Thursday, August 10, 2006

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - East Coast Update - Coup d'Etat Announced 8/10

First - America can vote a HG Prom King or Queen and it might affect the winner in the next HOH.

Coup d'Etat - Overthrow HOH and turn over nominations on the spot Only the person who wins it knows what it is and remains a secret. Clues to a well-known phrase over the next few days, first to tell Diary Room gets it. They run for clue. It's a sheep or.. an ewe. They think a lamb. I say sheep.

I say I'll post this.

<-- Screen cap added after feeds returned. No, the ewe sheep lamb isn't green. Odd lighting.


Anonymous said...

Have they ever used the phrase "sheep in wolves' clothing?"

Anonymous said...

Poor Kaysar looked so said when the Chenbot told him how James had been playing him. At least he can leave the house with his head held high. Happy birthday Kaysar!

Anonymous said...

u decide america?

Anonymous said...

Okay I think I know the answer to the clue

It was a female sheep, which is a ewe...pronounced "YOU".

So the phrase has the word 'you' in it.


Anonymous said...

It has to be Ewe, since they made a point of a pink bow to show female. Or is that a red herring?

Anonymous said...

....I'm pretty sure the phrase is very very simple...and "ewe" is the clue for "YOU"...which is the last word of the phrase that I'm thinking is the answer. for your comment about the ewe and the jack shack...nicely said...I kept rewording what I was trying to say and gave up, because it kept sounding REALLY bad. Your way of saying it says it all without being crass! gg :)


Anonymous said...

I thought of "ewe" "YOU" also.

I hate Kaysar going home, it just seems so wrong. goes another week...wonder what James will have to complain about now.

Anonymous said...

all I can say about the nominations is.....MISTAKE!
and I think everyone will realize this...(too late, of course). Hopefully, Erica will think that Janelle has a big enough target on her back and she will nominate someone from CT and Marcellas. Oh, and I soooooo hope Janelle gets the coup de la la thingy.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jackie ! I love you and love your blog. You're great!I was so much rooting for the Janelle/Kaysar/Howie alliance, with Janelle taking it all the way. I can't stand James and how he betrayed the group, all the while claiming they betrayed him!!! I did feel sorry for Kaysar tonight, but quite honestly, when Kaysar talked about all the daggers in his back it pointed out the thing I DON'T like about Kaysar...He can never see the fault in himself. He talks about how he was there for the team, but they weren't there for him. If that were true, then he wouldn't have let go of the spider web so early in the HOH competition...
and, he would have been itching to give Janelle a "yes" that he'd use the veto on her if she won. Instead, he's been wishy-washy and mopey, and not really a team player at all. Anyway, I'm sad to see him go mostly because it means Janelle will be next after not winning tonight's HOH. We saw her have a rare brain fart tonight, and then Howey smacked his true button hard, but it didn't light up. I only hope that Janelle wins the coup d etat and knocks the smug float heard on their butts! Also, I simply cannot tolerate Marcellus!! Acting like he was her friend, and then so viciously and apparently gleefully stabbing Janelle in the back. Thanks for letting me vent, Jackie!!
Cathi in FL

Anonymous said...

Sheep for sacrifice

Anonymous said...

In my last entry, I meant if Kaysar had said he'd use the veto on Janelle if HE won, not she. Keep up the great work, Jackie! :)


Anonymous said...

Big Brother is watching you!!!

Jackie S. said...

At 8/10/2006 9:09 PM, Anonymous said...
It has to be Ewe, since they made a point of a pink bow to show female. Or is that a red herring?

No, it's not a fish. It's definitely a mammal with fur.

Sorry, couldn't resist!

I too am thinking EWE.

Anonymous said...

um what do they do in the jack shack and what is it i tried you tube but i'm on dial up an it didnt work and i'm just paid for college so i cant afford the live feeds

Anonymous said...

What a class Act Kaysar was with his departure. I felt badly for him that he had wanted to make up to James for what was done to James and Sarah last season and to trust him..only to discover that James joined another alliance.

So is basically the entire house an Alliance Against Howie and Janelle? That is the way it looks. Chilltown says James is with them, Danielle says James is with the floaters. So it looks like their MAIN mission is getting rid of Janelle then Howie. If they succeed, it will be interesting to see how they turn on each other.

Kaysar is like myself and many people who would be lousy, uncomfortable and bad playing in this game. I would go for any other show...not this one. I think Kaysar wanted to be less suspicious this year and believe James. But I will say this, he knew James was pissed over Janelle last week and he and Janie should have taken James aside and talked to him more. It did seem they all ignored much of what was going down. Happy Birthday Kaysar. You are still the favorite of of the favorites of all time according to all the polling.

Anonymous said...

what about the phrase "pull the wool over your eyes"??


I found your blog by accident and I must say I am addicted and love it. Thank you for giving the mother of infant twins some contact to the her favorite show when i never get a chance to see it peacefully.

You are the best.

Nicolle from LI

Anonymous said...

