The House of Big Personalities and Perhaps Even Bigger Bad Judgment was hopping last night.
Here's the latest:
- Erika asked Kaysar if he still wants to get rid of the same person. He told her now it's Diane. She said she'll do whatever he wants her to do with the veto.
- Janelle thinks they (Howie, James and herself) should tell Kaysar they should keep Nakomis. [Editor's note: Communication is key, guys!]
- Marcellas and Danielle both are campaigning for Diane to stay.
- Marcellas now feels better about Danielle being in the house than Mike/Will. He warned Janelle that Kaysar sold them out with his deal.
- Will complained about Janelle in front of S6 Players.
- Diane got sleazy and was giving body shots of alcohol to the guys.
- BB won't allow them to have whipped cream in the hot tub. What a surprise, eh?
- Kaysar told Marcellas why he wants to put up the stragglers while Marcellas tried to convince him Mike Boogie should go. [Editor's note: I agree with Marcellas!]
- Will thinks Kaysar may put up Jase if the veto is used.
- Diane went into a crying jag.
- Will told Kaysar that Diane and Nakomis should stay and he should go on the block. [Editor's note: Say what? He did, he really did? But, did he mean it?]
- Mike Boogie picked on Marcellas and now those two are nasty to each other.
- Janelle had a verbal fuss with Mike Boogie and told him she didn't like him referring to her as Queen Bee.
- Mike Boogie and Jase sucked up to Kaysar telling him how great he was doing as HOH. [Editor's note: Just a tad patronizing and condescending, eh? Dang, I hope Kaysar realizes this!]
- Janelle lit into Kaysar about the problems with Chilltown. He tried to calm her down. She's mad about the deal he made and he seemed to basically dismiss her concerns.
- Kaysar doesn't think Janelle and Howie are playing the game and he is. [Editor's note: Okay, Kaysar deserves an eyeroll. @@ ]
- Mike ranted about Marcellas being with S6 Players and gloated about them all being scared of him. [ @@ ]
- Mike and Will think that, with Howie, they'd make a great final three. [Editor's note: Ah, yes... they have taken a liking to Howie. Has he to them? I don't think so.]
- Nakomis said she doesn't like people starting drama. [Editor's note: She's in the wrong house then. That's the point behind the show!]
- Mike got drunk (thanks to BB) and was truly obnoxious for most of the night.
- Kaysar still thinks he has some sort of Grand Plan. Janelle told him the CT was planning to come after them one by one. He asked if she wanted him to use the veto to evict one of them, she said yes. Then he said that Nakomis will come around to them if she stays, but they have to get rid of Diane.
- Kaysar has a plan for if Mike wins HOH, but we got... flame/clouds and bad music before we could hear the plan.
- Kaysar thinks Janelle has been listening to Marcellas too much while she's convinced the S6 Players are in danger.
- Danielle complained to the S6 Players about Chilltown calling her out and bothering her.
- George seems to have gravitated to Chilltown, but I'm not sure how well he's actually accepted by them.
- A Kaysar quote: "In order for good to exist, there must be evil." Um. Okay. He could keep one evil and there would still be good.
- Mike/Will worked on Howie trying to turn him against James.
- Erika, Marcellas and Nakomis talked about how the Chilltown bunch was "strong-arming" everyone else.
- Kaysar told Janelle he didn't want to let Nakomis know ahead of time that they were going to save her. He's upset that she already has talked to Nak about it.
- Even Diane told Kaysar/Janelle that Chilltown was harassing Howie in the yard. Kaysar said Howie can handle it.
- Kaysar wants Chicken George out next because he's with Chilltown. [Editor's note: Duh... and what are Mike and Will? @@ ]
- Kaysar thinks Chilltown should be called Meltdown.
- Kaysar thinks one reason they must keep Nakomis is because she's a threat to Jase.
- Kaysar told Howie to stay on the same level with Chilltown, "Don't go Busto on them."
- The last of the Up All Night Crowd, Janelle and Kaysar just went to sleep a bit before I'm posting this.
Well, it's happened. It took a while, but Big Brother's House is starting to explode. Or implode. Anyway, it's getting ugly. Yay!
I was cracking up at Mike last night. They were talking about how Amy used to sing before and during telling a story she didn't want on the feeds. Mike said he just says the f word every other word when he doesnt want a story to be on the feeds. Everybody was telling him that it is still on the feeds and he was like "nah, this was every other word" they were still like yea, you can curse on the live feeds. Idiot lol Can you imagine if we got the flmae clouds every time they cursed! lol I can't figure out what my password was for this lol, this is Jessiesgirl.
