Monday, January 28, 2019

Celebrity Big Brother 2: Live Veto, Live Eviction Show Blog Party

Gah! Sorry this post is such a mess! The more I try to fix it, the worse it gets!

I have no clue how they're going to fit it all in an hour, but tonight is a live show. I'm talking live veto comp, live eviction and HoH comp. At least that's my understanding.

As the show airs here on the East Coast I'll be live blogging the major happenings -- refresh this page to see the latest! Of course, the actual party is in the comments area. Please join in on the fun!

As we're heading into an eviction, here's Lifeguard Glenn's updated blog pool match-ups --

1. Jackie - Ryan
2. Glenn - Natalie Eva Marie
3. Sue Gee - Natalie Eva Marie
4. Donna NY - Dina
5. Kelsey NY - Kato
6. Sally - Joey
7. Jennasmom - Tom
8. Bizaro22 - Kandi
9. Cheryl in NC - LoLo
10.Jennifer - Ricky
11. Monty924 - Tamar
12. TBC - Ryan
13. Itchy - Ryan
14, Marthalight - Tom
15. Joyce Johnson - Dina
16. Dr Celine - Kato
17. Gaylos - Joey
18. Merrilee - Natalie Eva Marie
19. Brian - Tom
20. Ayana - Kandi
21. CaelaXO - LoLo
22. Fred AKA Two Black Aces - Ricky
23. Janice - Tamar
24. Skyriver Blue - Lolo
25. Skyriver Gold - Ryan
26. Cherry Pie - Kato
27. Karen in CA - Kato
28. Sharon C - Joey
29. Judi Sweeney - Tom
30. Donna in FL. - Kandi
31, Sharon N - LoLo
32, Alicia in Tx - Tamar
33. ChaCha - Joey
34. David - Dina
35. Renee Buck/Renee from NJ - Ricky

36. Jenna G. - Natalie Eva Marie 

Are we ready? Let's rumble!

Okay, Julie didn't mention HoH. I don't see how they could fit it in anyway. We're into Previously On. 

Kato is about to find out that flipping on a friend is the least of his problems. We're talking Tamar. His plan is to backdoor Ryan.

Now Tamar is making drama about Kato saying that she should go home and be with her son, as well as be a maid. She thinks it's sexist. So, she lights into him. Joey takes Kato aside and tells him not to take the bait. Meanwhile, Dina is crying. Kato has no plans for her to go, but can only tell her she will be safe.

Drama Mama Tamar is still crying about her son. On and on.

Tom sings a coffee song. Weird, but better than Tamar drama.

Tamar goes to talk to Kato. He tells her he never meant to be malicious. He thought she had been crying because she missed her son. (It was the Kandi and other drama.) He tells us that Tamar isn't his target, Ryan is. But he can't tell her that. 

Tom thinks he and Kato should team up with Lolo and Natalie. He tells Kato they could run the house. Lolo just wants an alliance that will work! Kato wants to try telling them about the backdoor plan for Ryan. They think he's most likely to win and like the idea of backdooring him. 

Whether he heard them talking or not, Ryan is sure Kato wants to backdoor him. He's been thinking that every since he didn't get nominated. Joey has replaced Jonathan as Ryan's wingman and they're trying to think who will work with them. They both go to Kato asking if they should pack. Kato admits there's a chance and it's up to the veto. 

Tom, Natalie and Joey were the three chosen to play for veto.

And it's time! Worldwide Rollout. Launch own movie, roll ball along a globe. The ball in the highest number slot wins. It's a crap shoot. Random draw for order. 

Tom first. 35 million. 

Dina - zero
Kato - 15 million 
Natalie - zero
Tamar- 35 million
Joey - eliminated, didn't get the #

Tiebreaker -- 

Tom - 70 million
Tamar - I didn't see, but TOM wins the Power of Veto!

POV Meeting time!

No speeches by nominees.
Tom is saving Dina.

Kato puts Ryan on the block. He praises him and apologizes.

Live vote and eviction time.

Tamar - Thanks CBS, production, etc. Amazing time, laughing all the time even when fighting, love y'all, team player, would like to stay.
Ryan - Awesome, walking out with new friends, thankful, team player, want to keep playing, no hard feelings.

