Thursday, February 07, 2019

Celebrity Big Brother 2: HoH, Nominations Show Blog Party - Feb. 7

Ah, a totally taped show and no live eviction tonight. We'll make that up with a double eviction tomorrow night! The schedule has been so weird that I'm actually having to look back to see what was shown on the show and what still won't be shown tonight. Oy!

As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll be live blogging and updating this entry. Refresh this page to get the latest news! As always, the party is in the comments. I hope to see you there!

Previously on and blah, blah, blah …

Okay, Kato turned black and white. Tom is sure he will be targeted. He thinks he needs to make friends and win HoH. Tamar is celebrating getting Kato out. Lolo thinks he must go after Tom for sure. 

Tom is being nice to all trying to win friends and influence people. Kandi wants to bring him to her side to take out one of the "big dogs." Ricky, Lolo and Natalie are now against Tom, Kandi and Dina. Notice they all leave out Tamar. Kandi is definitely making an effort to get Tom to work with her. He's suspicious, but what else has he got? Really, now.

HOH Comp time! The yard is done up like a Las Vegas casino and they're all dressed accordingly. Omarosa is back to host the comp. Celebrity BB Hotel and Casino. Celebrity Tumbling Dice. Head to head tumbling dice match. Each player in a die and tumbling to go to the correct number. 

Tom challenges Ricky. Tom wins the round.
Ricky is eliminated.

Lolo challenges Tom (no surprise there). Tom wins the round.
Lolo eliminated.

Natalie challenges Dina. Natalie wins the round.
Dina eliminated.

Kandi challenges Natalie. Natalie wins the round.
Kandi eliminated.

It's down to Tom versus Natalie for the win.

Tom is a bit self-conscious in this HOH run. He knows he has no real allies. Well, there's Kandi but she ain't no Kato. Natalie, on the other hand, is sure she will go on the block. Ricky is more sure he will go on the block. He sort of has Dina, for what that's worth. She tells him Lolo and Natalie are freaking out. Tom notices that it's the first time Dina's talked game but he needs all the help he can get. 

Natalie think that Kandi, because she chose to compete against her in the comp, is now on Tom's side. "If you're not with us, you're against us." So, she goes to talk to Lolo and Tamar. Tamar, of course, is with Kandi but wants it all to be on the down low. 

Girl talk with Dina. Tamar and Kandi. Dina seems infatuated with an online romance. Tamar calls catfish. Then Natalie joins in.

Tom wants one on one meetings with them all. He tells us that he's going to tell all of them they're not the target. Tom talks to Natalie first. He tells her he'd like to make a safety deal for her not to put him on the block if he keeps her safe. Then he goes and tells her he might have to put her on the block.

Then he talks to Lolo, telling her he wants to put her up as a pawn, wants her to win veto and save herself. He says she's not the target. He also asks for safely. Kind of a dumb move, methinks.

Ricky is up next. Tom tells him he has a proposal. Wants to put him on the block, wants him to win veto and remove himself. Will try to make sure he's not voted out. Please keep me safe. Um. Well. Ricky sees through it just like I do. Ricky proposes his own deal if Tom keeps Natalie, Lolo and himself off the block and Tom remains safe. Tom doesn't trust him but doesn't come out and say it.

Some of Tom's antics. He has been very entertaining on the live feeds this season.

Back to the drama. Natalie is telling Tamar how Kandi is with Tom now. Kandi tells us she doesn't care. Now it's time for Tamar to talk to her buddy Kandi. Tamar tells us that she trusts Kandi more than her bedroom alliances. They want a final two.

Tom tells Kandi he's thinking Ricky/Lolo, keep Lolo safe. If Ricky doesn't win veto, he's out. If he does, Natalie goes up and out. Kandi isn't thrilled with the idea. She thinks he needs to nominate Ricky/Natalie for game reasons. Now, he's already told Natalie he won't put her on the block. What a conundrum! 

Time for the nominations ceremony. He nominates Ricky, then Natalie. He thinks they're incredible athletes, targeting them because they're targeting him.

Natalie is mad because she feels Tom lied to her. Lolo is sure it's all a scheme to backdoor her.  

