Wednesday, July 24, 2019

BB21: Live Feeds into Wednesday - July 24

Jess must be channeling my reaction to them.

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Bad Casting:
  • Y'know, when I first saw this cast pre-season, I thought I liked them with the exception of age issues.
  • I was wrong.
  • But I really had little to judge them on. The casting people have a lot more -- several interviews, tons of tests. These people aren't smart enough to cheat their way through the process. Are they?
  • Jackson is still sneaking food while being a Have Not. He's quite obvious about it, too. If he were a shoplifter, he'd be sitting in the hoosegow now.
  • He's been being called into the Diary Room a lot.
  • But nothing really seems to be happening. He made a reference about them "barking" at him.
  • However, he doesn't seem too upset about any of the visits.
  • The latest Jackson drama is that he claims to be bleeding from his butt.
  • I just don't really know what to say.
  • I hope production isn't going to give him a walk on these things. He claims to have all these issues that I would think would have kept him from being on the show -- a past eating disorder, a weight problem, a drug problem.
  • In other news, Cliff and Nicole are trying to think of a way to get the votes to keep Bella over Jack.
  • Getting rid of Jack seems to me would be a move actually good for everybody's game -- he is a threat in comps, plus his minions would probably vote for him to win. Getting Jack out would give everyone except Jack a better chance.
  • But … the problem with keeping Bella in the house is that she has alienated so many with her bad behavior, lies and general sneakiness. Oh … and her verbal bullying (yet not to the extent of Jack), too.
  • To her credit, Bella has started to try to mend fences and swing the vote. Her platform is that Jack is a threat in the game while she will always be a target (thus sparing others from being targeted). She's being friendly, seemingly honest and not like the Before version of Bella.
  • Hmm.
  • Cliff would actually prefer Bella stay over Jack. (Well, duh!)
  • However, he is still unwilling to displease Queen Christie. I don't really know why. This could have been all over with had he thrown her up on the block instead of Bella.
  • He told Jess that if it looks like they won't have the votes, he'll advise everyone to vote accordingly to keep Christie in good graces.
  • Argh.
  • I think this might be the first season of BB that I'm often at a loss for words.
  • But there ya go ...

I think Tommy & Christie are an unfair duo.

I'm at peace with going home.


Tuesday, July 23, 2019

BB21: Live Feeds into Tuesday - July 23

I don't predict a wedding.

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Creepy Critters:
  • Oh, geez. Where do I even start?
  • Let's talk Jackson for a minute.
  • He's a Have Not and has regularly been sneaking food into the shower (of all places).
  • It's obvious that he's eating in there.
  • Last night, as he ate while showering, BB called him to the Diary Room.
  • Hopefully it was to address the eating.
  • Hopefully he'll get some sort of penalty.
  • Attention BB: An acceptable penalty would be for him to go back up on the block. Hey, even in Bella's place.
  • Bella doesn't know it but she has been maligned once again for being of Chinese descent.
  • She should come off the block just because. Yep.
  • Oh, yes … that brings me to talking about Jack now.
  • Jack and his latest bigoted nasty mouth.
  • Tommy, Jack, Analyse and Christie were by and on the hammock for a while last night.
  • They were talking about Bella.
  • Tommy, though I do hesitate to approve of him in general, made an innocent statement to the effect of: "The proof is in the pudding."
  • Jack quickly jumped in with: "In the RICE pudding."
  • What is this dude's problem? Unfortunately I worked with someone who would make slurs like that. It annoys me to no end that people like him still exist in this day and age. 
  • Tommy and Christie quickly tried to fix the slue by saying "the slop pudding."
  • But the damage was done.
  • Later Tommy and Christie were talking about it. Christie had been brought into the Diary Room and questioned regarding the slur.
  • Hmm.
  • Production indeed knows what's going on with the guy. They've changed the editing slightly, but not enough.
  • He needs to be exposed as the misogynic bigoted person that he is. The more we see of him, the more we understand why his family and friends (if any) refused to sign releases for him to talk about them or have photos of them in the case of HoH. Perhaps he can make friends with some of the hamsters on BB15. There's a thought.
  • Let's see … what else?
  • Well, Sam decided to hold a house meeting to air out his grievances.
  • Kind of like Festivus in July.
  • It's all over the Cliff/Nicole vote last week.
  • He's still upset that A. He wasn't in the loop on the Nick/Bella blindside and B. People are saying he knew what was going on.
  • Darn, this house doesn't even know how to give a house meeting.
  • In BB lore, house meetings should be legendary. There should be kerfuffles and perhaps even a brouhaha.
  • Instead, Sam was coming across like a stand-up comedian (a bad one) at times and everything ended up going touchy-feely and akin to group therapy.
  • I really don't understand this bunch of hamsters.
  • Division exists in the house. That's typical.
  • But they all gather together for group dinner every evening. 
  • It's almost like they're punching a clock. "Okay, I'll play the game from 9-5, then we're off an hour for dinner, then punch back in."
  • In other news, Cliff still (probably mistakenly) feels secure with his deal for two weeks safety. He actually thinks he's a part of the Eight now. Jack, who can be convincing and condescending all at the same time, told him how they could do so well with comps as a team.
  • I know Sam knows he's so low on that totem pole that he'll be a target soon. I just hope Cliff wakes up.
  • It still looks like Bella will be voted out.
  • It really should be Jack. I don't like either of them, but for different reasons. Bella's just immature and kind of obnoxious. Jack is something altogether different. And, if they were thinking about it, he's more of a contender to win. His behavior aside, just the game threat should be enough for them to think to get him out while they can.
  • But they won't.
  • Wah. 

