Monday, August 14, 2006

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Bulletin - POV Ceremony

Danielle used the veto to save herself. Janelle put Marcellas on the block in her place. Good. She left George alone.

A full report of today's events will be posted soon. Please stop back!


Anonymous said...

Yeah!!! FInally Janelle did something "smart". I have been having trouble figuring out how she is an "all Star". She seems so indecisive and it doesn't seem like part of her "game" to me.

Anonymous said...

Finally!! Janelle used her head.

Anonymous said...

Is voting Marcellas out bad for anyone IN or OUT of the house? ('cept Miss Marci himself) Good grief he has been like chalk on a blackboard this season IMHO!

Anonymous said...

Well, at least this is way better then putting George up. I wish it was james though.

Anonymous said...

Marci is a non factor, he can't win comps, he is not that smart, and no one really likes him enough. All he does is moan and groan. The smart thing would be to get rid of James now and create a sub alliance with Erika. Marci does nothing for either side.

Anonymous said...

It is shaping up like Kaysar wanted his first HOH, with the exception that he isn't there. I wonder if Janelle really thinks Erica will go and Marcell is only 'the pawn'. Thank you Jackie, Sue

Anonymous said...

i would rather see JAMES on the block...but this move is better than Chicken George.

howie needs to win HoH next time.

---susan in florida

Anonymous said...

Was Mike the last one to repond to the clue or are there others? Does anyone think the new power may be one of those things that keep you from winning?

Am I correct that the power will allow the holder to overturn nominations for the next three weeks? Is it one chance or each week? does anyone know?


Anonymous said...

I don't think it was a good choice...Janelle just helped James, Dani, Ericka, Will and Mike to become the final 5 like we all know they are planning!

Anonymous said...

Its one chance in 3 weeks -- and it doesn't just overturn nominations -- It overturns HOH, so I think you get to make the nominations too. No clue as to how late before the eviction vote you can use this. It would be great if you could doit at the last minute and put up 2 people right before the vote. Could be pretty destabilizing. Hard to judge when the right time is to use it. I'm sure WIll will tell Boogie ;-)

James would have been great, but Marci is good too --

Anonymous said...

I know this is a lot to ask...but can someone tell me who CT wants out for real...Marci or Erica????

Anonymous said...

Chillktown wants out anyone besides Chilltown, however... Mike Boogie and Erika have a thang goin' on outside the house, and now lately, inside the house... so Mike would probably like to keep his girl around for selfish reasons. In terms of winning, I don't think Mike or Will care WHO leaves as long as it is not them. Marc. has been a pain and all are sick of him... Does that help? Robin in Manchester

Anonymous said...

Marci. The rumor is that ericka and Mike have been involved for like 6 months..

Anonymous said...

So I guess Janie is in for a surprise when Marci is out??

Anonymous said...

From what I recall Julie saying, the special power can be used any of the next three weeks and can only be used right before the actual voting begins (which I think is kind of cool. What I'm curious about is whether or not there is a "punishment" (such as revokation of the power) if they do indeed tell others. It would be very cool to see the others shocked at the nominations changed at the last minute!

I'm so happy for George!


Lucy said...

Janelle is a fool if she thinks putting Marcellas up was a smart move. Right now Marcellas and Chicken George are the only two people that Chilltown has not formed aliance with so CT will be more than happy to evict Marcellas as they know he sees them as a threat.

It is interesting that Will has been able to always convince Jani who to nominate and then get the house guests to vote the way he wants. This season has been interesting because of Will. He is the only one playing the game to win and even though I would rather see someone like Chicken George walk away with all the money, I would have to say that Will deserves to win if the jury basis its votes on game play - but of course the voting will most likely come down to who you like the most.

Can't wait to see the show tomorrow night.

Anonymous said...

