What's with the sour puss on James?
Has his own Grand Plan fallen through the cracks?
Here are the somewhat late (I apologize) events of the day in that Big Brother House of Chicken Cluckers and Bitter Boys:
- For a change, the houseguests slept in. Oh, wait! They do that everyday. I miss Jack getting up by 7 their time that one season. Of course, last night was the Alcohol Blow Out, so I expected them to be up by the crack of 10.
- The S6 Players are intent on getting one of their own in the Final Two and the rest in sequester to swing the vote.
- Janelle thought it was great that James called Chicken George out for spying in the noms ceremony, but Kaysar thought it was too early to play strong moves.
- Many of the houseguests were mad about Danielle getting so drunk last night because she made too much noise.
- Mike Boogie whined, moaned and fussed that his ear hurt. He wanted to go to the Diary Room and get medical attention. Then he wasn't happy with their medical attention.
- Will told Boogie he doesn't care if he stays or not this week. After he left, Mike looked in a camera and promised he'd get him to stay. [Editor's note: So, is this an act for camera time? What do you think?]
- Then there was a very long period of blocked feeds -- flame/clouds for nearly three hours. And... George and Kaysar are um... bald. Yeah, you heard me.
- And George is wearing the POV necklace. Oh, my! However could that happen?
- James and Marcellas fussed that the veto comp was rigged for George to win. [Editor's note: And, that's been the broken record ever since, too.]
- Marcellas wants James to put up another Chilltown in George's place. He also said he was holding back tears while shaving Kaysar's head.
- James thinks that BB screwed with his plan on purpose. And on and on. And on. He thinks BB is manipulating the comps to balance the power in the house.
- The veto comp itself does sound sort of made for George -- it was a dare kind of event. It had to do with eating a bowl of Slop in five minutes, being painted blue, shaving heads and the final kicker which won it for George was agreeing to be on the BB Slop Diet for 60 days. No one else would agree, so he got the POV.
- Jase is blue-green, but not bald. Will is neither blue-green, nor bald.
- James demanded to talk to the producers and the legal team. Apparently, the HOH (James, at least) cannot compete next week in some sort of new twist. George can't compete for veto next week, but can compete for HOH -- which James thinks may be a belly-flop contest. Bitter boy, bitter.
- Those who played for veto were George, Jase, Kaysar, Will, Mike and James. [Editor's note: I notice that this POV was geared to the men as chances are no women would shave their heads. Should I call CBS legal?]
- Some houseguests want to try to talk George into not using the veto. [Editor's note: @@ Eyeroll for sure! He's goofy, but he's not stupid!]
- George told Jase he's got to use it, no way would he not use it to save himself.
- Now Kaysar's complaining of a sore ear. First Howie, then Mike, now Kaysar.
- Janelle and Marcellas want James to put up Jase. He told them he promised him he wouldn't put him up this week. They don't care.
- James said they should keep George longer now just to make him suffer eating slop.
- James was taken out in question 5 and can't compete for either HOH or POV. He feels he's completely vulnerable... and it's so UNFAIR!
- Most of the others are giving George some credit for stepping up to the plate and actually going for something.
- Marcellas, though not happy, said it wasn't set up for George. It was set up for whoever would do the most to win. George was the one.
- Kaysar was taken for medical care and hasn't returned yet.
- Will and Mike are taking the George POV win better than the S6 Players even though it means most likely one of them will be evicted.
- I believe I heard Mike say Kaysar can't compete for POV next week, either.
- James is going on about the show being rigged. I've heard all of it ever since the flame/clouds ended. Enough.
That's where we stand as I get this posted.
Not Surprised about the ear ache spread....ear infections are very contagious...i have a small child and it never fails first him then me! Very interesting chain of events....I hope James uses his B*&^S and put us Boogie with Will!
Good post Jackie! I think James is right that BB is mixing things up to play with his plan, but I think it is to make them start playing and stop relying on what worked in the past. And after the pitifully performed golf thing, it was obvious that all were willing to just not play the Veto comp. to keep from having to make a move in the game and it sounds like today they at least had to admit they weren't playing instead of pretending they couldn't hit the golf ball. Sue
And about the ear infection: Jackie did you hear Howie say he had given Boogie his drops to use (omg) and someone said their ear problem started with the slop dip, which kind of makes sense. Ear aches are awful. Do we have a tally of doctor treatments? Sue
George hurt his back in the first HOH - no medical treatment mentioned.
Alison bonked her head. She fussed a lot, but I don't recall her being treated.
Howie, Mike and Kaysar ears.
Will shrink. ;-)
Argh, I know there were more.
Hi jackieeeeeeeeee, thanks for the details hun, it was good. i'm curious about the ear aches myself. i hope cbs checked with a dietician about what people can and cannot eat. cream a wheat for a month is notttttttt healthy!!!:>
I have been faithfully reading the posts - which indeed are better than the show. I'd like to put out a topic for discussion. It seems as though many are disappointed in BB 'All-Stars.' But the question is why? We obviously are fans or we wouldn't be here at Jackie's. It's important for CBS to know why we are not happy. I have my own theory but I'll wait to see what others have to say.
Jackie, I read in RealPlayer's blog that in Step 4 of the Veto Comp. they had to dive into blueberry dye. That's how Kayser's ear got infected and also how Jase's hair was dyed blue. I see Erika has helped him highlight it and the blue appears to gone.
