Wednesday, September 30, 2020

BB22: Power of Veto Show Blog Party - Sept.30


My gosh. As a live feeds watcher, it seems like the Power of Veto comp was so long ago! Although it's always blocked to the feeds, the outcome is found out after the feeds return. That said, shhh! No talking about the outcome of the comp until we see it on the show tonight!

I'll be updating this entry with the major happenings as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest update! As always, the real party is in the comments area. Please feel free to join on the fun!

Previously on and we see a pasty Dr. Will for a moment once again. Ohh ... we have OTEV's Party Pad with hidden prizes ahead.

We pick up the action with Cody telling us once again his plans. Then Kevin and David make pleas to us. Tyler wants prizes. Will promised prizes. Dani wants prizes, too. But, if she plays and she can throw it to David or Kevin, she will ... she wants Christmas on the block. Nicole is losing her liking for her buddy Dani realizing that Dani's best interests aren't her own.

Christmas is (rightfully) worried that she would be the renom if Kevin or David come down. Kevin tells David he thinks he (David) is safe because Cody got "big mad" at him (Kevin). Yo, Enzo makes his friends to all rounds starting with David. He is playing a pretty impressive social game. He also thinks that someone big should be taken out, not Kevin or David.

Kevin tells us about his mixed Black/Japanese heritage and how he seems invisible to both groups. David wasn't sure of his background either. Aww, Kevin doesn't think he fits in anywhere. David doesn't seem to be understanding Kevin's worries about it.

Oh, geez. Nicole is talking with Christmas. She tells her that she comes to her defense a lot and confirms it's Dani going after her. Nicole thinks that will put the target on Dani before it's on her.

Hmm ... a segment on New Jerseyans and how Cody doesn't know what we're called. Oh, wait. He also doesn't know Californians are such because they're American. He thinks Texans are an animal. We need to kick him out of Jersey.

Veto player picks time. Cody draws Nicole. Kevin draws Tyler. David draws Houseguest's Choice and goes for Enzo. Christmas is ticked. She NEVER gets picked to compete and she wants to WIN. She goes around being annoyed. It sucks to be her, I guess!

Then cries to us because she is never chosen. The others have picked up on her childish mood about not getting picked. 

Enzo talks to Cody and agrees that noms remain the same. He tells us if he wins, he will use the veto. You go, Enzo!

OTEV time. Backyard is lights and OTEV is a lizard. He's actually a Psychedelic Salamander. They have to find tie-dye t-shirts with the two HG name he wants. Some of the t's are worth 10 grand, only the first to turn one in gets the cash, then the money winner is out of the game. 

In the first round, Enzo made it to the top first. Nicole is having problems. Meanwhile David finds a money shirt. He tells us he'd rather have the money than the chance to lose. He goes up to OTEV and claims the money. So, he's on the block and giving up the comp in the first round.

In the second round Tyler is out, but he saved an inflatable cow. Round three knocks Kevin out. In round four we lose Nicole who just couldn't get up the slippery ramp. Round five is lost by Enzo. CODY WINS THE POV!

Sure enough, there's backlash for David going for the money in the first round when he's on the block. They're all ticked ... except Kevin. Kevin is hopeful the target will be off of him.

Time for the veto meeting. Cody does NOT use the veto. Kevin and David remain on the block.   

BB22: Live Feeds into Wednesday - Sept. 30


This holiday needs to be over!

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Despicable Dawgs:
  • My apologies for being a no show yesterday.
  • I honestly didn't think I'd miss a lot with the feeds blocks and the fact that we're a bit in a doldrum period between PoV Ceremony and eviction.
  • Well, I did miss something.
  • It, of course, was during a feeds block.
  • But the IDIOTS in production apparently have Dr. Will appearing on the living room screen. And, he hinted at the triple.
  • WHY?!?!?
  • The only possible real shake-up of the season and they blow it?
  • Argh.
  • So, now they think it's at least a double, possibly a triple coming up.
  • I have no words.
  • Other than that, it was pretty much as I expected.
  • Dani and Nicole are still wanting Kevin to stay.
  • It looks like they won't be successful.
  • Laters.

Better than a man bun? Hmm.

Hair damage in action

Not Temple's proudest moment

After I mess with brightness

What we see on the feeds

Monday, September 28, 2020

BB22: Live Feeds into Monday Afternoon, PoV Meeting - Sept. 28


He picked at his shoulders in BB20, too

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Slovenly Sloths:
  • What can I say?
  • Not much has happened.
  • As in BB20, Tyler is now picking at his shoulders numerous times daily.
  • Christmas still likes to turn every conversation to be about her.
  • Yet there is one story she hasn't told.
  • They have the yard again as of yesterday.
  • No grill, though.
  • Did you know that Dani and Tyler are vegans?
  • Now you know.
  • Enzo continues to get along with everyone. With another comp win or two under his belt, his jury management skills could very well work out for him.
  • That is, if he gets that far.
  • They have absolutely no idea the triple is coming up. They have been wary of facing a double for a few weeks now.
  • Even so, I don't see them coming up with contingency plans for what they will do in a double.
  • Hmm.
  • Cody did not use the veto.
  • We didn't expect him to do so.
  • So, it's David and Kevin remaining on the block.
  • The target is still Kevin although there are rumblings from Dani and others that they'd rather keep Kevin.

