Come tomorrow, the hamsters will have been in the Habitrail... er... Big Brother house for two weeks. Yes, they went in on Monday, July 3rd. How time flies when you're eating glop, bobbing for rats and having a jolly ol' time.
Here are the latest happenings I deemed important or amusing from the feeds in that Big Brother House of Deceitful Ne'er-do-wells:
- James snapped at George only to find himself barraged by Marcellas' mouth. "You go right out and apologize to him! You had no right to be that way! He's the one who cooks! He's the one who cleans! We're just a bunch of [bleeping] slobs! He didn't deserve to be treated that way!" Eep.
- Nakomis, while talking to Marcellas, referred to the show as the Jase, Boogie, Will and Howie Show.
- Kaysar had a long talk with Mike Boogie about his religion and culture. Boogie actually was asking the questions and seemed interested. [Editor's note: Was he really interested or was this another act? I dunno.]
- In the talk, Kaysar told him that Michael (BB6) was told he couldn't be on the show unless he (Kaysar) went on. He was worried about how he and his religion would be perceived, so the show had him call religious virgin Jason from BB3 to get his take on how a religious person might be able to be on the show and not compromise his values.
- Jase and Will played with their mics, making funny noises and blowing air into them and such. BB Voice: "Please treat your microphone with respect."
- Marcellas doesn't wear underwear. [Editor's note: No, I wasn't looking - he said he didn't and I didn't ask for proof!]
- Janelle wants to boycott the Diary Room until she gets more pickles and honey for her BB Slop. James jumped on the bandwagon.
- Janelle was called to the DR. After saying no, she went.
- Janelle doesn't like Kaysar's hanging out with Mike/Will. But when James asked her if she thought he joined them, she said no. She also thinks that Howie has been hanging around them too much, too.
- Janelle wants Diane gone this week.
- Nakomis asked BB for cyanide and protein power. Janelle asked what cyanide is. [Editor's note: And she's the brains of the operation, right? Oh, Janie!]
That about does it for now. Tomorrow should be the POV Ceremony. That could be interesting. Not that we see it on the feeds, of course. But the HG loose lips sink ships and all.
Well,I am totally confused. Is the plan to backdoor Booger or not?? One minute K is saying leave the noms and vote off Diane and the next they are talking like take Nik
off and WHO????is up?? I sure hope it is Booger,I have had enough of him and WON'T to last a lifetime.And what's with the live feeds showing nothing but the two of them in the workout room and all we get is them grunting like a couple of sweat hogs!!And I don't care if he's a skin doctor or what,but his lily white body really,REALLY turns me off in a BIG way. I hate when he starts on Howie and I hope I get to see the day when Howie holds the door to let WON'T leave and hits him in the a$$ with it. Howie is playing a part and I want it to become apparent when the "bad" doctor leaves the house.I hope K is NOT playing into those two jackals hands,and makes the right decision cause they will come after him,no doubt about it. Yeah,what's with Marcellas,he sure is bitchy this time around!!
I think that Kaysar made a serious mistake by not putting Mike and Will on the block. Diane and Nakomis are nothing compared to what those two guys can/will do! He had the perfect opportunity to blow them apart....
What can I say? I agree that he should have split them apart. Either on his own has nothing.
And, Sharon... why don't you say how you really feel? ;-)
Although Howie is a clown and can be overbearing, both George and Nakomis talked about what a big heart he has. Rachel used to say that last season. So, it could very well be true.
I agree, Jackie...I think Howie probably does have a big heart. (BTW, I meant to sign my name with my earlier 'anonymous' post) I really don't understand what Kaysar was thinking with his nominations....He played right into their hands!
Hate to say it about Kaysar, but for someone who has been given so much credit for being a strategic and critical thinker, he has made some really bonehead mistakes. He tends to trust the wrong people and react with his heart not his head. I don't see him lasting much longer than he did last time.
the feeds are great right now, Boogie keeps convincing and pressuring diane to do beer body shots off her and then he goes to town.
Diane is easy to persuade with anything. Earlier she was speaking about how she messed around with a girl just a few weeks ago.
I have some faith in Kaysar's nominations. Maybe he's using a classic BB6 play and backdooring in Will. I don't know what to make of Will & Boogie labelling Diane & Nakomis "Floaters". Where do they think the two votes to keep Alison came from? The only true floaters in the game right now are George & Erika. Other than a little flirting with Kaysar, Erika hasn't been doing anything and I don't think George even knows where he is half the time.
We have an "affectionate" nickname for Diane: Man Troll. She's a little too loose with the morals, if you get my meaning.
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