Hmmm... a Big Brother house where the HOH feels bad about having to nominate people for eviction?
Has the show gone namby-pamby on us?
Here's what happened since the feeds returned after an extremely long block out due to the nomination ceremony:
- As I mentioned, Diane was crying; she was super-crying. After all, James had just told her prior to the ceremony that from what he heard, she was safe. [Editor's note: He might want to have those ears checked, eh?]
- Nakomis is being Diane's shoulder to cry on. Um, wake up, Diane... she's in the same boat! She's the other nomination and, probably more likely to be evicted.
- Nakomis is taking it well. She's not happy, of course. But she's not freaking out.
- Marcellas is Diane's other outlet. He's sympathetic.
- Diane said she's glad she was nominated by someone nice and smart like Kaysar instead of Howie.
- Kaysar feels bad and is upset. He doesn't like hurting people.
- Janelle thinks the oatmealish-protein BB Slop is bland. They've taken to livening it up with honey, strawberry mix, etc.
- Howie can't believe the Power Players are still in the game. He said the producers probably want Will to last a longer time for ratings. [Editor's note: Thanks a lot, Howie. You made us get flamecloud trivia. With bad music!]
- Diane fussed about not having her SAG card and ruining her chance to change her life.
- Danielle and Marcellas had a bonding moment. Will it last?
- Even Will tender-talked the Crying Diane.
- Kaysar got his hookah back as a HOH present.
- Danielle said that if she wins POV, she'll save Diane. Both Diane and Nakomis agree that if either wins, it only makes sense to save yourself. Marcellas heartily agreed with that.
- Rumors abound amongst the HG (okay... Diane, Marcellas, Nakomis) that Mike Boogie has a deal with the S6 Players.
- While Jase is being relatively quiet, Howie keeps telling Janelle that he's in with the New Chilltown. She still doesn't believe it. Howie cautions her not to share ANY info with Jase. [Editor's note: For once, Howie might be thinking.]
- Janelle told Howie that James still can't be trusted. [Editor's note: Duh. He's James. Of course he can't be trusted. Does Howie need to be told that?]
- Janelle trusts Nakomis. Howie hates Nakomis. What an alliance!
- Diane told Marcellas she's living out of her car and this was her one big chance and dream to change her life. [@@ - calls for an eyeroll!]
- Marcellas also questioned Janelle about when they were taking Danielle out. He thought she was the next target. [Editor's note: Is Janelle HOH, Marcellas? You're dealing with The Alliance Which Couldn't Shoot Straight. Their strategy is all over the place.]
- Will, the doctor, is shocked he's in a backyard smoking a hookah.
And there ya go.
SAG card? Do they even get points for reality TV? And would the HGs get enough points to qualify for SAG?
By the way your reports are once again the highlight of the show :-)
I really believe James and Danielle have something sneaky going on... He was too concerned with her staying last nomination
Thanks Jackie, your the best, I'm bias - I love bb6, I am glad their back well James???? Danielle should realize, James flips on a dime, its always to suit him, he plays both sides, its a wonder the two are similar, love ya - Jackie
Tom S
Why in the heck would Danielle want to save Diane? After all she was on the block this past week? Doesn't make sense - doesn't she recall the Marcellas move of all time?
Did anyone else just hear Mike B. and what he was recording in the diary room?
I didn't get a screenshot but you could head the audio.
They were asking him to put on an act and make fun of Season 6 which apparently he's now calling "SeaSick".
He would mess up, start over, mess up again, start over.
Gross. I hate it when stuff happens to make you hate the credibility of reality TV.
i dont remeber hearing that
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