Friday, August 04, 2006

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Quickie Report

After initially tucking the Slop Free Week Pass in his drawer and fussing how he hates slop and needs it, Marcellas just gave George the pass. Marcellas had said while tucking said pass in the drawer, "I never promised to give up anything."

George was reluctant to take it and is almost in tears because of the kindness.

I feel a bit better about Marcellas now. And George can eat for the week!


Lucy said...

If Marcellas had not given the slop pass to George I think he would have been guaranteed a trip to the couch to talk to Julie on Thursday. I think all the houseguests wanted George to have a break from the slop.

Even though Marcellas had to be melodramatic about giving up the slop pass, he did do the right thing. He now has George's vote when he needs one and with Dani winning HOH it may be sooner than later.

Enjoy the Pizza George.

Anonymous said...

I was almost hatin Marci for a bit...but the drama queen in him provailed

Still not impressed in him...votes diane out and swears regenve for her...what's up with that

Love your blog Jackie...your my conection 2 BB


Anonymous said...

Anyone besides me think that the worst thing to happen tonight is James getting the Nullify Eviction egg? That snake will be able to wreak havoc with that.

Thanks so much, Jackie, for keeping us updated on the endurance comp. You're the best.

--Formerly Mrs. Spratt

Anonymous said...

Danielle is HOH, Boogie won the 10K, James won the nullify eviction vote, Will and Kaysar won the rotten eggs and Marcellas won the food pass

Anonymous said...

Hopefully Marcellas will be nominated this week. He's only survived by riding S6's coattails and now he's even turning on them and especially Janelle. Plus, he's getting on everyone's nerves with all his complaining. He has to go! I hate that now Danielle and James are going to have all the power. Hopefully the coup d'etat will turn all of that around.

Anonymous said...

This is going to be a VERY interesting week! Danielle and James must be doing a continuous 'high five'! Watch out, thanks to Janey this week!

I'm so happy that George will be able to eat! Why, he was being reduced to just skin and bones! HA!


Anonymous said...

wow, you go marci! georgie really deserves that pass, and i'm glad marci gave it up for the one who needed it most!

Anonymous said...

I think that it is crule that Marcellas even considered not giving the slop free pass to George. George has to spend the rest of the game on slop while Marcellas is only on it every so often.


Anonymous said...

To Formerly Mrs Spratt...Yes, I think the worse thing to happen was for James to win the Nullify Evicition Egg...Does anyone know how it will play out? Of course he'll save it for himself for when he gets evicted, but then what happens? Or is that how it works in the first place?

Jackie...can you explain this please...

Thanks, meb

Jackie S. said...

From my understanding, it only nullifies one eviction vote... not an eviction itself, per se. In a tie, he could swing the vote to his liking.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Jackie for the explanation...I was way off on how it worked... and just read this morning's recap! You are you ever sleep?

Danielle going after James...Too, too, too sweet!!!!! That's what he gets for trying to play every angle.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry for being out of the loop but I think I missed something important while we were on vacation....what happened that put George on slop the entire game? Did he eat when he wasn't supposed to? Thanks for filling me in. Love the updates!!!!

Anonymous said...

Dang, you missed a lot Anon. George has to be on slop until he is voted of out of the house (or wins) as a result of the POV comp. last week that saved him from being evicted.

Anonymous said...

jackie....i just found ur site. it's awsome!!! thanks and keep up the good work. I love BB7. i wanna see chill town and janelle make it to final 3 with will winning again, of course!

Anonymous said...

Jackie, you are the best, I can't wait till I get each message!! I hate that James got the eviction pass it is so "go figure" I think Janey burned her bridges, & I HOPE BB finds a way to let george off the slop after this week, isn't he puttin up with enuf crap from the kids in the house without not getting to eat?