<--- Party animals after Mike's birthday festivities. And, what an unusual party it was. But that will come just a bit later in this report.
Right now, let's go back to this morning and start from there. Oh, okay... no one was awake. Turn those clock hands forward a smidgen and I'll dive right into the happenings of our favorite BB All-Star Whackos in the House of Both Slop and Slobs:
- Mike was actually the first one up this morning at about 10:15 AM, their time. He was quickly joined by the usual first up Nakomis. Last night she tried to see if he would make any deals with her, but no go. Will he make any today?
- Mike thinks his mother is probably upset because it's his birthday and he's her only child. [Editor's note: Oh, poor baby. He could just go home!]
- The BB Slop has kicked in with the houseguests on restriction. Now they'd prefer PB&J. James whined and fussed about lacking energy from not eating.
- Will was the last to straggle into the Land of the Living at around 12:30 PM their time.
- Marcellas, Janelle, Danielle and Nakomis had a long talk about both Will and Jase. They think Will is definitely charismatic, but Jase is extremely bitter. [Editor's note: Gee, the HG from some past shows wouldn't know what "charismatic" means, to say nothing about pronouncing it right. At least this crew has some brights.]
- A Will quote: "Call the FBI, because we're stealing the show!"
- Will told Mike Boogie that they should lie to the house telling th
em there's a luxury comp. They would put the other men in indoor lockdown and send the girls to the pool in bikinis, then spend the day with them. [Editor's note: Well, it was better than his proposed lie that he had cancer in his season.]
- Diane told the guys stories about all the men she's cheated on. [Editor's note: May I have an eyeroll, please? @@ ]
- Will and Kaysar set up a surprise birthday party for Mike. They set up the table with cake and sushi.
- Will conned Erika into laying on the table legs spread with all the food. Oh, and whipped cream, too. Her comment, "Why is it always me talked into this stuff?"
- Will wrote Happy Birthday on Erika with the whipped cream. BB was sure to get a shot of it; that will make the show.
- Party, party, sing, sing, blah, blah. Mike ate the whipped cream off of Erika, not really a surprise to me.
- Before long, the BB Slop eaters drifted away with the exception of Howie.
- Howie just walked around the table saying how good the food looked while Will kept egging him on to eat (thus receive a penalty nomination). Howie didn't fall for it.
- Nakomis, Janelle and Marcellas sat in the yard. Marcellas ranted and raved, then ranted some more about the BB Slop. They think BB wants to drive them apart with the food. Marcellas thinks they started it too soon in the season and someone would just quit.
- No one has quit.
- Erika and Nakomis had a long talk. While Nakomis isn't campaigning against Diane, she's certainly working the mojo for herself. She was the early target and now just about the whole house likes her, at least the S6 Players and Friends.
- Erika might very well use the veto to save Nakomis. At least, that seems to be the current thought.
- Howie came into the backyard wearing only a party hat to cover his um... goods. Yes, I got a screen cap.
- Janelle is solidly in favor of Nakomis staying. Even James is swinging in that direction.
- Out of context here, but deserving of mention: Nakomis told Janelle and Marcellas that she first thought Howie was a bully, but now knows he's a sweetheart deep down inside.
- Dang, forget about Jase being the bitter one. Marcellas makes him look like a pansy this afternoon. [Editor's note: I couldn't resist.]
Remember, the show is on at 8 PM ET/PT in most viewing areas tonight. Of course, I have my own private show goin' on right here.
Jackie, James must have a secret alliance that he made before they came into the house. Who do you think it is? Also, there is the spy cam, but is there a spy microphone? Wouldn't discovery of something like that perk things up. After all, bugs are part of the motif. Thanks for posting. Sue
Sue - James seems to be drifting between groups a bit. Perhaps Danielle? Great idea on the bugs!
I started reading about a week ago and just want to tell you thanks! I have the live feed as well but I miss it alot. A 2 year and 4year old will do that too you! And busy summer schedules! I watch every show but dont get to see as much of the feeds as I want so this updates me on what I missed! Thanks again!
OH I can't wait to see the Howie pic
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