Sunday, July 23, 2006

Blog Bits and Jase's Blue Hair (Screen Caps)

Jase has new highlights in his hair
A real Big Brother 7: All Stars live feeds update will be posted a bit later, but I wanted to bring folks up to date on a few bloggie-kinda things.

Since this blog was hit by spammers two days in a row and I had to spend time removing over 100 comments each time, I've had to enable word verification. I still have it set at anyone can comment and I love to hear what everyone has to say. So, please... keep on commenting. You'll just have to enter the letters/numbers you see in a picture before your comment will be posted. That will keep spambots out. And, if you see any comments without Big Brother reference and a hyperlink or a hyperlink looking like <<, do not click on the links. I may have missed some.

Remember, you can also get the feeds for this blog via My AOL if you're an AOL Member. If you're not an AOL Member, you can still see my latest blog feeds up at AOL's Big Brother 7: All Stars special feature page.

There was an apparent glitch in the FeedBlitz feeds and I reset many readers this morning. So, if you haven't been receiving your FeedBlitz feeds, that should be fixed now. Pretty boy

You can also use the chiklets on the right sidebar to enable your favorite news reader for feeds.

Oh? What's Jase doing? Is he being a pretty boy? One of the girls dyed and put highlights in his hair trying to cover the blue dye from the POV Comp. The last I looked at the back of his head, some blue was still very evident in the crown area. Heehee!


Anonymous said...

Those darn spammers! Sorry you have had to deal with them! I appreciate all your hard work! Thanks for the updates!

Anonymous said...

Oh Jackie, the price of popularity! Sorry about your spammers. Just keep reminding yourself that you are appreciated by many. It sounds of if one of the breaking points of the Veto comp was not wanting to shave their heads. Does that mean that one of the players might be Hair Today and Gone Tomorrow? (or rather gone soon.....) Sorry, if puns aren't your thing. Smiling at life in and out of the BB house. Sue

Anonymous said...

I am really out of it this year, what is a feedblitz?

Jackie S. said...

FeedBlitz is on the right sidebar. You can enter your email address to subscribe to feeds. Alas, I found out it would cost me a few hundred dollars a year to have it poll this site more than once daily and send out more frequent emails to subscribers.

But, it should send the posts made once daily if you subscribe.