used AFTER the voting. It has to be used in the first tribal council. If his tribe doesn't go to council, he must anonymously pass it on to someone on the losing tribe.

Healer Joe is already making more waves. While, yeah, Mike went looking for an idol. But who is Joe to call him out on it on the first day? 

Oh, geez. Ryan tells Devon that he found the clue and the super idol. An alliance is formed ... kind of early, methinks. 

Alan on Heroes is the Healer Joe of his tribe. He thinks two (JP and Ashley) are a power couple already and is accusing them of having an idol. 

First Immunity Challenge - pull a cart up a doohickey, ride it down, table mazes, another mazing challenge. First two tribes win Immunity. Hustlers are also playing for fire. Jeff tells them tie votes are back in this season.

Healers win first Immunity! Hustlers win Immunity! It will be the Heroes going to Tribal Council. Uh-oh. Chrissy from Heroes (my local castaway) almost collapses. That might hurt her chance to survive. But, then again, Ryan has to give his super idol to someone. Hmm.

Alan is paranoid. As he should be with his behavior so far. It looks like the consensus might be Ashley. Chrissy and Katrina have also been mentioned. Hmm. I guess Alan shouldn't be paranoid? Yay! Chrissy is the recipient of Ryan's idol!  

Tribal Council time! Chrissy tells Jeff she didn't feel like she belonged in the tribe. She thinks the Power Four -- everyone but Katrina and herself -- will run the show. They talk about Alan strip searching JP for an idol. Katrina and Chrissy are the two "older women" on the tribe. Ben seems to speak with logic, but Alan keeps piping in. 

Remember -- the super idol is played after the votes are read.

The tally:
Katrina, Ashley, Katrina, Katrina, ... Katrina out.

Chrissy does NOT save her. And, there goes the only chance to use that super idol. Ashley apparently would have gone out in Katrina's place had she used it, at least I think that's how it works. I might be wrong.

Survivor 35: Heroes, Healers, Hustlers - Blog Pool Match-Ups!

Survivor 35: Heroes, Healers and Hustlers begins TONIGHT! My apologies for not getting castaway news out and about -- my real work has been very hectic as of late. However, Lifeguard Laurie has indeed been on the job!

Here's Laurie's message regarding the blog pool:

Here are the teams! We did a random pick. All but one team has 3 people, that one has 4. As usual, nobody goes home on the first night, so those people will be randomly added to another team.
Levu Tribe (Heroes)

Back row, left to right: Ben Driebergen, Alan Ball, John "JP" Hilsabeck
Front row, left to right: Chrissy Hofbeck, Ashley Nolan, Katrina Radke

Blog pool match-ups:
JP H. - Cheryl in NC, Kristen from Ohio, Shannon 
Alan B. - Ed in Ohio, monty 924, Terry is a Texan 
Ashley N. - Donna NY, MikesGirl, tbc
Ben D. - Donna in FL, Merrilee, Tammy
Chrissy H. - Donna in Alabama, meb, SueGee 
Katrina R. - Buzzmaam, KelseyNY, Sara Welty

Soko Tribe (Healers)

Back row, left to right: Cole Medders, Jessica Johnston, Roark Luskin
Front row, left to right: Joe Mena, Mike Zahalsky, Desiree Williams

Blog pool match-ups:
Cole M. - Dolores in Hollywood FL, Marthalight, Stormy 
Desiree W. - Delee, Mario Lee, Skyriverblue 
Jessica J. - ChicMc, Silk, Sharon N. 
Joe M. - Cheryl ICNY, Krysa Gibson, Sharon C. 
Mike Z. - Becky, Janice, Rbennie 
Roark L. - Auntie Leigh, Indiana Jane, Pam

Yawa Tribe (Hustlers)

Back row, left to right: Devon Pinto, Patrick Bolton, Ali Elliott
Front row, left to right: Lauren Rimmer, Ryan Ulrich, Simone Nguyen

Blog pool match-ups:
Ali E. - Dr_Celine, Monnie8, Tennistoe 
Devon P. -David, Margo, Laurie, Fred aka TwoBlackAces 
Lauren R. - Brian, Jennasmom, Rochelle, Judi Sweeney
Patrick B. - Beachbound Gmom, Jackie, Petals 
Ryan U. - Anonymouse, Glenn Allen, Nickelpeed 
Simone N. - 4nancie, Nana in the NW, weenabe

Survivor fans ready? TONIGHT! 

