Friday, August 11, 2006

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds NEWS Update - Overnight Into 8/11

Stop the presses!

Rescind last night's Head of House!

Don't vote for Marcellas as Prom Queen!

All that you knew could have changed on a re-do!

Has someone already guessed the Coup d'Etat?

For the first time I've ever seen on the show, the network recognized that there were technical difficulties affecting the outcome of the HOH Competition. They re-did the comp last night after the live show and Erika is NO longer HOH. From CBS - "Due to technical malfunctions of the buzz-in device" - CBS, a second HOH game was played Thursday night. Janelle won and is HOH.

Here's the rough skinny on the events from the Big Brother House of Malfunctioning Buzzers:

  • Mike Boogie told Janelle and Howie that Erika and Danielle thought Janelle shouldn't compete in the HOH re-do as she got her question wrong.
  • Both Erika and Danielle were extremely upset about the comp re-do.
  • Janelle put on a pair of jeans she hasn't worn yet in the house only to find a fortune cookie which read "You have the attitude of a winner." An omen of things to come?
  • Janelle and Howie really went at studying hard and heavy for the comp.
  • Julie Chen hosted the new comp live on the feeds, now she'll be groggy for the Kaysar interview on The Early Show.
  • The comp got down between Mike Boogie and Janelle and... Janelle is the new HOH! Upon winning, she shouted out "This one's for you, Kaysar!"
  • Danielle isn't too happy, told Janelle she must have the BB Angel on her shoulder.
  • Mike told Janelle he threw the comp to her, but other HG are saying it's the best Chill Town has ever done in a comp.
  • James, Janelle's new best friend in his own mind, went to Janelle and told her he wants Marcellas out. Janelle told him no. [Editor's note: I hope she has a mind of her own again and realizes James is not her ally! Put him on the block, Janelle!]
  • Janelle wants Danielle out.
  • Danielle and Erika think the re-do was totally unfair. Now, had they won, they'd be singing a different tune. Howie's button DID malfunction on the live show. It needed to be re-done! They want to walk out.
  • Howie suggested that Janelle make a deal with Danielle and she said "no deals." Good girl.
  • I think Danielle may be in shock. She's just repeating, "I'm done. I'm completely done."
  • There will be a food comp today (Friday).
  • George ate pizza for his last meal as his week's slop pass will expire. Poor guy. He is looking slim and trim (for George, that is).
  • Mike Boogie told Erika he didn't have the heart to tell Kaysar he was voting to evict him, but he didn't want to be against him at the end. Kaysar was too well-liked to be against anyone at the end.
  • James told Mike that Janelle will nominate only girls. [Editor's note: That would be the only two in the house - Erika and Danielle. I think Danielle will be one of her nominations. Erika maybe.]
  • Erika fussed.
  • Danielle fussed.
  • Marcellas fussed.
  • Janelle did not fuss.
  • Janelle told Howie she doesn't think she'll last much longer. Howie told her as long as she's in a comp, she has an advantage. They both think that Danielle has the Coup d'Etat.
  • Janelle wished she had her Pink Palace back, but no... this one was a bit more impromptu.
  • Janelle doesn't seem to want to nominated Marcellas, but told Howie that "Marcellas is dead to me."
  • Unfortunately, Janelle doesn't seem to realize that James turned on her and, on the whole, any S6... but especially her. [Editor's note: @@ Roll those eyes! Wake up, Janie and smell the snake!] Janelle thinks if she can get Danielle out, James will be locked into the alliance.
  • Erika went on a crying jag saying she was going to sue, so we got flame/clouds.
  • Will pushed for a Marcellas nom, but when Danielle was proposed, he said okay. [Editor's note: As long as it's not Chill Town, Woogie doesn't care!]
  • James ran to Danielle telling her Janelle wants her gone. [Editor's note: Duh, James! Danielle is a very smart woman. She already knew.]

That's where we stand at the time I post this. The comp was redone, Janelle is the new HOH and Erika's win was thrown out due to technical difficulties. We all saw that Howie's buzzer didn't work and I think we know it had to be redone no matter whose side we like. Was it fair that Janelle was in there? I think so, but your mileage may vary.

I haven't seen any definite confirmation of the Coup d'Etat, but the others all think Danielle has it (though they don't know what IT is). The answer was something to do with Dolly and the cloned sheep Dolly. I was SO off-base thinking "ewe."

I still want to vote for George for Prom King.


Anonymous said...

I don't think it's fixed, but I think BB sure does help it along! As long as Janie & Howie are there, I'm okay with the results so far. I cannot stand the way Danielle is playing, and I really hate James "the snake."
Like everyone else, thank you Jackie for putting things in perspecive!

Anonymous said...

I can't believe it..Janey HOH again..Way to go Janelle!! I was so worried when Erika won, and now I know that Howie and Janelle are safe for one more week. Thanks Jackie!!


Anonymous said...

I think the comp should have been redone from the point where Howie got eliminated, not with everyone.

And, since the Coup D'Etat statement had to do with BB, I was thinking something along the lines of pulling the wool over your eyes. What the heck does Dolly have to do with Big Brother, anyhow?

Anonymous said...

It's amazing how we all watch the same thing and have different interpretations. I thought Julie implied that the HG wouldn't know if s/he was correct and won the coup d'Etat until next week.

Ewe are the new head of household?

If Diane won, Janelle is not safe for another week. Especially if she nominates Diane.

Anonymous said...

Dolly = cloning of DNA
DNA = Do Not Assume for BB

That's what the connection is...

Hope that helps!


Anonymous said...

EWE mean danielle??...LOL :)

Angie from ohio:)

Anonymous said...

I would love to see George and Janelle as prom king and queen!

I am so glad they did a re-do. I noticed a few of them having trouble with their buzzer thingies!

I agree jackie, i hope janelle puts james and danielle up. either one can go...

thanks for the update -

Anonymous said...

To Angie from Ohio,

Thank ewe for catching my mistake.
I meant Danielle.

Anonymous said...

Yay for Janie!!!! This just makes things SOOOOO much more interesting. Except that Janie plays with her heart and not with her head. Hope she listens to reason (James??) and nominates Marcellus tho.

