Thursday, July 22, 2021

BB23: Live Feeds into Thursday Morning - July 22


Exactly how I feel, Tiffany

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Anxious Aardvarks:

  • Frenchie keeps rotating between saying goodbyes to everyone to counting votes he has to stay on his fingers.
  • He should just keep saying goodbyes.
  • Nobody is committing to wanting to keep him in the house.
  • He seems to think they could be as no one is blatantly telling him they are voting him out.
  • So, obviously since they aren't telling him they're voting him out, they must be keeping him.
  • Right?
  • Yeah, right. Heh.
  • He's making them all kinds of promises if he stays -- he would always be a bigger target than anyone and thus extend their time in the house; he would make BIG moves as HoH.
  • Um. Yeah. Well, we know the many moves he makes at HoH. Been there, done that and don't want the t-shirt.
  • Oh ... and he made a point of reminding them that he had planned to donate his winnings to a childrens hospital.
  • @@
  • He should have Derek F's vote and POSSIBLY Azah as she is on his team. Other than them, I'm just not seeing it.
  • Brent and Whitney have still abandoned ship on him.
  • Britini also made the rounds despite being assured she will stay.
  • As a matter of fact, she made that one of her points -- she feels so uncomfortable with people telling her she will stay, especially in front of Frenchie.
  • Brent seems to be determined to steal Christian's target from him by saying a woman needs to be evicted next to cut down on their numbers ... to Hannah. @@
  • Actually, Christian is more bearable except for the Not A Showmance with Alyssa.
  • This week's eviction seems to be set in stone with the only question being whether Frenchie will have one or two votes to stay.
  • Much of the rest of the time was spent discussing possible comps and what each one would do as HoH.
  • Tiffany, Claire and Derek X have recruited Kyland into their group. Now, I think that would be a perfect final four! Let's do it!
  • Tiffany sat down and had a bit of a heart to heart talk with Frenchie, letting him know that he will not have the votes to stay. She said she thought he should know so he won't feel so let down on the live show.
  • Hmm.
  • Maybe he will just have Derek F's vote in his favor.

Britini comes across as too needy for me.

He thinks he has votes to stay. Bwahaha!

Claire should go far in the game.

Playing it rather mellow for now.

I think her game will be better sans Frenchie.

Odd bed. Odd bedfellows.

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

BB23: Power of Veto Show Blog Party - July 21


Good evening! I hope all of you are well tonight and weathering the weather! Tonight is the Power of Veto comp on the show. Now, remember ... many people read the show posts but don't watch the live feeds. So, this is a NO SPOILERS zone! Please don't post events until you see them air on the show. Merci!

I'll be live blogging the major happenings and updating this entry as the show airs here on the East Coast. Please refresh the page to get the latest update! As always, the real party is in the comments area -- please feel free to join in on the fun!

Oh, let's open with a recap! No, not here. I'm talking on the show.

We pick up the action after nominations. Heh. Kyland tells us that Frenchie has been chaotic in the house. (You don't say!) He thinks Britini would take Frenchie off the block if she won veto. Brent and Whitney quickly abandon their ol' buddy and comrade Frenchie. Britini cries and her team surrounds her -- Frenchie, Derek F and Azah. Derek F seems more upset that two of the people on his team are up on the block, not really who they are. 

Frenchie insists to Britini that he will be going home, not her. He promises her that if he wins veto, he will save her. He tells us that if he wins the veto, he'll figure a way to save both of them. Yeah, right.

Tiffany gives Kyland words of support. Tiffany so wants Frenchie out and she's proud of Kyland. 

Brent, Whitney, Hannah and Derek X sit around talking the demerits of Frenchie. Frenchie tells Kyland he's not mad at him and hugs him. He says he knows he's the target. He tells him that Britini is heartbroken and if he wins veto, he will use it on her. Kyland doesn't believe him but humors him, nodding.

Kyland tells Britini that everyone in the house wanted to target Frenchie. She asks him if he will use the veto. He tells her it would serve no purpose in his own game to do so. That bothers her even more. 

Heh. Brent calls Frenchie erotic when he means erratic. He is more like their usual casting. Most of this season is better quality non-dead end job types. They say it's his accent. Mind you, he is NOT from NJ. Rhode Island has an accent that's similar but not quite Massachusetts.

Britini tells Frenchie that Kyland told her everyone except her threw out his name. He knows his Slaughterhouse kin gave him up. Frenchie runs around the house calling out the Slaughterhouse with the exception of Derek F and Xavier (final two deal and thinks he could work with Xavier down the line -- AS IF he will stay!). Claire thinks the Slaughterhouse is as fake as the girls alliance French Kiss where everyone just pretended to join in on.

A funny, yet odd, Alyssa birthday bit ensues. She gets wrapped in toilet paper.

Veto player picks time -- Kyland draws Alyssa. Frenchie draws Claire. Britini draws Derek X.

The backyard is set up like a day at the beach. Fill container with suntan oil to retrieve your whistle. Must catch the oil in a container and fill the suntan oil. The oil bursts from huge different spraying bottles, running from bottle to bottle to fill up their bottle first. It's one at a time. Britini is first and seems to have clicked in on how to best do it. But was her epiphany too late? Kyland is next. Then Derek X, Claire, Alyssa and last is Frenchie.

