It's live show day! Quick! Clean up the house! Throw all those clothes under the bed. The viewers will never know!
Yes, tonight is the live eviction. As per my usual practice, I'll be posting quick updates on the eviction and HOH winner as it occurs here on the east coast. So, if you're in another time zone and simply can't wait, the news will be here. (Mark it down - I say we'll see Nakomis leave, quite possibly by a unanimous vote.
Here are the day's events from that Big Brother House of Hassled Houseguests:
- Howie is really not feeling well. He was running to the bathroom and then took Tylenol in the wee hours of the morning.
- This morning, by herself, Danielle talked to the Memory Wall. "Why are they it like that? Are we having a comp today? Let's get it ON!" [Editor's note: I'm not sure what was different, but she seemed to notice some sort of change.]
- There was a long period of flame/clouds, some cams with trivia! All with the new bad theme music. When the flame/clouds ended, the HG were already on an inside lockdown. [Editor's note: They even have to pull down all the panels so they can't see outside in these things. On HOH comp day, a long indoor lockdown might be because the staff is setting up the yard. Another long flame/clouds would be the HG practicing at the comp so they don't make the live show go overtime.]
- James said the BB Slop group can eat at midnight. I think he's right, if memory serves.
- A cute Will/Marcellas exchange -- Will: "An oxymoron would be something like military intelligence." Marcellas: "Or Big Brother All Stars." Heh.
- A fairly long outdoor lockdown - nothing new in the yard.
- Then some nap, some discuss Scientology (ack).
- Will said he wants to go home before sequester - week four or five.
- James told Kaysar that Chilltown approached him and wants a truce, claims they'll target the floaters if they win HOH. [Editor's note: Not the plan Will and Mike Boogie discussed on their own. They said Howie and Janelle.]
- James, Danielle (see, now she's there!) and Kaysar discussed how Janelle and Marcellas were hanging out together too much. None are thrilled with Marcellas' constant complaining this season. Kaysar, in particular, is unhappy with Marcellas going against their voting plan and being partly responsible for the turnaround to vote out Nakomis.
- Danielle was taking all that in and got in her two cents to make Marcellas look even worse and herself such a trusted ally. [Editor's note: Cough. Work that mojo, Danielle!]
- Lots of primping. Will wants Mike Boogie to wear Marcellas' huge Afro wig on the live show.
- George was the only one I saw doing any real cleaning.
And, that's bringing things up to date for now. Stop on back later. I may have cookies and milk for everyone.
Or not.
1 comment:
Hi Jackieeeeeeeee, i like the detail of things you're reporting. Keep up the good work. I am on the west coast and by time the show comes on, i am asleep. So details is the key to your reporting. Have you ever thought about becoming a reporter??? i would buy your magazine:>
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