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - September 24, 2017

Good morning! Since it's a Sunday morning, it's time for my off television topic reflection of the week gone by in both words and photos I've taken along the way. If you're not interested in either, please feel free to check out my previous and newer posts I will put up after this -- they will be television related!

If you want to be in on the blog pool for the upcoming Survivor season, you need to head to this linked post and sign up only there by Tuesday! Every season we get folks trying to sign up after the cut-off, including some of the very regular blog commenters. PLEASE! C'mon, you know the show is coming. If you want in on the blog pool, PLEASE sign up on time! Laurie is kind enough to be running the pool and really does have the right to say no to stragglers after the cut-off!

I'm so thankful the latest season of Big Brother is over. Several of the long standing BB fan communities have given up -- even Hamsterwatch is about ready to throw in the towel. I don't think she will, but you never know. She certainly earns more money off the show than I do. I don't have the capability to sell CBS Access with a cut for myself. There was a time when, with the paying writing gig, BB paid my rent all summer. Not so these days and this season was more headache than fun for me. Because of the issues this summer, I will be implementing a few ground rules for posting comments on future show posts.

In other stuff, my week back to work from vacation was about what I expected -- chaos, disorganization and more. For decades I had planned to retire on my most recent birthday. I just don't dare do it due to the cost of health insurance. While I would have my pension, my 401K, Social Security and a great discount on life insurance from my company ... the group health insurance would vanish and Medicare wouldn't kick in for three years. It all feels so defeating.


Oh, well. Onto the photos I took this past week -- at least I didn't accidentally delete them from my memory card like I did last week. 

I met a praying mantis

Oh, well. Maybe it's a preying mantis. Either way, it was HUGE -- longer than my entire hand. While I fear its days may be numbered, it was alert enough to follow my camera and my movements with its eyes. This was on the fence netting by the TD Ball Park in Bridgewater adjacent to the train station. When I walked through after work, it was gone.

Hanging in there

While there were dozens of flower of an hour blossoms a month ago, only a few still blossom today.

Let there be lights

One morning at the Plainfield Train Station, I saw all the lamps lighted on the eastbound platform. An NJ Transit dude was (finally) replacing the burnt out bulbs. I used to be enthralled taking photos of the lamps. But, the neglect in replacing knocked-down poles and bulbs over the last several years, plus the influx of ne'er-do-wells hanging out at the station, have inhibited my photos of the station.


Thursday, September 21, 2017

Survivor: Heroes-Healers-Hustlers Blog Pool OPENS!

Come one, come all! The blog pool is OPEN for Survivor 35! I'll be looking more into the cast between now and the show's season premiere next Wednesday night. 


The Lovely Lifeguard Laurie has once again graciously offered to run the blog pool for the show. She, but of course, rocks!

I want in! What do I do?
If you want in to the blog pool, you need to sign up in the comments of this post and this post only! Please don't try signing up on any other posts -- we might miss your comment.

Is there money involved in this?
Of course not! You needn't pay anything to get into the pool. You don't need to buy a pool pass or anything! Mind you, you don't win any money either. What you do win is bragging rights until the next season and the smugness that goes with it.

How does it work?
Lifeguard Laurie makes random picks for the castaways and the blog folks. You cheer on that castaway all season until they either win or get their torch snuffed along the way.

When is the cut-off for entering?
All pool requests must be in comments to this here post and submitted by Tuesday, September 26, 3pm ET. Be there or be square.

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

BB19: Season Finale Blog Party - September 20

As the show airs here, I'll be live-blogging and constantly updating this entry -- refresh the page to get the latest! As always, the real party is in the comments area. Come join in on the fun! 

It's a relief to finally be at the end of this season. While it's apparently been great ratings for the show, not so much fun for at the online fan community. 

The remaining blog pool peeps --

Christmas Abbott - Willie J, Rich from Buffalo, Glenn, QuixoticElf
Josh Martinez - Petals, Stormy, Kelsey in NY, Dr_Celine
Paul Abrahamian - Indiana Jane, Jackie, Brian, Marlo L

Cody Nickson
Elena Davies
Mark Jansen
Matthew Clines
Jason Dent
Raven Walton
Alex Ow 
Kevin Schlehuber

Hamster watchers ready? Let's have a longer recap than usual ... 

Magical unicorn wonderland? I dunno. It looks to me like the unicorns have serious digestive issues. The final three are hanging onto the tails for dear life. 