Claire 5.33
Kyland 4.54
Britini 5.08
Derek X 4.41
Alyssa 6.57
Frenchie 5.06


Frenchie cries in the Diary Room to us. Oh, boo-hoo. He tells Azah he is going out and he sacrificed himself for something he's not. She knows the show has been his dream and doesn't want him to give up. Derek F also advises him not to give up. I say GIVE UP. Oh, geez ... they lit the fire under him. Just what we needed!

Frenchie goes to Kyland and Derek X to lay out his "war plan." He plays on the fact that he would go home before either of them, would be loyal to them, would never target them, etc. 

Time for the veto meeting -- Derek X does NOT use the veto. Britini and Frenchie both remain on the block. 

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

BB23: Live Feeds into Tuesday Evening - July 20


Definitely not a showmance!

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Rowdy Rabbits:

  • Nothing has been happening today.
  • Really.
  • Lots of No Fish Cam feed blocks over nothing happening.
  • Don't ask me why.
  • Derek F is feeding into Frenchie's thoughts that there might be a chance the first four (or so) evicted might battle back into the house.
  • I doubt it as they gave Travis too much information in the interviews for him to return.
  • For some whacked-out reasons of her own, Britini thinks she needs to hold one on one campaign pleas to stay even though she has been told over and over (and over again) that Frenchie is the big target and will definitely be evicted.
  • Whitney and Brent had a kerfuffle. Without the devotion to Frenchie, they're a bit on edge with each other.
  • Kyland had a long talk with Whitney telling her that if he ever makes her feel either uncomfortable or disrespected, just let him know.
  • While I don't think Kyland is making the absolute best ally choices, he just seems like such a nice guy!
  • Even Brent was saying how well he handled his HOH. Of course, Brent took credit for it telling him not to be emotional.
  • Frenchie has not been acting out.
  • I think he will handle the eviction okay.
  • Like I said, nothing much happening.

Chief cook and hamster behavioral observer

Most large gathering hamster house ever!

Good gamer, but not the best in the house

His nails are not naturally that color!

BB23: Live Feeds into Monday Night - July 19


Not a showmance

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Whirling Dervishes:

  • I realize I didn't timely post the results of the PoV meeting after the live feeds block ended today.
  • But I thought it would go without saying that Derek X did not use the veto.
  • Britini had asked him not to save her because someone else would go up and she had been told that she is not the target.
  • Frenchie knew it was no use asking Derek X to save him.
  • So it remains Frenchie and Britini on the block heading to eviction day.
  • Hmm. Kyland and Derek F are the latest final two deal. 
  • How quickly Derek F has forgotten Frenchie even before he's gone?
  • I don't know. Due to physical limitations, Derek F probably won't do well in any real physical comps, but he is very observant and has a good social game.
  • He has to have a good social game as no one is giving him any heat for his defense of Frenchie!
  • Today was the anniversary of the COVID death of SarahBeth's father. Kyland comforted her, but the pain of loss is still so fresh.
  • As usual, game talk in the yard is limited when so many are out in the yard.
  • With this group we also have nightly kitchen and living room gatherings which cut down on conspiring.
  • Kyland, for whatever reason, decided to have team talks one on ones after the veto meeting.
  • Why Ky?
  • Not needed. Your job as HOH is done. You done did well. You can relax now.
  • Frenchie has not exploded.
  • There ya go ...

What will she do without her captain?

Stop talking, Kyland. Your work is done here.

Hammock sharing is a BB ritual of passage

More astute than people might think

If not a showmance, it must be Alyssa throwing herself on him.

Monday, July 19, 2021

BB23: Live Feeds into Monday Morning - July 19


Enduring a Frenchie talk until Claire saves him.

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Wacky Wombats:

  • As it was Sunday it was quiet on the home front -- no comps, the PoV decision pretty much known ahead of time, the yard open and Frenchie saying he accepts that he will be leaving.
  • Of course, the fact that Frenchie will be leaving is because of THEM, nothing he did.
  • He was loyal.
  • He kept his word.
  • That is the World According to Frenchie.
  • He is still saying there will probably be a twist.
  • With the exception of Derek F, who is really saddened about Frenchie's expected eviction, the others are all either enduring or humoring him just to keep the drama level down.
  • The HOH camera was out and about.
  • In the evening they once again did group skit/game activities.
  • Derek F said that he thinks they're all telling the truth about their jobs but Xavier is too smart to be a bartender, he has to be a lawyer or something.
  • SNAP! Xavier recovered from his initial shock about it and laughed it off, but ...!
  • Derek F, except for his infatuation with Frenchie, is a very observant game player.
  • Power of Veto meeting is later today -- it won't be used.
  • Then it's a long time until Thursday!

He's fitting in more and staying away from Frenchie.

Stop it, Tiffany! When you yawn I yawn!

Not a showmance. Really.

He SAYS he's accepted that he will be evicted.

Not much game talk goes on in the yard.

Not a showmance? Um, well. Right.