As far as the coup d'tat, I believe that each houseguest has 1 and only 1 chance to make a correct guess and even they will not know who wins it until next Thursday. I think that Danielle thinks she is so smart that she has figured it out and she has her herd believing it. Maybe the rest won't even try from now on.......As far as the answer being DNA Do Not Assume, it's very clever but it only applied to BB5 and kinda easy. Heck, even I thought of Dolly the cloned sheep when I saw it. I hope it is more like what other people have put out there. "Like Ewe are evicted from the BB house" or "Ewe are the new HOH". Much more common phrases to BB in general. AND those phrases could lead to the double elimination!!!!!!

As far as Woogie knowing behind the scenes info, I remember reading on a live feed very early on that Nicole IS returning for some kind of competition. I've always thought these 2 had special privileges.


Anonymous said...

I agree with the comment that they should have started where Howie messed up that would have been fair. Everyone else should not have been able to compete...Janelle answered wrong!!!
Seems as though everyone is quite ok with if since Janelle won, but I think it would be different it went the other day Erica and the others have a reason to be upset. She was cheated out of it.


Anonymous said...

Boogie's looked like it malfunctioned too, it didn't appear to light up at all when Janelle (I think) missed the answer.

Anonymous said...

so from what i understand, whoever guesses it right will find out they won, right then and there in the diary room, but nobody else will know. and the winner wont know what exacty it is that they won. correct?
also, people are saying that danielle told marcellace that she won coup d'etat. did you see that?

Anonymous said...

Go Janey! I'm so proud of her, and I'm so glad that she won. Hopefully Dani will be gone next week.
Definitely George for Prom King!

Anonymous said...

If Dani did win the coup and she's going around telling people, I'm sure it will be taken away from her. Julie specifically said no one would know until Thursday who won and what it means. Did anyone else get some other interpretation from it?

Anonymous said...

I felt so bad for Kaysar last night. He looked so hurt and disappointed by James' deceit. He thought James got a raw deal on BB6, but they were right about him all along. Wasn't it a little strange though that Julie spilled all that info to him like that? Now if only Janelle will wake up about James. She was clearly suspicious of him this week, but Kaysar kept talking her out of it!

Anonymous said...

This is the worst season ever! It seems very scripted in my opinion.It seems that the show is being worked around Janelle.

Anonymous said...

Regarding the Coup d'etat, Julie said there will be several clues. Do you think anyone could actually get it just from the first clue. I don't think BB would make it that easy.

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy Janelle is HOH. I hope she's smart enough to nominate James and Danielle. As much as I can't stand Marcellas, he's too stupid to be much of a threat.

Anonymous said...

The only fair thing to do was to totally redo the competition. It makes no sense at all to just put a few people in it. The malfunctions totally corrupted the entire game. I hope Erika enjoyed her few minutes as HOH (snicker, snicker).

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

well, i went to and looked it up. they say the twist with it is that nobody except the winner will know what they have won. so if danielle is saying that she won it, then she probably did.

Anonymous said...

Could it possibly be a wolf in sheeps clothing for the coup???? That was a thought given to me?

Anonymous said...

Yeah JANIE!!!!!!
Thank goodness!! Now, she should vote just like Danielle did last week, put up James as a "pawn". Hopefully, she will put up Danielle. I am tired of her and tired of James.

Anonymous said...

This game sucks this year!!! They are totally working it around Janelle. She would have been gone this week. This turns the game around! The people on here who are so excited about Janelle winning know that it's unfair. If there precious Janey had one HOH first and they redid it and she lost and a floater won everyone would be upset...I love BB but this takes the cake I was a S6 fan but I know now that this is rigged!!!! I hope Danielle does have the coup de taut and Janell puts up Erica and Danielle and she reverses it and puts up Howie and maybe Mike and then Janey has to deal with she sealed her partners fate!!!HAHAHA wouldn't that hurt!!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats to Janey!! I am so happy - I was very excited to get up this am and find out they fixed the problems they had on last nights live show - OBVIOUSLY there were problems the whole game - so I am glad they changed it to include everyone and it gave Janey a 2nd chance - since it's her against the house - I am glad to see it!

Anonymous said...

a sheep in wolfs clothing

Anonymous said...

This show is rigged Erica should have been the HOH I rewinded and replayed the show and looks like to me Howie didn't push the button hard enough he tried to do it to quick. Either way Janelle was out of the competition should not have been allowed to compete!!!

Anonymous said...

This just goes to show that they will do anything for ratings.

Anonymous said...

i cant believe how many people are upset.. come on now, you know you cant wait to see the look on janelle's face when she is overthrown as HOH and danielle (since apparently she won the coup thing) puts up janelle and howie. they wont even have a chance to save themselves. janelle is a gone.

Anonymous said...

I wasn't sure the HOH could be put up if there nominations were over thrown. I would love to see that happen!!!

Anonymous said...

Go home Janelle!!!

Anonymous said...

How fitting would it be for Danielle to have the power and she gets what she wanted Janelle's head on a platter!!!

Anonymous said...

from what i understand, the coup d'etat completly overthrows the hoh. not just the nominations.. right? so the winner will be the new hoh cause janelle was overthrown. therefore, janelle will be able to be put up. right?

Anonymous said...

I think Danielle is smarter than guessing the coup d'etat answer on the first clue. I think she's planting the idea that she won in people's minds to get them to stop thinking about it, and on the off-chance they are still thinking about it, planting bad ideas in their heads, such as cloning to give them a greater chance of losing it. Even though she answered "James" to Julie's q, I still don't think she trusts him much. Now that I think about it, I think Julie asked her who do you trust the most...and out of all of them, James is really all she has I think.

Not sure how I feel about the redo. I think it's very unfair to Erika, but I sure am happy that it gives Janelle new life.

Off to vote George for King! Long live King George!


Anonymous said...

That's most interesting about the re-do but I agree it had to be done but should have been done from where Howie's buzzer didn't work.

But Remember - Janelle CANNOT compete in the POV competetion this week either - she got that during the last POV competetion! That will make things more interesting!!! She has told a few HG that she has that but I don't know that everyone knows....

I appreciate this blog - sometimes I don't get to see the show (new grandma here) and this way I can keep up!! Great work!

Anonymous said...

Well if Danielle hasn't won I hope she does win it. Either way I'm sick of Janelle she has got to go.

chris eckenrode said...

I thought Janelle lost the right to compete for HOH in the graveyard competition, so how could she even compete much less win???? Someone please explain this to me?

Anonymous said...

