Friday, August 04, 2006

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Report - Overnight Into Fri. 8/04

Oh, a change in power! Danielle is the new HOH and we'll see how much stock she takes in James. Or how much James has in her now that he holds the power to nullify one eviction vote. Julie Chen told the houseguests on the show that the week ahead was a week of competitions and told viewers that a new twist coming will be the coup d'etat - a twist that could overthrow the HOH.

What happened overnight in that Big Brother House of Under New Management? Here's the more interesting bits:
  • James is thrilled. He whispered to Mike that Danielle will "cut Janelle's throat." Not literally, I hope.
  • The houseguests chowed down on pizza, even George (thanks to Marcellas giving him that slop pass). [Editor's note: If Marcellas loses in the food comp, we're going to see huge drama when he goes on slop!]
  • Like with anything he does, Marcellas made the food pass to George a media event. [Editor's note: @@ - have to roll those eyes! I think he really didn't do it out of the goodness of his heart, more because the backlash from others if he didn't.]
  • Now James thinks that there will not be a return of a previous houseguest. [Editor's note: I said I didn't think so. They don't ever listen to me!]
  • Janelle and Kaysar feel sick. Both know they're probably targets.
  • Danelle is thinking of putting up Janelle with (get this) James to make sure she (Janelle) doesn't win POV. She would need at least five votes because James could nullify one.
  • Howie's very sore from the comp. Danielle and Erika did better because they weren't supporting as much body weight.
  • Boogie thought James would have worked harder in the HOH Comp.
  • Unlike past weeks, most of the houseguests stayed in Danielle's new HOH room for quite a long time - not just a look and go.
  • It looks like the Big Bed will be Erika, Boogie, Janelle, and Howie. Interesting bedmates.
  • They seem to think there will be no food comp this week.
  • Erika thinks Kaysar threw the HOH Comp. She may be right. They kept cutting the feeds and he went down very unexpectedly... immediately the feeds were blocked.
  • Erika told Mike that she'll be doing a lot this week to protect Chill Town.
  • As James ranted to Danielle about Janelle, she broke the news of her plan to him, telling he's not going to be happy. She explained how he could save himself. If Janelle were to get off the block with the veto, either Kaysar or Howie could go up. [Editor's note: Or... hey, they could backdoor James!]
  • James is not happy. Not not not happy.
  • Marcellas told James he'd vote to keep him (James) over Janelle. [Editor's note: Amy was right!]
  • George is just happy that he thinks Danielle is nice to him.
  • When talking to Erika, Danielle was vehement about wanting Janelle evicted.
  • When James asked George if he'd have his vote to stay, George told him he'd have to think about it.
  • Will decided that he, Janelle, Howie and Kaysar are the Depressed Alliance.
  • Mike told Erika he's getting upset with the way Will's playing the game. [Editor's note: Act or not?]
  • Marcellas lied to Janelle telling her that he didn't think she was going to target the S6 Players. Perhaps George and Will. [Editor's note: Liar, liar, pants on fire!]
  • Danielle said she doesn't want to sleep in the HOH and wants her regular bed. Howie will be the first taker. It sounds like they'll rotate.
  • Will told Danielle that Marcellas should go before Howie or Kaysar.
  • So many think that they're in Danielle's alliance that it could make you dizzy. [Editor's note: But who will have her loyalty?]
  • As I get this posted, Danielle has been reading the Bible... perhaps seeking Divine Intervention? I don't know.


Anonymous said...

James, James, James... how could you be so naive! Just because you got angry with Jani for her nominations, it doesn't make you an automatic friend to the other's in the house. Danielle has been playing you ... she's out to win, and win she just might.

Again, thanks Jackie for the recap! Great Job! meb

Anonymous said...

I think it's Janelle's time to go!! She didn't make smart choices this year.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Jackie! I haven't even watched last night's show yet (DVRd it....hope to see it today)but, well heck, not seeing it isn't going to keep me from making a comment on it! George's Veto has already been a game turning point, even if the hgs haven't seen it that way. For all of them to ostracize George and then turn around enough to insist he get the No Slop egg shows the impact of that Veto comp. It was a 'confidence buster' for James, and just the opposite for George. Danielle asked George to protect her that first week, too. I wonder if that continues? Even in their first season I thought that Boogie and Will were on different pages, although playing by the same book. They have much in common with the Janelle and Howie combo. There are nuances of game play that Howie and Boogie can't see. It has been of interest to watch Will silently include himself with other players so unobtrusively that they are not aware he is including himself. Maybe instead of Dr Will it should be Professor Will who teaches a course in manipulation and mind control. I wonder how many credit hours he has in the subject. Thank you Jackie. Good to wake up to your report. Sue

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for doing this!!!

Anonymous said...

Bzymomx03, Having watched the feeds, I don't think Howie gave Dani the HOH. He was trying so hard to stay up there. He has more than twice the weight to hold up than either Erica or Danielle. He was in a lot more pain than they were.
I am one of the few who thinks Janelle made the best choice this week. Diane would have easily won that endurance comp last night. She would have taken out Janelle in a heartbeat. Danielle still might but she couldn't have seen that coming. -Jessiesgirl

Anonymous said...