Celebrity Big Brother 2: Live Feeds, PoV Meeting - Feb. 7

You can run but you can't hide

Here's the latest from inside that Celeb BB House of Whacked Whippets:
  • I say it's Lolo's own fault.
  • Her paranoia strikes deep. Into her heart it creeps.
  • Or something like that.
  • She was NOT on the block. Tom told her he might put her up as a pawn if someone won and used the veto.
  • Since that time she has been barking at him or pretending he doesn't exist.
  • Well, doesn't exist except that she talks about how evil he is and what a bully he is.
  • Ricky and Natalie were nominated by Tom.
  • He has always considered Ricky not to be trustworthy and Ricky is, er, was his target.
  • Ricky figured he would go on the block and also guessed he would be Tom's target.
  • He has taken it all in stride and calmly.
  • He, Natalie and Lolo are in their own little alliance. He kept telling them that one will go home and two will remain to try to win the game.
  • Yet Lolo keeps freaking and then gets Natalie (better game player but lesser of a freaking out sort) also after Tom.
  • Meanwhile, Ricky and Tom talked last night.
  • Now today at the veto meeting, Tom took Ricky off the block and replaced him with Lolo.
  • So, it's Natalie and Lolo on the block.
  • All of a sudden now Lolo is saying things like she always knew Tom had good in him and such.
  • Tamar is saying he did it to save face with America.
  • Ricky has tried telling them that the more they react with anger and such the more likely they will go home.
  • Natalie is ready to pack her bags.

Talked her way to the block

More dangerous than Lolo?

So, Tom saved his target

Often spontaneously loud. Really.

Wednesday, February 06, 2019

Celebrity Big Brother 2: Live Feeds, PoV Winner - Feb. 6

Orwell slept with Tom, but kept tux on

Here's the latest from inside that Celebrity BB House of Blocked Live Feeds:
  • No matter how much he tries to mix and mingle in the house, Tom remains just about shunned by the others.
  • Sure, they'll small talk a little with him.
  • Since Kato left, Tom's only true ally is Orwell the Owl.
  • But even Orwell won't disrobe and sleep under the covers with him.
  • Tom's girlfriend must appreciate that!
  • It turns out that the cost Lolo was talking for her health insurance is twenty grand a year. Eep. Of course, it's due to the risks an Olympic athlete takes, but still.
  • BB woke them up very early -- before 8am their time -- today, supposedly telling them they would have an "event" in the morning.
  • Hmm. Event = blocked live feeds.
  • It seems like most of the chamsters are a bit under the weather with headaches and overall not feeling well.
  • Now, it could be the stress and/or not seeing the sky for so many days. Their backyard is actually inside. Poor babies. They're each getting a couple hundred grand for this. They'll live.
  • Lolo, already giving Tom shade every minute, apparently didn't get picked to play for veto. That's his fault, of course.
  • The feeds were first blocked for the "event" and then for the veto comp.
  • TOM won the Power of Veto.
  • He may have no allies other than Orwell, but he holds all the power right now.
  • Ricky thinks Tom will keep the nominations the same -- himself and Natalie.
  • Lolo is still super-ultra-uber paranoid that Tom will put her on the block.
  • Tamar started screaming at Tom about threatening her. Umm. No, he didn't.
  • Then we get another long feeds block. Under an hour, but sheesh.
  • Now, Kandi, Tamar and Lolo keep talking about Tom "threatening" them. I'm seeing no such thing. He's playing the game. He wants to talk and try to keep his own butt in the house. Before they thought he and Kato were bullying them. I'm honestly not seeing any bullying or threatening.
  • Telling someone you're considering putting them on the block isn't threatening any more than asking someone to pay money owed or you'll take them to court.
  • When the feeds returned, Tom was chilling by himself.
  • Well, I think Orwell was with him.
  • His target is Ricky out this week.
  • However, he obviously hasn't got a voting block. So, who knows?