Hey Jackie

Can you mention that HOWIE is extremely pissed off at BB. He practically throw the piece he was standing on at the camera to head in the house.

Jackie S. said...

Anon - That's been answered several times. Think guys with sex drives alone.

Anonymous said...

sheep to the slaughter? pull the wool over her eyes?

Anonymous said...

Jackie..won't we both laugh if the next clue has a fish in it :)! I think your commenters have found the answer. I did notice one thing about Kaysar's leaving. When sitting with Julie and hearing the bad news on top of more bad news, at one point his face lit up with an big smile. When they talked of going home and seeing people. I think his homesickness and the big smile tonight might mean he has someone on his mind. I hope so. Maybe he will have a happy birthday after all. Thanks Jackie, Sue

Anonymous said...

Anon- check past feeds... the jack shack question has been visited one too many times...

Anonymous said...

Now I definitely don't think they are going to bring a hg back that was voted out from this season-especially Kaysar since Julie told him about James playing him. Too bad, he was my favorite even though he played badly and should've gotten rid of Woogie when he had a chance.

Anonymous said...

julie said it was a common big brother phrase...hence ewe ..."you decide..." just a guess

Anonymous said...

When do they start going into sequester instead of home?

Anonymous said...

I believe it is a "wolf in sheeps clothing". James or Marci could fill that role in their dealings with Janelle or Kaysar

Anonymous said...

Whats so sad is, that Janelle and everyone knew going into the house how manipulative Will is. But still, are they really that sure that they can see through him when hes not being truthful. I love Janelle, and I want her to win, but she really did dig her own grave.

I just think that one of the floaters will win, they know what they are up against and I feel like when its just them and Will and Boogie left, they are gonna take Chilltown out.

Anonymous said...

How about.... You voted America...???
Just a guess

Anonymous said...

My god does James ever stop whining? First he wouldnt shut up about picking the wrong egg, now he's complaining about being runner up in HOH... SHUT UP JAMES

Anonymous said...

could the phrase be you have been eliminated from the bb house that is a common phrase said every thurs by julie.

Anonymous said...

"Ewe" cannot assume anything in the Big Brother house.

Anonymous said...

You are safe? They use that phrase quite a lot at nom ceremonies. I know, there are many possibilities, just the first one I thought of.

Anonymous said...

I truly hope Howie (hope he settles down . . .) or Janelle get this coup de etat and put up James and Marcellas; and then proceed to call James a "wanker" to his face.

mookie j k

Anonymous said...

what do you do with sheep? = herd
NERD HERD is my guess.

Anonymous said...

I want to know if anyone plans to e mail CBS BB about Howie's button not working right? I mean..we all saw it happen. It would be one thing if it didn't affect the game but it does. What if it did work and he ended up winning. I think it's wrong for BB not to set it right.

Anonymous said...

Man!! I thought I was good when I came up with YOU for EWE... Now all you people have this creative suggestions and I love them all...

Big Brother is Watching You!
You have been eliminated!
You have been evicted from the BB house.
You cannot assume anything.
You are safe!

WOW people... I'm impressed.

Anonymous said...

Do not vote for a Joke Queen or King! This person will have the power at any of the next 3 evictions to overthrow the nominees! Who is for Janelle and Howie! They are the ones that deserve it! Especially Janelle!

Anonymous said...

I feel like I have been watching a different show then most of the bloggers here. The S6ers have a failed plan and the alliance has crumbled. Bye Bye Janelle.....Dont let the front door hit you when you FLOAT out next week. Maybe they should get rid of Howie first, I can not stand to listen to the nonsense that comes pouring out of Big Boy's mouth evertime he opens it...

Anonymous said...

I agree. Vote for someone you want to get an ADVANTAGE for prom queen and king, not who will look the cutest!

This could help the person win the entire game!

(goes to spend .50 to help the good old boys of chilltown)

Anonymous said...

i love your blog - this is great i check it many times a day. i think the phrase is you are hoh. which would make it true as they would be the new hoh. i also have to say please vote who can use the king and queen to their advantage. not marcellos. personally i want to see him go.

Anonymous said...

You(ewe) have been evicted from the big brother house???

Anonymous said...

Janelle for prom queen!!!!!
Who's with me?

Anonymous said...

As much as I'd love to see Marci's faced if he was voted Queen, I'd hate to see what he'd do with the power! Please remember that with the crown goes privilage and that should be earned. I don't think he's earned the right to screw with Janelle - quite the opposite!!

Anonymous said...

Jackie or anyone, why does Julie keep saying hoh will kick off a week worth of comps. Are they not airing some of the comps? - Jen

Anonymous said...

Either Jenelle, CG or Howie should win the prom queen/king.!!

The Coup D'tat should be handed to Jenelle as long as she's stop talking with CT.

Still love the BB6 but James..fond with Erika & CG too, and the rest of the wolves herds can go to wolvesville.

Anonymous said...

I think George should be Prom King. It certainly would liven yp things. YES!!!!!