First of all I don't believe for a minute that Dani won the Coup d'etat on the first clue. Julie said they would be receiving several clues. No way would they make it that easy to figure out! Second of all - yah Janie - the angels are truly on your side. My interpretation of what Julie said about coup d'etat is that no one would know who won until Thursday and that no one would know what it meant until Thursday. Is that what everyone heard, if not let me know. Thanks


Anonymous said...

If Danielle did win and has told a few why didn't BB ask her to come to the diary room to inform her that no one is suppose to know but the winner? I thought that is they way that I understood it?

Anonymous said...

I believe the person would know, but we wouldn't find out until the Live Show Thursday. They are allowed to say they won it just not what they can do. I so hope Danielle has won!


Anonymous said...

Yeah Janelle for winning HOH! Now I hope that she throws James and Danielle under that bus and makes them campaign against each other. I just want to see James the snake GONE! Janelle is very smart but I am beginning to wonder if she will see James for his true self.

As far as the re-do on the HOH comp, it was only fair. I saw Howie hit his buzzer the first time and it didn't work. I TIVO'd last night's episode and kept watching that part over and over again in slow motion just to be sure he did hit it the first time and indeed he did. Of course Danielle and Erika are po'd, they didn't win. That is what always happens at HOH comps!

Thanks again Jackie for keeping us updated on the crazy days and nights in the BB7 house. GO JANELLE AND HOWIE!!

Anonymous said...

This is my take on the whole situation. Dani is bluffing...She has lost control with Erika losing HOH and is trying to cover her behind. Jani as new HOH is still not safe.

Unlike some of the other people posting.....I find this season fascinating....Kaysar is gone because he played a bad game....Good Guy....but wake up....

Go Chicken George....My favorite by far..... A good good man!!!!

Anonymous said...

Janelle lost the right to compete in POV, not HOH. I think Erika was cheated now. Janey was out for a wrong answer. If I was still her fan, I would be happy too, but she lost me during her last reign. SHE was the first to go outside her alliance, not James. She was totally Will's puppet and didn't give a hoot what James had already done for her by getting rid of Jase, as per her request. James had no pull with her for that, so he should play for himself, not her. I hope Dani did get the Coup de'tat...this HOH Needs to be overturned. Otherwise it does seem rigged.

Anonymous said...

Wow Jackie you have so many comments I haven't had time to read them all yet. I will and kudos to your deserve it! If I am repeating what was said earlier, sorry. I think BB had to redo the comp completely...meaning start over from the beginning...after they admitted the equipment malfunction. Otherwise, anyone who was out before Janelle (if they had started after Janelle missed) could say they also buzzed in time. Like George. He was out only because he buzzed last...or his buzzer went off last. Love the Dolly connection..obscure but obvious at the same time. Girl ribbon meant something but was also a red herring. Funny. They won't be giving other clues if Danielle has won it...would they?
Thank you Jackie. I missed seeing Kaysar this am. Sue

Anonymous said...

Janelle lost the option to play for POV, not HOH.

Anonymous said...

I think Danielle/Erica winning will be the only way right this wrong. It makes me wonder if Danielle hasn't already won and that's why they redid the competition because they knew that things would be shaken up!! Can't wait to see. Go Dani!

Anonymous said...

It seems to me that Dannielle could be saying that she won it to throw the others off. I would have thought it would be hard enough to require more than one clue but I guess you never know with BB.


Carley said...

I don't think Danielle has won the Coup d'etat. I don't think they are going to tell them they have won until Thursday's show. And I don't think her guess of "DNA" is a good one at all.

I'm not sure that it is fair that Janie got to play in the re-do of the HOH comp - I can see both sides. But, I know that I'm glad she did and that she won! I was so bummed it was possibly the end of Janie's time in the house. Her and Will are my favorites and I didn't want to see her go!

I love your site - thanks for all of the updates!!!!

Anonymous said...

Whatever!! everyone knows that she should not be HOH

Anonymous said...

It said that it would not be announced this Thursday that doen't mean the HG doesn't know already!! I think that was a great guess and they probably didn't think no one would get it on first clue because on all sites everyone thought it has something to do with "ewe" DNA could be the answer.

Anonymous said...

you all dont give danielle enough credit. she's a smart woman. i went to the cbs website and read their episode recap. nobody, except for the winner of coup d'etat will know what they have won until thursday right before voting. so that means that danielle knows she won but wont know exactly what it is she won until thursday.

and wow, look at all these comments. you rock jackie!

Anonymous said...

thanks for clearing things up---I think Danielle is smart and she love's the game I hope she has won it.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad Janie did survive for another week. She plays the game, and except for one BIG mistake in HOH nominations, she has played smart and from the heart. James also holds my attention...he's smart but like a fox! Unfortunately, I feel the other less inspired House Guests will have Janelle gone soon. I don't think the show will keep its popularity once she is gone.

Anonymous said...

I don't believe for a second that Danielle has won the coup; I think she wants to see Janelle squirm thinking she does. I hope Janelle gets rid of Danielle this week. My pics for King and Queen - Janelle and Howie. If it gives them leverage for HOH comp next week, that's who I would like to see have it.

Anonymous said...

I loved S6 last year this year my opinion has changed. I'm glad to see that alot of people who loved S6 have now turned and I'm not alone. S6 just wasn't working for me this year. I think they were the best from what we had last year but compared to others (Will/Danielle) they haven't got a clue.

Anonymous said...

I noticed the buttons were not working even before Howie's. Will's button did not light up right away when he pushed it and Mike button was not working either. It was a timed thing so everyone could have been pressing the button but not light up to seconds later causing them to go out so it was only far to redo the whole thing. Yes, Janelle got her answer wrong but she just has luck on her side. Since the machine ws not working properly it would only be fair to redo the whole HOH over.

As far as the CoupD'Eta no winner would not know until Thrusday so Dani could not possibly know she is the winner. Everyone will get to say their guess and the first person who answers correctly will be told on Thursay right before the live eviction.

Anonymous said...

Personally, I thought Co-HOH would have been more fair (hey BB, it's not too late) since it is kinda crappy toward Erika, IMO.

I hope Danielle DOES get the Coup d-etat, and I hope she is allowed to put up the HOH.

Anonymous said...

People, People, People!! I'm so tired of hearing "it's rigged" every single BB year. It's a TV show. It's not life. None of the so-called "reality" shows are life, per se. Do I think the producers may try to "suggest" things, yep, I wouldn't be surprised. Does that mean it's "rigged"...oh please, it's TV.

