Thursday, August 25, 2022

Big Brother: BB24 Live Feeds into Thursday - August 25


Giving up, not giving up

Here's the latest from inside and outside that Big Brother House of Dogged Despots:
  • Don't expect any true blindsides tonight.
  • Inside the house, the four Leftovers have been talking about letting Jasmine know as much as they can still abiding by the rules.
  • They aren't allowed to come out and tell her she's being evicted.
  • However, they can dance around the issue with statements like "I can't guarantee you my vote" and such.
  • They all feel that Jasmine has not been bad to live with at all this week.
  • She isn't asking any of them to wait on her.
  • They don't want to be mean or cruel to her.
  • (They also want jury votes.)
  • So, they let her know yesterday.
  • While she became a bit subdued, she told them she's grateful they let her know. So, she will be prepared.
  • Probably prepared with a fake accent!
  • In the yard, Joseph goes between looking dejected and trying to plead for his life in the game.
  • He won't be surprised at all if he goes even though he, at times, seems to think there's a chance he might stay.
  • Turner seems to have gone to the Dark Side and is saying he will work with Alyssa, Kyle and Terrance against Michael and Company inside the house.
  • Of course, with Turner and no way for him to be alone with cameras or seeing Diary Room segments, he could be lying.
  • I think the only one in that group he really likes is Alyssa.
  • Inside the house, they are saying if Joseph goes home, they know Kyle is behind it.
  • I'm not sure they will feel the same when they find out he was on the block with Joseph.
  • So, there will be no blindsides on the evictions tonight.
  • There could very well be blindsides when the two groups come together again.
  • It's a shame the live feeds always remain blocked until the West Coast show is over.
  • We're going to miss some good stuff!

Surely will dump Kyle after the season ends

Has he gone to the dark side?

It won't be a blindside. She knows.

Wanted to let Jasmine know

Definitely good on the eyes!

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Big Brother: BB24 Power of Veto Show Blog Party - August 24

 Good evening, hamster fans! Tonight's show will be the veto comp and the veto meeting. Please don't post any spoilers in the comments before they air on the show! While there will be two evictions tomorrow night -- one from inside the house, one from outside the house -- that show will only be one hour long.

I will be live-blogging and updating this entry constantly as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments area. I hope to see you there!

Previously on and on. 

Jasmine, Taylor, Brittany and Monte in Big BroCella.
Turner, Kyle, Joseph and Alyssa to Dyre Fest.

Inside the house, Jasmine is the target. Outside, it's not so easy. First Kyle tells Alyssa about the Leftovers, then tells all to Terrance. Monte volunteered to go on the block with Jasmine. In the yard, Terrance nominates Joseph and Turner.

Terrance is talking to us about the alliance. He's determined to take a shot at someone in the Leftovers. Of course, the only non-Leftover with them is Alyssa. Kyle feeds great because he and Alyssa are safe but he thinks they lack privacy there in the yard.

Terrance is telling Joseph his ultimate move is to get out Kyle. He tells us that Joseph is his real target. He has promised both Joseph and Turner he will save them with the veto. Turner works on Kyle and Alyssa for their votes to stay. Kyle suggests they work together against those in the house.

The nominations ceremony has ended in the house. Michael tells us if Jasmine pulls herself down, Britanny and Michael will evict Monte, the volunteer. The veto has them "walking into a club." Tiffany from BB23 is hosting. Tiffany's Tent at Big BroCella ... pay attention to everything you see. Michael knows it's a counting comp. The winner must spell VIP by earning a letter, they have to hold or fold.

Note that Jasmine kicks in with the fake accent when she knows it will be on the show.

Round 1 - Brittany gets a letter. Taylor eliminated.
Round 2 - Brittany gets a letter. 
Round 3 - Michael gets a letter. Monte eliminated.
Round 4 - Michael gets a letter.
Round 5 - Brittany wins the Power of Veto!

Jasmine is trying to get Brittany to use the veto on her. Brittany is saying yeah a lot, but not really committing.

The others are talking about outside in the yard. Michael is thinking that someone from their alliance over there might take a shot at them. He tells us that if Joseph doesn't come back, it means that Turner and Kyle betrayed them. They are thinking Kyle will indeed betray them (and he did!).