Thanks, as always, for a great post, Jackie!
I'm not surprised at all if BB is shaking things up - and it doesn't come a minute too soon. BB probably thought it was time to light a fire under their collective behinds (since Kaysar obviously didn't do a good job of it). Interesting sequence of events today - and it will be even more interesting to see how all of this plays out!
dont get it wrong cbs if your watching, we love bb, but, we have to complain. its what we do
The need for medical attention...is a way for producers to meet with power players to continue their plan of rigging it. Why isn't Kaysar back when it's supposedly just an earache? Because the producers and he had a lot to discuss...that's why. People who believe that this is a "pure" reality show, are clearly in the dark. The producers get what they want, whether it's to let George win POV or to keep Will in longer...hello people...earaches smearaches...it's so the prying cameras and live feeds can't see what the producers want to discuss...the show is just that...a show. The all-star season brought people back for money...more money than they made the last time they were on it...and this time they are willing to play along with producers plans...as long as it doesn't keep them from the chance of winning the final money!!!
yeah, i agree with the above poster. It completly makes sense. and the only reason those people get the status of "power players" is because the producers want them to be. not because they actually are. if the comp were completly fair and wern't rigged, it would be different. S6 would not have won 3 times in a row. its such a huge dissapointment, because america's favorite, janelle @@ will be in the finale 2 then because she's the show's favorite. gmab, why should i watch then?
and its funny how now people are seeing this, but before it was just people whining! i've said this all along. last years "hockey competiton" was rigged for janelle to win too. she's good at hockey and everyone knew it.
Well,well,well..........the game is AWN!!!!! I am not surprised that BB did something to get this game rolling.And yes,I agree with all of you that feel this is fixed! Of course the producers and CBS have ALWAYS held the power! DUH!!
And you can tell by the way James is off the deep end that he expected one thing and BB gave him another and boy,is he pissed!!!!
Poor George,I feel so bad for him. Now everybody is treating him like he's done something wrong and all he did was play into BB's hands and try to stay another week.But agreeing to eat that slop for 60 days???? All I can figure is he knew he'd be gone before that came to pass.And somebody who posted that he didn't know how nasty these players could get was right,BB1 was nothing compared to BB6!! You go,George!!
It should be interesting to see what James does. I'm hoping for BOOGER to be put up and then he goes and leaves Will with nobody to hang with and plot with. I keep saying it,BOOGER is the mean,nasty,evil one of the two and keeping Will when he claims to want to go,is better. I wish James could put himself up,especially if he keeps up all his whining and crying! Grow up,James
Thanks for the updates Jackie!
How's this for another theory... Will keeps talking about this "big" thing BB has promised him...but maybe he had to be on the block (or voted out) for it to happen. Maybe that's why he has been so eager to be nominated.
This senario could be why S6 has been able to win HOH twice, as BB (in rigging it) would assume they would have nominated Will immediately and voted him out (since supposedly he is such a threat. Kaysar messed that up by not putting Will up, so they let James win in hopes he would "play it smart". So James puts Will up but goes gunning for George.
Again BB had to step in and let George get POV, cause they want Will voted out... Then they can do this "thing" they've supposedly
got planned.
Oh well...just a thought...
I agree that sticking their heads in the slop has given them the earaches... so far none of the ladies have succumbed to the dreaded ache... maybe the guys needed to wash their ears out better... LOL meb
I don't know how much true "rigging" in done to the show. I do believe that BB controls everything...since that is the concept behind the show to begin with...to see how people react when they have no privacy and no control of their own destiny. I do believe BB told James one thing and Will another and I think that was part of their plan to mess with their heads rather than truth. Because they all...Will, James, Kaysar, Janelle...are just part of the entertainment. BB doesn't really care one way or another who does what and when, as long as we watch. This is the first season BB has done their part, they were much too kind to the hgsin the past imo, (except for some very funny morning wakeup songs last season). Part of the plan was to let the players think they had it won before going in. Will's big surprise might be finding out he is an ordinary player. Each day BB is stepping down harder..and except for the mental torment it is causing George...I am glad to watch it happen. If anyone in the house is of All Star caliber, they will step up and play the game without whining about BB getting in their way. If you will notice, BB uses everything the hgs say(these are experienced players,too!) against them in the comps. I mean tailoring the comps to fit what has been said. Probably asking DR questions about house secrets. The house is "bugged", so when players are trying to keep a secret from other hgs they are really letting their biggest threat (BB) hear everything. That is why the game is interesting. Why do none of them see it? Because they all believe what BB has told them. W Good forum, Jackie, thanks for letting us comment. Sue
I don't see how they "let" James win. He and Danielle were rather close in their estimates on the time it took for Janelle to win that comp, and James certainly was not expecting to win...unless he's a REALLY good actor, as he thought he'd lost the tie breaker because he had gone over. Any one of them who paid attention to the details in the video clips could have just as easily won. I don't think BB is ensuring that any particular person or group is winning, but I do see them use what happens/is said in the house to manipulate competetitions -- which I personally enjoy. Now how about letting the other competitors see the replay Diane and Jase sharing a secret word or two? :) ~~SharonS
What? Boogie I think you said goes blue headed? Crazy!!! I wish this show had some semblance of normalacy! And a grown man complaining of an ear ache...I have had many an ear ache...my opinion...I think he is off the show for another reason. Sad to see a show so rigged.
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