Tom chills

A different look every hour

Then there's the Unibomber look

Dina's the Hat Lady

Tuesday, February 05, 2019

Celebrity Big Brother 2: Live Feeds, Nominations - Feb. 5

My choice for best final two partner

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Celebrity Sillies:
  • Why Dina for final two? She hasn't done much at all. She's not hated. Anyone against her will win.
  • Well, perhaps anyone but Tom.
  • However, I'm accepting the fact that he's very unlikely to get to the end at this point.
  • He is, though, head of household this week (two days).
  • He did his routine of talking to everyone although I do believe his mind was pretty much made up ahead of time.
  • He tried for deals with people.
  • He hinted to Lolo that he doesn't want to nominate her, but it's possible if someone uses the veto, she would go up.
  • Ricky agreed to promises of keeping Tom safe, but he isn't to be trusted and Tom knows that.
  • Tamar, remember the Drama Mama? Well, she is playing so good right now. She thought to not offend Tom or Kato previously and got Kandi in with her on it. She also on the surface gets along with Lolo, Natalie and Ricky. Without even a double agent act, she has both sides thinking she will work with them.
  • In actuality, I think the only thing she wants is for herself and Kandi get to the final two and then the win.
  • Tom knows he's grasping straws and, with Kato out, no one will really support him in the game.
  • After talking with everyone, it was time for nominations.
  • He nominated Ricky and Natalie.
  • Not unexpected. 
  • Lolo is more bent out of shape than either of the actual nominees. Tom had said something to her about how he doesn't really need the money and he knows she does because she mentioned needing money for health insurance and such. 
  • How dare he! He's tromping on her Olympic dreams! Don't even go there!
  • Never mind that I already reported that she said the insurance thing days ago. Apparently she can use it to plead her need for the win. But Tom can't use it to not put her on the block.
  • So, she's pushing how evil Tom is and now has Natalie agreeing on his evilness.
  • What about Ricky?
  • "It's a game. We're on the block. One of us will go home. The other two will remain to work on winning."
  • And on it goes ...

We should have kept Kato!

Tom is so evil!

Leave my Olympic dreams out of this!

Currently playing the best game

Expected the block, got the block

Celebrity Big Brother 2: Live Feeds, HoH into Tuesday - Feb. 5

Someone's in the kitchen with Dina

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Late Night HoH:

  • Once again, the feeds were blocked for a number of hours after the live eviction show.
  • Yep, it was the HoH comp we weren't allowed to see.
  • When they came back on, Tom had a tux on from the comp.
  • They were talking about Omarosa -- she apparently hosted the HoH comp, but I'm not sure what they actually did.
  • The big news is that TOM is the new HoH!
  • That's good and bad, y'see.
  • If he didn't win, he'd likely go home next.
  • However, since he did win, he can't compete for the next HoH and is likely to go home. He only bought a couple days.
  • While I think he's most deserving (either him or Tamar of those left in the house) to win, from the talk I've been seeing they are treating the show like a popularity contest. It seems like if he makes the final two, they'd vote for whoever wasn't Tom.
  • Oh, well.

Tom rereads his HoH letter

Monday, February 04, 2019

Celebrity Big Brother 2: Live Eviction, Etc. Show Blog Party - Feb. 4

I don't know how they're going to fit everything into an hour! Let's see … the last aired show ended at the eviction of Joey. That means that we will have the HoH comp (taped the other day), nominations (yesterday in real life) plus the veto comp (which hasn't happened yet so that should be live) and live eviction. Oh my.

Here's the latest update on Lifeguard Glenn's blog pool --

Glenn - Natalie Eva Marie
SueGee - Natalie Eva Marie
Donna NY - Dina
Kelsey NY - Kato
Jennasmom - Tom
Bizaro22 - Kandi
Cheryl in NC - Lolo
Jennifer - Ricky
Monty924 - Tamar
Marthalight - Tom
Joyce Johnson - Dina
Dr Celine - Kato
Merrilee - Natalie Eva Marie
Brian - Tom
Ayana - Kandi
CaelaXO - Lolo
Fred AKA Two Aces - Ricky
Janice - Tamar
Skyriver Blue - Lolo
Cherry Pie - Kato
Karen in CA - Kato
Judi Sweeney - Tom
Donna in FL - Kandi
Sharon N - Lolo
Alicia in Tx - Tamar
David - Dina
Renee Buck/Renee from NJ - Ricky
Jenna G - Natalie Eva Marie

Chamster watchers ready?

