Like the Roman Empire, alliances are crumbling throughout the Big Brother house. Well, perhaps not crumbling, per se. Maybe changing would be a more apt description. Okay. Let me start over again. Like a perpetual motion machine, the alliances are... Oh, that's not working, either. One more try. Big Brother, who's on first? No, what's on second...!
Without further ado, here are the important, yet possibly confusing, events from the overnight in that House of Big Brotherly Love:
- Remember, in my previous entry, I told of Kaysar's long and heartfelt talk with Nakomis. Her honesty and integrity seemed to impress him. Will it change his mind about the target this week? Or is a backdoor plan already in motion and she's not in the mix anyway? Like sand through the hourglass...
- Will/Mike developed a new game trying to kick balls into Howie's family jewels. Boys will be boys.
- Marcellas and Erika seem to have gravitated together.
- Danielle told Erika that Nakomis keeps her word, but Diane doesn't. Erika thinks that if Diane (and the alleged Mr. and Mrs. Smith alliance with Jase) stays, she'll target S6 Players and not them. Erika told Danielle that she worked hard to make sure she (Danielle) stayed in the house.
- Mike was running by the pool, fell and hit his back and head. Flame/clouds for a while, but he's okay. [Editor's note: 2 weeks in and the injuries are racking up -- Alison's head bonk in the POV Comp, George's back in the first HOH Comp, Erika's ribs in the food comp and now Mike's back and head.]
- James said nominating people is harder this year because everyone gets along pretty well and likes each other. [Editor's note: And, how many people has James nominated this year? Um, none?]
- James, Janelle and Howie had a long strategy talk. James thinks that Kaysar is afraid of Will/Mike and won't make important moves this year. He thinks Kaysar compromised the group to look out for his own best interests. Janelle admitted that Kaysar made a deal -- if he didn't nominate a Chilltown, they wouldn't go after him. James is very upset that Kaysar didn't confide in him regarding the nominations and he feels he's on his own again. He also thinks Diane and Nakomis are more trustworthy than Will/Mike. He thinks Kaysar is more worried about how he's perceived than how he plays the game. They all think Jase has slipped right in with the new Chilltown.
- Janelle told James that Kaysar's deal with Chilltown was meant to make them not trust one another. [Editor's note: Okay, I haven't a clue how that would be better than just ridding the house of one of them.]
- Kaysar told Erika to leave the nominations be. James and Co. want her to save someone and change the game around.
- Even Kaysar's strongest support, Janelle, is upset with the nominations and the deal with Chilltown.
- James and Janelle confronted Kaysar. Now Kaysar wants to save Nakomis. [Editor's note: As he should! She would be a much more worthy ally than either Mike or Boogie, and thinks along the lines of Kaysar even if right now her target is S6 Players. That's basically because they're the strongest alliance in the house.]
- Kaysar wants to try to make a deal with Nakomis that Diane will go home. Janelle thinks it would be better to veto and put up Mike, he goes. Janelle thinks that if Diane stays, she will work with Mike/Will. They all think that if Nakomis makes any sort of deal, she'll stick with it.
- Kaysar still wants to send Diane home, keep friction going between Nakomis/Jase and Marcellas/Danielle to take the focus off of the S6 Players.
- Janelle and James said that they would have to accept Nakomis as "one of us" if they save her. [Editor's note: Remember, Howie despises Nakomis and James ain't too thrilled with her, either.]
- When BB told the HG to check the storage room, like a miracle... more alcohol. @@ - Must roll the eyes. Must.
- Then most of the HG played charades. For a very long, long time.
- James keeps on whining about Kaysar making bad decisions, claims Kay wants them to do his dirty work. He thinks they should put a plan in place to save Nakomis because she's the smarter player and will fit in well with the S6 alliance. He thinks Diane's off the deep end and will go for them.
- Like I think, the S6 Players all seem to think that Nakomis is someone who'd stick to her word and Diane isn't.
- The HG thinks the producers are upset because their personas have changed -- Will isn't such the Evil Doctor, etc. That got us flame/clouds... with bad music.
- Will blatantly made a banana split in front of those who can only eat BB Slop supposedly in an effort to entice one to eat, thus getting a penalty nomination. It didn't work.
- Marcellas thinks he could win on Survivor. [Editor's note: Another @@ needed. I can just see him with bugs and nasty stuff, right.]
- Kaysar was the last one still up. He did his prayers and looks very troubled.
In other news, Happy Birthday Mike Boogie. There, I said it. Only to be nice, y'know. I don't want Chilltown coming after me.
i was worried about Kaysar being hoh so early in the game again. it makes him a target. But I think he made good nominations. Those two can be more problematic later on where Will and Boogie are obvious and easy targets to take out.
is it just me or have these houseguest become boring they are nothing like when they were on the first time they all seem to like one another and get along but it makes for boring tv
Yeah,I signed up for the free trial feeds and I have to say....Jackie,you are a SAINT to watch all this boring stuff!! They all seem to have lost their edge and are all afraid of crossing somebody. I am ashamed to say,I kinda agree with James,Kay is playing it VERY safe and tiptoeing around Will/Booger.AND if he takes them at their word and trusts them,SHAME on HIM!!And Jase is like the wind,ever changing to get JASE where he wants to be. He's playing a whole new ballgame this time and sitting back and watching and not committing to ANYONE who will hold him to his word.
I DO agree with K that Nak will keep her word over Diane any day and she would be a strong ally to have. But how much would I LOVE to see BOOGER walk out that door this week..........oh yeah,baby!
Famyates, it's "Boogie", not Booger. Wasn't sure if you were mis-spelling on purpose or not.
I thought it was so funny that Mike was saying in the first episode how he would never hang out with a middle aged man named "Chicken George". Did he forget his name is "Mike Boogey"?
Marcellas thinks he could win on Survivor. [Editor's note: Another @@ needed. I can just see him with bugs and nasty stuff, right.]
I want to add to this comment made by Jackie. Can you picture Marcellas wearing his white robe on Survivor. LOL
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