I agree with most other posts that Boogie's coup answer of "EWE REAP WHAT EWE SEW" is correct. It'll be interesting to see if he uses the power this week because I think he likes who's on the block. No one is going to vote Erika out right now - CT votes for Marci, Dani & CG vote Marci and S6 votes Marci. Wonder if the power gets carried over to the next week(s). Love Ya Jackie!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

UGGGGGG!! i wanted janelle to put james up for eviction. as far as I know Will gave her a hint and flat out said "James is working with Danielle. Put up James" Janelle has suspected them working together before but because of Kaysar being the honest, loyal person that he is, got rid of the thought that Janelle had Then after last weeks veto, when James gave up three points for a party. Janelle thought that this was foolish and was concered for James. SO, shes getting close to flat out getting that James is playing her. I can only hope that Howie gets hoh next week or one of them wins the power to over through one hohs nominee- other wise we can kiss Jani goodbye. Janelle, you should have put up James!

Anonymous said...

UGGGGGG!! i wanted janelle to put james up for eviction. as far as I know Will gave her a hint and flat out said "James is working with Danielle. Put up James" Janelle has suspected them working together before but because of Kaysar being the honest, loyal person that he is, got rid of the thought that Janelle had Then after last weeks veto, when James gave up three points for a party. Janelle thought that this was foolish and was concered for James. SO, shes getting close to flat out getting that James is playing her. I can only hope that Howie gets hoh next week or one of them wins the power to over through one hohs nominee- other wise we can kiss Jani goodbye. Janelle, you should have put up James!

Anonymous said...

WOW...i cannot believe Janey put up Marci...good..just surprised..even though they have been at odds..i just thought it would be chicken man for sure. I can only imagine Marci was dramatic.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad she nominated Marcellas. It'll be fun to see him sweat for a few days. Besides, he's been slagging Janie for weeks, so now finally he has a real reason to be angry at her other than jealousy.

Anonymous said...

I am SOOOOOOOO happy that Marcellas is on the block with Erika. But you know that if he gets evicted he will be crying that Janelle turned on him, which would be a little like "the pot calling the kettle black" considering he turned on Janelle first. Either way it will be a marvelous eviction!!

Jackie, I wasn't sure if you have heard of this rumor or not so I wanted to ask you. Forgive me if you have previously addressed this. "There is a clip circulating with Will, Boogie & Erika in the hot tub. Will reveals that Boogie and Erika are actually dating in real life (have been for about 6 months), living together and are about to get engaged and that all this was purposely hid from the producers" Is this true?

Jackie M
Santa Fe NM

Anonymous said...

I also don't understand how Josh and Ericka dated for 5 years...didn't they start dating after her big brother season? Which I believe was 3 or 4? Her story to Kaysar doesn't seem to make sense.

Anonymous said...

To petals at 7:50.

I posted the comment about Boogie and Erica dating for 6 months. I found the info on JokersUpdates at Will was talking to the camera and said

"Hey internet, you want to know Erika and Boogie have been dating for 6 months! How about that f$#%@#s! They've lived together for 6 months and getting engaged this summer. How about that. Bet you didn't know that! That's the real twist this summer, internet f$#%@#s."

Based on the way Erica and Boogie are acting, and she said she's from "a little town called "Chill", and BB showed that little kissy scene at the end of the show last night, I'm inclined to believe it! Who could be another of Will's little stories :)


Anonymous said...

Yes...that is true about the video of Will, Mike and Erika in a the hottub talking about there relationship you can view it @
Enjoy! (caution: it contains very graphic language)
BBLover in Cali

Anonymous said...

Jackie, thank you for addressing the Boogie and Erika situation. It figures that those two would lie their way in the house-that's just who they are and what they do best. I loved Will's shirt last night that said "I'm probably lying"! Those 3 words sum him and Boogie up pretty well and now I guess Erika is in that boat with them. I wonder what (if any) trouble they will get into with the producers for hiding this relationship. Thanks again Jackie-your the best.

Santa Fe NM

Anonymous said...