The votes to evict:

Joey - Tamar
Tom - Ryan
Lolo - Ryan
Into commercial ...
Dina - Ryan
Kandi - Ryan
Ricky - Ryan
Natalie - Ryan

As I expected and as per Kato's plan, Ryan is voted out.

Joey is already working on Kato to split up others. Lolo is crying about voting Ryan out? 

Ryan is gracious in the interview with Julie. He had a lot of fun and has made new friends.

America's Vote - can give one HG the power of the publicist. It allows the winner to take him/herself off the block once. It sounds like it's only Twitter voting.

Celebrity Big Brother 2: Live Feeds into Monday, Jan. 28

The chicken dance?

Here's the latest from inside that Celeb BB House of Chamster Stew:
  • Ricky is in a great position right now because Joey/Ryan want him with them while Kato and Company also want him.
  • He's a wanted man!
  • Joey is really disturbed about how messy everyone is. If he had white gloves, they'd be in trouble.
  • He's not welcome here because one of his complaints is powder on the bathroom floor. Oopsie.
  • He was also upset that someone had unwrapped raw chicken laying in the kitchen sink. Now, I agree with him on that one!
  • While he previously told Dina if he won veto he'd take her off the block, Ryan is now thinking he would need to keep the noms the same and no one would vote her out over Tamar.
  • He's worried that Joey would be targeted and just can't lose his second Jonathan!
  • But I'm fairly sure Kato will keep his word to Joey and not nominate him.
  • Kato seems to be the kind of guy who, when he gives his word, he keeps it.
  • Sunday was a doldrums day in the house.
  • No real quibbles, no real kerfuffles and certainly no brouhahas.
  • Tom taught me something new! You can peel garlic by putting it in a jar and shaking it.
  • I'm amazed.
  • Tamar actually got along with people yesterday, including Kandi.
  • Of course, she would like to be saved by the veto winner.
  • She's a lot of drama, but she does know the game and is observant. Not everyone in the house is as up on those things as her.
  • Ricky is back in with the Kato and Company (Team Fun) alliance.
  • For now, at least.
  • I do think he's a bit of a floater between groups going with the power. Yet, he does have his own game.
  • All in all, it was the calm before today's veto comp storm ...

Summit talks in progress

What being with Tamar does to her

Now just Natalie to me

Lolo making table art

Target of the week

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Celebrity Big Brother 2: HoH Show Blog Party - Jan. 27

As the show airs here on the East Coast I'll be live blogging the major happenings -- refresh this page to see the latest! Of course, the actual party is in the comments area. Please join in on the fun!

Glenn has shuffled the pool orphans around due to Anthony not being a chamster at all and the first boot. You can see the new match-ups at this link. That's the end of the shuffling, though. If your chamster is out, so are you. And, yes, you have to cheer on Tamar if you have her in the pool. Heehee!

I also have a show schedule up at this link.

Tonight's show will air the HoH comp we saw on the live feeds way late Friday night. I'm not sure about whether the nominations will air or not.

Let's get this show going!

Previously on and blah-blah-blah …

Ah, we will get some brouhaha tonight! The live feeds cut most of it out and then went down for nine hours yesterday.

Ryan trusts no one now. Dina realizes that she was left out of the loop and was the only one who didn't vote Jonathan out in what she thought was her alliance.

Tamar denies voting for Kandi. Ricky thinks it wasn't a smart move and affected Dina. 

Joey thinks Ryan is depending on him to win the veto. Meanwhile, the women are all up in arms that Dina is working with the boys. 

Time for the HoH comp. Ryan is wearing a blond hair band wig and the them is heavy rock. It's a wall with them each standing in a big hand with the rock symbol. Lots of flashing lights. We get told by each one why they want to win. They're getting doused with flour, water, you name it. Well, maybe it's sugar, not flour. They're getting super gooped up, more than usual wall comps.

Tom is down first. Then Kandi drops saying the comp isn't meant for people with a big booty. Ricky is out. This is definitely the messiest BB wall comp ever! Tamar says she's going to have an anxiety attack but is afraid to jump. Of course, Tamar is all drama, saying she was going to jump to her death. Finally she's down.

Dina is freezing and goes down. Lolo is having problems with her shoulder and goes down. Kato tells Joey he could drop and be safe. Kato notices that Dina told Joey to stay and is obviously not on Kato's side. 

