BB gave Janelle an envelope to read. It was making them use only their hands and legs literally hanging their bodies and head below the web.
James went down. He got the egg with the Overturn an eviction note.
I think someone else just went down.
Kaysar and Mike (10 Grand) are out. They say the Slop Free Egg is left.
11 PM ET - George is down. He should eat now!
Howie hanging in. Erika hanging in. Danielle is weakening.
mike and kaysar went
Who got the 10 Grand?
who the hell is marci ???
Marcellas duh do you watch the show
yah i watch otherwise i would not be on here, duh! I have just never heard a man, or a gay man reffered to as Marci
Finally,someone other than S6 wins. My bet is Janelle and Will on the block. Smart move by Erika, to give the HOH to Danielle. D now has to show some of her cards.
I can't stand James, Danielle, or Marcellus.
Great job on the site Jackie. I have the feeds but enjoy your commentary.
Now, now... behave down here. No Duhs at each other. Let's just DUH the houseguests, please!
Can you believe Erika with the switch?
That was a great move by Erika, almost Danielle like.
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