If she is eating, she can't talk.

Being one with the birds

Memphis is as Memphis does

Enzo has best jury management

He's doing it AGAIN!

Sunday, September 27, 2020

BB22: HoH, Nominations Show Blog Party - Sept. 27


Tonight we should be seeing the entirety of the HoH comp since Thursday's show didn't even include the start of it! Oy. I ask that people keep it in mind that spoilers shouldn't be posted in the comments of show blog party posts. There are, believe it or not, people who don't want spoilers! Also, I feel I must mention that content in the comments section are in no way to be construed as my own opinions unless you see me posting it.

I'll be updating this post with the major happenings as the show airs here on the East Coast -- refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments area. Please feel free to join in on the fun!

Previously on ... and on.

Sigh, Will used to be so naturally good-looking. Enzo tells us he wants to go for money prizes. Nicole is feeling bad once again. Well, if she made the right decisions and stopped lying, she wouldn't feel as bad! Christmas is dead-set against Dani and Nicole. There are even cracks between Dani and Nicole. Dani thinks it's time to worry about herself ... as if that isn't what she's been doing all along.

Should Dani use her power to allow Memphis to play in the HoH comp even though he is the exiting HoH? Nicole wants her to do it and the editing is building up drama all around it. In the end, Dani does use her power because Nicole ran to Cody about it and she's put on the spot. Gotta save the Committee! Yeah, right. Memphis isn't overly thrilled about it, but takes the offer.

The evil voice from their living room monitor tells them that the replay power is in use and now all powers have expired.

The HoH comp is a golf putting one. They can choose to take $10,000 grand, Technically, one could win both HoH and money by going down either side of the putting lanes. If two win the money, it could be split. Nicole whines. Aw, poor kid. Memphis deliberately throws the comp because he doesn't want HOH again right now. Kevin tries to win but screws it up. Dani doesn't want to win the power. She wants the prize!

David does decently and is leading for HoH. Christmas screws up and is mad. Poor Christmas. Enzo wanted the money but he too went off the lane and lost all.  

Two tied for $5,000 - Tyler and Dani. Dani wants her whole five grand!

CODY wins the HoH comp!

They head inside. The money winners were kept secret. Dani and Tyler talk about it, but neither is willing to confess to the win. Dani runs to Cody and Enzo saying that Christmas was upset that Cody won. She says Christmas was stomping around and seems to be pushing Cody to put her on the block. He agrees that Christmas might be a problem. Is it time to vote people out of the Committee?

Cody tells us that he wants to put up the only two he's not aligned with -- David and Kevin. He and Enzo talk about Christmas and Enzo lets him in on the second Wise Guys alliance made by Memphis. Enzo thinks they should go after Memphis and Christmas. Cody wants Kevin out, but he also wants Dani out. It seems the only one he really trusts is Enzo.

Why did they bother moving in neighbor Will? He hasn't been on through any of this.

Cody tells Nicole that Kevin and David will go on the block. If Kevin comes down, he'll put up Christmas. Nicole isn't thrilled with that -- she thinks that Christmas leaving wouldn't be good for her game. Since she's on the outs a bit with her BFF Dani, maybe she should go on the block? Nah.

Kevin goes to Cody begging not to be nominated. Kevin roughly says that if Cody puts him up and he leaves, he will lose his jury vote. He tells Cody the world doesn't revolve around him. Oh ... will we have a kerfuffle? Kevin's talk solidifies Cody's decision to target him.

Time for the nominations ceremony --
Cody nominates Kevin, then David. He says he chose them because of Kevin's conversation and David, we separated a bit. You can play in veto.

BB22: Live Feeds power of Veto Winner - Sept. 26


Adoptable feeds block bunny

So, the drama is at hand. We know it's OTEV as Julie mentioned it at the end of the live show. But ... does David even know what OTEV is? Will he realize it's VETO spelled backwards? Ah, mysteries surround us.

In addition to the HoH and two nominees -- Cody, Kevin and David -- playing for veto will be Tyler, Nicole and Enzo. From what was said, David chose Enzo. Now, thinking back, OTEV was actually the only comp Enzo won in his previous season. But there are prizes (somehow) this time 'round. He might go for them. We just don't know.

Christmas is upset because she didn't get chosen to play. Heh. Er. I mean, how sad.

CODY won the Power of Veto. David won $10,000. They have bunches of t-shirts and pool toys. Christmas is running around with an inflatable veto, hopefully the only one she'll ever get. David apparently took the money in the first round and then sat out. Now the others are wondering if David was told he was a pawn and felt safe. Hmm.