Joey drops. Kato promises Natalie safety. She trusts him and goes for it. 

KATO wins HoH!

Ryan is sure he's going to be nominated. He goes to Kato, tells him if he keeps him, he would be a good ally. He also tells him the girls have an alliance. Kato tells us that Ryan is a big threat and it might be the right time to take him out now.

Tamar, not leaving a moment without drama, gets mad (or jealous) because Natalie is confided in but not her. Oh, save your drama for your mama, Tamar!

A segment on Kato's tummy troubles and Ricky's healing ways. Ohh, a tummy massage. Then it's to Tamar being messy, a pet peeve of Kato's. He tells Ricky he's had it with her. He also mentioned that Dina didn't have his back in the comp. He has a big decision to make.

Yes, he mentions that Tamar is not only messy but causes so much drama. 

We find out that Dina felt that Kato wasn't honest with her when he didn't tell her he was voting out Jonathan. But why would he? He knows she and Jonathan have a connection.

Way late into the evening, Tamar is ticked that Lolo comes strolling in the bedroom. Lolo tells us she was tired and Tamar wanted to talk game. She just wanted sleep.

Lolo and Tamar talk. Lolo says that she wants her to talk and then she (Tamar) pops off at her. Lolo freaks out and screams at her. She tells us that every day Tamar gets into it with someone. 

Lolo is telling Tamar about it when Tamar comes in and confronts her. The brouhaha cut by the feeds in ON! Oh, then it's off for a commercial break.

Tamar says to Tom that she's leaving, great meeting him and all. Lolo goes and apologizes to her (for the sanity of the house). She tells her she doesn't want her to leave. They hug it out. Tamar is staying, at least for now.

Nominations ceremony time. He first nominates Tamar and then Dina. He mentions the cheering on of Joey for Dina. He tells Tamar she doesn't clean up and he knows she wanted to go home. She denies being messy and says she doesn't want to go home.

He actually said something more disturbing (to her) that you can check out in my live feeds report. That set her off once again.

Celebrity Big Brother 2: Updated Blog Pool

Since Anthony (Mooch) wasn't a real chamster and we give leeway for the first one evicted, Glenn has been kind enough to update the blog pool. Only those who originally had either Anthony or Jonathan in the pool have been reassigned a new chamster. No other changes have been made.

No, if you have Tamar, you're stuck with Tamar.

1. Jackie - Ryan
2. Glenn - Natalie Eva Marie
3. Sue Gee - Natalie Eva Marie
4. Donna NY - Dina
5. Kelsey NY - Kato
6. Sally - Joey
7. Jennasmom - Tom
8. Bizaro22 - Kandi
9. Cheryl in NC - LoLo
10.Jennifer - Ricky
11. Monty924 - Tamar
12. TBC - Ryan
13. Itchy - Ryan
14, Marthalight - Tom
15. Joyce Johnson - Dina
16. Dr Celine - Kato
17. Gaylos - Joey
18. Merrilee - Natalie Eva Marie
19. Brian - Tom
20. Ayana - Kandi
21. CaelaXO - LoLo
22. Fred AKA Two Black Aces - Ricky
23. Janice - Tamar
24. Skyriver Blue - Lolo
25. Skyriver Gold - Ryan
26. Cherry Pie - Kato
27. Karen in CA - Kato
28. Sharon C - Joey
29. Judi Sweeney - Tom
30. Donna in FL. - Kandi
31, Sharon N - LoLo
32, Alicia in Tx - Tamar
33. ChaCha - Joey
34. David - Dina
35. Renee Buck/Renee from NJ - Ricky
36. Jenna G. - Natalie Eva Marie

