Here are the events of the overnight period in the Big Brother House of Noctorunal Ne'er-do-wells:
- Mike Boogie doesn't think Marcellas would put him up if he wins HOH. [Editor's note: Suuure, Mike. Keep on believing that!]
- George wore a thong on his head given to him by Howie.
- Danielle, perhaps not seriously, tried to rally the Slop eaters together to eat, then all get penalty nominations.
- Diane told Mike Boogie that Marcellas told her to talk to S6. [Editor's note: There ya go, Marcellas. She is in with them. Should I type it slower so you understand? If she's not in with them, she'll use them.]
- BB yelled at the HG to stop singing on and off overnight. Most of the time, no one seemed to be singing. At least not on the feed I was watching.
- Howie's BB Slop diet is affecting his system. Keep the bathroom available!
- Mike Boogie (and James before) complained about the light in the tarantula cage being on all the time.
- Janelle and Howie are still grilling each other on House Trivia for the HOH, or one down the road. They seem to think they'll be playing a Majority Rules question game.
- Marcellas is wondering if S6 Players will come after him since he didn't vote the way they wanted (for Nakomis to stay). He and Erika discussed throwing the HOH.
- Kaysar still hasn't told Nakomis the votes switched and she's going home.
- Will complained to anyone who'd listen (or pretend to) about this season being boring and nothing special.
- A BB Slop bucket left sitting on the stove melted and slop abounds, plastic stuck on the burner.
- Janelle thinks they have a good chance of winning HOH.
And, there you go. Now most will sleep until BB forces them out of bed. They have a lot of housecleaning and personal primping to do. Howie is already set with new blond highlights in his hair.
i'm disappointed to see that s6 may have changed their votes due to ct. it's like they are already handing the power over to them and all they have done is run their mouths and not won anything, playing scared won't help you win.
omg S6 cannot win HOH again for a 3rd time in a row. they just CANT! i'll... i'll... scream and throw a hissy fit or something lol. It'll be way more interesting for chilltown to be HOH this time.
Thank God I found your site again,Jackie.....I was in a panic!
I,too,have quit getting your emailed new entries. Got you bookmarked now though.
I am really disgusted w/K. This whole thing is a mess and they have to grovel and change THEIR votes and lose Nak.So who wins this round....CT,of course. I have come to believe that K is just too soft for this game and I won't be sorry if he goes. The Alliance w/W/B/and a ?? woman and K is interesting,but don't think K is THAT devious.
I want to see Janie or Marci or James get HOH and see what will happen then.But Janie HAS to stop listening to everything that S6 tells her and go with her gut.I also don't like the S6 guys ALWAYS being alone and cut off from the others,it just makes all the rest think they are up to something..which they are. They tend to OVERthink EVERYTHING!!!!
And if the poster who beefed about paying to read your blog is so offended,let them leave and not come back. This was entirely voluntary and not Jackie's idea. I have tried sitting and watching the hamsters for hours and I can't do it. Jackie deserves something for all she does. Why do these nasty people have to invade everything on the internet?
Thanks Jackie, You do good work. This season the Charming Doctor Will has turned into Brer Rabbit. All Kaysars plan to get rid of floaters has done is a) make him a floater if a floater is someone who doesn't change the game around when they can and b) lose his team their power. Maggie must be laughing her head off. Sue
Hey just wanna say thanks and your doin a fabulouse job jackie...
For those of us who arn't able to watch the live feeds and are big BB fans appriciate yout time and effort on your blog and the time watchin the hamsters.
I have your site tagged and come here everyday to see what happens.
For those who have no appreciation for yout time and wrok on this site should not even bother to come and check it out then.
Thanks a bunch
KaTT "CheChePooks"
I can't believe that they would keep Diane. She is such a golddigging b****. With all her complaining that she has nothing and is looking for a rich husband...she needs to get a job like the rest of the world!
Geez, stop the BUSTO attack on Jackie!! If you guys go to other BB sites, they have donations set up, and they have other people helping them... Jackie is one person who loves reality TV and posts blogs to us!
Jackie, I have been following you since last year, when you were on AOL, and your blogs kick a$$.
Let's talk about the show, and stop whining about whether or not to donate!
Carrie in TX
i love this infomation you give this is my first time here and you can bet i will be back. chill town has to go.
DIGGIN UP THE DIRT. Maybe this isn’t the place to ask, but, here goes. Jase said that he and Holly are a couple. (She was such a dingbat on the show.) I thought they broke up after their BB show ended. He mentioned a little girl. He said she was the light of his life. Is the little girl his or Holly’s, or both? Does anyone know the answers…………
To danamsjordan.. Thanks for the info. I just couldn't imagin Jase and Holly. Thanks again.
FLBBFAN - It may have been filmed and shown out of sequence, too. That's likely the case as the house would have had a fit. Sometimes we see things on the feeds and they're shown three weeks later on the show as filler.
I really think BB went alittle to far with the slop and then pour a little salt in the wound, they had that party for Mike, come on that was low even for BB. BB should just bring back the PB&J before someone really gets sick..The show better start pumping out some interesting viewing or lose me forever and a few more people. Come on HG start this baby and let play the game as rotten and mean as you can. Give us something to watch and look forward too.......
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