And, now Josh is having second thoughts about a final two with Christmas.

Of course, they all have their reasons for wanting to win this final HoH, part one. 

Josh is down first at 40 minutes in. Christmas was up around 54 minutes. Paul wins. He's loud. Of course. 

HoH Part Two has all the previous hamster faces dressed in medieval garb, they have to attack and knock down those with whom they're not aligned as per a scroll. Josh and Christmas go for the win to compete against Paul in the live part three. They have three different weapons to knock down the targets.

I think we saw too much of this comp.  1 hour 39 minutes for Christmas, 1 hour 32 minutes for Josh. It feels like we spent that amount of time watching them. Josh will go up against Paul in Part Three.

Paul thinks he has the best chance of winning at the end with Josh. Christmas is crestfallen, going on about playing with the broken foot in the Diary Room.

Eek. Dr. Will has grey in his hair! He's leading the round table for the jury. Matt and Raven still think they're puppetmasters in the game. Mark argues with them. Kevin finally gets to speak.

Most of the jury think that Josh was poorly behaved, no respect, Cody and Mark admit that Josh took action and Paul didn't. When asked why Christmas deserved to win, they all seem to think it's all because of her broken foot. Then Will asks about Paul -- manipulation, outsmarting, everybody else did his dirty work. Elena is a self-admitted bitter jury member. It looks like they all think Paul played the best game but no one likes the way he did it. 

Finally, we're getting to the final part of the HoH comp -- Josh versus Paul. It's the typical Scales of Just Us comps with how well they know the jury. 

1. Paul scores, not Josh
2. Josh scores, not Paul
3. Both right
4. Josh scores, not Paul
5. Both wrong
6. Both wrong
7. Josh right, Paul wrong.

JOSH wins the final HoH Part Three! He both cries and screams.

It's time for Josh to decide who goes with him to the final two.
Paul - Worked with you, had your back, etc.
Christmas - My meatball, love both of you, amazing summer. (Obviously conceding to Paul.)

As we know from the live feeds, he chooses to take Paul to the final two. Silly boy. 

Christmas's Julie interview is all teary. She thinks Josh stands a better chance to win against Paul than against her.

I personally disagree. 

The jury comes out. They think Christmas will join them. And, yes, she does. 

Three questions for each.

Elena - Paul, orchestrated and participated in bully tactics. He denies it. 
Matt - Josh, no strategy? Biggest game move. Says he's a superfan since age of six, social game, aligned himself with so many. Got rid of Alex.
Alex - Paul, last season friendship, this year destroyed it. Paul denies, got people as far as he could, but had to play for himself.
Cody - Josh, played Paul's game, not his own. Josh says he played his own game.
Jason - Paul -- moves made to avoid jury issues. Paul denies that reasoning, again blames house.
Mark - Josh -- Altercations, crying and apologetic, then happens again. Josh expose people's games. 
Christmas - A joke question.

Josh was a lot more articulate than I expected. And Paul seemed to try to shift the blame for everything on others. Hmm.

Speech time:
Paul - His rehearsed all week speech. Set house targets, put himself in with others, pretty much voicing his strategy for the season (sans bullying). Wins he made. Never on the block. Played the hell out of BB.

Josh - Expose people's shady games, aligned myself strategically, put my targets on the block, played fearlessly ... loses his train of thought ... gave it everything he got, no friendship bracelet, made sure I was underestimated. 

Cody - stay true to my word
Elena - no jury management
Mark - Congrats both
Matt - More in all aspects of game
Jason - Both aligned with me
Raven - Best game
Alex - Just a game, person who stabbed in front, not back
Kevin - Congrats
Christmas - Love you both, game move. 

A bit of time for the evicted prior to jury hamsters. Jess tells them Paul played them all and they all let him. Into Diary Room Paul clips. Jess says she would have voted Paul to win if she was in jury.  Heh -- they show Josh blowing up Paul's game in his goodbye messages.

The votes are revealed:
Christmas - Paul
Kevin - Paul
Alex - Josh
Raven - Paul
Jason - Josh
Matt - Paul
Mark - Josh
Elena - Josh
Cody - Josh

JOSH WINS THE SEASON! Paul loses by one vote again.

AFP -- Top three were Kevin, Cody and Jason.

Cody wins. When asked if he had anything to say, he said, "It doesn't make sense." It does. America can be a bitter jury as well as the BB jury can.