Celebrity Big Brother 2: Live Feeds into Sunday - Jan. 27

Despite rumors, Lolo remains

Here is the latest from inside that Celeb BB House of Misfit Toys:
  • I love how the media picked up and flew with the rumors that Lolo left the house during the big feeds shutdown yesterday.
  • She didn't.
  • And, if someone were to be kicked out, I think it would more likely be Tamar anyway.
  • Yet they both remain, as does Kandi (also in drama with Tamar).
  • Kato and Tamar had a long talk about what he said regarding she wanted to go home to be with her son when he nominated her. Said son is five years old and there is a regular nanny, BTW.
  • He told her that he knew she was crying and also knew she said something about missing her son.
  • She told him that she does miss him, but wants to remain in the house and she was crying over the kerfuffle with Kandi.
  • Well, I said kerfuffle. She didn't.
  • So we can cross off a Kato/Tamar continuing saga of drama.
  • For now, at least.
  • In other news, Joey has latched onto Ryan assuming Jonathan's wing man role.
  • Like the Ryan/Jonathan pairing, it's way too obvious and already has the rest murmuring about them.
  • The still there Lolo is still complaining about how sore she is from the HoH comp. Hmm. These comps aren't made for athletes, I guess!
  • The chamsters expect a "day off" today (Sunday) but have been warned by production that Monday will be very busy.
  • They're expecting the veto comp to be played out on Monday.
  • Jackie, stop talking about production.
  • Oops. Okay.
  • Natalie thinks she needs to get better at diary room sessions while everyone in the house is saying Ryan gives good DR.
  • Oh my.
  • Ricky is back to being peripheral, most noticeable last night playing chess with Kandi.
  • I've decided I'm in the Kato Kamp. The guy has a fun personality, takes drama in stride and turns it around. Plus, he has good people skills. He also has a clue about BB,
  • I haven't mentioned this before, but apparently Joey's showers are epic -- he takes forever and uses all kinds of lotions and stuff. Whoa!
  • Ryan was right in saying Kato wants to backdoor him. Kato told Natalie that he hopes after veto it's Ryan and Dina on the block.
  • I'd prefer Tamar. However, if it's Tamar and Ryan, they'd probably vote out Tamar and Kato thinks Ryan's more of a threat for the ultimate win.
  • Tom thinks they should be worried about Ricky. I think he has a point there.
  • The final four pact of Lolo, Natalie, Tom and Kato seems like it's lasting. However, Ricky knows about it (because they invited him in and he declined). 
  • Kato won't put up Joey as a nominee because he promised him safety on the wall. They're discussing what will happen if Ryan wins veto and saves someone. Kato also doesn't want to backdoor Ricky. Hmm. Who then?
  • Joey is pushing for Ryan to get Ricky aboard with them. However, Ryan is leery and doesn't really trust Ricky. My gosh, he can think!
  • Once again Tom had extended talks with the cameras/live feeders.
  • In his long talk, he said he had no involvement in the drama (Saturday) and is enjoying being in the house. He feels safe for now.
  • As I get this posted, a few chamsters are up and about. 
  • Today should be on the quiet side.
  • Unless there's a brouhaha!

Becoming less purple?

Maybe they couldn't get her sister

Joey took over with Ryan

Kato at his HoH door

Dina negotiates with Kato

Why didn't he put me on the block?

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Celebrity Big Brother 2: Live Feeds into Sat. Evening - Jan. 26

Okay, I'll call her Natalie

Here's the latest from that Celebrity BB House of No Feeds Saturday:

  • What? No feeds? What do you mean?
  • I mean the live feeds were blocked for more than NINE hours today!
  • All was fine last night after the HoH comp.
  • If you didn't see the update, Kato is currently HoH.
  • They mixed, mingled and complained about how sore and cold they were after the comp.
  • Most stayed up rather late.
  • Then came morning.
  • Oh … and I noticed during the comp that they all call Natalie Eva Marie by Natalie. Julie Chen calls her all three names. People shouldn't have three first names! I've been calling her "Eva" because it's short and easy. But I'll call her "Natalie" from now on.
  • Rant over.
  • Oh, yeah. Then came morning …
  • Tamar and Lolo got into a brouhaha and you couldn't even tell what it was about!
  • Then no feeds for over NINE hours.
  • When they came back, all remain in the house.
  • It appears that Kato made his nominations -- definitely Tamar and I think Dina.
  • Ryan is all but certain that Kato plans to backdoor him.
  • I'm surprised that Ryan knows what a backdoor is.
  • Tamar is all bent out of shape (yes, that seems to be the norm for her) because Kato said that his nominations were because they didn't do anything to help around the house then made some mention that she wanted to be home with her son.
  • Horrors.
  • I would have just said, "I'm nominating you because you're obnoxious, a toxic person and cause all kinds of drama."
  • That's it.
Kato looks different eyeglass-less

Kandi knows who voted for her

Dressed for a brouhaha?