Ah, Julie is wearing royal blue tonight -- my favorite color and it looks good on her! We're into Previously on …

I like how they say LIVE when the HoH was indeed played after the live show on Friday. 

Julie tells us although the vote was unanimous, the house is far from united. Tamar tells us that she couldn't vote out Kandi because they recently made up. She's also worried that she's the lowest in the alliance and needs allies. It turns out that the girls were going to keep Joey but it was Tamar switching it up last minute. They knew they didn't have enough votes without her, so they ended up voting Joey (which is what Tom/Kato wanted).

Tamar doesn't trust Natalie or Lolo and wants to keep Kandi on her side. She also wants the others to focus on Tom and Kato. She doesn't want Kandi (or herself) making waves and becoming targets.

HoH time. Tom, outgoing HoH, can't compete. So, he and Kato need Kato to win. Picture Imperfect, find something wrong with BB's favorite magazine covers. It's a face-off kind of comp. Three covers to see.

Random draw Ricky and Tamar - Ricky out.

Tamar chooses Kato and Kandi to face-off. Kandi out.
Kato chooses Lolo and Natalie - Natalie out.
Lolo chooses Dina and Kato - Dina out.
Tamar and Lolo - Lolo out.
Tamar and Kato - TAMAR WINS HOH!! Of course, she's happily dramatic about it.

Nominations ceremony -- Tamar nominates Kato, then Tom. She says Kato is a big threat, Tom is a threat. Not personal, it's a game.

She tells us she knows she needs to get rid of some of her shade-mates, roommates. She tells Kandi that she would put up Natalie or Lolo if one gets pulled off. Kandi is already scheming for a Natalie gone if one of the guys come down. Dina and Kandi are with Tamar. 

Live veto comp -- Lolo, Dina and Kandi are the additional three.

They have to watch the stage for a special performance. It's GALLAGHER the comedian! I didn't know he was still around! Yes, he's smashing food. He was Blue Man Group before they were blue!

They will be asked questions on the performance. Smashing Success. True or False questions. One point for every right answer. Seven questions. Most points win.

1. All right
2. Tamar, Dina, Lolo and Kandi right
3. All right
4. Tom wrong again, all the rest right.
5. Lolo, Tamar and Kato right
6. Lolo only one right, has six points
7. LOLO wins PoV

Hmm … from the talk after the comp, some are confusing Gallagher with Carrot Top. Sigh. I feel old.

Veto meeting time. Lolo does not use the veto. 

Julie says she can't tell them who won the Superbowl. She then tells them the power awarded one person has now expired and went unused.

Live vote and eviction --
Tom - Amazing seeing Gallagher. Lot of fun, thanks people. Crazy, haven't been outside in over 20 days. Cheering for you all, especially Kato.
Kato - What Tom said. Carl Reiner wrote Enter Laughing. I will exit laughing, had so much fun. Thanks, loyalty is key, loyal to Tom. Vote with your heart.

The votes to evict:
Ricky - Kato
Kandi - Kato
Dina - Kato
Lolo - Kato
Natalie - Kato

Lolo blew it that they knew the Superbowl winner. (They had a party yesterday.)

Kato is gonzo. Sigh. I liked the dude.

Sunday, February 03, 2019

Celebrity Big Brother 2: Live Feeds, Nominations - Sunday, Feb. 3

A different look every half-hour!

Here's the latest from inside that Celebrity BB House of Froot Loop Dinguses:

  • For the most part, today's been a bit of a day off so far for them.
  • Sure, the screen in the living room read "Nominations Today" but that could have all been predicted the moment Tamar became HoH.
  • Yep, she put Tom and Kato on the block.
  • No surprise there.
  • Before the nominations Tom wanted to talk to a producer to tell Tamar she can't lie in her nominations speech.
  • He still has a bug up his bonnet about being called a bully.
  • He didn't get to talk to them and it wouldn't have made any difference if he did.
  • They can say whatever they want.
  • It's Big Brother, not Truth or Dare.
  • BB threw them a little Superbowl party with cupcakes and a card which said Rams and Patriots.
  • Isn't that going against the rules of outside news?
  • Hmm.
  • Not too much going on. They seem to think the veto comp might be tonight.
  • With the wacky schedule, I'm lucky to know when the shows air on television!

