Thursday, August 03, 2006

'BB7: All Stars' - Live Feeds HOH Update - New HOH

Danielle faked that she was gone, but laughed and regrouped herself.

It's down to Erika, Howie and Danielle. Everyone's trying to get Howie to drop. Danielle is pleading. Erika is pleading. Howie says he wants HOH really bad. Erika swears Howie is safe. He's grunting.

Howie let go.
Erika yelled, "You've got it, Dan" and let go.
Danielle is the new HOH.

Quick recap to fill in what happened between flames:
The eggs --
Will and Kaysar - rotten
James - Nullify an eviction vote
Mike - $10,000
Marcellas - Slop Free Pass (which everyone said would go to George, but Marcellas hasn't committed that I know about)

Erika promised Howie he'd be safe, then threw the comp to Danielle.


Anonymous said...

why the heck would Howie let go...Did he watch last year when Kaysar was lied to by Jennifer. Damn I just hope an S6 player don't get nonminated.


Anonymous said...

when did marcelles drop?

Anonymous said...

As much as I like him, HOwie is a clown. Danielle, who is one of the better player, has to put someone from S6 is on the block. S6, with the exception of James the snake, will vote as a block against anyone they want out. That crew needs to be dealt with.

Anonymous said...

Chill town is not a threat because they cannot win competitions. Danielle has mistaken aligned herself with James who in the end will bite her. He is going to play against S6 while it is convenient.

Anonymous said...

Danielle is my least favorite BB player ever. I really wish Howie had stuck it out!

Anonymous said...

Now Janelle will most likely be nominated, especially after she called Danielle a weak player. Marcellus better watch out too, even though he's been cozying up to her lately. But, the coup d'etat should make it interesting.

Anonymous said...

Is anyone thinkin what I'm thinking? BB6 are idiots. They never stuck 2 the plan of getting Mike or Will out, sorry 2 say this but Dr. Evil deserves 2 win all once again. BB6 are worthless, Howie is a dumb****.

Anonymous said...

What day does everyone think the coup d'etat will be?

Should it be before Danielle's nominations? If it's after, will that person be able to just put up two new nominees?

This looks to be an interesting week.

Anonymous said...

Danielle puts up Kaysar and Howie in order to backdoor Janelle. James shows his true colors and then BAM! The coup d'etat.

Anonymous said...

Jackie, the second before Will chose his 'egg,' Dani yelled out, "Wait! Can we all PLEASE agree to let to George have that?? Can we ALL agree to that, please?" Most yelled back, "Yes!"

I happened to be watching the feed when Will asked Marce. if he was going to give George the "No-Slop" voucher that he (Marce.) had earned, and he, in perfect BITTER-DIVA form, answered, "That was you all's idea, I didn't say yes to that!" But as of 1:07 AM eastern, I thought I just heard George say that he DID get given the anti-slop voucher... ???

My pick for least nice houseguest of the comp was TOTALLY Will who left his pal Mike with 10 stitches in his foot to hang in the air and win for them both-- whutta friend, right?
Interesting evening... Nighty-nite, Robin in Manchester

Anonymous said...

Thank you for doing this. I now don't feel like I'm tied to the show, because I can read what's happened.

And I say, GO Danielle.

Anonymous said...

I just love Danielle, but I don't think it was a good time for her to win!! Can't wait to see what she will do.

Anonymous said...

Danielle you go girl I am proud of you. Now its time for the floaters to make the aliances (chill town and bb6) to worry. They seem to be trying to get rid of the floaters. make them squirm Danielle!

Anonymous said...

I Love Dr. Will. He is the best player and is probably trying not to win any competition--the others are just too dumb to see it. The best part of each show is when Will and Mike do the phone skits in the diary room--I laugh so hard!! I am bummed Danielle won it and hope that Janelle stays somehow. Howie is cool too (but so dim)

Anonymous said...

I just hope Danielle will put both Will and Kaysar on the block. They need to be out of the house. especially Will. I don't care for him at all. As for Janelle, Well she is true blond. She should never have went against her own people. Will thinks she is a joke. As for Will being Good looking,I have a message for him, In your worst dream buddy.
I also send kisses to Howie and Marcelles

Anonymous said...

thank you so much for all the free info big bro is my favorite showw ever go will