Celebrity Big Brother 2: Schedule for Remaining Shows

There is no show tonight (Saturday January 26).

There is one tomorrow night! This schedule is all screwy. So, I figured we need a reminder of days and show times. So, here it goes:

Sunday, January 27, 8-9pm  ET/PT 
Monday, January 28, 8-9pm ET/PT
Wednesday, January 30, 8-9pm ET/PT
Saturday, February 2, 8-9pm ET/PT
Monday, February 4, 9-10pm ET/PT
Thursday, February 7, 9-10pm ET/PT
Friday, February 8, 8-10pm ET/PT
Monday, February 11, 9-10pm ET/PT
Wednesday, February 13, 9-11pm ET/PT

Friday, January 25, 2019

Celebrity Big Brother 2: Live Feeds HOH Comp - Jan. 25

Once the live feeds return, I'll be updating this post with screen caps and more.
Stay tuned and refresh the page to get the latest news!

Right now they're still airing repeats of last season's Celeb BB and, since this isn't a typical endurance comp carried on after the live show, I'm clueless when it will start. But, when it does …!

9:07pm ET - The feeds went live, but it's not comp time.
9:12pm RT - Back to reruns, then back to regular live feeds. Nothing really going on. They don't look ready for any kind of comp, still dressed in what they wore on the live show.
9:35pm ET - I'm thinking the comp will likely start at midnight (or so) Eastern Time after the West Coast "live" show airs. I will watch Live PD with the feeds running softly in the background to bide the time.

Okay, 11:45ish PM ET -- Feeds on the comp. It's a wall thing. Tom down, then Kandi.

11:52pm ET, we're back to reruns.

11:58pm ET - Feeds back, don't think anyone else is down. They're getting doused.

It keeps cutting back and forth from the comp to reruns.

12:08am ET - Ricky down.

12:16am ET - White goop is flung at them. Tamar wants to come down but she needs a ladder because she's afraid of heights.

12:21am ET - Tamar had to get down without a ladder. She's out.

Dina and Kato seem like they could last a long, long time. They're all so covered with goop that it's hard to tell who is whom!

12:33am ET - Dina goes down. I think I jinxed her. Oops. She DID look solid!

12:38am ET - Joey is fussing that he just got over being sick and the comp was going too slow. Yet he hangs in. All of them hanging in still are why it's taking so long!

12:41am ET - I hear screams of THIS HOUSE (OR MAYBE IT WAS CROWD) IS ON FIRE!! And goons come out to put it out, spraying them. Silly me, at first I thought it was Tamar creating a ruckus.

12:52am ET - Joey is struggling despite saying it wasn't hard, only cold and slow. He tries to make a deal with EvaNatalieMarie. The already out crowd tells him if people drop, it will go faster. He says he's complaining about the lack of action in the comp. I guess he doesn't understand endurance.

12:56am ET - Lolo is out.

12:57am ET - Joey tries to make a deal with Kato for safety. He tells him he's safe. 

12:59am ET - Joey down, says his labrum tear surgery wasn't worth redoing.
12:59am ET - Eva down, throwing the win to Kato.

1:00am ET - KATO WINS HOH!

Celebrity Big Brother 2: Live Eviction Blog Party - Jan. 25

I'll be live-blogging the major events of the show as it airs here on the East Coast. Refresh this page to get the latest news! It should be an action-packed hour with all that's gone on and all they need to air on the show. Of course, the party itself is down in the comments -- please feel free to join in on the fun!

Tonight's HoH comp is scheduled to be endurance playing out on the live feeds. I have a separate post waiting in the wings so I can cover that with screen caps and updates. If you want to know the winner the second he or she wins it, this is the place to be! Well, not THIS post, but the comp one.