Finally not on the block

Tom mingles

Kato makes a show with Snapchat glasses

Celebrity Big Brother 2: Live Feeds into Sunday - Feb. 3

The power has shifted

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Celeb Wannabees:
  • As you know from my last quick update, we have a new HoH.
  • The comp was blocked to the live feeds, but we know it couldn't have been any haunted or scary.
  • That's because Tamar won HoH.
  • Kato and Tom know they're likely to be put on the block.
  • Tom is trying to convince Kato and himself that they might have a chance. He wants to try to smooth things over with Tamar and the others.
  • He's also trying to convince Kato that if they both are on the block, he (Tom) will be the target, not Kato.
  • Meanwhile, Kato's tune could be 'It Takes a Worried Man'
  • Kato, stop singing!
  • Now, apparently Kandi aided Kato in the comp.
  • Ricky is finding that very unsettling. He and Lolo went on to Tamar that Kandi didn't appreciate being saved twice, hasn't done anything in the game.
  • Both said they want the winner to be based on gameplay and Kandi has done nothing, but has no blood on her hands.
  • Hmm … is a Tom/Kato nominations so set in stone?
  • For what it's worth, Kandi is spending more time with Tom now.
  • Tamar pooh-poohed the Kandi talk. She said Kandi was only mad that she (Tamar) won HoH and she didn't. She said that Kandi only wants to win so she can gloat.
  • Hmm.
  • Kandi told Tom that everyone is acting crazy and untrustworthy.
  • Welp, that's what Big Brother will do to you! Perhaps she should have researched the game more!
  • Heh. Lolo said she didn't try for the HoH because she has no one who will send her a letter. Why am I not surprised? While Tamar may be over the top, Lolo seems to have literally no people skills at all. 
  • Tom continued to mingle while Kato kind of exiled himself a bit. I don't think that's the best move for him and hope he comes out of his funk. He's better than that!
  • In a talk with him, Tamar told Tom that people thought he was bullying them last week and he should apologize to them.
  • Okay. I can't figure Tamar out. 
  • Ricky joined in on that bandwagon and Tom claimed the cameras will show he didn't bully anyone.
  • Both Tom and Kato think they need to steer clear of Ricky more than anyone else.
  • Yup. He will do his best to manipulate the others to the benefit of his own game.
  • I really don't think the girls see that. But Ricky has told us in DR sessions on the show and Tom/Kato have him figured out.
  • Interesting … while there seems to be an actual girls alliance, both Kandi and Dina were scheming how to save Tom or Kato.
  • We got the HoH room reveal and all the ensuing loud squealing from Tamar.
  • I think it's likely that Tamar will nominate Kato and Tom.
  • However, she can be unpredictable.
  • It's a waiting game for now.

Tamar reads her HoH letter

Will Kandi actually not be on the block?

A worried man

Thinks he can sway people?

Joey said it all

Celebrity Big Brother 2: Live Feeds - New HoH! - Feb. 2

Ready for some fun?

This is just a brief report. The live feeds were blocked for a few hours after the live show ended. Well, more than a few hours, but who's counting? We did not see this HoH comp play out.

But we know the winner.

Tamar. Yes, you heard me. Tamar is the new HoH. I can't imagine what's ahead for us. Batten the hatches.

Do you think she'll get HoH-itis?

Saturday, February 02, 2019

Celebrity Big Brother 2: Eviction Show Blog Party - Feb. 2

A Saturday night eviction? Yep! And, we will be seeing the taped PoV comp leading into it, too. That won't give us a heck of a lot of time for the drama in the house … or will it?

As the show airs here on the East Coast I'll be live-blogging and constantly updating this entry. Refresh the page to get the latest! As always, The real party is in the comments area -- join in on the fun!

