Tonight marked the season's first live show and its first eviction. Now, of course, since I'm into the feeds (as are most of the blog's readers), often the taped shows hold few surprises. Not that I don't watch them, mind you. I certainly want to see them even when I know what's going to happen.
The live eviction shows are a bit trickier. When the houseguests' votes are filmed the day before, BB tells them not to talk about them or the talkers could receive penalty nominations. This time, I didn't catch anyone directly talking about their vote, but Janelle was saying it would be 8-2 to vote Alison out.
After the show's inevitable recap, tonight's show began with Boogie talking of the "claws being out." Actually, though there is competition, there haven't really been any big brouhahas. Mike thinks that if Alison stays, she'll fight with Janelle because they're both blonde. @@ (Yes, I'm rolling those eyes!)
Alison approached James and it didn't fly. Danielle approached George and told him she'd never put him up or vote for him. A lie? Perhaps, but they made the deal. Alison was shown eavesdropping on James as he told Janelle of her approach, but I can't believe the show didn't show her hiding in the pot at all!
Marcellas likened the choices for eviction as "Which would you prefer? Gonorreah or the clap? How do you choose?"
Julie Chen, who seemed a bit off pace tonight, talked to the New and Improved Jase, who credits his changes to his new love in his life. He also said that with all the big personalities in the house, it's best just to be a bit laidback and observe, let the others sink themselves.
There was a segment with Alison's new boyfriend and Justin, her X from the X-Factor. Of course, they weren't together. Justin certainly knows Alison. He's looking good. The new boyfriend is a doctor, or perhaps just plays one on TV. He thinks she's just great and has matured. The show ended making a fool of him.
They only showed four votes as the show progressed, most likely to stretch it out a bit. Diane for Danielle (eviction), George for Alison, Kaysar for Alison, Nakomis for Danielle. Of course, it would be moot after that point, so Julie just announced it. With a bit of a scare to Danielle, that is. And I'm not sure that was on purpose, either. "By a vote of 8 to 2, Danielle, you are (long pause) safe."
I was more impressed with Alison's behavior in her exit interview with Julie than I've been with her in three reality shows. She actually handled herself quite well. Erika teared up in the goodbye video and Alison seemed genuinely touched. She took her eviction well, but was expecting it.
The HOH comp was called "Alison Rules." Alison was asked several true/false questions about the houseguests and the HG had to answer what they thought Alison would say. The first few questions were simple, but then one took down all but Nakomis and Kaysar. Two questions in and Nakomis had a wrong answer. Julie announced that Nakomis was the new HOH. Nakomis almost sputtered trying to point at Kaysar who just looked all confused. Julie apologized and then announced Kaysar the winner, said it was a mistake.
Off the pace, just a bit.
And, that was it, for the most part. The feeds returned not long after the show and I'm gathering some "schtuff" for a feeds entry.
1 comment:
Okay - what was with Nakomis saying Good-Bye to Alison??!! She was pretty harsh - wasn't she?? Don't get me wrong - I'm super happy that Alison is gone - her boyfriend seem dull dull dull but a doctor - I see bucks.....
Love the post Jacks!! THANKS!!
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