"The people on here who are so excited about Janelle winning know that it's unfair." I know nothing of the sort. And no, it's not because Janelle won. Personally, I'm not that thrilled with her play this year. That doesn't make her stupid--gullible, perhaps but not stupid. Woogie are running the show. All of the HG's have been susceptible to Will especially. Do I like WIll? Never did and don't now...yet if he has them all bamboozled, he deserves to win. It's a game. The HOH competition needed to be redone for all. The malfuntion was clear with Howie (oh please, how could you possible "see" that he didn't press the button hard enough?) @@ No matter who won the new HOH, it was unfair to ALL if the buzzer wasn't working right. It was blatant and it was on the live show. The fact that it would have been nice for Erika to have food really has nothing to do with it. For that matter, it would be fantastic for George to have another week of food, poor guy.

It's a show, it's a game. Have your favorites and non-favorites but if you waste your time truly "hating" any of these people, well, you're wasting your time and energy. It's a show, not life.

And James. Definitely not my favorite but "snake" and all that? He's playing the game. He lies, he deceives. So do most of the others, why is he "hated"? Give me a break, each HG has fans and detractors...hello, it's Big Brother. It's entertainment. If you're not entertained, don't watch. JMO!


Anonymous said...

James is doubt about that...but he does play the game...don't underestimate him.He always seems to be able to pull himself off the block. One way or another.
Jackie...thank you for this opportunity to comment. Working at home I find myself returning to your website several times a day. It's addictive.

S6 needs to win C'dat....Only chance to stay in game. They then need to bring Chicken George, or Erika into the fold. It is really the only chance they have as I see it. If they win...Mike and Will need to go up...Take Will out...and Mike is next. I love the diary room phone calls but I'm still rooting for S6... Howie the Weatherman.....I'd pay to see that. Weather is fun....just leave out the "jack shack"... that would be disturbing..

Anonymous said...

Hey JMO I agree to extent of not hating these people it is a game! But you dissing others opinions I think is lame. The same way you think you saw Will's mess up and others I'm sure other have opinions! You get the eye roll!!! So I guess whatever to YOU.

Anonymous said...

the last comment was meant for sashajess

Anonymous said...

Wow...I love reading people's opinions of who they like/dislike and why. I admit my loyalties change as the game changes from week to week. I would like to see Prom King & Queen be a couple who haven't done much and get a chance to shake things up (hopefully!). It sounds like their nominations will have some benefits.

Thanks for your blogg Jackie! I couldn't get through my day without your updates.

Anonymous said...

Julie then announces a new twist that puts the game on a whole new level: the Coup d’Etat. Whoever wins this power will have the ability to overthrow the HoH and replace their nominations on the spot at any of the next three evictions. The Coup d’Etat has an added twist, though, as only the winning HouseGuest will know what they have won, and the power will remain secret until it is used.

Anonymous said...

Here is an exact quote from the show " The winner will find out who they are and just exactly what this power is one week from tonight. Everyone, your first clue is waiting for you in the house" so it does say that the winner won't know that they won until next Tursday's show. So, I don't think that Danielle knows that she won but she may be assuming that she got it right because they didn't tell her that she didn't.


Anonymous said...

I think you quote could mean that "they don't know what they won" as not what the prize is. They may know that they won it just not what they can do.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

If you guys like Janelle and Howie, then please don't vote for George as Prom King. Won't the Prom King or Queen have some type of influence on the results next week (or did I hear that wrong)? He's on Danielle's side and I don't want him to mess with Janelle's game!

Anonymous said...

YAY! You go Janey, 3rd time this year. That's awesome. I hope she puts up Dani and James. Btw, wow@how many commetns you got.

Anonymous said...

SashaJess, I have to agree with anonymous on your attack on the other posters. You seem to be yelling about others being negative, but all I see in your comments is slamming of other, real, people for expressing their opinions.

BTW, I'm the one who talked about Erika getting a chance to eat. I know it has nothing to do with winning/not winning HoH. It was a side benefit that I was hoping would she'd have. Since she's been starving, she's turning into a whiner, just like many of the rest of them. George...he's a strong person...and he seems to be handling the adversity well, in a non-annoying way. I'm sure there will be other chances for George to eat. I personally hope Marci goes soon and gives the pass to George.

To the most previous poster, I have to vote for George and in fact I already have. I'm all for the underdog! If I weren't a broke penny pincher, I'd vote the 14 more times we are allowed. He has been the most mature and upstanding person in the house so far, taking care of himself as best as he can without really hurting the others, and in fact really helping the others. Isn't that what Kaysar wanted to try to do? Maybe he should have spent more time with George after all. George needs some power; let's give it to him while we have a chance! ~~SharonS

Anonymous said...

Good Morning Jackie....WOW, so much has happened since I last visited! I totally agree with SASHAJESS, this is JUST a TV show people - try to enjoy it. However, NO WAY should HOH have been taken away from Erica. The malfunctions were not her problem. The 'new' HOH comp should've been picked up from when Baby Howie's buzzer didn't work. Sorry Janelle fans, wrong answer - she should've been out of the comp, period. Why so many James haters? THERE IS NO BIGGER SNAKE IN BB HISTORY THAN DR. WILL! People, he's already won (Season 2). I just don't like the reality TV strategy of throwing comps, until you need to win one (I'm still very bitter about Survivor 1 and Kelly Wigglesworth winning all those immunity challeges in a row and NOT winning the million). I believe Danielle could very well be stirring things up AGAIN (like week one when she wasn't in control/power)and telling other HG she won the coup as a strategy to get them to stop thinking of the answer. Janelle turned her back on James when she clearly cut a deal with CT. From the very beginning of this season, James' job was to be BB6's eyes & ears in the house. He was the first to completely realize CT gunning for BB6. His replacement noms were for the good of the team, Janie's were for the good of Janie. I'd like to see Danielle go because she's starting to get smug, like she's running the house. Enough for now. I'll talk to you guys a little later. Just remember the best strategy, sidle up to whose in "power" and say I'll do what you want - AS LONG AS ISN'T ME (Saundra Survivor 6).


Anonymous said...

I vote for george as prom king. he deserves it the most!!

Anonymous said...