Here is the updated Lifeguard Glenn pool standings --

Glenn - Natalie Eva Marie
SueGee - Natalie Eva Marie
Donna NY - Dina
Kelsey NY - Kato
Sally - Joey
Jennasmom - Tom
Bizaro22 - Kandi
Cheryl in NC - Lolo
Jennifer - Ricky
Monty924 - Tamar
Marthalight - Tom
Joyce Johnson - Dina
Dr Celine - Kato
Gaylos - Jody
Merrilee - Natalie Eva Marie
Brian - Tom
Ayana - Kandi
CaelaXO - Lolo
Fred AKA Two Black Aces - Ricky
Janice - Tamar
Skyriver Blue - Lolo
Cherry Pie - Kato
Karen in CA - Kato
Sharon C - Joey
Judi Sweeney - Tom
Donna in FL - Kandi
Sharon N - Lolo
Alicia in Tx - Tamar
Chacha - Joey
David - Dina
Renee Buck/Renee from NJ - Ricky
Jenna G - Natalie Eva Marie

Ready for some chamsters? 

Yep, the eviction will be live but the rest? Nuh-uh. Previously on goes on.

I'm not used to Julie being dressed in light blue. She seems to usually wear black or shades of red.

Tamar is joyous … Tom has no clue who has the power. Of course, he put Joey and Kandi on the block thinking one has the power. But his real plan is to backdoor Ricky. Joey thinks he's the target.

Ricky, Tom and Kato talk. They all say they don't have the power. Ricky tells them he thinks Tamar has it because she's been acting differently. Tom still thinks Ricky has it.

Lolo is getting increasingly ticked off at Tom. He tells her he thinks they need to backdoor him. Lolo thinks they can use Ricky and get him out later. Lolo goes and tells Ricky that Tom thinks he has the power. She says to us it's because she's returning a favor.

Natalie talks to Ricky, too. He tells her not to use the veto, but to act like the five are still together -- Tom, Kato, Natalie, Lolo and Ricky.

POV time - Natalie, Lolo and Dina were the three randomly chosen. They're dressed in football gear. Score three field goals, knock linebacker down. They have to spin, then try to knock him down. Kick the Competition.

Always fun to see them "drunk" trying to complete a task!

Lolo challenges Dina first. Dina out.
Joey challenges Tom. Joey out.
Kandi challenges Tom. Kandi out.
Natalie challenges Tom. Tom out.
Natalie and Lolo. Lolo out.
NATALIE wins Power of Veto!

She tells us that she won't use the PoV and thus will save Ricky from the backdoor.

Time for the POV meeting. If Natalie doesn't use it, Tom and Kato will know they're betrayed. Tom is worried, as he should be. Natalie does NOT use the veto -- Kandi and Joey remain on the block. She claims she wants to respect the HoH and leave the nominations the same. 

Joey is taking things well. Tom think the alliance is dead. Well, duh. Ricky says Natalie and Lolo must now act to make Tom and Kato think they're all still aligned. Natalie is playing dumb, saying that they didn't tell her what they wanted. Ricky tells us that he has plans for revenge. Tom doesn't trust the three, none of them. Kato agrees.

Here comes the drama! Joey thinks Tom is unnecessarily paranoid. But Joey thinks he can take a proactive step and get the people who don't trust Tom to keep him (Joey). Natalie is eating it up like candy. (No, not like Kandi since that would mean she goes.)

Kato isn't paranoid. He knows they're after him. He thinks he will win HoH. He starts with Natalie and Lolo, quasi-threatening their safety in the house. Lolo stomps off when Tom comes in. And a shouting brouhaha ensues! Lolo screams and screams. Fun, fun, fun!

The live vote and eviction next, into commercial.

To the living room --

Kandi - Used to giving speeches. Misses family but wants to stay. I am playing the game.
Joey - Hi to family. Flattering. Vote with you mind not your heart. Thank you.

The votes to evict:
Lolo - Joey
Kato - Joey
Natalie - Joey
To commercial …
Tamar - Joey
Dina - Joey
Ricky - Joey

It's unanimous. Joey is gone!

He handles it very well, hugging them all. He's hilarious mocking Lolo in his Julie interview! 

HoH, PoV and eviction live on Monday night.