In the yard, Kyle wants to hang out with Alyssa but more alone! Alyssa is a bit annoyed that Kyle is in an alliance she didn't know about but is grateful for his efforts to keep her safe. He thinks he will be the target of the Leftovers. He doesn't want to save either Joseph or Turner with the veto but feels he must win it to keep himself and Alyssa safe.

Parachutes drop into the backyard. Time for the veto comp. Terrance, not a guest star, hosts. They have to build their own comp. Build Styrofoam food containers and transfer 50 containers on trays across wins. TERRANCE wins the veto!

Joseph really wants Alyssa to go on the block. He's talking to Kyle about it. He has to be desperate! Kyle runs to Terrance about it. Kyle tells Terrance that Michael, Brittany, Taylor and Monte will be against them on the return to the house. Joseph tries to tell Terrance that Alyssa needs to go and it would win points for them. Terrance tells him Kyle wants them out. Now Joseph knows that Kyle has betrayed the Leftovers. Terrance tells us he will keep stirring the pot and pit the others against each other.

In the house -- veto meeting time. Brittany decides NOT to use the veto. The nominations remain the same.

In the yard -- Terrance calls for the veto meeting. Terrance DOES use the veto to save Turner. He puts Kyle on the block in his place.

BB23's Derek and Claire to be on The Amazing Race - Video

 Well, they are still together. Victims of the Cookout on BB23, Claire and Derek will be on the upcoming season of The Amazing Race. I would think they should be good on the show. The season starts Wednesday, September 21 at 10PM ET.

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Big Brother: BB24 Live Feeds into Tuesday Evening - August 23

Could it be? I hope it is!

Here's the latest actually from OUTSIDE and inside that Big Brother House of They Live!:

  • Yes, once again the feeds were off more than on today.
  • Inside, they have been contemplating telling or hinting to Jasmine that she will go.
  • They keep hanging out together as a group of four and only late last night Michael, Brittany, Taylor and Monte got together after Jasmine went to sleep.
  • Jasmine says she knows Turner did the muffins but doesn't think he did the cookie.
  • Heh.
  • Okay, to the big news.
  • They actually turned on the outdoor cameras today.
  • They have put a canopy over the yard.
  • Inside had a lockdown in the HOH and outside apparently had a lockdown somewhere in the house while the work was being done.
  • The BIG news is that Turner said something about being glad he's not on the block!
  • Terrance must have saved him with the veto.
  • Who did he put up?
  • I know not only had he promised Turner he would save him (and did), but he also promised Alyssa he wouldn't put her on the block.
  • It must be Kyle.
  • Joseph was telling Terrance he knows Turner will vote to save him.
  • Will Alyssa do her showmance in thinking she will join him in jury soon?
  • Will Terrance have to break a tie? I know his original target was Joseph.
  • But Joseph is making him all kinds of promises saying he won't ask for trust, but his actions will show he can be trusted.
  • Confirmed -- now it's Kyle and Joseph on the block.
  • Hmm.

Maybe he will stay

He can smile again!


Monday, August 22, 2022

Big Brother: BB24 Live Feeds (and Lack Thereof) into Monday Evening - August 22


Someone should tell Jasmine to change her shirt

Here's the latest from ONLY INSIDE that Big Brother House of Live Feeds Rip Off:

  • For most of the day the live feeds were blocked. 
  • Yep, inside and outside the house from just after they woke them up until about an hour and a half ago.
  • Can you say, "Refund please?"
  • Since they came back on inside the house, they really haven't said anything about the veto meeting or any renom.
  • I would think that the meeting went down and the nominations remain the same.
  • I would also think that Jasmine is still the target.
  • They have not talked game at all since the feeds returned this evening here on the East Coast.
  • As for the backyard, there have apparently been two quick moments of feeds with no game info.
  • I guess they probably had the veto meeting.
  • But it looks like BB is going to continue the outside live feeds block until eviction night.
  • The house is SO boring.
  • Outside is probably boring as well.
  • But we won't know now, will we?