Saturday, July 15, 2006

'Big Brother 7: All-Stars' - Live Feeds Digest - Overnight And Into The Day 7/14-7/15

I so want the fishtank from last year back, I really do! It had a peaceful gurgle, no hyped-up new Big Brother television show theme song. The new music comes on so loud that it's jarring when it hits. And, of course, I can be watching a conversation on one feed cam and, unbeknownst to me, on another feed cam someone will sing or something -- then the music and block-out goes to all cams. Argh.

But, you didn't come here to hear me fuss about the music, right? You want to get the skinny on the late night, overnight and today so far. Here you go:
  • Marcellas is convinced that Will/Mike will go after Janelle in their Master Plan.
  • The HG were given an opportunity to practice for the POV Comp. They got to play with oversized golf clubs. Woohoo, thrilling. They think the actual comp will be more challenging than their practice. They don't know exactly what BB will do with the game.
  • Danielle said she heard the feeds were very addicting. She heard right. ;-)
  • Nakomis dyed her hair a reddish-orange. [Editor's note: I guess that's better than green. And, I wonder if Brittney from BB1 still has multi-colored hair. Will George dye his something other than his green and yellow?]
  • BB gave the houseguests beer and wine.
  • Will noticed that the medication prescribed for Erika is lidocaine and called the BB doctor a quack. [Editor's note: He's right. Lidocaine treats skin conditions and won't do much for a bruised or fractured rib. About all that will help her would be an actual pain med and/or taping.]
  • Janelle says she doesn't believe in the Mr. and Mrs. Smith Alliance (see previous entries - Jase, Diane and Alison), but she now thinks Jase is in cahoots (my words, not hers) with Will/Mike.
  • When Howie told Kaysar that everyone was talking about Mike making a deal with S6, Kaysar told him all was going as planned -- make Mike look like the bad guy. [Editor's note: Huh? Wha...? I'm not quite getting Kaysar's logic on this one.]
  • Will wondered if Nakomis and Diane were nominated because they were the two votes against Danielle.
  • Will also wonders if she's kept, Nakomis may ally to take out S6 Players. Jase pointed out to him that Nakomis plays the game (took him out) and Diane basically has no game plan.
  • Janelle and Howie prefer the PB&J, yet the BB Slop isn't making the dramatic debut the producers probably hoped.
  • Then there's James. He's trying to get close to Danielle and "sharing" thoughts casting shadows on Erika (hanging out with New Chilltown, can't be trusted) and Kaysar (different noms than he was told). [Editor's note: Unless I missed it, Kaysar told NO ONE his choices before the noms. Is James trying to be Danielle's new Jason? Will it work? She's being pretty close-mouthed with him, yet listening to every bit.]
  • Diane trashtalked Howie and Janelle. That will help her, huh?
  • Diane and Nakomis are sure that Janelle is the ringleader of the SG Players.
  • Janelle and Howie are convinced Jase is with New Chilltown.
  • This morning has mostly been flame/clouds trivia (with bad music) as the houseguests played for the Veto Comp.
  • Competing in the Veto will be the two noms (Diane and Nakomis), the HOH (Kaysar) and Will, Erika and James as the "random" players.
  • Erika is feeling a bit better - her side still hurts when she laughs.


Anonymous said...

About the injured ribs... Mom broke several in a fall from her horse. They don't do anything but bedrest and told her to take advil. They don't tape as it can cause further [pneumonia] problems. If Erika is on pain meds she has got to be a WIMP and less able to participate in competitions!

Thanks for the updates!!!

Anonymous said...

Chill Town was the big alliance from BB2 which included Will & Boogie. Will said he'd give Jase an honorary club card into Chill Town. Oh Wow, if I could only be so lucky...