Jackie what does " coup d'etat " - a twist that could overthrow the HOH. I mean was that before they got into the web or whoever won could be overthrown? Has this ever happen? I doubt HOH status would change after she's put up her nominations, so was it about the web? Didn't Danelle make a deal with Janelle if she won Hoh, she would be safe? All the HG's are more confused than any season I can recall.

Anonymous said...

I don't recall Dani making any deals with Janey. I hate so say it, but I think Janey may be gone this week if she doesnt pull a Veto out of the hat. With James holding his Overthrow card, there is no telling what will happen... I anxiously await more updates.
THanks Jackie. You do a great job.

Anonymous said...

WoW! Jackie,I love your updating;I must say;I am an s6 fan & want either Janelle to win or Kaysar.I really like Howie too but I felt Kaysar should of won last yr. so this is his yr.Go Kaysar,Go.

Anonymous said...

Jackie when is the nomination ceremony? And who you do think Danielle will put on the "choping block?" I just hope not Janelle. Good goob on the interview, and keep up the good work.


Anonymous said...

Good Job..not goob. Sorry


Anonymous said...

I just want to say thanks for all of your updating. I am the mom of two small girls and never get a chance to watch the show at 8 when it is on. I have to tape it and then watch it a few minutes here and a few minutes there. I just finished last nights show. I was so happy both of my girls are napping that I made a pot of coffee and got in my comfy pj's to sit and read this weeks blogs! I just wanted to say thank you FIRST. Never know when one of them will get up!

Anonymous said...

it would be best for Danelle to nominate Marcells and Janelle, I'm sure Will will eventually convince her of this, I tend to believe Will is somehow playing Danelle, he's a smart person, he knows he can trust Janelle, he also knows Danelle and James are snakes,he will keep his promise to Janelle one way or another, he's playing James and Danelle, imo he prefers Janelle over them.

Anonymous said...

I think Danielle has covered her basis. I have read on other sites that she visited Kaysar's apt. and has had dealing with others. It seems that she may have some sort of alliance with Kaysar/Marcelles/Will/James not sure who she is more loyal to. It may be Kaysar I noticed that he told S6 that she wasn't a threat yet and she hasn't mentioned him about going up. I don't think she would risk putting James up if she was loyal. She knows how the pawn works. So I conclude if she would rather put him up and not Kaysar along with Janelle and if Veto is used put up Howie something is definitely up. Janey on the other hand has only S6 and she has caused tension amongst them. Will doesn't care about her and he does not have her back. He wants to win and he knows that she is a big threat. I think that Janelle will definitely be going home this week if she doesn't win Veto.

Anonymous said...

I hope that Danielle will feel that Janelle has already put a "target" on her back and will not feel it necessary to nominate her b/c she thinks others will do it later, yada yada yada. I hope that she puts up Marcellas and Mike. Either way, no one would be disappointed with either of them leaving, except, of course, Will. And then, we would be privy to a week of Will's manipulations and lying that would be in overdrive. Ooooorrrrrr,,,,,maybe Will would like it if Mike left,,,then Will could play the..."I'm all alone and not a threat alone card". Whadaya think?


Anonymous said...

When do they do nominations for eviction? friday or saturday?

Anonymous said...

does anyone else feel like the allstars arent really playing like they all did on their seasons i remember diane how good she was this season she is sooooooo quite nothing like she was on her season i think i like bb better when it is all strangers that have never played the game. if it wasnt for your blog jackie i might not watch you make it more interesting and fun thank you for all your hard work

Anonymous said...

noo dani! janelle better stay OOOH JANEY! god, jackie do you ever feel like when you're NOT watching the live feeds you're just MISSING SOMETHING?! well i do. =( and i start missing will's BOD AND FACE
=( LOL

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update. I was extremely curious in the results. I have to say, I will be disappointed if Danielle puts James on the block. Until this past week, I enjoyed watching Janelle. Perhaps, Will is more gifted than I gave him credit. I really hope James pulls it out. Go, James, Go!

Anonymous said...

I have so lost heart for Janey and Kaysar, its like they are both on lithium or something like it. You cant trust Dani or James...I think she will put up Janelle and Howie to shake it all up

Anonymous said...

So much confusion...I hope something happens to make what is going on more clear....I hope Jani does not get evicted...she does make the show interesting....Jackie, thanks for the updates....

Anonymous said...

I wasn't happy with Janelle's nominations either, but.....she did just as her alliance had done before her. They were wrong in the beginning to go after floaters - after all - they had already won over Marcellas and Erika. That easily gave them the numbers to run the table all the way to the end. They could have had Erika and Marcellas do their dirty work to get rid of chill town and the other floaters. Poor Howie - he's loyal to the death. Kaysar & Janelle were my favorites in S6 but I think now I'm for Howie all the way. He never wavers and his heart is as good as gold. Of course, I love watching Will play everyone but I don't want him to win.