Friday, February 01, 2019

Celebrity Big Brother 2: Live Feeds into Saturday Night - Feb. 1

All in the body language

Here's the latest from inside that Celebrity Big Brother House of Cray-Cray Day:
  • With the plan to backdoor Ricky foiled by their alliance member Natalie (not using the veto), Tom and Kato think that Joey would be the best to get out of the nominees.
  • They think Kandi is less of a threat.
  • BUT … Ricky, Lolo and Natalie want Kandi out.
  • Tom went to Kandi, telling her that the others wanted her voted out while apologizing, saying it was never his plan.
  • She's shocked Ricky would rather keep Joey.
  • No, no ... Tom … do NOT call a house meeting!
  • Tom called a house meeting.
  • He should know that those things never go over well.
  • Ricky lit into Tom telling him he's screwed up everything and calling him a "fake ass dude" who can't be trusted.
  • Lolo cursed out Kato.
  • Natalie screamed at Tom.
  • Kato and Tom were all but drawn and quartered.
  • I sat and ate popcorn watching it.
  • Heh.
  • Things did calm down.
  • It still looks like Kandi will go tomorrow night.
  • Tom, who seems to have self-esteem issues to begin with, is thinking he's played the game horribly wrong because everyone is so angry at him.
  • Kato still loves him, though.

Lighting into Tom

Ricky called me a "fake ass dude."

Wake me up when you Lolo!

Maybe I need to get out of here

I really want to draw hair on his head

Team Bromance … heehee

Celebrity Big Brother 2: Live Feeds into Friday - Feb. 1

So demure, so reserved, so quiet. Ha.

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Who's With Whom:
  • Tom is too easily excited and paranoid to be an effective HoH.
  • He's so worried about who might have won the power that he's handling things badly within his own alliance.
  • While it's obvious Kato won't desert him, Natalie and Lolo were already a bit irked with him and Kato.
  • Lolo, in particular, seems to have a thing about others making decisions and her having no serious input. It made for the Ryan clash and now with Tom/Kato.
  • Tom really wants to backdoor Ricky if the veto (won by Natalie) is used.
  • Meanwhile, Peripheral Rick has worked his way in with both Lolo and Natalie and he's even working on Kato and Tom.
  • The nominations were Joey and Kandi, supposedly because Tom thought one of them had won the power.
  • Before the veto meeting, Tom told Kato that if no one used the power and Natalie did not use the veto, it would show that Natalie/Lolo were no longer in an alliance with them.
  • They know that both of the women are advocating NOT backdooring Ricky. 
  • Kato warned Dina that she might be a replacement nominee. Now she's worried about bills she left unpaid and paying for somewhere to stay for a week to wait for the finale.
  • Couldn't her daughter spot her some funds? Sheesh! 
  • She not on a target list at the moment anyway.
  • All ended up moot, though -- Natalie did NOT use the veto and the nominations remain the same.
  • Because neither Joey nor Kandi used the power at the veto meeting, now Tom thinks Tamar or Ricky must have it.
  • Well, one does. But keep in mind they have no clue what the power is. Most are thinking it's like Tyler's power in the last BB season (which most watched in sequester).
  • We know Tamar has it. But she is smart enough not to blab about it. She blabs about everything else, but not the power.
  • Despite his apparent friendship with Kandi, that's the one Ricky is telling Kato/Tom needs to go.
  • Tom and Kato think Natalie/Lolo want Joey out.
  • Now, all of a sudden the alliance is Tom, Kato, Ricky, Lolo and Natalie once again.
  • I don't think Peripheral Rick is sincere with them.
  • I also don't think Lolo can work well with the guys.
  • Ricky pushes his agenda to get Kandi out.
  • Yet now they're the Fun Five. Okaaaay …
  • But Kato sees through them. He tells Tom that they can't trust Ricky and the girls are lying.
  • Now, that's one tight alliance, huh?
  • What does Tom do? Well, he goes and tells Joey everything -- how his original plan was to backdoor Ricky, how the girls wanted Joey out and on and on.
  • As Tom is doing that, Kato is working on Dina.
  • Dina tells him that they (Lolo/Natalie) screwed over Ryan/Jonathan and now they're doing it to him and Tom.
  • Well, she does have a point. I think it's more Lolo calling the shots for her and Natalie but the result is the same.
  • Kandi started working on Dina, too. Her cause has nothing to do with the girls -- she wants Dina to vote out Joey, not her.
  • Well, duh.
  • Minor kerfuffles, mini-dramas and worries ensue. Kato thinks he told too much to Dina and doesn't really trust her. Dina thinks everyone is targeting her although she's not on the block. Kandi is upset because Dina didn't automatically support her. Lolo thinks she has no alliance with Tom because he's doing a "guys life" thing. (She does seem to have issues about men!) Tamar wastes no time jumping on her anti-Tom bandwagon. Tom tells Dina the original plan was for veto to be used for a Ricky backdoor but Natalie refused to use it.
  • Tom thinks, since the power wasn't used at veto, it will be used Friday and he will have to nominate someone else.
  • He's so wrong and way too paranoid about this. Kato has tried to quell the worries, but …!
  • It's all a ball of confusion.
  • And on it goes.