Remind me again. Why is she here?

What slur is next?

Is it a pick? Yes, it was.

House meeting with no drama. Rats.

How is his final two with Nicole now?

Mostly off the radar at the moment.

Monday, July 22, 2019

BB21: Live Feeds into Monday, PoV Mtg. - July 22

I just don't know what to say, Cliff.

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Bad Decisions:
  • Okay, Cliff won his way back into the house. FANTASTIC!
  • Okay, Cliff won HoH. FANTASTIC!
  • Okay, Cliff nominated Jack and Jackson. FANTASTIC!
  • And then things started falling apart.
  • Jackson won the PoV. Obviously he'll take himself off the block.
  • So, what should Cliff do?
  • Since Christie blabbed her power and the whole house knows it, she's a problem in the midst of this.
  • No one other than Nick really likes Bella in the game.
  • She lies, she tattles and she's basically a problem child.
  • Cliff originally planned to let Christie THINK he'd put Bella on the block in Jackson's place, then put her (Christie) up in Jackson's place when she didn't invoke her DPOV powers. FANTASTIC!
  • Now just because they promised him two weeks safety, he reconsidered.
  • Y'see, Bella in the house is actually good not only for Cliff, but for his allies as well. She's like a shield. The other side would always target her first, yet they could get her to vote with them.
  • But, noooo …
  • Why would Cliff even think he could trust Christie and Company?
  • Bella has gotten the word from Sam and some of the others that she's in trouble this week.
  • She's been crying … a lot.
  • Nick has been trying to separate himself from her a bit. He claims he cares about her, but I notice he's quick to think game before gal when it comes down to it.
  • To his credit, Nick did try to convince Cliff that if Christie doesn't use her power, he should go for someone other than Bella on the block.
  • But then again, Nick was trying to suck up to Jack, telling him they could trust him if Bella goes.
  • Nick is scrambling.
  • If it ends up Bella and Jack on the block, I'd imagine the votes would tip for Jack to stay just because they don't LIKE Bella.
  • Bella can't/doesn't win comps. Jack has won comps. Who would I want out if I were in the house? Jack. Bella is the kind of person you would want to sit next to in a final two for an easy win.
  • As I type this up, the feeds are blocked for the veto meeting.
  • So, in other news -- it seems like some sort of rash is spreading through the house. Odd thing is … the ones who haven't been having sex don't seem to have it. Heh.
  • More other news -- Holly wants to break up with Jackson now that she (and he) know that the cameras will broadcast their sexual escapades.
  • Jackson doesn't seem to care that much. He's conquered two foolish women in his short time so far in the house.
  • He'd like to move onto Analyse next.
  • Jess is still a purely ineffectual player. I guess she's a vote.
  • Jack and Jackson have been doing much of the kitchen work, cleaning and cooking.
  • But they could do without them.
  • Plus, Jackson keeps drinking milk out of the gallon jug and putting it back in.
  • Totally EW. I do that here, but I live alone!
  • Okay, the feeds came back on.
  • I see no screaming, no Christie hysterics.
  • Sigh.
  • Bella is on the block with Jack. I don't think Christie used her power.
  • I'm disappointed in Cliff. He made a deal with the devils and they'll backstab him the first chance they get.
  • He also blew the chance for his allies to gain ground.
  • He should know that the Jacks and Company will do him wrong.
  • The only chance to flip this is if they can get Christie paranoid -- she has told Tommy she'd like to take out Jack eventually. If they can get her in hysterics, she and Tommy would vote alike and Jack would go.
  • But, if wishes were horses, beggars would ride.