I am so happy it's Marcellas on the block and not George. And really, lets face it, the ONLY people not going after Janelle are George, Howie and Janelle herself. Even Marcellas has pretty much turned on her. And for the most part, James seemed to have as well, but now either he's working both sides OR he's just really trying to pull the wool over Janelle's eyes (and OMG, how dumb is she that she has never heard of that phrase?..seriously folks). and i agree with whomever said "how did she become an all star? she's so indecisive."..You hit the nail on the head. She's too wishy washy and lets others change her mind too easily. If she goes, it's because she put too much weight on other peoples advice AND that she didn't stand with her alliance and listen to them come nomination time and chose foolish nominees for eviction based on her own insecurities on who she "thought" might be after her, instead of who the main threats were for the Sea6 alliance.

I too think Boogie got the cout d'etat correct with Ewe Reap What Ewe totally fits in with BB...


Anonymous said...

All i can say is if it is true about Fugly (Erika) and Mike why are they still there????? And thank you Jackie for all the info!! Renee

Anonymous said...

It's very true that Will could be lying about Erica and Boogie. As a matter of fact, the only truth is that Will lies :)

Who knows what's really going on. All I know is that I LOVE this blog and it's comments. At first I thought it was kinda lame that so many people leave their opinions and ask questions, but now I see why. I can't talk BB with anyone I know cuz they think I'm nuts for watching my reality shows. These shows allow me to step outside of MY real life reality show for a little while each week. Thanks for all the comments and opinions & keep up the GREAT work Jackie!!!

Gotta run...Hell's Kitchen finale is on :)


Anonymous said...

Janelle I love her to death, but she should have put James up, before he ends up winning HOH again or Dani wins and they end up backdooring Janelle. Don't get me wrong Marci has to go, but James should go first.


Anonymous said...

Well, the strategy is to still get rid of Erika. I think Boogie needs to go, not Will, but Boogie. I do not like him. He thinks he's the master of everything. Him saying he's exhausted because he's one of the very few really playing the game, made me laugh.

When will Howie and Janelle open their eyes. They are being played like fine fiddles. @@ geeze guys.

Boogie is so sure he got the Coup right. He doesn't know it's a coup, but he thinks he got it. I thought the person who guessed it, knew right away? They just couldn't tell anyone else?

Now I am so confused! Jackie, can you clarify if the person will know right away that they have the special power (the coup?)? If Boogie won, wouldn't he be told right away? Have I said how confused I am? LOL


Anonymous said...

No....Whomever wins the Coup (special power) will NOT be told they have won until Thursday night! Eviction night! So...interesting...what could that power be? "Coup" is to overthrough...So...Could it be that the "Coup" winner can overthrough the nominations? The POV? The HOH? Or maybe they can EVICT a houseguest on the spot! We shall see!
BBLover in Cali

Anonymous said...

Personally I think the best choice would have been to nominate one of the LOD. Cuz that's where the power lies in the house. Peevy, catty, Marcellas, abeit annoying as slop, is no more a threat or a power player than George.

However, if Mike truly does have the coup d'etat Janelle's nominating Marcellas could be the perfect choice because it seems unlikely that Mike would use the power to overthrow Janelle this week precisely because none of his LOD people are nominated. Erica has never been declared a LODer. I think she is simply a showmance that will be viewed as expendible by Mike. But I think Erica being on the block won't even be viewed as an issue by CT or the LOD because they'll know they have more than enough votes to bounce Marcellas. And good riddance to him, his rancor is only exceeded by James and I will enjoy watching Janelle "crush his dreams"!


Anonymous said...

Ok. I just watched the Woogie/Erica in the hottub video. I don't buy it! Erica sat there giggling the whole time & Boogie didn't say a word until Will was a few minutes into his tyrade! I think Will made it up on the spur of the moment & the others didn't know anything about it. That's just my two cents.


Anonymous said...

Hop on over to hamsterwatch. There are many instances of Erika and Boogie fooling around. Someone said why would CBS allow word RATINGS!

On another note, I was a die hard Sovereign fan. Notice I said WAS. This year is a big disappointment. S6 has made some awful choices and smarmy CT makes my skin crawl!

My hearts with George this year!

Thanks bunches Jackie :)