Honestly now, pink cowgirl look?

And this one looks like a witch hat!

Laundry service packages in storage room

Joey should have joined an alliance

What? Maid service, too? (No.)

Thursday, January 31, 2019

Celebrity Big Brother 2: Live Feeds into Thursday - Jan. 31

Playing everybody
 Here's the latest from inside that BB House of Celebrity Stew:
  • They were awakened and the feeds got cut, apparently to inform them that veto would be played.
  • Tamar, so far keeping her power under wraps, ranted to her new buddy Natalie that Tom just better not put her on the block!
  • I've said before that, while she can be all that drama and annoying, she knows the game. She wants to hold out as long as she can, saving the power as a last resort.
  • One thing on her side is that she's created so many problems in the house that no one would think America would give her the power.
  • They don't know the Twitterverse very well, do they?
  • Ricky proposed that he, Kandi, Joey and Tamar should work together as they aren't in any sort of alliance.
  • He is very aware that he might be a backdoor plan for Tom/Kato.
  • Of course, from what I've seen of Peripheral Rick, he will use the others for his own self and drop 'em when the time comes. He's pretty ruthless in the game and definitely playing only for himself … as it really should be.
  • Meanwhile, Team Fun is showing cracks in its structure.
  • Lolo and Natalie think that Tom and Kato are telling them what to do rather than working with them.
  • Now, that was the same issue Lolo had with Ryan and Jonathan, right?
  • Hmmm.
  • Lolo thinks Joey should go before Ricky. But the boys are thinking Ricky first.
  • I personally think Ricky is more dangerous to leave in the game, mainly because he plays everyone while Joey tends to be more honest in his own game.
  • Tom is very worried that Ricky will put them -- Tom and Kato -- on the block together if he (Ricky) wins HoH.
  • I think he's absolutely right. Ricky knows those would be the two to target.
  • Uh-oh! Natalie and Lolo tell Ricky of the backdoor plan to oust him!
  • There goes Team Fun!
  • Now, Ricky already guessed the plan, but now he has confirmation!
  • It's looking like Joey, Ricky, Natalie, Tamar and Lolo will work together to keep both Ricky and Joey safe.
  • The plot thickens!
  • But, wait … Natalie and Lolo go back with Kato and Tom and they're a Team Fun again?
  • Maybe.
  • Anyway, they all agree to wait until they see how veto plays out before making any decisions.
  • Hmm.
  • Then there was the veto comp, blocked to the live feeds.
  • They were all in football gear. Was this a slam dunk for NFL Ricky?
  • Nope.
  • Natalie won the Power of Veto.
  • What will she do with it?
  • She and Lolo are still on an anti-Tom kick. They think he's controlling. Lolo is also worried about backdooring people as she thinks she could be next.
  • Right now, I'm not sure what she will do at all. She knows if she uses it, Tom will backdoor Ricky.
  • I guess we'll see … the live eviction isn't until Saturday evening. Lots of time for changed minds in three days!

Team Fun? Maybe not so much.

Knows not to tell of her power

Tom likes to be nice

Kato is kool