Here's the blog pool going into tonight's eviction, thanks to the esteemed Glenn:

1. Jackie- Ryan
2. Glenn- Natalie Eva Marie
3. Sue Gee- Jonathan
4. Donna NY- Dina
5. Kelsey NY-Kato
6. Sally-Joey
7. Jennasmom-Tom
8. Bizaro22-Kandi
9. Cheryl in NC-LoLo
11. Monty924-Tamar
12. TBC-Anthony Mooch
13. Itchy-Ryan
14, Marthalight-Jonathan
15. Joyce Johnson =Dina
16. Dr Celine-Kato
17. Gaylos-Joey
18. Merrilee- Natalie Eva Marie
19. Brian-Tom
20. Ayana-Kandi
21. CaelaXO-LoLo
22. Fred AKA Two Black Aces-Ricky
23. Janice-Tamar
24. Skyriver Blue-Anthony Mooch
25. Skyriver Gold-Ryan
26. Cherry Pie-Jonathan
27. Karen in CA-Kato
28. Sharon C-Joey
29. Judi Sweeney-Tom
30. Donna in FL.-Kandi
31, Sharon N-LoLo
32, Alicia in Tx-Tamar
33. ChaCha-Anthony Mooch
34. David-Dina
35. Renee Buck/Renee from NJ-Ricky

36. Jenna G.-Natalie Eva Marie

Let's get in ON!

Make this Previously On short, please. Julie seemed to imply  a gone chamster was a twist.

The narrator said a shocking twist happened to the house sending one celebrity home. Hmm.

Julie looks nice tonight, dressed in a black dress. 

The Diary Room clips have them all acting like they're there to stay. Ryan is suspicious that the girls might be working against them (their main alliance) and tells Jonathan.

Ryan calls all to the living room and reads from a card. Alerts will be announced to the house to twist the game like never before. They even have a Celebrity News Alert music. An announcer on video tells them one houseguest isn't a houseguest at all. Anthony is missing. He shows up on the video claiming he's part of a Big Brother twist and he's out of the house. He claims he's giving the current nominees a second chance to stay. This is in the form of Mooch's veto. 

Ryan has to immediately replace Anthony with another nominee. He chooses Kandi, saying it doesn't seem like their personalities mesh and he hasn't talked to her much.

The Veto Comp is all about Anthony. At least that's what he warns them.

Ryan tells Jonathan that if he has to replace one of the new nominations bunch, he'll go for Lolo.

Time for Mooch's Veto Comp! Kato and Dina are the other two playing.

Newspaper clippings of Mooch. Some real news, some fake news. The first person to answer the number of real headlines wins the veto.

Kato tells us he wants to save Tom if he wins. Most think there are seven true headlines, one six, one nine. Kato is the last one in with eight true headlines.

KATO wins the Power of Mooch!

Lolo is worried that she'll be backdoored. She's right to worry.

Anthony gives them a touching video goodbye.

Kato tells Tom he wants to save him. He thinks that Tom really wants to be there and knows the game. 

Ryan goes to talk to Lolo and she tells him that she thinks the guys are going to try to backdoor her. He is caught off guard and has absolutely no poker face. Now he's a bit wary and doesn't think he should put her up.

Time for the veto meeting --
The nominees make no speeches. Kato saves Tom. Ryan is totally dazed and confused. He stumbles through putting up Joey.

So, the nominees are Joey, Kandi and Jonathan.

He tells us his target is Kandi. 

Tom tells Kato that they should keep Kandi because she won't be a big threat in the future. Meanwhile, Jonathan and Joey could be strong competitors. They talk it over with Ricky who thinks that it's good to keep Kandi. Meanwhile Lolo is hesitant to keep Kandi because of the Kandi/Tamar drama. Yet she's also worried about leaving Jonathan and Ryan together because she thinks they'll come after her.

Time for the live vote and eviction:
Joey: Been a wild and amazing ride, a pleasure, all here as part of our journey. If I go home, it's been a blessing to be here. 
Kandi: Really enjoying herself, ups and downs, crazy week, really want to stay. Pleease …!
Jonathan: Thanks CBS, craziest best experience in his life, teammate to everyone in the house. I demonstrate teamwork and helped all. Team, please back me up.

The votes to evict:
Dina - Kandi
Kato - Jonathan
Tamar - Jonathan
Into commercial …
Ricky - Jonathan
Tom - Jonathan
Lolo - Jonathan
Eva - Jonathan

Julie tells Joey he had no votes. Six to one, Jonathan is evicted. It's a shame because I enjoyed him. But, if I were in there, I probably would have voted him out, too. He was indeed a threat to win!

He was good in the Julie interview.

Julie tells people to watch the HoH comp play out on the live feeds. I have a post for updates on that right here at this link.