Will has done it again. Jackie, all these wonderful comments and very few even mention Will..let alone suggest he should be evicted. Janelle is busy being out there in front taking the heat and Will just keeps laughing in the DR. I hope BB has a comp this season that involves a big bus. Jackie is the best. Sue

Anonymous said...

hi jackieeeeeeeeeeeeee

Will king, janey queen, i agree with the dolly= cloning of dna or cloning of the other season=do not assume anythin this season either!!! this could also be another setup by bb because only they know who said what, who said it first and what the phrase will be. if howie said somethin, they could say "yeaaaaaaaa howie got it" that way people like george who cant win anythin has a chance.
whos to say that the first person that went out of the 1st comp 1st that their button wasnt the last to ding in??? he had to be re done!!!good job bb. i heard julie say no one will know until thursday. i hope janey will find out this week that james issssss workin with danielle completely, cause i know woogie will tell it all, as long as they will give her the votes and get rid of him. but will the mouth will tell her, watch. bah humbug, you will continue to watch, cause u have to:>, and kaysar was the first to go out from his alliance by tellinnnnnnnnnn them that they haveeeeee to put up floaters, everyone wanted chill town. i agree with sashaa, dont watch if u dont like it, and especially dont blog:>
janey queen and howie king!!!
thanks jackieeeeeeeeee:>

Anonymous said...

CBS still has erika listed as you think they are waiting til the next show to change that?...also i really really really hope dani hasnt won the coup thingy

Anonymous said...

Watch those votes. I saw on another blog that "8/11/06 Info to vote on Prom Night King or Queen. The winner will have an advantage on the next HOH competition. I went back and voted for Janie on everything except the biggest whiner and most likely to die alone. Those votes went to Marci and Snake.

Anonymous said...

I don't think Danielle has won the Coup d'etat, she's pulling a Will stunt- I doubt anyone would reveal they've won, until that day, its not wise to give such info, unless that person has actually lost, then they'll say the opposite, she's not fooling anyone, She and James deserve to be put on the block, besides I'm sure its Janelle who also has the coup d'etat.

Anonymous said...

The only good way to have handled this would have been to have another co-HOH week. Let Erika keep her HOH and then play the game again and then Janelle would have been co-HOH with Erika. That would have made for a much more interesting week, and not upset anyone.


Anonymous said...

How can you all defend James? He screwed over his first and main alliance. Comparing him to Will would be equal to Will screwing over Boogie! Even Will is more loyal than James. I hate him and can't wait to see him go home! What a traitor!

Anonymous said...

Too bad Jackie isn't interviewing the BB producers now. Her first question should be, "This show looks rigged! Is it?" This "malfunction" seems about as "accidental" as the last one on CBS (Janet Jackson).


• After HOH was over, and the winner decided, BB decided to replay it. You have to wonder whether BB had planned on another winner, and left themselves a way to overturn HOH if it didn't go their way. How do we know they would have replayed HOH if Janelle had won the first time?

• With the way coup d'etat is set up, they can announce on Thursday that anyone they choose has won it. Since the right answer is "a secret", if BB wants Danielle to win, they can claim that "Do Not Assume" is correct. And if they want someone else, they can instead say that that person's answer was right. For all we know, at this point the only "right" answer may be "Whatever George [or whoever is BB's choice] says."

Today, if the producers are scrambling to avoid a lawsuit, I'd suggest they adopt a new BB phrase: Two wrongs make a right. If so, the coup d'etat answer will be: Whatever Erika says.

Anyone else smell a rat? See BS?

Anonymous said...

as far as redoing the HOH comp....yes it should have been redone BUT only from the point of when the malfunction took place with Howie. I am sick of BB favoring Janelle and would love to see her ousted big time.

Anonymous said...

Watching the live show with Kayser. His T-Shirt speaks for itself "Bite the Hand" and pictures of snakes. Now that is definitely a dig at James.

Anonymous said...

I hear a lot of "BB favors Janelle". How do you figure that? Please give me some examples. I know America favors her, but I don't see any instances where BB is favoring her. Of course the only fair way to redo the HOH contest was to let everyone play again. Who knows at what point things started to malfunction. If you hate Janelle that much, I guess your really gonna hate it when she wins Prom Queen!

Anonymous said...

A few weeks ago I posted, I want Alison, James or Dr. Will to win! Well, Alison is gone, James has blown his chances cause he won't shut up! So, yes, Dr. Will is brilliant. I'm shocked he is still in the house, but he is playing on a completely different level than everyone else in the house. Poor Kaysar though, good guy, trusted people. And Danielle, well, hope she goes this week. She messed up the first week and is not a good player AT ALL! And yeah, JUST A STUPID TV SHOW AND GAME, but strangely, I'm addicted.

Anonymous said...

For all you S6 fans. Kaysar did an interview where they asked him was he shocked that 2 of his alliance members flipped and he said he knew James was flip flopping but he didn't want to believe that Janelle had something with CT guess he knows the truth now he was disappointed with her!!!HAHAHA so what do you guys who thought she didn't do anything wrong think now?

Anonymous said...

Rigged? How does that work? Has everyone missed the point of this game/show. I'm still not sure if it is even an offical game show which would make it have different standards than an entertainment show. Finding that out would start a whole other topic for discussion. But even without having an answer to that question the premise of the show is for the hgs to deal with whatever is thrown (is that a pun?) at them by BB. So how can anything be rigged if anything that happens is part of the game? Did BB sign a contract to say everyone would have an equal and fair chance to win? I doubt that happened. They signed up to turn their lives over the BB. I watch to see how the hgs will handle what BB does to them. Jackie, you won't have time to watch the feeds, you'll be too busy reading all your comments. Don't you love it!! Sue

Anonymous said...

I think it is wrong that alot of people are dissing James. Janelle was the first to abandon the alliance. I'm really annoyed with Julies'interview this morning. Kaysar was just lame this time around and he deserves to be gone. You cant play this game and be honest. It is not intended to be that way. I think Julie should be evicted!!! Go James ~BS

Anonymous said...

I believe it is fixed. I'm very disappointed with Janelle. I liked her last season, but this season she's a spoiled bitch. Why the hate of James so much? He's playing the game. He's also playing it very smart. Remember, S6rs did the same thing to him last year.

I'm all about Danielle. She's playing a good game. Janelle just needs to go.

Anonymous said...

This ALL-STAR Season show sucks royaly.
How do we know other HOH defects weren't made in other seasons and CBS didn't over it up.
Janelle sucks she has to go such a blonde Bi* ch

Anonymous said...