Problematic, but no threat for a win.

He does help in the kitchen. So what.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

BB21: HoH and Nominations Show Blog Party - July 21

Tonight we get to see the HoH comp that was delayed due to the Camp ComeBack comp on the live show. They're also going to have to show the nominations because it would throw off Wednesday's Power of Veto show if they don't. Many of us already know these happenings. However, some folks who read these show posts only watch the televised shows and don't keep up with the live feeds. So, I ask NO SPOILERS in the comments, please.

I'll be live blogging the major events of the show as it airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest happenings! As always, the real party in in the comments area -- please feel free to join in on the fun!

Hamster watchers ready?

Previously on … and on … and on.

We pick up the action after Cliff wins the Camp ComeBack comp and is back in the house. Tommy points out that they both banished and voted him out, yet he's back. Nick feels betrayed by his own alliance. "You could have told me!" Sam thinks he (Sam) looks like an idiot because he wasn't aware of the planned flip. Kat is crying because she not only didn't know the vote, but she was starting a big relationship with David. She wanted him to return. (So Kavid can live on!)

Christie wants to smooth things over with Nick and Bella in the fear that Bella might win HoH and target them. 

Nicole is the happy camper in the house. She was sure whe was going home. Jackson wants to convince her that he alone is responsible for saving her in the house. @@ Mainly, his objective is to have Nicole target Nick and/or Bella instead of him. Bella is ticked. Nick says they were targeting Nicole because they said she wanted to get them out.

Jackson is also trying to sway Cliff his way. "There is no alliance." Cliff isn't buying what he's selling but he's nodding a lot at Jackson. Now in afterthought, the now 9 think they should have worked together. Jack tells them it wasn't a deceptive thing. Yeah, right. Bella tells us she's not playing with them anymore. Jack tells her that she's the downside of the alliance and that she's been doing everything to target him.

Meanwhile, Cliff sees the split in the alliance and would love to turn it into a major crack.

HoH comp time! The yard is done up like a forest. Patch Perfect. BB merit badges, two players eliminated in every round. They are asked questions about the number of badges of types, etc. Either two people wrong out or, if all right, last two to hit their buttons out.

1. Nicole, Holly out
2. Kat, Bella out
3. Jess, Analyse out
4. Jackson, Sam out
5. Tommy, Christie out
6. Jack out …


Cliff tells Nick he's safe this week. Jack is not happy -- according to him, it's a huge wrench in the game.

Cliff does victory dances alone in the storage room. He knows that people will all be coming to visit him soon. He dances some more. Nick and Bella are sure Cliff will nominate within the six and keep her/Nick safe.

Cliff tells Nicole she's safe this week. He doesn't want to hang out much with her so they don't think they're working together.

Since Christie blabbed to everyone about her power, the Six Shooters think they can use it. Jackson will go up as a pawn, win veto and Christie would use the power, giving him a way to put up who they want (Bella or Nick) on the block and vote him/her out.

Cliff tells Nicole he doesn't want to target anyone who's been on the block before. Kat is there, too. Nicole isn't all that sure about who's with whom, but she trusts Cliff. Cliff still wants to target the couples. He wants to ally with Kat, Jess, Nicole and Sam.

Jackson goes to Cliff's HOH room to propose his plan. He tells Cliff that he is willing to go up on the block as a pawn. Cliff could go from target to hero if he puts Bella and him (Jackson) on the block. After all, the others would love him and Nick/Bella won't know he played a part in it. Cliff tells us he doesn't trust him.

