<---Janelle and Jase in the backyard a little while ago.
The feeds came back about ten minutes after the live show finished here on the East Coast. Someone asked in a comment earlier why Nakomis left such a surly goodbye message for Alison and I'll address that here. Nakomis voted for Alison to stay. When she made the deal with her, she warned her to keep quiet or she'd blow it. She didn't and she did. So, in Nakomis' mind, Alison's eviction is her own darn fault.
To the feeds:
- Janelle thinks Alison called her "fat" on the show. She's upset. [Editor's note: Janelle herself has talked about how much weight she gained last season.]
- Danielle said Alison called her last season when Janelle was voted off. She and Nakomis think Alison was jealous of Janelle.
- Howie and Will think the show must have great coverage of them following each other around. Both like air time.
- Howie told Kaysar that if he puts Will on the block, he should be up there with him because everyone obviously thinks Will is smarter than he is. And, if he isn't smarter than Will, he shouldn't be in the house. [Editor's note: @@ Just an eyeroll, Howie, just an eyeroll.]
- Jase says the house isn't as exciting this time around.
- Howie, Kaysar, James and Janelle were talking about the upcoming food comp. When Diane entered the room, they all went "Shh." [Editor's note: Will they be making Diane the new April?]
- Howie warned Kaysar not to tell any "secrets" to Jase.
- Janelle told Howie and Kaysar that Julie asked her if she trusted her alliance. I didn't see her mentioning that to James! ;-)
- Nakomis and Diane think James is loyal to S6.
- Howie went odd for a bit (well, more odd) and screamed "Will loves Howie!" for several minutes.
- Jase told Janelle that Diane doesn't like her.
- Diane said the voice in the DR was mean to her when refusing to give them alcohol tonight. "No alcohol on live show nights! No alcohol on Thursday nights!" Since the show is at 5 PM for them, the only thought is the food comp the next day.
- Will's sure he will be nominated.
- James wants Nakmis and George nominated while Howie wants Nakomis gone.
- The houseguests aren't sure if the Sunday show (instead of Saturday) will change the day for nominations. They know the food comp is tomorrow (Friday), but wonder if the noms may be done on Saturday.
That's it for now. Kind of mellow, yet quietly strategic.
1 comment:
I love you Jackie to the enth degree... this statement needs one of your famous eyerolls:
Jase says the house isn't as exciting this time around.
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