Big Brother may have just shot themselves in the foot. This may be the straw that broke the camels back. We better watch and enjoy this series because it may be the last!

Anonymous said...

jackie.....i was totally off too thinking 'ewe' oh well.... thanks soooooo much for all of ur updates. im working second shift next week and will miss the show. keep up the good work!!!! sheri

Anonymous said...

Come on guys... Janelle did not stray from her alliance the way James did. The editing is playing a big part in how we percieve Janelle and her game playing. She is playing to win the game. The true players in this game..... Janelle, Danielle and Howie. These are the only ones who are freakin playing the game and making sacrificies. The smart thing to do would be for those 3 to make a deal. Howie is actually on to something making a deal with Danielle. It would get them to the final 3. Woogey are their to get more notoriety. They are not in it for the big Win. Maybe for the money, but only for the fame and popularity to increase. Will and boogie are really making fools of the people in the house. I believe they are actually trying to prove a point. Hello, the guy got up and begged the people to evict him and said he hated them all. Prooving a point. Now don't get me wrong, I absolutely LOOOOOOVEEEEE their DR sessions. It is really hilarious.

Jackie, Thank you for your updates. I would be dying without you!!!!!!! You tell it like it is.


Anonymous said...

If you look closer some people had to hit the button harder and more than once to get it to work. Mike, Howie, Will and Marci all said the button was not working. So there was a problem. The Problem with the buttons was way before the "NOTICABLE ONE" Howie. So a redo had to be done. I want George to win and I am not am being neutal. It is a game people get over it!

Anonymous said...

James was not a victim last season. He back stabbed the alliance last year too. He wants to play both sides. Just like he is doing this year. James is a real snake and doesn't care that he is saleing his soul to the devil.
From the beginning her stated he was with S6 but he would try to keep his distance from them too. He wants to be with them but not 100%. That is BS and he was trying to get an alliance started with Dianelle long before Janelle won HOH. James did stupid noms too. Come on put up Chicken George. What an idiot!
You guys just are Janelle haters!

What a LOSER!
James is a two face and he is still pretending to be with Janelle after making those terrible remarks. What an ass he is!

Anonymous said...

Wow! 96 comments Jackie? LOL! They won't let us watch food comp. :{

Anonymous said...

Say what you want about James, he is playing the game. BB messed up big time!!I agree maybe double HOH should have happened. I also agreed that had Janelle won the first round and Erica the second people wouldn't be so happy!! My thought is people like Janelle so whether they know it was wrong they are ok with it.

Anonymous said...

Like I said I like Janelle but I really want George to win. He has won my hear over.

Just cause they did the HOH over did not guarantee Janelle to win.

I knew all the answers!

Don't hate her cause she has a good memory. The others are not as good as she is in that type of comps.


Anonymous said...

If she knew so much she wouldn't have missed one the first round. So what's your response to that. I bet you still think we're hating??? Get over it! She should not have been able to compete.

Anonymous said...

Janelle answered a question incorrectly the first HOH competion so how is she so much smarter than everyone else. If she was smart she would know that she is being played by CT!!! I'm not to worried because she will be gone soon!! Unfortunately not soon enough!

Anonymous said...

Those who propose that the show couldn't be rigged because it's an entertainment program rather than a game show might do well to remember that a pittance of half a million dollars goes to the "winner".

And let me get this straight. Because BB has complete control of the game, the producers are free to deliberately and constantly manipulate it in one contestant's favor. Therefore, it's all on the up-and-up.

Are some houseguests more equal than others? It seems Orwell is alive and well!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Jackie - You are the best!

Anonymous said...

I don't understand why some people cannot believe that the game might be fixed or rigged. I agree with the poster above who said, of course the producers can select who they want to win the coup d'etat, because they haven't revealed the phrase to the public. So, whoever they want to win, they can say their answer was THEEE answer. Isn't that much obvious? Most of the HG's are aspiring actors/actresses and are looking for some publicity. While I enjoy the "show" whether it's rigged or not, I think it's obvious that some portions of the show are definitely manipulated by the producers, for the good of the ratings/viewing audience. Let's not forget that this isn't a game in terms of Jeopardy or Wheel of Fortune...this is a game about relationships, control and power. The whole CONCEPT of Big Brother is that it is Big Brother who is watching, controlling and manipulating everyone, including the audience who believes that everything is on the up and up. I say, so what if it's fixed, I knew it was all along, and I like to watch it anyway because it's ENTERTAINING! Bottom line...IMO.


Anonymous said...

I for one, am thrilled that Janelle will live another week. Janelle did not betray her alliance, she was the only one who was smart enough to realize that chill town was not going to win HOH and she should go after the ones coming after her, Danielle and Diane, she actually did what was best for the group, exept, she should have taken out Danielle first.
I wanted so bad to like James this time around, I was rooting for S6, but he showed his true colors. I have no respect for people who can not be loyal. Now he will pretend that he is Janelle's best friend for his own gain, when he was trying to have her evicted, and trash talking her, calling her fat, etc, etc. He truly disgusts me. I hope Janelle sees his true colors and puts him up!

Anonymous said...

You guys are just jealous that Janelle has won 3 HOH and 2 POV!

She is just a good player!
She might not win but she kicks ass.

The same in B6 she was the only one left from her alliance and still make it to the final 3.

Anonymous said...

I wish I had a body like Janelle. I would love to be fat like her!

Anonymous said...

She won't be in the final 3 this year!!

Anonymous said...

Way to go Janelle???!! She is so the dumb blonde, and is getting played by Will. Way to go Will! He's the show from start to finish. I would so love to see Dani get this Coup D'Etat and say Bye Bye Janey!
I feel bad for Erica, maybe they should have had a joint HOH like the first one. That would have been interresting.

Anonymous said...

The re-do was crap. It should have started from the point where Howie said his buzzer didn't work. Erika was truly robbed.

Janelle winning all the time is really making me tired. And all you Danielle haters -- get real. Danielle did not come into the game with three big, strapping men from her season as allies to help win the physical competitions, like Janelle. And Janelle lies and schemes just like everyone else. She doesn't really care about her alliance. She wants to win just like Danielle wants to win. Janelle is not a saint. Boy, you people can't see past the blonde weave and the pink lipstick.
You people hate Danielle, but love conniving Will. Yeah, that's logical. If Danielle wasn't in the mix, BB this year would be an uninteresting bust.