Christie goes to Cliff and sucks up to him first, then tells him her alliance is crumbling then tells him of her power. She wants to propose a way they can all use it. Cliff tells us this is a game changer and now he has to re-evaluate who he will put on the block.

Ew, Jackson went into the bathroom toilet stall eating a cucumber, came out still eating it.

Cliff talks to Bella. He's concerned that he will be targeted next. He proposes working with her and Nick. She knows her and Nick are on the outs with their alliance. So, heck yeah.

Jack goes to Cliff, one after another go to him and want to be his best buddy. He sees through them. He wants to build a friendlier relationship with Christie to keep her from using her power. He tells us that there are some people in the house are feeling too cocky and two comfortable -- new people will be going up on the block.

Nominations time!

Cliff nominates Jack, then Jackson. Mad respect to both. Jack is a competition beast, Jackson banished him on Day One.

Jackson says that this changes things -- he's not supposed to be up there with Jack. He vows vengeance.

Jack says he has his power. Christie says she doesn't know what she'll do.

Hmm. Narrator mistake? Who will win the power of veto and will it be used to save Jackson, Jack or Michie from eviction?

Oh my.

BB21: Live Feeds into Sunday Afternoon - July 21

Oh! Let's get a sunburn!

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Buckling Broncos:
  • Last night was notable for two separate events.
  • One was the tribute Cliff made celebrating the 50th anniversary of man walking on the moon.
  • He and Orwell dressed up, mostly in tin foil, and paid respect to those who went before them.
  • I was thinking … Cliff was the only one of the hamsters to even have been alive at the time. And, he was four years old -- not old enough to really remember it.
  • My generation's landmarks in time are fading away.
  • The moon walking tribute was very reminiscent of Chicken George. Now, I liked Chicken George in BB1. But he's not the type to be taken seriously as a contender for the win. Cliff shouldn't wear those shoes.
  • In the other big event news -- Tommy and Kat made a slop allowed condiments ice cream and it was indeed a hit. No slop in it, but all the ingredients used are allowed to Have Nots. They feel they have made BB history.
  • Speaking of Have Nots, Jackson is whining.
  • Heh.
  • He's on slop and, though he has the veto, he's on the block.
  • Woe is him.
  • Then comes the strategy talks.
  • Cliff and Christie spoke. He got her to promise him two weeks of safety if she did NOT use her power. He would put Bella on the block when Jackson saves himself and Bella would go home.
  • He swore on pictures of his family.
  • On a side note -- one of his kids is posting on Twitter that they have no problem with him swearing on them or backstabbing in their names. They know he's there to win a game.
  • And, at the time of the deal, it was indeed a lie to Christie. Cliff's actual plan was for Christie not to use the power, Jackson save himself and he puts Christie up to get her and her power out of the house.
  • Bella has come to the realization that everyone dislikes her.
  • Unfortunately, she's been her own worst enemy. Lying, running from one side to the other reporting on things said in confidence. Although if she goes this week, it would be the 4th minority person out in a row, her gameplay would have put her in that boat anyway.
  • She apparently really does like Nick. They talked of meeting up after the show, perhaps even coming to a compromise where they should live. (She's West Coast, he's East Coast.)
  • She said if she goes, she goes. She would take the time to evaluate whet she wants to do and how she wants to live her life.
  • Now, Cliff's big move plan sounds good until it doesn't.
  • He's now starting to chicken out a bit.
  • He talked to Nicole, wondering if just getting Bella out this week might be the best for his own game.
  • He did vow to break up the couples. However, that particular couple was working with him. 
  • Of course, the course of things might switch once again before the veto ceremony tomorrow.
  • We can only hope.
  • In other news, Jackson and Holly had sex in the bathroom. Kat came along and told them that would be quite the internet show. Jackson was shocked to find out that the cameras would stay on (and even go to) people having sex.
  • Ha. Both him and Jack are dogs. And, I can't help but wonder how the parents of them and the girls involved must be taking it.
  • I'm old and my parents are dead. But they'd rise from their graves to kill me if I did that. Plus, even though it may date me, I have morals.

He blinded her with science!

It's getting so I even dislike her braids.

Cliff and Orwell tribute to the moon landing

The crowd awaits the astronauts

The easy way out