I don't get what Kaysar is thinking at all with regards to Chilltown. Those two are so devious and it's starting to feel a little like last season where his kindness will come back and bite him in the butt. If he tells Erika to use the veto and puts up Mike or Will - there's not much they can do about it. It's a great opportunity to get rid of one of them. And you know they would have the votes.
IF K does not wake up and listen to everybody around him and put one of those "ChillTowners" up for eviction,then he goes to the bottom of my list of power players in this house.WHY,oh why would he think DIANE was any threat at all??What power does she hold?? Same with George,so he's leaning toward CT(who by the way,have nothing but comtempt for him(wake up Chickenman),what power does George have,he's just one person.It will be very interesting to see what goes down in the POV ceremony. Erika,who is doing nothing like Jackie said,will do whatever K says,so this rests on HIS head.Smarten up,K!!!
Erika is K's puppet. It's pathetic, really. If he gets put up on the block next i will lmao. serves him right.
Kaysar made the mistake fo his life
Mike and Will make it to the final
on one of the shows i thought i heard kaysar say that the women have to go meaning all the women in the house i am really not sure because it was so fast is that why he picked nak and di for eviction because there are others will and boogie who should be up for eviction i think kaysar has made a mistake also glad the house is getting more interesting you do a great job jackie thanks for your good work
I hang my head......I had hopes for Kaysar being a top dog this time....he is NUTZ to not put up Will and Mike...they are threats not Diane...sheesh!!! @@ Kaysar WAKE UP!!!!
Ok you guys, dont be so short sighted. Kaysar is a cat. Kaysar is thinking. He said, he put up Diane & Nak up to see what happens, to shake up the house. He did it so he can see where the strongest allies lay. Obviously its Will & MIke & I think he is ready to back door, Will. Will is playing mind games with Howie. He is attacking his wrinkles, not to help him but to weeken his self esteem. Will is way smart & the dumb thing is an act to get under the skin & into the minds of the players & psych them out. Howie was an easy target for him. Mike is week with out Will. Mike is turning Janelle agaisnt Kaysar again using her mind to pysch out the S6 team.
You wait & see what Kaysar will do. He never shows his hands to anyone, and I agree his weakness is his big heart
Ameen ( I can sign in either )
I agree with Ameen! But Kaysar is putting a little too much "hope" into who will win the POV. IF he's trying to backdoor in Will, then he has to make sure their names don't come up on the little wheel and if they do, he has to make sure he or one of the nominees wins. It's a very risky plan. But I do think Diane aka Man Troll has to go. She's a danger once she gets the guys in her corner. She's a more subtle version of Alison and it's scary.
Kaysar needs to get rid of Will or Mike....the two heads of CT. The Veto needs to be used and one of those guys need to go..I would like to see Will go first, and then Mike. They are way to dangerous to be left in the house.
I just don't know why they didn't put Will up the first week. He is the only "winner" in the house, why does he need to win twice? That is my rationale, then Alison would have thought she was safe for another week and then if everything panned out, to kick her to the curb. There has always been a majority vs. minority of good vs. evil players, why don't they use it?
I don't like Diane, but Will needs to go this week.
Thanks Jackie for keeping us updated!
From the feeds, it sounds like Kaysar figures that if he breaks up chilltown, S6 will be the main target. (duh, they already are!) He feels that if CT is still there, he can get them to go after them instead of s6. I don't think it's realistic though. -Jessiesgirl
I see Kaysar's logic on that but what if CT wins HOH. You know they will be smart aleck and nominate him just b/c they can.
Plus, I don't think that will take away certain people going after S6 - they are the biggest targets.
Haven't watched any feed today so my only comment is Please Please Please, Erika use the veto!! Put Will or Boogie up, prefer Will, and get one of them out of there. It will shake up the house but not like leaving them both in there for another week of mind bending.
I have been worried that Kaysar is not playing his best game this year, but I try to remain optimistic and HOPE that he has a PLAN that we just haven't figured out yet:) All the ideas here are great ones, and we all agree that CT has to be broken up.....now we have to hope Kaysar knows that too and just doesn't want us to know it yet:)
Maybe I'm naive....lol.....
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