Anonymous said...

I agree Anonymouse 3:47 I think Danielle make the game better and Janelle had a huge advantage coming in house with a 4 person alliance.

Anonymous said...

Whatever, anon @3:47 and 3:51....first of all, who are the three "strapping" men? And none of those "three strong men" are of any help to Janelle,,,she does it on her own. She rocks! Although, I don't think anyone "hates" Danielle, she is not liked and is boring and is ....just no fun. At least Janey and Will (Woogie) are fun. And isn't that what TV is all about? Secondly, no one has ever called Janelle a "saint", far from it. Who cares if her hair is fake and she wears pink lipstick? That is who she is. And lastly, as soon as Danielle is "out of the mix", this will be more interesting.

Anonymous said...

I couldn't be any happier this morning after reading this- Jackie you are my angel that keeps me informed of the BB7 going ons. Way to go Janelle, I can't wait to see what Janie does. It would be in her best bet to put up James and Danielle and then deal with next week when it comes. This when was good for her because she would have been able to play in the veto competition if I remember correctly

Anonymous said...

the food comp is on

Anonymous said...

Jackie - I'm so glad that you've got this blog going, I'd be lost without it. I'm going on vacation next week and am going to be in BB/Jackie blog withdrawl. Comments on the show - I am glad that they redid the HOH comp, but feel that it should have been replayed from the point where Howies buzzer messed up not from the very beginning. I don't care for Janelle and am hoping that Dani did in fact win the C'detat but that remains to be seen. I've voted already for Prom King - Chicken George and Prom Queen - Dani.

Anonymous said...

I personally don't have any sympathy for Erika re HOH. It would have just been another week of Dani running the house because Erika doesn't have the backbone to make her own decisions.


Anonymous said...

Ummm, Motheroftrumpet..."James plays fair and hard".?? What James are you watching???


Anonymous said...

Coming with alliance is a big target on it own. Janelle had to fight to stay in the game.

Yes having an alliance of 3 gives you better odds but everyone is gunning for you.

I think they should have take out
1. will
2. james
4. boggie

and then get out the rest.

Anonymous said...

Just want to know why it is that people think Janelle is gullible for thinking that Woogie was in with her. All but CT think they have an allince with CT. I guess all but CT are gullible then?
That's why Danielle got screwed in the POV comp because CT could care less and went for the gifts.
The only real Floaters in this house is CT and CG. If everyone including Danielle doesn't watch it..they will be the final three.
Altough I would rather have Jani & Howie but that's not gonna happen.
I remember last year they thought it was rigged because jani won so much.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know all the clues so far? Regarding the sheep, does the saying have something to do with this years BB, if not DNA, do not assume, would be a good guess in my opinion....Was Dolly mentioned as a clue, because that is the name of the sheep that was cloned.

Anonymous said...

I think its "Flying beneath the Radar" because clue 2 was a fly in a toilet bowl(thats "flying") and the first clue was "ewe" and if you look "ewe" and "radar" can be spelled backwards and forwards----whats everyone think?

Anonymous said...

i think the phrase is expect the unexpected.

They are thinking to hard. and you guys are too!!

Anonymous said...

"ewe" a female sheep "you" portapotty "can" expect the un-expected

Anonymous said...

yes but the fly was the clue, not the porta potty itself. so what does a fly have to do with "expect the unexpected"

i still think its dna-do not assume.

Anonymous said...

I personally think BB did the contest over correctly, because they don't know if before Howies messed up, that the others didn't mess up and were slower or faster. Does that make any sense? I think the electronics wasn't working correctly the entire time. I do believe they should have let all of them try out again, like they did. Hopefully that is clear.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know if Danielle found out who bid for what?

Anonymous said...

on another blog they said dani went to the diary room and gave her answer right away. i went to to vote you can vote for most likely but need to text vote for king and queen if you dont have a cell phone then we cant vote? not fair

Anonymous said...

RE: The voting....I noticed prior to Howie's problem that others had trouble with the voting mechanism. It looked and acted poorly crafted. Definitely second rate. I believe that is why Julie had to keep saying vote...because their first try did not work. That entire episode did not go well in any area. Maybe the handlers are not getting enough sleep either!!!
Has anyone from the live feed heard any comments about the whole thing being inferior. I think we like Janelle because she does not go around saying nasty things about people. She does not have a "mean streak". Also she is very up front. That is, after all, the American Way!!!!

Anonymous said...

i don't think jenelle should be allowed to play the HOH game because she lost on the first. Only people who should be allowed is Howie and Erika. Those two should have a re-match not everyone in the house. the show sure do sound like a rigged each episode...i am done watching the show. i will keep reading the blog and updates from jackie...but just not interested in watching the show where producers are fixing the outcome of the HOH and POV. they probably already have a winner in mind and they will taylored towards that person so the person can win HOH and POV. what a waste of my time watching the show...

Anonymous said...

I'm super happy about Janey winning. Thank u to BB and their faulty equipment. Haters should stop hating, and if u can't handle it then go ahead and stop watching not like they need ur ratings. Anyways. GOOO JANELLE. Those Floating Freaks best not try to back door her or they're just being BITCHES!!!

Anonymous said...

Why do you suppose CBS hasn't mentioned anything about the new HOH on their website? Are you sure it will stick?

Anonymous said...

I dont think they (CBS) will use anymore electronic you? I dont know if it is fair or not, but I like it....GO JANELLE!!!!

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know if they (CBS) have shown any commericals that hint to what is going on?????

Anonymous said...

The buzzers malructioned, but I don't believe it's right to take HOH away from Erika. With the redo, now there should be co-HOH's with the same rules as in the first week. Let Erika and Janelle agree on noms. If they can't, then they are up for eviction...and let the best lady win. That is the only fair solution.

Anonymous said...

This goes out to Walter...Its Danielle, not Diane..Diane has already been evicted..and Janelle would be safe if she is head of household..The HOH is always safe..Janelle would have to replace her nominations if Danielle overturned them(if indeed Danielle won the Coup Detat...)Thanks Jackie for always keeping us updated..GO JANELLE and HOWIE!!

Anonymous said...

I just rewatched the HOH comp (I bet a lot of people have!) and it looked like the timers were off on some of the other questions. I thought James should have been out sooner than he was. I think it was on Boogie's loss that James was much slower.

Anonymous said...

