Saturday, July 15, 2006

'Big Brother 7: All-Stars' - Live Feeds Bulletin - POV Winner

No one seems to be wearing the POV necklace, but:
  • Howie told Erika she's good at golf
  • Neither Nakomis or Diane won it as they're complaining.
  • Diane said one of the "friends of HOH" won it and won't use it.
  • James is talking with them, so he didn't win it.
  • Either Nakomis or Diane said "she" won't use it.
  • The feeds have been only on Nakomis, Diane, Danielle and James since they came back.

Thus, right now I'm assuming Erika won POV. I will update confirmation when I have it.

Update: Confirmed, Erika won POV. I don't post things as confirmed until I have definite proof, not "she" or iffy things. The evidence was strong enough that I felt secure posting it, but I always feel much better with direct evidence and now, it's been actually said by name on the feeds.


Anonymous said...

She did

Diane goes "will she use it"

talking to nak

and only girls who were in comp were nak diane erika

Anonymous said...

I think Kaysar did well with his nominations and hope that Diane goes cause I think Nakomis is more interesting to watch than she is. I cannot believe she was a stand in for NCIS... I am shocked that she would be hired. I guess since it is only to stand there and not speak that she is qualified, LOL. I guess she stands there for the lighting checks etc. What a gig..wish I had a job like that one.