All I can say is WAHOO JANEY!! Good to do one for just come to the clear conclusion that James ia a SNAKE!!
thanks jackie, you are the best!

Anonymous said...

In spite of all the protests, I think the only way the HOH comp could be fair is to have done the entire comp over. CBS did the "right thing". So be it, Janelle is HOH. Now the big question... did Danielle really win the Coup d'Etat? I read that she told Marcellas but thought the winner wasn't supposed to tell anyone. Any more clues as to what power this holds? Will Danielle/winner be able to over throw Janelle as HOH or just her nominations? Oh, this is getting exciting.
Thanks Jackie for sacrificing so much sleep. Come to CA and at least you'll be in the right time zone. ;)

Anonymous said...

I think the the sheep clue is:
Sheep = Ewe. If you say it out loud it sounds like YOU. So, You is the first word of the phrase. Each day there is a new word. So at the end of the week the clues could add up to something like. "YOU ARE THE NEW HOH." Just a thought...anyone else agree???

Also, I think it will be either a prpooom king or a prom queen, not both.

Anonymous said...

WOW..........Jackie,can't believe the number of postings on your site!!! You are the bomb,girl!!

I,too,think they should have had co-HOH's,since this really wasn't fair to Erika to yank away the title,like she hadn't won. More than anything,it was Julie not having a very firm grasp of what was going on during the playing of the HOH.It would have been very interesting to have had the two of these girls try and agree on noms,no?

I am not surprised at all the hate spewing out over the foul-ups,but I keep reminding myself,it's just a game and what's it hurting ME. I really got into BB6 and the hating of the "Nerd Herd" and I see now that was silly on my part,but it's so easy to get carried away and lose that objectivity.

I'm also upset that the secret phrase wasn't told to the viewing audience. After all the cries of "fix" this season,it would have behoved BB to make it known beforehand and not make it seem they can pick the winner. IF Dani had won,I thought she wouldn't find out until next Thursday she'd won or what it was. That was the way Julie said it. Well,these events sure have turned up the heat on this season,NO? And it started out like a love fest....LOL!

I was also surprised and a bit dismayed that they showed Janie talking about the "knife" incident on the Early Show this morning. What a snarky thing to do,CBS!!

Anonymous said...

WOW. Guess it's just not allowed to express any opinions at all. Thanks to those lovely people who are so biased that they think expressing my opinion is somehow "dissing" or "slamming". I don't hate anyone and I don't have a problem with anyone else's opinion. Forgive me for trying to put a perspective on things as's a game. it's supposed to be entertaining. And I stand by my own opinion that if you're not entertained, change the channel.

BTW, I think having had a co-HOH this week because of the malfunction is a brilliant idea. Wish I'd (and CBS) thought of that.

Also, I believe CBS still has Erika as HOH because the re-do and the new HOH won't be shown until Sunday's show. We only know about the re-do because of the feeds and Jackie's wonderful work and any other sites reporting on feeds.

Thanks for all the warm and fuzzy comments.

sashajess (now aka JMO LOL)

Jackie S. said...

Sasha - I'm entertained by the show. :-)

Anonymous said...

You just spun your own web

Anonymous said...

Oh well, I'll just find something else to watch in BB's time slot. This game is rigged and I for one am not foolish enough to believe anything different. Even though there may have been a malfunction, things happen and you continue with the game. Are we to understand that this is the only time in BB that things have not worked "just right". My prediction,Janelle will either win or be one of the two left standing....mark my word BB will see to it.


Anonymous said...

Jackie, I went back and reviewed last nite show. Prior to Howie's button malfunction Boogie's also malfunctioned but wasn't noticed by Julie. I believe this is why they allowed a complete re-do of the contest. Also for those who believe Janelle should not have been able to compete because she got a ? wrong, then they would have also had to do the same with Will because he too got his question wrong.
This is a NO SPIN post.. :)
Have a great weekend...

Anonymous said...

I have tons to comment on..

First, I don't think CBS has changed the site BECAUSE they are going to air the NEW HOH competition on Sunday and don't want to ruin it for people who don't read blogs. Makes sense to me.

Second, I don't know if Danielle won the Coup, but I would be surprised if she purposely lied to the others. It's too risky and may make her an even bigger target it she purposely lied.

Third, I love Will but his reverse psychology of "I hate all you guys" really was poor and probably transparent to the HG, so I highly doubt that is why he wasn't kicked out. That being said, I disagree with the poster who said they disliked Will for purposely losing challenges. Quite frankly, I think that a person who could win BB doing THAT ,instead of relying on physical process is pretty amazing (whether or not it's Will). I respect someone who can rely more on their intellect to win the game which is the strategy Will is currently using. He is manipulating people and not just winning things to AVOID the risk of being put up. There is definitely something about being THAT risk taking (though, I dont honestly see Will winning the game)

Next, I agree that the Coup D'etat title should be revealed to us. Though, the banner planes could mess the game if that happens which is probably why it isn't being revealed.

I disagree that people would stop watching if Janey was booted. It seems like alot of people here are rooting for other players, so she certainly isn't the only likeable person on the show

Is this game fixed and NOT reality? I have no idea if it is fixed, but there is no such thing of "Reality" TC since Real World Season I. The people on the show ALWAYS mess with the cameras and ham it up, therefore messing with reality. I think Will is a perfect example. He CLEARLY plays for the audience and isn't going about how he would in real life. That being said, if I found out it was LEGITIMATELY fixed, I still wouldn't care. I don't dislike a sitcom because it's scripted, why would I be mad at this? TV is for entertainment. Am I entertained? Yes, so I am cool with it. Actually, some of the best moments are the Will/Boogie DR which are CLEARLY meant for the audience and not some spontaneous type moments.

Okay, I am done ;p

Unknown said...

I swear they are rigging the show for the S6 crowd! Or at least Janelle the bimbo queen

Anonymous said...

For the Janey fans who are mad at James, did you not notice that he played fair for the S6 alliance and backed doored Jase, even though he said he would'nt, because Janelle told him to. Then, as her next HOH she was playing for herself not her alliance. That is the reason James went to Dani. Come on! She deserves what she gets from the LOD.


Anonymous said...

I love this blog. Do you know what BB said last night to the HG
something about "not about other HG"? and someone commented that they were just trying to make a good show. Also, could Janie be that blind? Please, please, please don't tell me she really made a deal with Erika!